The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 297 Fallen King Kong

After taking a break, the time passed quickly. Apart from releasing some new songs from Lexington and Saratoga on the website from time to time, Song Qingge and others stayed on Midway Island, participating in the hunt for the tyrant by Optimus Prime and others. Tianhu's actions. Among them, several new Autobots joined the team, such as the three sisters Alita and the twin brothers.

They are all easy to get along with Autobots, Alita is the leader of the female Autobots among the Autobots, just like Optimus Prime is in the position of the entire Autobots. And according to Sir, it seems that Alita is still Optimus Prime's girlfriend, which makes Song Qingge scratch his head a little. Could it be that among you Autobots?

Jazz is now an Autobot who understands human knowledge very well. As soon as he saw Song Qingge's expression, he knew what he was thinking. "Well, it's different from what you imagined. They are pure comrades-in-arms, and even if we Autobots form a partner, it is spiritual. It is not like human beings, similar to the blending of mammals."

Song Qingge nodded, yes, what else can be done between the two robots? Among the others, such as Arcee, became good friends with Hood. The twin brothers are brakes and fenders. The two are usually very funny, and they often make some stupid things and are repaired by Ironhide and Roadhog. They are living treasures in the team.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, another year has passed. And Optimus Prime, who just led a team composed of elites from various countries to perform a mission in Shenhua City of the Celestial Dynasty, brought back a piece of bad news.

"This planet is not ruled by you, and the fallen King Kong will definitely come back."

Song Qingge looked at Optimus Prime who cut off the broadcast, and said, "How much do you know about the Fallen King Kong?"

"We also just learned from the Tinder Source that recorded our race information that he was one of the thirteen ancestors of the Decepticons, who was born in the same period as our Autobot Yuanzu. And, in the process of checking, I found that , In fact, our race has come to Earth a long, long time ago." At this time, the Rubik's Cube in the palm of Optimus Prime slowly floated up, and an image appeared in front of everyone. Seven extremely tall robots stand in front of a huge device, while the background is a planet made of steel.

Optimus Prime continued to narrate, "These seven are the original ancestors, and they are also the so-called super leaders. In order to obtain more energy, they invented the "primary energy matrix", which can be used to drive a kind of star-absorbing energy. device. The seven super leaders searched for stars that could provide them with energy in the vast universe, but they also made a common vow: If there is life around that star, they will not attack that star until they come to Earth."

The image projected by the Rubik's Cube changed, and I saw seven super leaders standing or sitting next to the boulder pile, and on the other side was the huge machine just shown, and in front of them were primitive humans holding spears and sticks .

"Humans worship the tall super leaders as gods. Several super leaders saw that there are creatures on this planet, so they wanted to leave. But at this time, one of them chose to betray the oath. He wanted to occupy the original energy matrix. For his own sake. So he made a sneak attack on the other six super leaders who were unprepared, and that person is the Fallen King Kong."

The image projected by the Rubik's Cube changed accordingly. A robot with a spear attacked six unprepared robots and wanted to snatch an item that looked like a dagger.

Looking at the six precarious super leaders, Optimus Prime said in a heavy voice, "In order not to let him succeed, the other six super leaders chose to melt themselves and hid the original energy matrix in the tomb made of their own bodies. Since the melted tombs of the six super leaders can be isolated, the Rubik's Cube did not record the location at that time, but the Fallen King Kong did not obtain the original energy matrix. But in the Rubik's Cube, there is such a sentence left..."

At this moment, a set of characters are projected from the Rubik's Cube, some of which are similar to the words on the surface of the Rubik's Cube. The ambulance Lijie looked at the projected words and said, "This is the super leader language of Cybertron!"

Optimus Prime nodded, "Because these words are too far away from our time, and I only know one or two characters in them, so we can't read these words completely now."

Song Qingge nodded. Indeed, in the original plot, it was also because the existing Autobots could not read these words, so they were forced to look for the longer-existing Transformers. He raised his head and said, "Maybe someone can give us a clue."

Optimus Prime looked down at Song Qingge, "My friend, who are you talking about? Where is he now?"

Song Qingge smiled and said, "He is at our base now, and you can see him every day. He has been in charge of the daily website maintenance of the lair."

"Simmons?" Jazz said in surprise.

Song Qingge nodded, "Because of the disbandment of the Seventh District, Simmons took away all the information files of the Seventh District by the way. He once told me that he found similar symbols and asked the Seventh District to investigate. At that time, it was put on hold because no one cared about it. Another condition I invited him to come to the base was to agree to his request to continue exploring. But because I had a concert some time ago, I forgot after the concert. Don’t you say this I can't even remember." After Song Qingge finished speaking, he stroked his hair in embarrassment.

The other Autobots couldn't help but smile knowingly, Jazz then said, "Since there are clues, then Commander Song Qingge, please let him bring the information."

Song Qingge nodded, and dialed Simmons on the internal line of the base, asking him to come here with the information as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, after a while, Simmons happily walked in through the open door with a box. As soon as he came in, he saw Song Qingge, several of his ship girls, and several Autobots forming a group here. Optimus Prime was still holding the Rubik's Cube that was discovered by the seventh district, and the Rubik's direction projected a strange symbol.

"Mr. Song, you finally remembered that you agreed to my request?" Simmons said excitedly.

The corner of Song Qingge's mouth twitched, "I'm sorry, I forgot because I was busy..."

Simmons shook his head, "It's okay, I've been waiting for such a long time anyway, I don't mind waiting another two years, not to mention I'm not without gain here."

Song Qingge smiled, pointed to the symbols that appeared in the air and said, "Didn't you say that you have seen similar symbols before, can you tell us about it?"

Simmons nodded, opened the box, and used the holographic device he carried with him to project the photos in the box into the air one by one for everyone to see.

Sure enough, as soon as Optimus Prime saw those photos, he and Jazz and the others exclaimed in surprise, "Explorer!"

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