The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 618 The Fusion of Observers

When Chicheng and the company in the main world wanted to learn more, a ray of light appeared beside them again, and a man's figure came out from it, along with observers, testers, purifiers Builders, builders, cleaners.

"Sirens and humans?!!"

"You are the human from just now!"

Enterprise and Akagi realized that the current situation was beyond their comprehension. When did the Sirens and humans join forces, and it seemed that the ship girls in front of them knew them all.

"Ah, dear!" As soon as Song Qingge appeared, Chicheng immediately rushed towards Song Qingge from the back of Tiancheng, and only smiled when he fell into Song Qingge's arms. Is it pretty sure already?"

Song Qingge smiled and nodded, "Yes, she has already agreed, so the Yaoguang plan can also be implemented today!"

"Hehe, it seems that everything is going well, is the next step to deal with some things in this world?" Tiancheng asked with a smile.

"That's right." Song Qingge nodded with a smile, and nodded to Chicheng and Enterprise who were looking at them in shock, "It's our first meeting, Chicheng, Enterprise, I'm Commander Song Qingge who just came to this world. "

"Commander?" The two asked in confusion.

"That's right, the commander is the one who commands the ship girls to fight, and the ship girls in front of you, including the observers and testers you see, are all ship girls from our port area. We have just arrived in this world not long ago. , I’m really sorry to wait until today when I got in touch with Ember’s company to meet you.” Song Qingge smiled.

"Wait, are you saying that the Sirens are also ship girls?" Enterprise and Akagi asked with surprise. After all, the Sirens have been their enemies for a long time, and this has never changed.

Song Qingge nodded, "Of course they are ship girls. There are many secrets that you don't know, but now is not the time to talk about it. After the awakening of the enterprise just now, the mirror sea area was broken. I fell into the space gap. Although the space gap can be easily exited, there are still some dangers inside, not to mention that they are still in a hostile state. So the most important thing now is to enter the space gap to prevent unnecessary battles. There will be plenty of time later. Let's sit down and explain everything."

Song Qingge's rhetoric did arouse the unanimous agreement of the company and Chicheng. Now everything has become complicated and confusing. Before the truth is clarified, it is better to stop the unnecessary fight.

Seeing the two nodding, Song Qingge smiled and said to Chicheng who was hugging him, "Chicheng, tear apart the space."

"Yes, dear!" Chicheng waved his hand forward, and a space crack opened, and the group of people went to the frozen sea area in the space crack.

During the transition of the scenery, the night sky turned into daytime, and the calm sea turned into a frozen sea. The sky was covered with big cracks, and the turbulent flow of space in the cracks could be seen clearly. .

"Observers, lock their positions!" Song Qingge said with a smile.

"It has been locked, and they also found us." The observer smiled.

"What are they?" asked the company following behind everyone.

Song Qingge smiled and said, "This matter has something to do with you too, let's come together."

"It has something to do with us, could it be...?" Akagi from the main world asked suspiciously.

Song Qingge smiled and nodded, "Observer, share the coordinates, Chicheng will teleport over."


"Understood, dear."

Chicheng received the observer's coordinates in an instant, and immediately moved over with a slight smile. At this time, the observers and testers of this world are looking at this side with some surprise. When did this world come to an experimental institution, and more importantly, they don't know anything about it.

But while thinking about it, Chicheng had already brought Song Qingge and waited to move in front of them.

"We finally meet, the me of this world." The observer said to the observer of this world sitting on the iceberg.

"When did you come to this world? Why didn't I notice it?" The observer of this world said with a smile.

And the company and Chicheng on the side were shocked at this time, because the two observers and testers were obviously not clones, but people from different worlds!

"In this world, Akagi Kaga is preparing to attack the Azur Lane base." The observer said with a smile.

"Has it already arrived at that time?" The observer in this world said with a smile, "And judging from your relationship with this human being, have you already joined the port area?"

"Of course, my commander is a game-breaker, and already is." The observer smiled.

At this time, the observers in this world finally became a little shocked, "The game breaker?"

The observer smiled, "Of course, otherwise you think I will stop the experimental organization? Stop the judge plan?"

Observers in this world took a deep look at Song Qingge and the ship girls around him, "How sure are you?"

The observer smiled, "Crush!"

"So sure?" The observer in this world asked in surprise.

The observer smiled and said, "After you and I merge, don't you understand all this?"

"Sure enough, that's the idea." The observer in this world smiled, "But is your synchronization rate enough?"

The observer smiled slightly, "Synchronization rate... Actually, when the commander gave us this thing, the synchronization rate was not important anymore." Saying that, a white symbol ∞ appeared on the observer's head.

"What is this?" The observer in this world asked strangely.

"The life equation is out of the possibility of the ship girl transforming into a god, so the synchronization rate is not very important to us. What's more, our own synchronization rate has already surpassed yours." The observer explained with a smile.

"I really came prepared." The observer of this world said, "I was about to grasp the key of this world, but I didn't expect that this key is not worth mentioning to you."

"Hehe, I used to think the same way, find the key, and then use this key to open the evolutionary rhythm of the whole world. But my commander said to me, why are we looking for that key? Can't we just hit the door and open it? "The observer smiled.

"It's really a rough plan..." The observer in this world smiled, "But I hope it can be useful."

"Sure." The observer smiled.

"Then let's start." The observer in this world smiled and stretched out his hand, and the observer of Song Qingge also extended his hand with a smile. The moment the two palms intersected, a burst of blue light came from the overlapping palms of the two out.

The blue light swallowed the two people in an instant, and as the light continued, the two figures gradually melted into one figure...

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