The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Magic Stone

Unfortunately, Harry didn't know there was a magic called 'Legilimency', so his mind was read by Voldemort.

Voldemort ordered Quirrell to move Harry to the mirror.

Harry saw himself in the mirror and put a bright red stone into his pocket, and then the Philosopher's Stone appeared in his pocket. Then Voldemort, who was living on the back of Quirrell's head, naturally knew the Philosopher's Stone. location.

Voldemort ordered Quirrell to take off his scarf and turned around.

Looking at Voldemort's ugly face on the back of Quirrell's head, Harry shuddered all over. He tried hard to escape, but Quirrell threw him to the ground.

However, Harry still has the power of the curse left by his mother in his body, protecting Harry from being harmed by Voldemort. So after the two people got together, Quirrell, the adult, was at a disadvantage.

While Harry and Quirrell were busy entangled, Bell walked through the flames as if nothing had happened and walked into the last room.

Bell didn't even use the Disillusionment Curse and just walked in so carelessly. However, Harry, Quirrell, and Voldemort, who only had eyes for each other, did not notice Bell.

Harry held on to Quirrell tightly, but as the pain in his head became more and more intense, his grip became weaker and weaker.

Eventually, Quirrell managed to break away from Harry.

Quirrell lay on the ground and howled in pain. Dense blisters appeared on his face, hands and arms, which made Bell's skin crawl.

Unlike Quirrell, although Voldemort also felt a lot of pain, he was still old and hot after all, and Voldemort finally noticed Bell who was approaching.

"Bel Menethil! I know you, the heir of the Menethil family! Your family is also a pure-blood family, and your parents have followed me. Now, child, help me get the magic stone. , it's in Harry Potter's pocket. Give me the Philosopher's Stone, and I will grant you supreme glory and power!" Voldemort used his hoarse voice to confuse Bell.

In his opinion, he was just a young wizard. Even if he was an adult wizard, no one would have the guts to reject him, even if he looked so miserable now. Therefore, he will complete his resurrection here tonight, under Dumbledore's eyes.

‘I, Voldemort, am back! ’

However, Voldemort was destined to be disappointed. Bell didn't believe a word of Voldemort's lies.

Isn't Bell still clear about his own situation? Only ghosts have followed Voldemort. Only those pure-blood supremacists with abnormal brains and some opportunistic people will board Voldemort's broken ship.

And many people regret it after going up. However, it is easy to get on the pirate ship, but it is difficult to get off the pirate ship. I don’t know how many people regretted it so much that their intestines were blue, such as a certain Mr. Malfoy who did not want to be named.

Bell was not interested in talking nonsense with Voldemort. He had very important things to deal with today, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten up from his comfortable bed so late at night and watched the three of Harry play a game of break-in. He just wants to get things done quickly and go back to sleep.

Bell took out his wand without saying a word, and shot out a wind blade, and Quirrell's head was separated from his neck.

However, what is very strange is that even though there is a scar as big as a bowl on Quirrell's neck, not much blood flows out. Instead, a lot of black mist emerged from Quirrell's body and gathered together.

It is Voldemort's soul. He transformed the blood in Quirrell's body into magic power, providing himself with the power to move.

"You! How dare you refuse the gift of the great Voldemort! I will make your life worse than death!"

Voldemort's soul roared, and a large amount of black mist filled the surroundings, looking like the final big boss appeared.

Not to mention, the dark and damp basement, the permeating black fog, coupled with Voldemort's current posture and his hoarse voice, this special effect performance gave Bell full marks.

However, Voldemort's lines were not very good, too monotonous. It’s the final boss after all, so it takes 2 or 3 minutes to recite his lines for the appearance, right? Reading it in 3 seconds is a bit too much.

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Bell was not one of those little wizards who were easy to fool, and he was dismissive of Voldemort's threats.

The surrounding black mist just looks cool, but in fact it contains very little magic power.

Bell made a sound of disdain, waved his wand, and struck a dazzling lightning bolt from the tip of the wand.


Voldemort, who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, let out a wail of pain once again, and a large amount of black mist emerged from his soul.

The black mist this time is not the same as before. The black mist does contain a lot of magic power. These black mist formed a shield, blocking Bell's lightning.

Bell was a little surprised when he saw Voldemort showing off his power. I didn't expect that he could show such a level of power even though he was in this state! ?

But if you think about it carefully, Voldemort is like a mosquito spirit, lying on the back of Quirrell's head, taking a few sips when there is nothing wrong, and sucking Quirrell dry, it is not surprising that he has accumulated some magic power.

Bell first cast an iron armor spell on himself, and then prepared to continue attacking Voldemort's soul.

At this moment, Bell was still a little nervous. After all, people are like the shadow of famous trees, and after all, Voldemort is also the most powerful dark wizard in British history (Grindelwald is not British). Who knows if he still has some tricks up his sleeve?

Just when Bell's curse was about to be cast, Voldemort's soul suddenly turned around and ran away...

Looking at the soul disappearing into the ceiling, Bell was speechless for a moment.

‘I took off my pants, and you just ran away like that? ’

Without preparation, facing such a soul that can go to heaven and enter the earth, it is really not easy to keep him. But just run away, Bell doesn't care. If you have the chance, kill him casually. If you don't have the chance, leave it to the little savior to level up.

Bell walked over to Harry who was unconscious on the ground and took out the Philosopher's Stone from the pocket of Harry's pants. He raised the magic stone to his eyes and looked at it attentively.

Gradually, a smile appeared on Bell's face, and then the smile gradually widened and turned into ecstasy.

Bell was shocked to discover that this magic stone was actually real! Yes, he had always felt that the Sorcerer's Stone was very likely to be fake and was used by Dumbledore to tease Voldemort.

And now, looking at the red stone in his hand, which is more brilliant than any gem in the world, Bell can say with certainty that this is the real magic stone!

The magic stone in front of him deeply shocked Bell. He felt that what he was holding was not a small gem, but a miniature sun!

Although for some reason this sun gave Bell a feeling of twilight. But the sun is the sun, and even if it is a sun that is about to go out, the power contained in it is not something that humans can fathom.

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