It was already very late when the banquet ended, and because there were more people toasting, even Song Qingge's evolved body couldn't bear it. So under the arrangement of Wei Wenfeng, several people lived in the reception room of the ship's mother.

With the support of Yixian, Song Qingge wobbled to the side of the bed, and was gently put on the bed by Yixian. He said in a daze, "Those people really won't let go when they catch me. Everyone toasted at least three times. How cruel!"

Yixian smiled softly, "Commander, who told you to take every glass of wine?"

Song Qingge said confusedly: "Isn't that because I praised you in front of me? Do you know that Yixian actually doesn't care if others praise me or not. Anyway, I have nothing to show off. But if I praise you, I will be happy. Once I'm happy, I can't control my hand. I want to accept the wine toasted by others."

Yixian was slightly taken aback, this was the first time he had heard the commander speak his mind, as the ancients said, he uttered the truth after drinking. "Then who does the commander like most in our port area?"

"have no idea."

Yixian didn't expect such an answer, and asked, "Why?"

"I thought I was a dedicated person. Hehe, but fate played a joke on me and let me come to this world. But I also thank fate. I really don't know what I did in my previous life. I can get you every one of you. Everyone is so perfect, to be honest, I really don't know who I like the most. Suddenly I feel like a scumbag."

Yixian covered her mouth and smiled, my commander, you are also the meaning of our existence. "Then who does the commander like to stay with the most?"

"Big dog."


"Old driver."

Yixian pouted, "Then who is the most troublesome?"



"No, both red and white foxes.\

,""Then what does the commander think of Yixian?"

"The legendary woman who goes up to the hall and down to the kitchen is probably like this."

"What about the business?"


After chatting for a long time, finally, Song Qingge stopped talking. Yixian called softly a few times, "Commander, Commander? Are you asleep?"

Yixian smiled softly, helped Song Qingge take off his jacket and pants, wiped his face with a wet towel, covered the quilt, turned and left Song Qingge's room.

The port area at night is relatively quiet, but a "squeak" sound came from Song Qingge's room, and a slender figure appeared at the door of the room. He turned his head and looked around, and closed the door after finding no one there. She tiptoed and slowly approached Song Qingge's bedside, taking advantage of the faint moonlight coming through the curtains, gently touched Song Qingge's face with her hand.

"Ah, Commander. Guanghui said that I am very good at night raids."

It was Guanghui who sneaked in, and she just reached out to untie her clothes when the door creaked open again. Guanghui gave a "tsk" unwillingly, slipped quietly to the other side of Song Qingge's bed, and squatted down.

As a figure flashed into the room, the door was gently closed again. The figure walked to Song Qingge's bed, and was about to lift Song Qingge's quilt when the door was opened again.

The previous figure quickly slipped to the other side of the bed and saw the squatting Guanghui.

"Glory? How do you..."


The person on the opposite side immediately stopped talking, Guanghui looked at the figure on the opposite side, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that Bishop Richelieu, who believes in gods, also unexpectedly likes night raids?"

"Aren't you too?"

"Of course, I'm famous for my night raids."


"Oh, Richelieu, I bet it's going to be fun tonight."


Richelieu didn't speak, because the two of them had already sensed someone coming in from outside the door. In order to avoid being discovered, the two restrained their breath, because the ship's mother's sense was very keen.

I saw the man walked to Song Qingge's bed and sat on it, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Song Qingge's cheek, "Commander's sleeping face is unexpectedly cute. But you two, you can come out gone."

On the other side of the bed, Guanghui and Richelieu stood up, looked at the figure making the sound, Guanghui chuckled and said, "Tsk, I didn't expect Bismarck to have such a strong sense of you?"

"Why did you run to the commander's room to hide?"

"Oh, of course it's the same as you. But since Richelieu came, I've been going to the theater."



The three of them looked at each other for a while, it was really...

Just as Bismarck was about to speak, there were footsteps outside the door again, but this time, none of the three inside hid. Since the situation is very clear, why not see who it is?

As the footsteps approached, he opened the door and entered. Just as he turned around, he saw three people standing beside the bed. The person was obviously startled, and was about to push the door to escape, but who would have thought that Guanghui would speak immediately.

"Enterprise, I see it's you, don't try to run away."

Enterprise turned his head stiffly and looked at the three smiling people. For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

Guanghui said to Richelieu: "How about it, isn't the development of the matter very interesting?"

"Don't forget that you are the same, royal lady." Richelieu said without anger.

"So, Guanghui was the one who came first?" Enterprise asked in surprise.

"Of course, I'm famous for my night raids."

"But what you said was the battlefield."

"Don't you think love is like a battlefield?"

Enterprise smacked his lips, "Bismarck, what about you?"

"I'm here to see if the commander has covered it up for the night. After all, he was drunk tonight."

The other three didn't believe Bismarck's words at all, "Tsk, even if Yixian is still worried about this matter, why did Ni Gang come over after Yixian fell asleep?"

"So you all waited until Yixian fell asleep?"




After the four of them simply sat at the round table in the room, Richelieu asked, "So far, Commander, who has anything to do with the port area?"

"Hood counts as one, Akagi Kaga on the Sakura side, Takao Atago, oh, yes, and Sirius." Guanghui counted with his fingers.

"Forget about Chicheng, why does Kaga...?" Enterprise asked curiously.

"They're all fox spirits, which one will be weaker?" Guanghui was a little annoyed.

"Cherry Sakura seems to have a great advantage, and the royal family is not at a disadvantage. No wonder Tiancheng didn't come?"

"So, why don't the three of us form an alliance, for the commander."

"it is good!"

"I'm still here. You three don't talk about it on your own." Guanghui laughed.

"Are you representing the royal family or yourself?" Enterprise asked.


"That's right, all of you royals have unique skills, so you don't have to worry..." Bismarck sneered.

"Let's say a few words, now that the alliance is established, we must help each other in the future and strive to win the commander as soon as possible." Enterprise said.

"Since it is an alliance, it must have a name and slogan, right?" Richelieu asked.

"The name, since we were established because of Night Raid, then it's called Night Raid." Guanghui laughed.

"Uh, I always feel so casual..." Richelieu complained.

"Night Raiders Alliance? Hehe, it's interesting. Where's the slogan?" Enterprise said with a smile.

"For the commander!" Bismarck said firmly.

"That's right, for the Commander!"

"Well, for the Commander!"

"For the Commander!"

Therefore, without Song Qingge's knowledge, the Night Raiders Alliance, which will make the port area fly like a dog in the future, was established like this...

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