"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so many power." Although the observer said scared, but still smiling, approached the crowd at a uniform speed.

"Observer, I'm afraid you're not the only one here, tell others to come out too." The enterprise said to the observer with a serious face.

The observer smiled coquettishly and sat up from the octopus ship. "As expected, it is a company. You can guess it. If that's the case, testers and purifiers, don't hide."

As soon as the words fell, a purifier wearing a sailor suit jumped up from the surface of the sea in the distance, and immediately after that, the tester he had seen before also emerged from the surface of the sea, flying and landing beside the observer.

"Hey hey hey, observer, there are so many powerful ship girls, can I kill them all?" The purifier laughed, like a spoiled child, and said to the observer on the side, but the words Meaning, but creepy.

The observer frowned, and quickly stretched out a tentacle from the octopus suit, directly wrapped around the purifier's ankle, and immediately hung the purifier upside down. "Purifier, we are here to be guests, not to fight. If you want to do this again, I will throw you back into the host and put you in confinement for a month!"

"Hey, I hate confinement. Observer, I don't want to go to that ghostly place of the host again!" The purifier shook his hands, shaking his head like a rattle, his long white ponytail fell into the sea water, with a kind of It means to be funny.

"Since you hate confinement, please behave yourself." The observer said and removed the tentacles wrapped around the purifier's ankles, and the unsuspecting purifier fell into the seawater, "Gududu" emerged from the seawater After popping a few bubbles, the Purifier floated up from under the sea surface like a floating corpse.

"Ah, when there is no fight, it's better to die." The purifier couldn't help muttering.

Seeing this scene, Song Qingge in the distance couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. Did the purifier come here to perform sketches to add to the fun? But looking at the attitudes of the observers and testers, Song Qingge laughed, "In this case, let's enter the port area to talk, we can't let the guests stop here to talk, it seems that we have no way of hospitality."

"Of course." The observers and testers approached the beach slowly under the watchful eyes of the ship girls, and then, like the ship girls, retracted their own ship suits. Finally, the observers glanced at the ship girls in place , and then paused on Yixian's body, as if nothing happened, he looked away. As for the purifier, well, she's still soaking in sea water.

Song Qingge turned his head, sat on the beach by the sea, put on his shoes, and the unicorn was standing beside him, staring closely at the observers and testers beside him.

After Song Qingge cleaned up, he stroked the unicorn's hair, "Unicorn, you four continue to play. Brother has something to deal with, so I can't accompany you for the time being."

"Brother, you have to be careful." The unicorn glanced at the observers and testers on the side, and said to Song Qingge.

"Hehe, don't worry, there are so many of your sisters here." Song Qingge smiled and patted the unicorn's head, "Go and play."

"Yeah." Unicorn and Sanxiao nodded at the same time, and walked aside.

Song Qingge looked at the backs of several people who were gradually leaving, then turned to the observer and said, "Please go here." Then, under the leadership of Song Qingge, the observer and the tester followed everyone to the gate of the port area.

When passing the gate, the metal energy pillars on both sides of the gate caught the tester's attention. The tester immediately turned his head to look at the observer at the side, and it happened that the observer also happened to look over. The tester whispered, "Something like a space teleportation device?"

The observer nodded, "There is indeed something in this port area."

The tester chuckled, "If he didn't have any hole cards, he wouldn't let our two hostile forces come to his port area as guests."

"Yixian who is walking ahead, did you see that?" The observer said, "That energy is too much for the ship girl."

"You feel it too?" The tester looked at the observer.

"Yeah." The observer nodded, "Wait and see what cards he has before making any plans."

"However, if there is a game-breaker in the numbered world, I am afraid that even the dream weaver will frighten the rag doll in her hand and drop it to the ground." The tester smiled maliciously.

The observer sighed speechlessly, and quickened his pace to keep up with the people in front of him.

As soon as they entered the gate of the port area, the observers and testers stopped, because a figure in a black shirt appeared in front of them.

"Commander." Long stood in the middle of the road and greeted Song Qingge.

"Oh, dragon, aren't you with Feilong and Canglong?" Song Qingge responded with a smile.

"Anyway, two old friends came to our port area today, and as the host, I also want to come out to welcome them." Long nodded and looked at the two people behind, "Is it? Observers and testers. "

"Feilong, as we expected, you are still in this world." The observer said to Long with a smile.

"What is the purpose of your coming this time?" Long looked directly at the two and said, between the words, a powerful momentum came out, pressing heavily on the observers and testers.

"Heh, the strength has improved again! But don't say that, your commander invited us to be our guest." The observer said with a natural smile as if he didn't feel the dragon's aura.

"Equipped with complete military equipment, I hope you are really here as guests, otherwise..." Long didn't continue, but her attitude already showed everything.

At this moment, a burst of "Ahahahahaha" laughter approached from far away, and everyone looked towards the gate. It turned out that the Purifier, who was still floating in the sea just now, came running wildly, laughing while running, and stopped when he saw the dragon.

"Ahahaha, it's the flying dragon." The purifier laughed and said to the dragon.

The dragon didn't speak, just turned his head to look at the observer. The observer frowned, "Just pretend she doesn't exist."

Song Qingge couldn't help smiling while watching the interaction between the few people, "Let's go, we'll be in the office building soon, we'll talk about it in detail when we get there." Then, he led them to the office building.

The distance between the office building and the gate of the port area is not far, and a few people arrived at the square in front of the office building within a few minutes.

"Hey, is this a Rubik's Cube? It's so strange!" The purifier looked at the Rubik's Cube floating quietly in front of him.

At this time, the observers and testers really showed their shocked expressions for the first time, "This energy..."

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