The Magic Outfit

Chapter 960: new plan

In the carriage, the young man was playing with empty monkeys, while Su Tang was sitting on the other side, fiddling with Xin Pei in his hands.

Presbyterian: Shadow Demon Star King, why did n’t you say that at the time? It has been almost four years now, and it is a bit late to say this time.

Dahuang Eleven: Elder Wu, does anyone take the lead?

The Elders' Home: That's not there. Like this kind of big event, it's impossible to try to take the lead. The Shadow Demon Star King is very important. You need to tell some details, and then I will hand them over to the Senate. One ruling.

Great Waste Eleven: Xiushui Xingjun stole some spirit treasures from the palace of Seventh Prince Ji Can. Before she died, she told me the location of the spirit treasure, and the spirit treasure was hidden in the phaseless star field and the dust gate star palace. In the ancient city of Hanxue, I went to fetch the spirit treasure, but the monk of the seventh prince Jade Candidate had blocked the dust gate star palace ...

Su Tang then talked about what happened, and also mentioned the old man wearing a purple dragon robe.

Presbyterian: The monk you removed is the master of Tianhong and an apprentice under the seventh prince. Among the true disciples of the real dragon, the strength is among the top three. I really ca n’t think of such a big existence. You will die in your hands, Shadow Demon Star King, have you been promoted to Maharaja?

Dahuang Eleven: My entry was not so fast, I just reached Ronaldinho.

Presbyterian Home: This has made us feel incredible. The last time you and I met, it was less than five years ago. If I had n’t seen you with my own eyes, I would n’t even believe it.

Great Wild Eleven: My luck has always been good.

Presbyterian: Luck Road is also a kind of strength. At first, I said a lot of good things to you.I thought your qualifications were good, but her evaluation was also overdone.Now it proves that I have looked away. Maybe it won't take long before you can enter the elders' home. Waited with me.

Great Waste Eleven: Elders? How much merit do I need to promote elders?

Presbyterian: The remains of Xiushui Xingjun and Lone Hope Xingjun have been added to your honors. If what you say is completely true, killing a real dragon star is a star-level big existence, you at least You can get the value of two thousand honours. Counting it is close to five thousand. When it reaches five thousand, you are enshrined in the seat. When it reaches ten thousand, you can enter the elders ’home.

Dahuang Eleven: That was very early.

Presbyterian: For others, it must be very early, but for you, no one dares to assert, who knows what kind of miracles you will create? By the way, Shadow Demon Star King, in view of your contribution to this segment, we are ready to distribute an additional case to you. I can still make the decision at this point, let us send it over, or in which dojo, and then yourself To fetch?

Great Waste Eleven: Just send it to the dojo of the Wuwu Star House.

Presbyterian: I think of it. The old star king who locked the dance house of the Star House once mentioned you. It just fits in time, but he can be your proof.

Great Waste Eleven: Isn't it alright that Xingjun is right?

Presbyterian: I do n’t know. The dojo is under the jurisdiction of Xuntang Hall. You already have so many points. Do you want to exchange Lingbao and Elixir?

Dahuang Eleven: I don't need anything for the time being, and the value of the honor will not decrease anyway, so I will talk about it later.

Presbyterian: This is fine, I will find you if there is news.

At this moment, the young man stood up and said to Su Tang: "The front is the Cave of Desire."

Su Tang put away the letter and looked sideways, the colossus of Yuku has appeared in the distance.

For a moment, the speeding car approached the entrance of the Yu Cave, Su Tang originally wanted to take out the gold medal sent to him by the Fang Daguan admin of the Yu Cave. Something is wrong, let's try again.

Su Tang was already familiar with the process of entering the Desire. He took out two mysterious machines, exchanged two Mingjian for himself and the young man, and then walked in.

"You should have something to do when you come to the vagina? I will inevitably be inconvenient to follow you." The young man said: "Just leave here, ten days later, see you at the exit, um ... as for those gifts, I will Help you buy the complete one. "

"Good." Su Tang nodded.

After passing through several teleportation spirit arrays one by one, to the sky where he wanted to go, he swept high into the sky and flew forward for a moment. Su Tang had seen the house where Fang Yizhe lived, and his figure fell.

By the pool water, Fang Yizhe and Ding Haixing Jun were talking in a low voice, while on the other side of the pool water, an old man was sitting on a small stool, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and his expression looked leisurely.Su Tang saw at a glance, that It is the magic shadow star king.

Just like Fang Yizhe said, everyone has his own fortune, his Su Tang's good luck, Fang Yizhe is not bad, out of the starry sky these years, Fang Yizhe and his friends have formed a stable small group, never defended From the standpoint, the trust between them is very strong.

