The Magic Outfit

Chapter 98: Honesty is also a power

For a moment, Jiang Huquan walked slowly into the small courtyard. He saw Su Tang with a glance, then he dropped his head and stood still.

When he came, Su Tang and Jiang Huquan were ready to deal with the worst situation. If they can restore their freedom, they need not say anything else. If the situation will become more and more unfavorable, Jiang Huquan has decided to die.

Such a thing as freedom only knows how precious it is when it is lost. These days, Jiang Huquan has endured too much torture. Instead of being squeezed a little bit by living, it is better to have a hundred.

As for Jiang Huquan's willingness to recognize Su Tang as the main, Gan is driven, and has nothing to do with freedom, because this is two-sided, while he plays for Su Tang, Su Tang will also show respect to him, if Su Tang treats him as Jiang Huquan Pigs and dogs, no matter how tenacious beliefs will be shaken.

Perhaps for some practitioners, it is the right choice to live, even if it is a day longer, but Jiang Huquan ca n’t do it. He is a man and a helm of the Green Sea.He was unable to choose before, and now he chooses to go back. In his hands, then, he would rather die, rather than let others be at his disposal.

"How did you fall into the hands of the Chu family?" Asked Xing Xingjun slowly.

Jiang Huquan slowly looked up and looked at Su Tang.

"Ask Brother Brother to ask you, you can rest assured." Su Tang said softly.

Jiang Huquan talked about the ambush of the practitioners of the Yantianxing pivot, and finally said that the Chu family spent a lot of effort to redeem him and was taken to the Tianwei Star Mansion, the indelible star king.

Q. Xingjun listened lazily. His eyes were drooping, as if he were asleep. After Jiang Huquan finished speaking, he still didn't say anything.

"Ask Brother Brother?" Su Tang said.

"Oh ..." asked Xing Xingjun to straighten his body, his eyes fell on Su Tang: "You think about it? Really help him?"

"Yes." Su Tang said: "Brother, can there be a good way?"

"It was still impossible just now. Now, I thought of it a little bit." Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile: "Sister Tianmo, you have come to me for help, and you have been very honest, and even your secret treasure has not concealed me, Why? With your wit, you should be able to think of some excuses. The more perfect the reason you think of, the greater the possibility of persuading me, but why did you choose to be honest? "

"Brother, since I came to you for help, I must be open and honest. Lies may be able to deceive you for a while, but you can't be deceived for a lifetime. In the future, you will see through your brother, won't you hurt your feelings?" Su Tang smiled bitterly.

"This is your way." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "How do you treat me, you have to face my master."

"This ... what kind of method is this?" Su Tang became dumbfounded. To tell the truth, the third prince would provoke the third prince to be angry, and he avoided the tribute of the Chu family. Then he wanted someone, wouldn't it be Harm public and fat?

"Master Master is extremely clever and has a lot of eyes and ears. What is happening in this indestructible star field can never be concealed from his old man." Asked Xingjun Jun said: "Don't you dare to lie to me, do you dare to lie to his old man? Brother, this is why you are confused ... "


"No," asked Xing Xingjun rightly: "You are like a junior to treat elders and nephews to uncles. You don't have to rack your brains to think of reasons and excuses, and directly ask for a cheeky face, but the best way. "

"Does this work?" Su Tang was suspicious.

"Why not?" Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile: "Just say me, if you find an excuse for mess, come up and ask me for help, I really may not help you, this matter is not small, especially if you make the decision arbitrarily Eliminating the tribute of the Chu family will make the master very unhappy. I will help you burn, but if you find me like this, there is no concealment, and you will tell me everything before and after, as if I should help you. Haha ... Instead, it made me unable to refuse. Brother Tianmo, believe me. Sometimes, honesty is also a power. "

"But those tributes ..." Su Tangzhizhiwuwu said.

"As long as you can scratch Master's itch, that tribute is insignificant." Asked Xing Xingjun waved his hand: "Master is very affectionate, I am a waste person, Master still takes care of me, mysterious Wolf Star King is so dissatisfied, and the Master has tolerated him for thousands of years, and let him act everywhere as a Master. Master is really like us to his children. You are also his children now, and the children are greedy. After playing, wanting to get a toy, crying and asking for the door, how can his old man refuse to bear it? Of course, the more important thing is ... that is a very useful child. Ha ha ha ... Brother Tianmo, you should understand what I mean . "

Su Tang frowned and pondered, and asked Xingjun's suggestion to be a bit absurd, but it also made some sense.

"However, if the child is clever and engages in other tricks and wants to hide the toy, his old man will be very angry." Asked the robbery star: "If the child is very clever, honest, and behaves Uneasy, because knowing that his demands are too much, then his old man may be soft-hearted.

