The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 592 Above Humans, Not Full of Gods

I don't know how long it has passed. When Song Qingge got up from the ground, everything around him seemed to have never changed. The trees were still those trees, and there was no ∞ symbol on the ground, as if nothing had happened.

But Song Qingge knew that what he saw was not an illusion, even the ∞ symbol was engraved on the back of his right hand.

"The life equation is really powerful. Although I have only grasped the surface, this power has already..." Song Qingge stopped talking, closed his eyes, and began to feel the rhythm of the world. The sky is breathing, the earth is moving, and everything is completely displayed in front of my eyes like a picture scroll.

He opened his eyes, squatted down slowly, and stroked the ground under his feet, "It turns out that this is a world separated on the timeline. Although it is still vivid, it is restricted to the future. So are you asking for help?"

Immediately, Song Qingge shook his head, "I can't help you for the time being, because my strength is not enough to bring you back to the original track. However, after enduring the baptism of the life equation, you have more possibilities than other worlds." .This possibility will make you change again, so look forward to it.”

As if getting a response, Song Qingge stood up with a smile, looked at the symbol on the back of his hand, and took a deep breath. The whole person floated from the ground, as if breaking away from gravity and floating in the air.

"Oh, biological force field, I finally know why Superman can fly." Song Qingge stood in the air, shook his hands with a smile and said, "By the way, the system, the phantom that just appeared in the void, you know Is it?" Song Qingge asked his system.

"Xuying, what is the host talking about?"

Song Qingge shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that I was a little dazed when I mastered the life equation just now."

"Normally, the life equation is the law that governs life. When you get it, there will definitely be some unusual things. Maybe what the host just experienced is not an illusion. This kind of thing is difficult to define."

Song Qingge nodded, "I understand, is the reality in the illusion? Can you only see him at Yuan's place? It's really interesting, but it's time to go home now, presumably the company hasn't gone far, so let's drop by Go for a ride."

After finishing speaking, Song Qingge's body leaned forward slightly, and his whole body immediately flew towards the direction he was facing like an arrow flying off the string, arousing waves of sonic booms between the vast sea and sky!

At this time, just before the company and the others flew away from the island, they heard a rapidly approaching sonic boom behind them. Turning around quickly, I saw Song Qingge flying over from afar, and arrived in front of their eyes in an instant.

"Commander!" Several people in the company looked at Song Qingge who fell on the dragon's back in surprise, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Instead, Song Qingge joked to them, "What? I haven't seen you for a while, so you don't know me?"

"No, it's just that I didn't expect that you can fly now..." the enterprise hurriedly waved his hands and said, and the others kept nodding.

Song Qingge said with a smile, "This is not a big deal, it's just a use of the biological force field, just like electromagnetic force."

"No, it's just that after such a short time, the commander has already..." Enterprise didn't continue, but the meaning was already very clear. It's only been a short time, and it's not as serious as the system said, but why does the system let Song Qingge stay alone? Is there something else hidden?

Song Qingge shook his head, "In your eyes, this is just a moment, but in my consciousness, a long, long time has passed. The gap between a moment in life and eternity cannot be measured by time."

"So, is the commander a god now?" Richelieu looked at him and asked.

Song Qingge chuckled, "Didn't the system say it before, that potion is just a stepping stone, and if you really want to become a permanent god, you have to continue to work hard. But in my current state, it is almost above human beings, gods It's not full."

"My child, can you tell us what kind of abilities the Life Evolution Potion has given you?" Frederick the Great smiled and said.

Song Qingge raised his right hand, and a white ∞ symbol appeared on the back of his hand, "With the power of the life evolution potion, I stepped into the source realm, where everything begins and ends. There, I obtained this, life equation."

"This symbol..." The dark golden pupils of Frederick the Great brightened up in an instant, but at the next moment, they suddenly withered away, leaning towards Bismarck who was beside him. Bismarck reacted in an instant, and immediately grabbed the limp Frederick the Great, "Frederick, what's wrong with you?"

"Emperor!??" Song Qingge also rushed towards Frederick the Great at the same time, and hugged her from Bismarck's hand into his arms, "What's wrong with you?" Others also gathered around and looked at Frederick worriedly Emperor Lie.

Emperor Frederick, who fell into Song Qingge's arms, opened his mouth and said weakly, "I wanted to use my calculation ability to calculate the symbol in my child's hand, but I was backlashed by a powerful force, so It will."

Song Qingge shook his head amusedly, "This is the symbol of the life equation, and you can't calculate it now." As he said, a white light suddenly appeared on his right hand, covering the forehead of Frederick the Great lightly . The light was fleeting after touching Emperor Frederick the Great, and Song Qingge put down his right hand at the same time, "How is it now, is it better?"

Frederick the Great climbed up from Song Qingge's arms with a smile, stretched his body and said, "I have fully recovered."

"It's good to recover. You don't calculate too many things, so the backlash is not serious. You know, I saw someone using the life equation to control the rise and fall of the universe in countless dimensions. That kind of power is not something we can spy on now. Yes." Song Qingge said solemnly.

"So powerful?" Bismarck and everyone couldn't help but look at Song Qingge's right hand and said in surprise.

"Well, but now I can't reach that level." Song Qingge smiled, "But I'm much better than before, especially in terms of blessing... Oh, it's not called blessing now, but a gift, you guys Does anyone want to try it?"

Richelieu, who is usually not very active, was extremely active today. When Song Qingge's voice fell, she stood up without hesitation, "Commander, I want to try the gift you mentioned."

Song Qingge looked at Richelieu and smiled slightly, "Okay, no problem. Let me tell you in advance, it may be a bit... violent later. After all, it's my first time using it, so I can't grasp a precise strength."

Richelieu smiled, "No problem, I'm ready!"

Song Qingge nodded, "Then I will start..."

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