The Magic Outfit

Chapter 898: Grab a job

The three princes who went out came back. He sent two maids to Su Tang, saying that he asked Su Tang to go to Huating to eat tea. Su Tang didn't want to go. However, this matter is unavoidable and can only be rejuvenated and followed behind the two maids and walked towards Huating.

When Su Tang rushed to Huating, he found that Xing Xingjun, Xuanwol Xingjun, and Sixiang Majesty had all arrived, and the third prince Zan Lian called more than him.

The third prince is awe-inspiring, with a burly body and a powerful eyebrow opening and closing, but in this environment full of birds and flowers, he looks very peaceful.When he saw Su Tang walk in, he smiled and nodded, then he nodded and smiled, then turned to the opposite side. Pointed at the empty seat.

"I have seen three uncles." Su Tang said with a smile, and then turned his eyes to the side: "I have seen Brother Wen Jie, I have met Brother Xuan Wolf, and I have seen the Four Elephant Masters."

A few days ago, I talked to Wen Xingjun, and he benefited a lot. I also understood what kind of attitude I should take when I walked in the door of the dzong, even if I hated the four elephants in my heart, I also understood that the other party was the same. Treat yourself as a hatred, but on the surface it must be undisguised.If he shows hostility to the Four Elephants, no matter what the reason is, he will only let the third prince Zan Lian despise himself and think he is too great Shallow, the vision is too low to use.

"I don't have to be so restrained since my family." The third prince Zan Lian smiled, and then said: "That's yours."

Su Tang found that a white jade box was placed in front of the table, and asked that Xingjun and others had the same box in front of him. He hurriedly stood up: "Thank you Uncle Three."

"I just said you don't need to be so restrained, you ..." The third prince Zhuan Xuan shook his head: "The tempers of me and Lao Jiu are different. After a long time, you will understand."

Su Tang smiled a little embarrassed. At this moment, the surrounding maids immediately came over, made tea for Su Tang, put another plate of fresh fruit, and then retreated lightly.

The three princes Zhan Lian and Wen Jiexingjun chatted about gossip. Su Tang didn't understand their topics at all and couldn't get in the mouth. They just listened quietly on the side.

For a moment, the eyes of the third prince Zhan Leng fell on the four elephants: "The tribute of the Chu family should have arrived. The four elephants, if they are fine in these days, go to Tianwei Mansion and turn around. Ask the Chu family. What means."

"Yes, lord." The four elephants rushed back quickly.

"You hold my token." Third Prince Zhan Lian put a jade card on the table: "It is also more convenient to go out. After returning, just hand the token directly to the door."

"Understood." Four Elephants said.

"Master, why do these little things like Majesty the Four Elephants come forward?" Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile: "It just happens that Brother Tianmo always wants to go for a walk, let him run this trip.

"I ..." Sixiang Ma's face changed. He had just turned to the third prince, and he urgently needed to do something to win more trust from the third prince. He asked the robbery star to cut in and try to take away his errand. , His heart was taken seriously, but he did not dare to say anything, glanced at Xuan Wolf Star King.

Xuan wolf star king's heart is full of helplessness.In fact, since that dispute, he made up his mind to gradually alienate the four elephants, but the expression of the four elephants is now too obvious, he knows that the master must see In my eyes, if I do n’t care, I might be afraid of crossing the river and demolishing bridges. During these days, the Sixiang Maharaja has been trying to please him after all, but it can be controlled ... and he is worried that the Master hates the mind of the Sixiang Maharaja. It is a dilemma.

After a moment of pondering, Xuan Wolf Star Jun Yu coughed: "Sister Brother makes such a bad speech, but the Chu family is notoriously difficult to deal with. There are two big Luo Xingjun in the house. If Brother Tian Xingjun goes, they may not be able to control them. Four Maharaja Xiang is already supernatural, and with his presence, the Chu family dare not play tricks. "

"Brother, don't be kidding." Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile and shook his head: "With the prestige of Master, you still have to worry about the Chu family playing tricks? Ha ha ha ... I only came and went because it was not convenient. It is advocated to let Brother Tianmo take a trip, otherwise, just find two maids, and the Chu family must obediently hand over the tribute.

Su Tang has been listening quietly, not to mention anything else, just talking about the skill of flattering, asking Xing Xingjun if he did not know how many streets to pull Xuan Wolf Xing Jun, Xuan Wolf Xing Jun said in a word to let the four elephants Going to sit there, lest the Chu family make trouble, but asked Xing Xingjun to say that as long as two maids are sent casually, they can receive the tribute, the level difference is too big.

Su Tang didn't know the past of asking Xing Xingjun, but in the past two thousand years, the third prince Zhan Lian has never given up asking Xing Xingjun, not only because of guilt, but also because of the ability to ask Xing Xingjun. Unforgettable

It is further speculated that the third prince Zhan Leng believes in others, and asks the prince to rob the star. Xingjun is his most disciple.

