The Magic Outfit

Chapter 958: Promoted

"Adults are kind, here ..." the young man murmured.

"The second thing, I have to give you two children. You can help me watch them." Su Tang said: "I don't need you to take care of them and support them, as long as they can grow up quietly. Anyway, if there is external force to harm them, you must be aware of it and stop it in time. After more than ten years, I will come back. If they encounter something unexpected, I will make it completely ruined. "

"Understand, please rest assured," the young man said quickly.

"In a while, I will take your monk around and let them know the two children." Sutang paused. "The third thing, don't you have a heir?"

"No." The young man shook his head.

"I saw a village doctor who uncovered the Emperor's List at night. Someone killed him." Su Tang said: "It should be someone who doesn't want you to recover. Do you know who it is?"

The young man froze for a moment, pondering for a moment, a flash of murder in his eyes, then hated and said: "It can only be him ... I have no heirs, and died of poison, he can take my throne naturally. "

"I have entrusted people to you, and naturally hope you can live for a hundred years." Su Tang said: "Yu brittle, be quick to cut through the mess, so as to avoid future disasters.

"I know what to do." The young man said slowly.

"By the way, I want the two children to be a baby, but I don't speak much." Su Tang said: "The girl's family has a very good life experience, but the boy's family is a wall of apprentices. I also mortgaged it. If I force them to get married, after I leave, there may be a misfortune. You can speak more effectively than me. "

"Family with four walls? What's the deal?" The young man smiled and said: "I don't have anything else in this palace. There are so many treasures of gold and silver. If you give it to the boy's family, tens of thousands of acres of land, the family will naturally be rich. Not yet, Yu Jian took the boy as his righteous son and wanted to get married with whomever he wanted, hehe ... I think who dares to refute my face? "At the end, the young man realized that he was standing in front of him It's a big existence that's cultivation is unfathomable, his words are too crazy, and his expression becomes a little timid.

"I'm relieved if you have this sentence." Su Tang said softly: "Don't let me down. Scrophulariaceae will gradually change your physique. It won't take long for you to start practicing. When I come back, I will naturally revisit Give you a blessing. "

"Thank you, sir." The young man overjoyed and knelt down again.

Su Tang walked out of the palace slowly, called several monks, took them to the Zhu's house, and ran to the Yang's house again. After explaining that, he stood up and threw himself into the sky.

The original promise was fulfilled with all his heart and soul, and if there were other disasters in the future, he would be well-considered, and he could never stay here waiting for them to reach adulthood.

After finding the Star Road, Su Tang randomly selected another original domain, wandered for a long time, found a mountain cliff, sat down under the mountain cliff, and began to refine Lingbao again.

Before, he was worried that Xiushui Xingjun's remnant would dissipate, and he had to run this trip. Now that his wish is gone, he can go all out to refine Lingbao.

After sitting for three years, Su Tang's breath swelled day and night, and the stones on the cliff behind him were continuously washed away, and finally a pit with a height of tens of meters was formed.

Occasionally, a few monks pass by in the air, and they are shocked by the suspense emitted by Su Tang, disturbing other monks to practice, this is a taboo.If the strength of the other party is very unbearable, they may look at the end. If you are far stronger than yourself, you can only retreat.

In the past three years, Su Tang has been refining the natal spirit sword held by the old man wearing a purple dragon robe.When it was close to success, more than a dozen monks rushed here, and the large number of opponents made Su Tang produce. Be alert, but at this time, his purple house was suddenly generous and bright, and the distance between the two sides was more than 10,000 meters away. He even clearly saw the appearance of each monk, and even their inner emotional fluctuations.

Some people are very curious about Su Tang's breath here. I thought about taking a look at it, while others felt anxious and said something loudly, as if blocking their companions.

Their every move, including the long hair floating in the air, the saliva spouting when speaking, could not escape Su Tang's insight, and even could sense the operation of the other's spiritual veins. At this moment, he did not activate the magic eye.

After the brilliance of the Purple House flashed through, in the golden thoughts flowing, numerous red dots appeared, like thousands of dark stars.

Shen Nian has gathered liquefied crystals, and Zhen Xingjun told him that this is the effect of stepping into Ronaldinho ’s upper reaches, but is that kind of inexplicable insight just God ’s consciousness? Something is wrong ...

His perspective is no longer limited, his eyes are clearly looking at the front, but the scene behind him is also clearly seen.To verify, Su Tang Yu crisply interrupted the refining of Lingbao, he closed his eyes, and Opening, closing, and opening again, his eyes seemed to be a waste, because closing his eyes, he could still see all the sceneries nearby really.

