The Magic Outfit

Chapter 974: evolution

Su Tang has been in the square for a long time, and it is always puzzling. Once he gritted his teeth, he ca n’t get out anyway. It is better to go back and look for the red jade brand.

Su Tang then swooped up and flew towards the statue group.

Su Tang left, and more than half an hour later, the figures of several monks appeared in the distance. They fled towards this side, then hovered hundreds of meters away, and observed for a long time before flying to the square.

Like Su Tang, they couldn't find an exit, and their faces looked particularly gloomy.

"How is this good ..." An old man lamented.

"I just heard ... this door was sealed by the monarch?" Said another monk.

"Well, it should be the Shun Tian Rune." Another monk accepted.

"That's bad ..." The previous monk almost cried out: "The seal of the God Rune is extremely difficult to crack, and we have no way here unless the prince is close, or ..."

"Or someone found this spirit field outside." The old man said.

"Don't expect anyone from outside." Someone sighed: "Everyone is stuck in. No one is going back to report the news."

"The prince fell here, they will not ignore it anyway," the old man shouted.

"What's the matter?" The man also raised his voice: "This star field is so big, you dare to guarantee that they can find it here?"

"Even if you find here, you can't find the spirit domain." Another monk wailed: "If it wasn't the guy who got in, could we find this spirit domain?"

"Are we trapped here?" The old man's voice grew louder and louder.

"After all, it's just a magic rune. As long as we can survive seven or eighty years, perhaps the Tianshen Rune will lose its effectiveness."

"Seven or eighty years ..."

The atmosphere suddenly became dead, do you really want to stay here for decades?

On the other side, Su Tang has returned to the group of statues. He slowed down his figure and flew while searching.

After more than a dozen breaths, a flashing red dot appeared in front of him, and Su Tang's spirit rose and flew towards the red dot.

It was the red jade card, which was slowly rotating in the air, and in the double pupils of all the surrounding statues, there was also an identical jade card, rotating at exactly the same frequency.

More than ten meters away from the jade card, Su Tang stopped his body, he did not rush to grab the jade card, but only tentatively released the mind, and slowly wrapped the jade card. Will immediately escape.

Although the Jade Brand does not exclude his approach, and when he fled in the star field, the Jade Brand actively established a connection with him, but he could not suppress his inner tension, because the lethality of these statue groups is really so horrible.

After a full two hours, Su Tang made a preliminary judgment. The red jade brand in front of him did not seem to repel being tempered by him. He was relieved and slowly approached, then reached out to grab the jade brand in his hand.

Then, Su Tang fluttered on top of a statue, meditated, and refined the jade brand.

This sitting was just a few months later. With Su Tang's thoughts, he also felt a little overwhelmed.He had wanted the jade card to receive the ring, but remembered that the last time the jade card did not say goodbye and changed his mind. Hold the jade card tightly in the palm of your hand, then vomit for a moment and begin to recuperate.

In the following days, Su Tang became a habit, refined the jade brand, sat and nursed up, and then went out to look for ‘monsters, fight, and so repeated cycles. The so-called monsters are naturally true dragon monks.

Whether it is tempering, self-cultivation, Yan or looking for monsters to beat, it is a form of spiritual practice, Su Tang has a happy life.

There is some truth that only through hands-on practice can you truly understand that Su Tang's memory contains a lot of knowledge. By now, he completely understands what is evolution and what is the survival of the fittest.

Every few months, he would go out, look for those monks who were in a real vein, and began to hunt one by one. The hunters were naturally full of interest, while the hunted people lived in the midst of suffering.

Persecuted by the current situation, the monks of the real dragon began to evolve, and Su Tang was very happy to chase them, and those monks escaped all kinds of tricks.

Those who have not evolved have died in Su Tang's hands, and those who survived have their own life-saving skills.

From the point of view of the killing results, it is even more clear at a glance. Su Tang went out for the first time and removed more than a dozen Xingjun in one breath.After repeating this for seven or eight times, his results were getting less and less, even once. After going out for three days, I didn't even see a shadow.

In Su Tang's memory, there are at least two or thirty monks in the real dragon, but they are all sly and ghostly, and they don't keep their hands.After several times he sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power, He flew past immediately, but searched back and forth several times, but found nothing.The only time he succeeded was because he was depressed in his heart, and he displayed the magic sword in a random way, and Jianguang cut a large dung mass in an unknown monster. Then a monk rushed out of the dung.