In this way, the four elephant monarchs were too eager for quick success. Asking the robbing star monarch's mortal spirit treasure was destroyed and the cultivation practice was also exhausted. He thought that robbing the star monarch has no future, so he hurriedly leaned on the black wolf star monarch.

It's stupid to the extreme to know that the three princes have other disciples. They sink their hearts and calm down.When they meet other disciples, they choose the best and choose the best one. It's not too late to change the court. Once you have changed your future, you cannot change it again, so you will be scorned by everyone.

Can such a fool become a majesty? Luck is so good to hear from the Xingxing Jun. The four elephants seem to be because they have been arduously pursuing the molten fire purgatory, they can't go out, they think they are not met, they have lost many opportunities for promotion and improvement, and they are dissatisfied, so they decided. Betrayed the Heavenly Daoist League, in fact, he was able to be promoted to prince, because he was living in peace, guarding a prison that was not intrinsically dangerous, and really walked outside. With that kind of eagerness for success, it is unknown whether he can live to this day.

Xuanwol Xingjun was refuted to be speechless, he knew that he had lost points in the Master's mind, the brain was running fast, and wanted to find a reason to refute, but the wording of Xing Xingjun was impeccable. The argument is to question the prestige of the master.

"Then let the devil take a trip." The third prince Zhan Lian finally made a speech, then stretched out his finger, and the jade card slid against the tabletop to Su Tang: "Take advantage of my token and act cheap."

"Yes, three teachers." Su Tang got up and took the token in his hand.

Si Xiang Ma's face became a little ugly, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Xuan Wolf Star Monarch was slightly embarrassed, sitting on a chair and watching his nose and his nose.

Su Tang saw all the changes of the four elephants in his eyes, and his heart was sighing, and his demeanor ... Look at my brother, I have already robbed you of your errands. Brother, I have been very quiet

Who do you say you are showing that donkey face? Let the third prince Zhanlu know that you are very dissatisfied and filled with resentment? silly

"Okay, let's all go out," said the third prince Zhan Lian: "Heaven, you stay."

Su Tang was stunned, and then whispered, left on the chair unmoved, and asked the star robbery to look a little surprised. Apparently, the three princes were left alone, which surprised him.

For a moment, I asked Xing Xingjun and the others to leave, and the maids around them also retreated to Jingjing. The third prince Zhan Lian was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Last time you told me, Lao Jiu The vision that appears after the fall can only be known to the world, you know me, and you can never mention it to others, understand? "

"Understood." Su Tang hurriedly said, and then hesitated: "However, the four elephant kings were ..."

Frankly speaking, the Four Elephant Maestro was bad luck today, the errand was robbed, the mood fluctuated too much, and he was not under control for a while, leaving a bad impression on the third prince Zhan Lian. If the four elephant masters know, eight or nine out of ten will vomit blood on the spot.

The third prince Zhan Lian sighed slightly: "I have a mind in my mind ... Well, you go back to prepare for it too. The Chu family is not very good at dealing with it. Be more careful. If you don't understand, ask some of your brothers to ask. "

"Yes, three uncles, I went back." Su Tang said.

"Go." The third prince Zhan Lian waved.

Su Tang got up and walked out of the flower pavilion. At this moment, his heart has settled a lot, no matter how vicious the Heavenly Dao League describes the people of the real dragon, at least the three princes behind him are old, nine prince The vision behind Jiao Tumo's backwardness must have involved a big secret

Only the dead can truly keep secrets, but the third prince Zhan Lian did not have a murderous opportunity. He just warned him not to mention it to others. This kind of heart can be described as generous. Moreover, the third prince Zhan Lian did not mean to get rid of the four elephants, although he seemed a little embarrassed, but for the merit of the four elephants, he finally chose silence.

Although it seemed cruel for the three princes to sit back and watch the disciples' intrigue, this is in line with the rules of survival of the true dragon and the fittest.

Under the cover of such a large existence, as long as he does not reveal fatal flaws, there should be no danger.

When Su Tang walked back to his courtyard, he was found to ask Xing Xingjun to sit under the tree and looked at this with a smile.

"Brother Tianmo, I don't know ... It's a blessing or a curse to help you get this errand. The Chu family is not easy to deal with." Asked Xing Xingjun lightly.

"Three Masters have also warned me." Su Tang said: "It's just that I am not worried about the Chu family, but the Xuan Wolf Star King and the Four Elephant Star King."

"Are you worried that they are doing things in the background?" Asked Xingjun Jun with a smile.

"Yes, especially the four elephant maharajas, if the three teachers are not present, it is estimated that he will swear." Su Tang said: "If they find some people to ambush me in the star road ..."

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