"That's it ... go to the three teachers ... directly ask someone ..." Su Tang murmured.

"Yes, no need to think about those useless tricks, hey ..." asked Xing Xingjun nodded and smiled: "If it was before, only 50% sure of doing so, but now the ancestor has melted God, promoted to the ranks of true gods, and you cherish his Taoism, so that your usefulness becomes very large, but ... Brother Tianmo, when did you meet the ancestor? Come to my uncle Jiushi's door? "

"It was encountered in the Great Wasteland, should it be thirty years ago?" Su Tang said with a bitter smile: "However, the ancestor passed me the law, only stopped for a quarter of an hour, and then disappeared. It made me suspect that I had a big dream. After more than ten years, I arrived at Jiutian Xingshu, entered Shengyun Mansion, and was accepted into the door wall by Master. "

"If the ancestor calls you, will you go?" Asked Xingjun Jun suddenly.

"Don't go" Su Tang said eloquently: "Master Zun Qiu Wei Bao, how can I go to another sect? Even if it is the last but I wish, I won't go, the master is in the vein, only me alone, I How patient ... "

"Okay" asked Xingjun Jun to drink.

"Teacher respects my gratitude like a mountain, and I naturally have to work for the true dragon," Su Tang said in a deep voice.

"In this way ... Master can rest assured." Asked Xing Xingjun nodded: "You met the ancestor first, although he passed on your Taoism, but abandoned you, and then you went to Nine Masters. Uncle ’s door wall should be my true monk, but you should let Master know between the lines, you will not go, so Master will naturally protect you "

"I see." Su Tang said softly.

"Then don't delay, go see Master now." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "Just the black wolf star is not here, otherwise there will be a villain, it is much harder to convince the master, and the speeding is attacked halfway. It is also a major event that the Heavenly Daoist League's Xiaoxiao Chaos must be communicated immediately.

"Shall I go now?" Su Tang said.

"Well." Asked Xing Xingjun for a moment and thought, "I'll be there in a minute, rest assured, I will say a few words for you."

"That's Brother Luo." Su Tang stood up.

"You and I don't need these kits anymore." Asked Xingjun Jun with a smile.

Su Tang winked at Jiang Huquan, and then quickly walked out, Jiang Huquan hurriedly followed Su Tang.

After leaving the house where he asked to rob Xingjun, Su Tang suddenly whispered, "What do you think?"

"This is not a solution." Jiang Huquan whispered.

"I asked his people." Su Tang said.

"It's very powerful, and it is very capable of trying to figure out people's hearts." Jiang Huquan said.

Su Tang stopped talking, and the two of them walked forward with a dull head. In a moment, they came outside the Zhenlong Hall. Su Tang approached several guards, took out the true dragon token, and said a few words. One of the guards hurried inwards. Go.

After a while, the bodyguard came out and paid a respect to Su Tangshen very respectfully, and said softly, "Sir, please, come here."

Under the guidance of the bodyguard, Su Tang and Jiang Huquan walked into a partial hall successively. The third prince Zhan Lian was sitting diagonally on the couch. When he saw Su Tang coming in, he smiled and beckoned. What happened? "

"Yes." Su Tang responded, and then talked about the battle. He took out several of the rings he had seized and the long knife.

Su Tang was already prepared, as long as the third prince Zhan Lian mentioned his spiritual treasure, he would take out the first arrow of the three burning arrows to fool the errand, but unexpectedly, the third prince Zhan Lian completely forgot what spirit Bao, has been mumbling to himself.

"Tian Dao Meng Tian Dao Meng ah ..." The third prince Zhan Lian suddenly smiled: "Those 狢 狲, every time they are hurt, must they bite back?"

Su Tang said nothing but waited quietly.

"It's also my fault." The third prince's eyes fell on Su Tang: "They shouldn't have come to you. I originally wanted the four elephants to run. They wanted to get revenge. In the end, it even made you tired, um ... heaven "

"In." Su Tang responded quickly.

"Since they want to take revenge so much, let's give them a chance. What do you say?" Said the third prince Zhan Lian.

"What chance do you give them?" Su Tang froze.

"Send the four elephants, and they will come up like a group of headless flies?" Said the third prince Zhan Lian.

"This ..." Su Tang was puzzled in his heart. This seemed to be his idea: "I'm afraid it's not right. The Heavenly Alliance has just suffered a big loss. This time it won't be fooled anyway."

"Inappropriate?" The third prince Zhan Xuan paused. "Why is it wrong? Are you very happy to see that the Four Elephants are out of luck?"

Su Tang was very grateful to ask Xing Xingjun, but now he can't help complaining in his heart, can this be said? Is there a door in your mouth?

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