Na Ding Xing Jun didn't know what his abilities were, but the shadow star Xing Jun left a deep impression on Su Tang. No, no, until now, Su Tang could not find any way to effectively harm the body of the magic star. Perhaps, the fierce bell in his abstinence can be effective, but he cannot refine the fierce bell, which is ready to be given to Wenxiang.

Sensing the fluctuation of spiritual power emanating from Su Tang, all three looked up into the air, and Fang Yizhe was stunned, then smiled and waved to Su Tang.

Su Tang fell to the water of the pool, first nodded to Na Ding Hai Xingjun.

"Boss, I haven't seen you in a few years. Where did you go to get rich?" Fang Yizhe said with a smile.

"I have been shut down." Su Tangdao told the truth, now Fang Yizhe feels much more comfortable than before. Fang Yizhe's heart was full of shyness, so he had to maintain a little vigilance, saying that the years are The best healing medicine, as expected, is already out of the starry sky. Now Fang Yizhe recalls that in the past, perhaps only some sadness remains.If it is thousands of years later, I do n’t know if he can still remember the lively and lovely woman in the Red Leaf City. .

"Retreat? It seems that the gains are not small." Fang Yizhe paused: "This time you came back by coincidence, we have been hesitant all the time. With you to help us, our grasp is mostly."

"What's the matter?" Su Tang asked.

"We got an accurate message that in a star field, there is a cave house left by a large existence of the main level of the star. The power of the seal has gradually disappeared. It may be opened in the near future. We do n’t know how many things the cave house has, but There must be three pieces of Lingbao, one piece of Dinghaishen iron, one Feigang sword, and one sky-covering robe. "Fang Yizhe said:" If you can get the Dinghaishen iron, Dinghai Xingjun is ready to change his own natal spirit treasure, Magic Shadow Jun wants the sky-covering robe, and the Feigang sword will be yours. "

"What about you? Don't want anything?" Su Tang said.

"I just joined in the fun." Fang Yizhe said: "If you can find other Lingbao, then say it."

"Is the news accurate?" Su Tang asked again.

"It was found by Mo Ying, and there is no mistake." Fang Yizhe said: "A monk named Hunting Star King accidentally found the mansion, but his cultivation is not high. When he found several monks to cooperate, He insisted that he should account for 50%. The monks did not do anything twice. He changed hands and dealt with him first. He was hit hard. He happened to encounter the shadow, his life was dying, and he was full of hate, and the mansion was no longer with him. Simply tell the devil the story of what happened in the past. "

"What about others?" Su Tang said.

"It's dead." Fang Yizhe said: "How is it? Are you interested? I asked someone to ask, not to mention, the Feigang sword alone is a rare top grade Lingbao. If you want to sell it, It is estimated that it is not a problem to sell 300 to 500 mysterious machines. "

Su Tang was silent for a moment, and said: "This matter must be put aside first. I came to the Desire to quench Lingbao, and take a look at you by the way."

"We are not in a hurry, the seal of that mansion is completely gone, it is estimated that it will be three to five months later." Fang Yizhe said: "But ... Ningbo Xingjun should not be in the Desire now, Magic Shadow, do you know his News? "

"I can find him, thirty mysterious children." The old man said word by word.

"Are you not afraid of hurting the peace like this?" Fang Yizhe smiled bitterly and then said to Su Tang: "Don't blame him. The last time he asked for a price, I wasn't good at blocking it, and you didn't bargain at all. He treats you like a turtle, and when he meets, he wants to slaughter you again ... To be honest, I haven't talked about you in recent years, but every time he comes to see me, he will ask about your whereabouts. what……"

Su Tang glanced at the Mo Ying Xing Jun, but only smiled.At first, he and He Lan Feiqiong and Jin Jin Xing Jun fled into the Demon Realm, which brought a disaster to the Demon Realm. Humans, he owes each other, but he can't make it clear that if the shadow star Jun moves his anger with him, it will be a big trouble.

"I will first refine Lingbao, and then help you." Su Tangdao, after taking back Xiushuixingjun's Lingbao, he has been unable to get rid of the pursuit of the old man wearing a purple dragon robe, and he has doubts in his heart. Is it meaningful to temper the Devil's Wings seven times in one go? Today, he learned that the old man in the purple dragon robe turned out to be the main existence of the star master level, and naturally he was relieved.It was two big realms higher than him, but he always took him helpless. Of great value

"Okay." Fang Yizhe nodded, and then looked at Xingjun Xingjun: "You go to Nieber Xingjun, don't delay things."

"Five mysterious children." The demon star said without looking up.

"Are you going?" Fang Yizhe was annoyed.

"Three mysterious children." Moying Xingjun is still bargaining.

"No one." Fang Yizhe said: "He can't find Nirvana Xingjun, he can't refine Lingbao, and he won't help us naturally. Do you want to cover the sky robe?"

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