The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 482 On ‘How to Cope with Increasingly Hot Weather’

"How could it be! If Lim could..."


Bell sharply interrupted Lim's self-blame.

"Now, help me get back to my dormitory!

Also, don’t forget to use the Illusion Charm. I don’t want others to see me like this.

Also, remember to prepare some more food tomorrow morning. It must all use ingredients from magical animals and plants. I need to make up for it. "

Especially give your hair a good touch up! It would be terrible if it doesn't grow back!

"Yes! Master! Lim will prepare food for you all night tonight!"

" don't have to stay up all night..."

"Okay, Master, let's leave quickly. We need to let you rest as soon as possible."

At this moment, Lim felt extremely guilty.

She was once again immersed in guilt, thus ignoring the young master's current situation. This is really a crime worthy of death!

With a slight snap of his fingers, Lim used the floating spell to control his young master to float into the air.

In Hogwarts, Lim would try to avoid using a wand unless necessary.

As soon as he opened the door to the Ravenclaw lounge, the loud noise filled Bell's ears.

At this time, the little wizards had returned to the lounges of their respective colleges, but none of them chose to go to bed.

Everyone gathered in the lounge, either promoting their own analysis and speculation, or sharing gossip they heard from somewhere.

Seeing the rosy faces of everyone, Bell showed a pleased smile.

It is so happy to see everyone so healthy and energetic.

June 25th.

Today is the day after the final match of the Triwizard Tournament, which also happens to be Sunday.

But unlike usual Sundays, this morning, no little wizard chose to sleep in. The auditorium was rarely full of people on a Sunday morning.

As soon as their genius was revealed, the little wizards, who had not slept much all night, couldn't wait to run out of the lounges of their respective colleges.

This is of course not because they are hungry, but after learning that the mysterious man may have been resurrected last night, everyone is feeling itchy as if they are being scratched by 100 little kittens.

Everyone hopes to know the details of the matter as soon as possible.

If you are the only one who doesn't know the news that everyone else knows because of sleeping in, that's a lot! If not, you might be forced to leave the group!

‘Squeak~! ’

The door hinge made a soft sound and was pulled open from the outside.

Hermione walked quickly into the Great Hall.

Looking at the crowded auditorium, Hermione almost thought she had remembered the wrong date.

Impossible! How could she remember the wrong day of class!

After taking out her personal terminal and checking the date, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I remembered correctly. Today is indeed Sunday. She can preview tomorrow's class later.

‘No, no! ’

Shaking his head vigorously, now was not the time to worry about not being able to preview before class.

This morning, she got a text from Bell telling her she wouldn't be coming to practice this morning. Instead, it was Zannah who carried Bell's suitcase and came to the Gryffindor lounge.

This made her even more worried about Bell's condition.

Originally, she wanted to know some details from Shanna.

To be honest, she was so worried that she couldn't even fall asleep last night.

Just yesterday, Bell disappeared because of some 'top secret'. Then the Aurors came to Hogwarts and captured Barty Crouch Jr., who was pretending to be Professor Moody, and announced on the spot that Voldemort Possibly already resurrected?

How could she not connect Bell's abnormality with Voldemort's resurrection?

However, although she tried every means to talk to Shanna in the morning, the little girl was in a very bad mood and didn't want to pay attention to her at all.

This made Hermione even more worried.

After all, there are not many things that can make Shanna feel bad, and the most likely thing among them is things related to Bell.

After absently completing the basic training, Hermione simply washed the sweat off her body and ran to the auditorium without stopping.

Zannah, who was more skilled in cleaning spells, waved her wand to completely remove the sweat and odor from her body, and then ran away alone.

‘So why can’t you clean it up for me too! ’

Hermione grumbled inwardly.

The cleaning spell she is currently casting can only remove some obvious dust, but it is difficult to completely remove liquids like sweat that are spread all over the body.

She didn't want to go to meet her boyfriend with the smell of sweat all over her body.

"Bell! changed your hairstyle!?"

Walking quickly to the Ravenclaw table, Hermione caught sight of Bell who was devouring his food.

There was nothing she could do about it, Bell's new hairstyle was so bright that it hurt her eyes.

"Uh... well, how should I put it? The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, isn't it? It's cooler this way?"

While stuffing his mouth with the food handed over by his sister, Bell spent a second coming up with an excuse that no one would believe.

‘I believed you, you idiot! ’

After hearing Bell's perfunctory excuse, Hermione almost rushed over to touch Bell's bald head.

With the constant temperature badge, you won't feel cold or hot at all unless you encounter very extreme weather.

Didn’t anyone who didn’t watch Shanna wear a scarf all day long?

Unhappily, she pulled out the chair next to Bell, and Hermione sat on it.

"Bell! did you turn gray!?"

Although everyone is Caucasian, because of training every day, Bell's skin has always been a healthy color with white and rosy colors.

But now that she was closer, Hermione suddenly realized that Bell's skin had become as white as white paper, as if a thick layer of foundation had been applied to her body, and it was so white that it penetrated people.

"Uh... well, how should I put it? Isn't it that the weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently? Isn't this going to absorb the light?"



Not to mention Hermione, even Zannah, who had been thoughtfully getting food for her brother, was speechless at her brother's excuse.

"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it, I won't ask further."

Pouting, Hermione didn't intend to dwell on what happened last night anymore.

After all, Shanna has said before that this is a 'top secret'.

Now that she saw that Bell was safe and sound, she could finally put her heart back in her stomach.

That's enough.

However, I think so, but rational understanding cannot completely resolve He's sensitive unwillingness.

Isn't this equivalent to saying that Bell and Shanna are a family, and she is just an outsider!

Although this is indeed the case...

but! Hermione just hated this feeling! This feeling made her feel that she was far away from Bell!

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