The Magical Journey of the Commander

Chapter 648 Summoning of Heroic Spirits

Time passed very quickly in this slightly lazy atmosphere. When Song Qingge realized it, the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War was already approaching.

And Sakura is already a first-grade elementary school student. In fact, an interesting thing happened when she was in school. That's when she pointed at Wenyue, who seemed to be the youngest, and said, "Why doesn't Sister Literary go to school?"

"Huh? What is going to school? Can I sleep?" Wen Yue said confusedly.

Song Qingge smiled slightly when he saw this scene, but didn't say anything. After all, Wenyue also took classes in Minato City, but I heard from the female general that she just slept every time, which was similar to Shinano's hobbies.

But in this ordinary world, Song Qingge would not let his ship girls go to school. After all, they were always like that and would attract attention. Although it can be stopped, he has such a lazy character and is not willing to suffer such trouble.

In the end, Sakura went to school. Although she went crying, she was unexpectedly happy when she came back...

"Commander, the underground spiritual activities have been very frequent recently, and the Holy Grail War should begin soon." Helena said to Song Qingge. "Also, a magician from outside has recently set foot in Fuyuki City. He is male, about 19 years old, and looks like a student. Now he has used magic to confuse an elderly family and temporarily lives there as their grandson. "

Song Qingge smiled and nodded, "It looks like it should be Kenneth's student, Weber Velvet, the master of the Rider Conqueror King Iskandar in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and the future monarch of the Clock Tower, El-Melloi II. "

"It doesn't look like a very powerful person, but rather delicate, a bit like a child who has not grown up." Helena laughed.

Song Qingge smiled and said, "Don't underestimate him. Although he is indeed weak now, after experiencing this Holy Grail War, after a few years, he became one of the twelve departments of the Clock Tower and the monarch of the modern magic department. , and the most popular lecturer after the Clock Tower.”

"Haha, I really underestimate him." Helena said with a smile, "But he has collected several chickens in the past few days. Could it be that he is planning to use chicken blood to use the summoning method mentioned by the commander? Formation?"

Song Qingge nodded, "Yes, but I suddenly thought of something funny."

"What does it look like?" Helena asked.

"If you use the summoning circle painted with black dog blood, can you still summon heroic spirits?" Song Qingge laughed in a wicked way.

"Um... black dog blood? I heard from Anshan and the others before that it seems that some Taoist priests in ancient Donghuang used black dog blood to ward off evil spirits. If you say this, it may be a bit..." Helena said speechlessly.

"Haha, I'm just talking. The summoning circle is just used to fix the coordinates of the command display. It's just like the ember beacons of Long and others but a little imaginary." Song Qingge said with a smile.

"I see, it's equivalent to giving the heroic spirits in the Hall of Heroes a position in this world, so that they can cross the isolation and successfully arrive in reality, right?" Helena said with a smile.

"Yes." Song Qingge nodded, "According to the feedback from the underground spiritual veins, tonight should be the best time to summon the heroic spirits."

"So the Holy Grail War starts tomorrow?" Helena asked.

Song Qingge shook his head, "Being able to summon heroic spirits tonight does not mean that the Holy Grail War will start directly tomorrow. Because before the Holy Grail War can begin, seven masters and heroic spirits must be gathered and confirmed by the Holy Church. Let’s start. And we must all arrive in Fuyuki City.”

"In other words, all seven people have to gather in Fuyuki and each summon their own heroic spirits. Doesn't it start then?" Helena said with a smile.

"Yes." Song Qingge nodded and took out a spherical object from his watch, "Helena, release this into orbit tonight. This monitoring satellite should start working."

"Yes, Commander!" Helena said as she took over the monitoring satellite from Song Qing's singer.

"By the way, you said two days ago that someone appeared on the ruins of Matong's house?" Song Qingge remembered something and asked Helena.

"That's right, it should be the remnant of the Matou family who was outside. However, the same command spell that the commander said before was on his hand is the same as Tokitatsu Tosaka's, but the appearance is different." Helen Na replied.

"Oh, it is indeed the will of the world that is forcing the decision, forcibly destroying the plot we destroyed, and returning it to order. That person should be Matou Kariya. I wonder if he can summon Lancelot this time. ." Song Qingge said with a smile as he looked at the gradually darkening sky.

The bright moon was in the sky, and the time gradually came to 12:00 at night. The destroyers had already taken a rest, and Song Qingge, Helena and York City were in his room, watching several light screens.

And above the light screen, the figures that appeared were the masters of Fuyuki City during the Holy Grail War. There was a magic circle drawn in front of them.

"It looks like it's almost started." Song Qingge couldn't help but smile as he looked at the movements of several people on the light screen.

Sure enough, following Song Qingge's voice, several people faced the magic array in front of them and recited a spell.

"Full, full, full, full, full,

Repeatedly five times,

But when it is full, it is discarded,


You listen to my orders,

My life is entrusted to your sword,

If you wish to dwell in the Holy Grail,

If you follow this intention and follow this principle, then you should do it.

I swear this,

I will be all good in the world,

I will suppress all evil in the world,

You are entangled in the three great speaking spirits for seven days,

Coming from the wheel of restraint,

Guardian of the Scales! "

A bright light burst out from the magic array in front of him, and then thick fog surrounded the magic array, and a figure slowly appeared in the thick fog...

"How is it? Do you have a sense of sight?" Song Qingge smiled at Helena and York City.

"It feels a bit like when Commander was building..." Helena said.

Song Qingge laughed loudly, "Yes, in a sense, you ship girls are actually considered heroic spirits. They are also famous existences in history, but the difference is that they are human beings, and you are battleships. I was summoned, but with different names. You call me Commander, and they are Masters."

Listening to Song Qingge's words, York City smiled and said, "Their magic power is directly provided by the Master, while our power exists from the energy of the Rubik's Cube. It is indeed as the commander said, we and the heroic spirits are similar existences."

"Moreover, they are divided into sword level, gun level, bow level, cavalry level, magic level, killing level, and mad level. And we are the destroyer, cruiser, battleship, aircraft carrier, submarine, transportation, and maintenance. What a surprise. It's similar," Helena smiled.

"Haha, we don't have to directly participate in the 4th Holy Grail War, so let's enjoy their performance." Song Qingge turned his head towards the light screen and smiled at Helena and York City.


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