The Magic Outfit

Chapter 92: God ember

Knowing each other's identities, Su Tang and Jiang Huquan face each other for a long time, and they are speechless for a long time. Their inner emotions can no longer be described in words.

Although the two sides have never met each other, they are famous for each other for a long time.One is the founder of Qianqifeng, and the other is the helm of the Green Sea. Their entry is not much different. However, within a short period of more than ten years, there was a huge gap in their situation. Jiang Huquan had always been restrained by people, and he could not survive or die, but Su Tang was mixed with happiness, at least now it is very moist.

Speaking of ability, maybe Jiang Huquan is stronger than Su Tang. What is it that makes their gap so wide?

Without him, just fortune

This kind of thing like Yundao can't be seen and touched, but it does exist, and there is no way to ignore it.Su Tang just walked out of the starry sky and met the golden crow star king, and then met the real wonderful star king, not only got help, and in their I learned a lot from my body. If the first person I came across was Fu Han Xingjun and Taiguo Xingjun, I do n’t know where I died.

Su Tang gently exhaled a breath. Just now Jiang Huquan let him let go of his concerns.

Jiang Huquan, who is dozens of years older than Su Tang, seems to have become a child at this moment. There are more than tears in his eyes. Su Tang saw grievances, sorrow and anger, and the joy of being in a desperate life.He has merged the ancient destiny. The spirit of the tree, what Jiang Huquan is thinking, he does not know, but he can sense whether Jiang Huquan's call is true or false.

That kind of induction comes from faith.

Perhaps, many years ago, Jiang Huquan had abandoned his faith, but after a long time of thinking, he had endured painful suffering, and the faith had returned, and it was more profound than the ascetics of Bao Lan and Yue 11.

After a long time, Su Tang opened his mouth first, he said softly: "Lao Jiang, why did you get to this situation?"

"Don't make friends carefully." Jiang Huquan smiled bitterly: "When I just left the human world, I was full of fear, I didn't know where to go or what to do, and I just wandered at will. There was nowhere to practice. Just as the lamp was nearly exhausted, I met an elder who saved me and solved many confusions for me. "

"But who knows, he turned out to be a fugitive of Yan Tianxing Shu. A few months later, Yan Tianxing Shu's overhauls came down from the sky and fought against us. At first, we won, but Yan Tianxing Shu's overhauls became more and more, We ca n’t afford to be captured by them. "

"I spent more than half a year in Yan Tianxingshu's cell, and then someone brought me to prison and brought it here."

"Practitioners here know the beauty of the true solution of reincarnation, and they will try to extract the spiritual formula from my mouth. I will not let them do what they want." Jiang Huquan smiled bitterly when he said here: "The true solution of reincarnation was created at the beginning. This is to continue my life, but I did not expect that the true solution of reincarnation also caused me to suffer countless sufferings. I can't live or die. However, fortunately, the true solution of reincarnation also has its limits. It can be completely but still life, but ... but I met you ...

Jiang Huquan was very honest, did not hide it at all, and knew that this was not the time to elaborate, so he used as few words as possible to explain his experience.

Of course, Su Tang was not clear about Jiang Huquan's inner agitation. During this time, Jiang Huquan lived in the most painful purgatory, surrounded by darkness, and a heart was soaked in despair for a long time. As a result, Su Tang appeared at this time, just like an aurora, piercing the depressed darkness, and using spirit liquid to regenerate Jiang Huquan's withered spirit veins, which gave Jiang Huquan an epiphany.

Destiny he shouldn't have given up.Although he also thought about and struggled, but at the critical moment of the true and false destiny, he chose to leave, but experienced so many twists and turns, actually returned to the original point, Jiang Huquan remembered that he had just left When entering the green sea, a young heart was so full of vitality, kneeling in front of the shrine, issued his own oath, and also erected his faith.

At that time, he believed he could do it. It was the afterglow of the ancient tree of destiny that nourished the Green Sea. He gained strength in the Green Sea, so guarding is not only his glory, but also his obligation.

But as he grew older, his experience became more and more rich, thinking that he saw through the truth, and slowly forgot the original, but the final truth is that the master of the Green Sea powers was painstakingly thinking about it, and suddenly it was like a miracle. Usually appear in front of him

Although he had already abandoned his destiny, he did not abandon him, so Jiang Huquan burst into tears.

Su Tang has been pondering for a long time, trying to save Jiang Huquan, the difficulty is not so great, the people of the Chu family in the Tianwei Star Mansion are all witnesses, not to mention the four Shangjing Xingjun, what should I do?

Jiang Huquan saw that Su Tang had not spoken, and he understood something in his heart. Then he said softly, "Fate Lord, where is this place?"

"Indestructible Star Territory, Tianwei Star Mansion." Su Tang slowly replied.

"It's the realm of a real dragon with three princes?" Jiang Huquan said.

"How do you know?" Su Tang said.