After the practitioners were promoted to Da Luo Xingjun, they got divine quotations, and it was possible to cultivate corresponding magical powers, but there are very few practitioners who can spontaneously possess some kind of magical power, and what Su Tang obtained is the magical eye power, although this is a small Supernatural, but under certain conditions, it can also work wonders.

The monks argued for a moment, bypassed to the side, bypassed Su Tang's closed place, and swept far away.

Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he found that two psychic consciousnesses in his brain exuded a faint light. It should be that after he was promoted to the upper level, two psychic consciousnesses opened.

Su Tang continued to enter Ding Ding, a few months later, when he woke up from Ding Ding again, the spirit sword in his hand had completely disappeared.

Su Tang took a long breath and pointed his right hand to the sky.A dazzling sword light burst into the sky and turned into a beam of light nearly 100 meters thick.It burst into the sky like lightning, and after he retracted the spirit sword, the sword light still condensed. No, there is a giant pillar in the sky.

"I don't know what I used to call it, let's call it the Condensing Sword afterwards." Su Tang said slowly, and after a few breaths, the light column showed signs of instability, and then turned into a streamer, and scattered in the air. .

Su Tang pondered for a moment, took a rune from Na Jie, and the wind swayed, and the runes burned, turning into ashes.

Su Tang took out the green lotus stick from Najie again, hesitated for a moment, and started to run Shennian. Whether he is refining Qinglian sticks, he has always been hesitant. The second turn of the spiritual refining method is much more difficult than the first turn. I remember when he was promoted to the Great Patriarch, he opened dozens of spiritual consciousness in one breath. To enter the upper realm, only two have been opened, and Lingbao refining must be carefully selected.

In the end, trust in the ancient real **** prevailed. Qinglian sticks and three burning arrows were stored in the ancient god's ring, which should also be a strange treasure, but it has not been found now.

Three days later, a flying car swept down from the clouds and ran in the direction of Su Tang. Then the flying car hovered in the air hundreds of meters high, and a figure left the car and landed on the ground in an instant.

The visitor was the travel merchant who was familiar with Su Tang. He saw that Su Tang was practicing interest rate adjustment and did not disturb Su Tang. He randomly found a big tree, sat back against the big tree, and sat down with his eyes closed.

Another day later, the green lotus stick in Su Tang's hands had turned into a phantom. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and then stood up.

"Finished?" The young man opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Well." Su Tang looked up at the speeding car and then frowned. "What is hanging on your speeding car?"

"Empty spirit monkey." The young man said: "It is also a kind of alien species in the star field. It has emerged from the meteorites. It has no heart and no blood veins, but it has the wisdom and a little guidance to learn to practice. Mind monkeys are very rare, but I bought them with high rank. "

"What's the use?" Su Tang asked.

"I have practiced a magic technique that is suitable for use on the empty mind monkey." The young man said, and then he beckoned, several cold lights flew from the air one after another, and fell in the grass, a total of five empty minds. Monkeys, their appearance is similar to ordinary monkeys, but they exude a cold breath, and their eyes are black, and they can't see the pupils: "They can absorb the spiritual power in the star field, help me practice, and ... always It ’s so boring to be alone, and keeping a few pets is also considered loneliness. "

"How is your business during this time?" Su Tang changed the subject.

"It's okay." The young man said in earnest: "I haven't seen you use magic symbols. I thought you had something wrong. Today I saw you safe and sound. I can finally relax. How did you ... escape? "

"I have my own way." Su Tang said.

"Where have you been in the past few years?" The young man asked again.

"Always here." Su Tang said.

"Always ... here?" The young man paused, then suddenly: "It looks like you have gained a lot again?"

"Fortunately." Su Tang said: "How much can you receive this time?"

The young man proudly extended two fingers.

"Twenty thousand Xuanjizi?" Su Tang said.

The young man's expression collapsed immediately. He glanced at Su Tang bitterly, and sighed helplessly: "The last time I received the goods, but only five hundred mysterious machines, this is only a few years? What happened to my family? It may have risen so much? But ... I know you are looking for me, but I took all of my ... "

"Take all your belongings with you." Su Tang sighed: "This sentence ... Every time I see you, you have to say it again, are you bored? When will you give me a surprise?"

"Next time, you wait ..." the young man gritted his teeth.

At this moment, Su Tang remembered: "What about my ore? How much have you received?"

"Enough to satisfy you," the young man said.

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