The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 637 Helena, what are you doing?

The night gradually deepened, the destroyers also went to sleep, and Song Qingge also returned to his room.

At this time, Helena was sitting on the stool on the dressing table in her room, wiping her wet hair while waiting for Orik to fall asleep. After all, he was going to Song Qingge's place later, and it wouldn't be good for a kid like Orik to see him.

Sure enough, around 10 o'clock, Orlick started to feel sleepy, "Yawn~ Helena, aren't you going to sleep?"

Helena smiled and turned her head, "I'm not sleepy, Olik. If you are sleepy, go to sleep first. I have something to do later."

Orik nodded, "Sister Helena, go to bed early after finishing the work. I'll go to bed first."

"Yes." Helena nodded, a smile appeared on her lips, and then she blushed again.

However, children get sleepy quickly and fall asleep quickly. When Helena finished tidying up her hair in front of the mirror, the sound of Orik's sleeping sound came from the bed behind her.

Helena smiled slightly when she heard this voice, and looked at her own appearance in the mirror and couldn't help but fall into memories.

All in all, I can be regarded as the group of ship girls who have followed the commander for the longest time in the port area. Whether it is in the original game or in today's reality, they are also the first group to obtain the ring in the port area. .

"Unknowingly, it turns out that I have been following Commander for such a long time?" Helena murmured to herself, looking at her delicate and beautiful face in the mirror, "Commander, Helena is a very greedy woman. My child..."

As Helena finished speaking, she stood up gently, like a cat's paws touching the ground, opened the door silently, and left the room.

At this time, Song Qingge was wondering, "Hey, doesn't Helena remember that I asked her to come to my room at night? It's almost 10:30 now, why doesn't she come over? Did she forget?"

We had discussed the issue of gifts with Tiancheng and the others before, because before coming to this world, it was impossible to determine which ship girl would follow Song Qingge. Therefore, their advice to Song Qingge was to give gifts to these ship girls as soon as possible after coming to this world to increase their power in this world.

Because Helena was Song Qingge's wedding ship and one of the ship's wives she had been with the longest, so of course she was the first person Song Qingge thought of as the gift candidate. But as time passed by one minute and one second, Helena still hadn't appeared, which made Song Qingge very puzzled.

"Do you want me to use the mental network to notify her again?" Song Qingge said to himself, and then he shook his head, "Well, forget it, it's already night now, if the same thing as before appears again, It’s hard to say the same thing about Lexington, after all, Helena is thin-skinned.”

Just when Song Qingge was thinking about something, there was a gentle and regular knock on the door.

"Finally here!" Song Qingge was overjoyed and hurriedly said to the door, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Sure enough, as the door was opened, Helena was outside. She was wearing pajamas with red cheeks. After walking into the room with her head lowered, she closed the door and locked it under Song Qingge's confused eyes.

Then, she walked up to the confused Song Qingge, opened her pajamas directly towards Song Qingge, let the pajamas fall to the ground, and stood naked in front of Song Qingge.

"Ah?" Song Qingge was almost stunned when he saw Helena doing this series of actions, with questions all over her head. Is this still the shy and blushing Helena she knew? "Helena? What are you doing?"

"Ah!..." Helena looked very surprised when she saw Song Qingge's appearance. She didn't care about being shy anymore and said directly to him, "Didn't the commander ask me to come to your room at night? So I came here. Why?" Commander still looks surprised?"

Song Qingge stood up, walked to Helena, and grabbed her exposed shoulders, "I wanted you to come to my room, and I wanted to prepare a gift for you to give you more powerful abilities, but... ...Why did you just take off your clothes as soon as you came over?"

"Eh...ah!" Helena instantly squatted down and hugged her breasts with both hands, feeling ashamed...

Song Qingge helplessly looked at Helena like this, and squatted down gently, facing Helena who was blushing like an apple, and deceiving herself, she closed her eyes and said, "So, you think I told you to come?" Did you come to the room to do something like that? No wonder you had to wait until this time to come over..."

"Commander..." Helena's voice was as low as an ant, and she stopped talking after saying one sentence.

Song Qingge couldn't help but stroke her head gently in amusement, "What are you doing like this? Look up, although there may be some differences in our ideas, there is no need to act like this. You are my wedding ship. Well, don’t the couple just be honest with each other? What’s the big deal?”

Helena raised her head after hearing Song Qingge's words, her face was red, and there were some tears in the corners of her eyes, "Commander, am I a bad girl? I can even think of your words, will you look down on me?" …”

Song Qingge shook his head in a funny way, "Why are you trying to distract me? Am I going to look down on you just because you did what you did today?"

As Song Qingge said that, he lifted Helena up from her squatting position on the ground and pulled her to lie on the tatami with him. "What kind of bad girl are you like this? If you are considered a bad girl, then aren't those foxes and big dogs in Chongyakura all **sluts?"

"Eh..." Helena said in surprise.

Song Qingge smiled and touched her head, "What's so surprising? Apart from some destroyers who don't know anything, who in the port area doesn't know the character of Akagi and Atago, and of course your sister St. Louis. And Compared to them, you look like a pure little lamb."

"Commander, just tease me..." Helena blushed and curled up next to Song Qingge. As she spoke, she also eased the awkward atmosphere a little bit.

"Who teased you?" Song Qingge smiled, "Besides, whether it's the sad Helena before, the strong Helena later, or the Helena who surprised me just now, they are all my favorite Helena."

"Commander..." Helena blushed and leaned closer to Song Qingge's arms. She placed her head on Song Qingge's chest and listened to his strong heartbeat.

Song Qingge looked at Helena's clinging look, and couldn't help but smile and hug her tightly, and said close to her ear, "But since you are like this, you can't come tonight in vain, so..."

He gently kissed Helena's earlobe, causing Helena to moan in an instant, "Ah~ Commander... don't you still need a gift?"

"We'll talk about gifts and stuff tomorrow. Now let's try this gift first..."


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