No one was found. Su Tang was so powerful and unable to find it. So no matter how many tricks they had, they couldn't escape Su Tang's pursuit. However, after beheading the monk, Su Tang booed for a long time.

The dazzling Xingjun, even using this method to survive, can be considered as a complete fight.

After a few years, Su Tang himself did not have an accurate concept. He floated away from the statue, and according to the convention, it was time to play with eagles and catch chicks.

Su Tang's speed is extremely fast, and soon he swept a thousand miles away. Then he slowed down and fell to a forest. A dozen silver-white horses were eating grass in the forest and saw Su Tang walking. Over here, they did not panic, but greeted Su Tang while sniffing their noses.

Su Tang took out a dozen Rong Shen Pills and threw them on the ground. The originally harmonious horse group suddenly began to scramble. Su Tang reached out and grabbed a horse's mane, patted it gently, and then jumped On horseback.

The monks of the real dragon have evolved and escaped with all kinds of tricks. Su Tang has naturally started to use his brain.

Although his speed is fast, the spiritual power fluctuations are too strong. Those monks can sense his fluctuations from tens of miles away. When he catches up, the monks have hidden themselves.

Looking for ‘monsters on a horse, the success rate is not small. At least three monks have been removed this year. In a few days, one bird should be caught. Perhaps the success rate will be even higher.

The horse selected by Su Tang seemed extremely excited and kept kicking his hooves. It was too lazy to **** those Rong Shen Pills. This is a task, and naturally there will be a big reward for the task.

"Go here." Su Tangyang pointed his hand forward.

The horse immediately raised its four hoofs and ran forward like a horse. The horses here don't know what breed they are. The speed and physical strength are much stronger than that of the secular horses. The more important thing is that they are extremely smart. Some simple actions need to be done, and most of them can understand.

Su Tang has been catching the spiritual fluctuations in the distance, but this time he was very disappointed. He ran forward for more than ten days, and no one figure was able to find out. See all kinds of monsters running away.

In the food chain of this spiritual domain, Su Tang is undoubtedly ranked first, and he has traveled many times.It is a monster with a little wisdom, who has long understood what Su Tang is like. Su Tang's figure began to flee hard.

Going forward, it is about to go back to the door of heaven. Su Tang was a little disappointed. He thought about it and drove the horse forward. It should have been half a year since the blink of an eye. Go and take a look. Appeared again.

For a moment, the horse stopped outside the tall wall, but it could not turn over the huge wall of tens of meters. Su Tang floated up, fell on the wall, and looked inward.

Still disappointed, there is still only one stone seat in the place where the door to heaven returns.

Su Tang took a long breath and then turned around. At this moment, there was a sudden fluctuation of spiritual power in the high altitude.

Finally someone can't help it? Su Tang raised his head and saw the scene in the sky. He couldn't help being surprised.

A small crack appeared on the sky dome, and at the center of the crack, a red light appeared.The red light expanded rapidly.After a dozen breaths, the red light broke through the sky dome and began to fall down, while the sky dome The cracks in the place slowly merged together again, as if nothing had happened just now.

By this time, Su Tang saw clearly that the red light was a huge vertebral body, it was spinning together at an unimaginable speed, and even a tornado swayed around it.

Boom ... The huge vertebral body hit the ground, and more than half of the vertebral body of a dozen meters high was deeply plunged into the soil, and countless sand and stones splashed to all sides, forming a round shock wave, sweeping hundreds of meters away, The strength of the shock wave began to weaken and turned into a flying dust.

Su Tang didn't move and stood silently on the fence.

The huge vertebral body was quiet for a moment, and then a lid was kicked off, and then a figure jumped out and cried, "Come out.

Seeing the figure jumping out clearly, Su Tang was immediately pleasantly surprised. The other party was the star merchant who knew him well, the four-sea star king. Of course, he knew that the nickname was spoken by the kid casually.

Immediately afterwards, another white figure floated out of it. It was actually He Lanfeiqiong. Su Tang smiled and smiled with relief.

He Lanfeiqiong glanced around, and her eyes fell on Su Tang. She also smiled, and then glanced over here.

Followed by Fang Yizhe, as well as Mo Yingxingjun and Sihaixingjun, Baize is also there.

"How do you know I am here?" Su Tangyang said.

"I only know that you disappeared nearby, so I have been searching for a long time." He Lanfeiqiong said.

"I haven't seen you back for a long time, and we know what you should be trapped by." Fang Yizhe answered.

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