The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 806 Does anyone know what happened during this time?

In fact, knowing the specific content of what Bell is doing now has no other purpose for Hermione except to satisfy her curiosity.

After all, Hermione knew that it was basically difficult for her to change what Bell decided. Not to mention, now that Bell has already started the ongoing research, it is even less possible for her to stop it.

Therefore, just to satisfy her curiosity, Hermione thought it was not worth it to greatly increase the probability of secrets being leaked.

What's more, what she is most concerned about is not what Bell is doing, but...

"Bell, promise me not to take any more risks, okay?"

As a Gryffindor, it is really against my identity to advise others not to take risks. But when she thought of how Bell had lost his arms before, Hermione was really afraid that if Bell continued to behave like this, one day he would suddenly lose his whole person.

To this day, Hermione still has nightmares from time to time when she sleeps at night, dreaming about the scene of Bell's tragic death.

Compared to her own pride and dignity as a Gryffindor, Hermione still valued her boyfriend's life and safety more.

"Don't worry, Hermione."

Bell put away his indifferent posture and looked at Hermione seriously, without any evasion in his eyes.

"Hermione, magic research cannot be completely risk-free. But I can assure you that I will make complete preparations before the experiment and keep the risks within a controllable range so that you will not worry anymore. Sad."

"I-I'm not worried about you, huh!"

Under Bell's affectionate gaze, Hermione once again experienced the feeling of burning on her cheeks for the first time in a long time.

After the standard tsundere reaction, Hermione suddenly remembered something and stopped pressing the hang up button.

"Bell, Halloween will be here soon. Will you come to the Halloween dinner?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly.

She knows that her boyfriend is very busy now, and she should not cause any more trouble to him. But in previous years, they spent the rare holiday banquet together. This year, she naturally hopes to spend a wonderful night with her boyfriend on Halloween.

After all, she hasn't seen each other for more than a month.

Video via personal terminal does not count!

"Of course. Don't worry, I will return to Hogwarts one day early."

Bell smiled and made the promise.

Even if Hermione didn't say it, he planned to go back for a few days' rest on Halloween. Only by combining work and rest can research efficiency be maximized.

Moreover, in order to be able to come to the moon to conduct experiments, he had done everything he could to be playful and cute. He tried his best to finally get his mother's consent and at the same time comfort his younger sister.

But those 'little tricks' can only take care of them for a while, but not for a lifetime. He has to go back and show his face on Halloween to prove that he is still alive and well, and that he has no missing arms or legs, so that he can continue to do what he wants to do without interference. matter.

"That's, I mean, I don't care if you come back or not, hum! Hang up, goodbye!"


Looking at the personal terminal screen that had returned to darkness, Bell couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

'No, when did my Hermione awaken her tsundere attribute? So what happened during my absence? ’

After standing there in a daze for a while, Bell finally gave up thinking.

As the saying goes, a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. Bell doesn't think that with his emotional intelligence, he can solve this eternal problem at home and abroad.


"Domis! Find me the surveillance data quickly! If you watch football during working hours again, I will fire you!"

Bell roared loudly at his new assistant.

"But young master, it was you who asked me to continue watching the game just now..."

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, I will ask you to clean the toilet for the fire dragon! Hurry up and take action! Also, have someone come clean the laboratory and repair the reinforced defense barrier! Damn it, what went wrong? It was obvious before It was well integrated, why did it suddenly explode?"

Bell is incompetent and furious...

After briefly sorting out his image, he took over the surveillance records dug up by Domis and read them carefully from beginning to end. Bell... still couldn't figure out why he suddenly exploded...

At this time, the logistics staff had cleaned up the ruins in the laboratory and moved in brand new experimental facilities according to the original layout, which fully demonstrated the professionalism of themselves and others.

In just a month or so, the Menethil family had established a huge research base on the moon.

This research base was certainly not built for Bell alone. Otherwise, even if his mother, Elena, would allow him to go to the moon to conduct experiments, his father, William, would fight against Bell, the 'prodigal son', because of the huge budget.

In fact, the research base on the moon was mainly set up to study the wreckage of [N'Zoth].

Unlike other magic materials, [En'zoth] is a living body after all. Moreover, according to the study of the remains, the core of this life is also composed of flesh and blood.

For unknown cosmic life forms, the Menethil family would not dare to bring their remains to the earth. Otherwise, if there is some unknown virus or the like, God knows what will happen.

If it's not done right, the story may jump from fantasy to apocalyptic, and the city may be under siege.

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of danger from happening, the Menethil family spent huge sums of money and mobilized a large number of highly professional personnel from the already cautious people to build this research base on the moon. .

In order to gain an advantage and not take advantage of the bastard... ahem, it was by the way, really just by the way, Bell asked the construction staff of the research base to build a research room for him on the other side of the moon.

That is the research room he is in now.

"Domis, haven't the meridians of the polar snow monster been processed yet?"

Bell urged without raising his head.

"It will take another 30 seconds."

Domis also didn't raise his head, concentrating on handling the precious magic materials in his hands.

At this time, Domis's previous naivety was completely gone. His focused expression and skillful techniques all prove that he is really a genuine researcher with superb skills, and not the funny character that others mistakenly think.

It's a pity that no one else saw this scene at this time...

"After processing, it is installed directly on the instrument."

As he spoke, Bell connected the finished stalk of magic grass in his hand to the experimental instrument in front of him. Then, he took out an inferior version of the magic stone and pointed it at the small crystal connected to one end of the stalk. The ball is infused with the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone.

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