"The elder I met once mentioned to me the dispute between the True Dragon and the Heavenly Alliance." Jiang Huquan said: "He said that the main battles of the Star Realm, the most fierce and the most irresistible battle is the True Dragon. The Heavenly Daoist League was originally still fighting back, but several tens of thousands of years ago, several ancient real gods of the Heavenly Daoist League joined forces to siege the true dragon, paying a very heavy price, and several of the ancient true gods were all killed, left The star master under the difficulty is difficult to support the overall situation, but the strength of the real dragon is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, the Heavenly Daoist League can only hide in the dark, and dare not come forward to compete with the real dragon. "

"He knows a lot," Su Tang said.

"His name is Xiaoyao Xingjun, and he should still be trapped in the Yantianxing pivot. If the Lord has a chance in the future, he should try to bring him out. How capable the Xiaoyao Xingjun will be will be a big help for the Lord." Jiang Huquan said. .

"Let's talk about it later." Su Tang was not interested at all. Now he wants to save a Jiang Huquan, but he has no idea to rack his brain. He has no energy to think about other things: "The real dragon fell, why did the power of the real dragon rise so much? ? "

"Xiaoyao Xingjun once commented on the True Dragon and the Heavenly Daoist League." Jiang Huquan said: "The Heavenly Daoist League is very generous and keeps fair. The practitioners in the League show their abilities. Although they are now suppressed, as long as they seize an opportunity, There is a chance to restore vitality; but the Heavenly Taoist League also has fatalities, such as a piece of sand, each showing its ability and acting on its own. It is difficult for them to twist together, and most of them will not die in a crisis. "

"What about the real dragon?" Su Tang asked.

"The true dragon is dedicated to maintaining authority. In the original Heavenly Daoist League, there were three ancient real gods, and the only true dragon in the real dragon's vein can be opposed to the ancient real god." Jiang Huquan said: "After the real dragon fell, two Crown Prince Kiss, Fourth Crown Prince Pu Lao, Seventh Crown Prince Ji Can, Eighth Crown Prince Shao Yang successively broke through the final barriers and promoted to the True God

"Shouldn't this be a coincidence?" Su Tang was stunned. For the first time, he knew that there were four real gods in the real dragon.

"Naturally is not." Jiang Huquan said: "Xiaoyao Xingjun said that the true dragon only talks about authority, the teacher has life, and the disciple can do what he promises. He dares not question, dare not innovate, dare not surpass, and the disciples are not capable enough. Abandoned, the disciples are too strong, and there are signs above the esteemed master, and then they will not live long, so the real dragon is lagging behind, and the strength of the real dragon's veins has expanded like a blowout. "

"You mean ... these princes have already reached their peak, but in order to avoid the doubts of their biological father, they never dared to try to break through the bottleneck?" Su Tang asked slowly.

"Xiaoyao Xingjun said this way." Jiang Huquan said: "The talents of the Heavenly Taoist League are dying. It is said that there are only two people who reach the real **** realm, and their strength is far less than that of the real dragon, but they are energetic, and the real dragon is the pulse. If you dare not dare to overstep your father, you will not dare to surpass the teacher, you can only be better than one generation. In other words, the real dragon respects the old, the Tiandao League loves the young, and every time a wizard is encountered, the offering of the Tiandao League will immediately start, trying to recruit people In the League, if there is a need, even the elders will be dispatched. Almost every 100 years, the elders of the Heavenly Dao League will have many new faces, and the true existence of the true dragon vein has remained the same for nearly 10,000 years. "

"I understand a little." Su Tang nodded slowly.

"Fate Lord, are you now ... in the vein of the real dragon?" Jiang Huquan asked.

"Well, let's spend some time here for a while." Su Tangdao, then he sighed softly: "Lao Jiang, I can take you away from here, but I may not be able to protect you in the future, after all ... know you There are too many people, and the true solution to the reincarnation of the dead ... will be tempting "

"I understand." Jiang Huquan smiled: "I can see the Lord of Life and give Jiang a chance to wake up. Jiang is already very satisfied. It's just ... Even if they get the true solution of reincarnation, it is impossible to practice. Need embers "

"Shen Ember?" Su Tang froze.

"Jianmou understood the truth in the embers of the gods." Jiang Huquan said: "When I left the human world, I grabbed most of the embers, and they were hidden in a secret place, huh ... I didn't pay attention, nor Dare to take it away, so I can only hide it, Lord, do you have any pens and papers? I will draw the map. "

"I'll talk about this later." Su Tangdao said that if Jiang Huquan could be rescued, then he would get those **** embers, and he would be at ease. Now he doesn't want to mention it. After all, his heart is not hard enough or cruel enough.

Seeing that Su Tang would refuse, Jiang Huquan froze for a while, and then smiled. Although his face was extremely haggard and old, but the smile was very sunny.

"After a while, you don't have to talk, everything is left to me." Su Tang said softly, he knew that he would take a great risk, and he didn't think of a good way, but he should try it anyway.

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