The Magic Outfit

Chapter 961: crisis

"It's really boring ..." Mo Yingxingjun stood up slowly, his figure swept up in the air, and then drifted into the distance.

"You have joined the desire cave?" Su Tang's eyes fell on Fang Yizhe.

"Well." Fang Yizhe reached out and an orange jade card was added in his hand: "Although Fang Da is in charge, I still decided to start from the bottom, so as not to disturb everyone, anyway, I have walked out of the stars. , There is a lot of time, isn't it? "

"One step at a time is a correct choice." Su Tangdao then turned the subject: "Does anyone else know this news?"

"No one should know." Fang Yizhe said: "When the Mo Ying met the Hunting Star King, the Hunting Star King was dying. The Mo Ying deliberately did not reach out in time, just a few hours later, the Hunting Star Xingjun died, and died in front of them, Dinghai. You were there at the time. Am I right? "

"This ... you let me say ..." Ding Haixingjun grinned.

"Just a few monks, will you be so hesitant?" Su Tangdao, a few years ago, when the battlefield was in chaos, Fang Yizhe became a hunter like him, obviously possessing good strength, Coupled with the strange and unpredictable monarch star, and the star star king in front of you, you should not be so cautious. When you meet, you pull him into Sutang, and there must be some reasons.

"These monks are nothing." Fang Yizhe sighed: "The key is that star field ..."

"What star field?" Su Tang said.

"It's an unnamed star field." Fang Yizhe said: "It was originally a paradise for lone travelers, and it was dozens or even hundreds of times larger than the ordinary star field. Although the spirit veins in the star field have withered, but There are many treasures left by the ancestors. As long as you are willing to put effort and time, plus some luck, there will always be some gains. "

"However, a few decades ago, there appeared a weirdo in that star field." Ding Haixing said: "He has practiced strange and strange spiritual tactics, many changes, and seems to have endless spiritual treasures and magic symbols, The previous moment, he appeared at this end of the star field, the next moment, he could appear at the other end of the star field, once a monk offended him and used escape characters to escape, but no matter where he fled, it will not take long. The weirdo would catch up with him. He released four escape characters one after another, and he still did not escape. Finally, he received the support of the same ancestor before he surprised the weirdo. "

"According to the information we got, the original range of activity of the weirdo was only in the center of the star field, but every year, his range of activity will increase a lot." Fang Yizhe continued: "By now, he has occupied three One-half star field, one-third ... sounds like not much, but do you know how big that unknown star field is? Just one-third, there are already dozens of unphased star fields. "

"Moreover, he regards his range of activities as a forbidden area and no one can enter." Ding Haixingjun said: "As long as someone breaks in, no matter how many people or fewer people, he will attack. It is said that a starry sky master has no intention When he passed by, he dared to shoot. "

"His strength is so strong?" Su Tang moved.

"Not strong." Fang Yizhe said: "It is said that it was defeated in one move, but the starry sky master failed to leave him."

"Later, the starry sky master was uneasy, and there was a shuttle between them, and he wanted to find his trouble." Ding Haixing said: "It took almost two years, and the starry sky star was too much to consume. Leaving the Unknown Star Zone. "

"How is it possible?" Su Tangdao, he was a little incomprehensible. After all, he just used the power of the Great Array a few years ago to kill a star-level big existence. He knew the power of that big existence very straightforwardly. To point it out, he simply can't fight it.

"How can't it be?" Fang Yizhe said: "That weirdo is everywhere, and everywhere, always he takes the initiative to attack, and every time he loses and escapes, his strength will obviously increase when he appears for the second time. The Lord of the Starry Sky was finally shocked and warned the monks of the same ancestry that they would never enter that field of stars again to experience it. "

"The place we are going to is within the range of the weirdo's activities?" Su Tang asked.

"Well." Fang Yizhe revealed a dignified look: "The magic shadow has always been lawless, but after we got these news, after analyzing and summarizing, he was equally frightened, otherwise we would have gone long ago."

"In this way ... even with me, it may not threaten the weirdo." Su Tang said slowly.

"Originally, I thought so." Fang Yizhe smiled. "But Mo Ying said, only you have the opportunity to get rid of the weirdo. It's just a matter of no matter how many other monks go."

"Why do you say that?" Su Tang froze.

"Because you have a very scary spirit treasure." Fang Yizhe said: "The Mo Ying is afraid of you. Although he has never revealed it, I can see it."

Su Tang understood that when he killed the prince of the Cave of Desire with the Three Burning Arrows, Mo Yingxing Jun must have seen the whole process through some method, and also understood the power of the Three Burning Arrows. Although Mo Ying Xing Jun can be transformed into a virtual shadow, the first and second arrows of the three burning arrows can't cause damage to him, but the third arrow is the God of Burning God, and Mo Ying Xing Jun should instinctively produce fear.

"Hehe ..." Su Tangyu smiled.

"So, I will pull you in anyway." Fang Yizhe said: "Although leaving you behind, it may delay you to make credit for Tianle Mountain, but don't give up that credit."

"What credit can I make for Tianle Mountain?" Su Tang asked puzzled.

"In the near future, the monks of the true dragon may have a large-scale action against the Heavenly Daoist League." Fang Yizhe said: "I heard that Fang Daguan said, I also want to participate in a copy."

"Oh? When?" Su Tang froze.

"When I don't know, I and the Daoist League have no grievances and are not interested in this action." Fang Yizhe said: "Yes, I have been a little bit of gains in recent years, waiting for you to smelt Lingbao. At that time, if there is any need, just say. "

"I have enough inventory here." Su Tang grinned reluctantly, then said: "I am a little tired, go to rest for a while."

Fang Yizhe was a little surprised, but didn't say anything, just pointed to the study in the distance.

After Su Tang entered the study, the first thing was to take out Xin Pei, and then woke up and turned around, Xin Pei didn't respond here. The direction of the teleportation is swept away.

When leaving Tangyu, Su Tang swept hundreds of miles away, saw Xin Pei had recovered, and saw no one around him, and hurriedly wrote a line on Xin Pei with Shen Nian.

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