The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 808 Fear of death without shame

In the magic laboratory of the Menethil family, there is research on the source of magic power, which is currently focused on two aspects: one is to make more powerful magic stones; the other is to strengthen the ice core. As for the fusion of the two? It's totally unnecessary!

Indeed, fusing ordinary ice cores with magic stones is a thankless act. At least for now, it is completely unnecessary.

However, the ice core in Bell's hand is not ordinary!

It's not a short time since I obtained the elemental lord's ice core. During this period of time, including before the injury had healed, Bell had been secretly studying the elemental lord's ice core (referred to as the 'Lord's Ice Core').

As Bell roughly sensed at the beginning, although the surface of the Lord's Ice Core exudes endless chill, its interior is comparable to the core of a planet and is extremely hot.

Why this happened, Bell honestly didn't know. Maybe the elemental lord himself is a mutant? Or maybe it was Zannah's fire that had some unknown impact on the elemental lords?

In short, the methods that can be used to strengthen ordinary ice cores are completely inapplicable to Lord Ice Cores.

And even if it applies, Bell doesn't think it can be done with the wizards' current abilities.

Therefore, the only way left before Bell was fusion.

What? You said that the current Lord Ice Core is already very strong and there is no need to strengthen it? are right...

Thinking about the terrifying power of the elemental lord back then, if Bell could successfully control the magic power of the lord's ice core that surpassed the magic stone, I dare not say anything else, at least on earth, he would be able to walk sideways.


You know, Bell has more than one source of powerful magic power. The magic stone, the killing stone, and the current lord's ice core, there are three kinds of treasures in hand, which also leads to Bell...he...his obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Controlling only one kind of treasure and leaving the other two gathering dust in your pocket, being able to look at it but not eat it, is like having three stunning beauties standing in front of you, but you can only choose one from the three. !

He didn't say anything just now! If anyone dares to spread rumors about him in front of Hermione, then don't blame him for being rude!

In short, Bell, who is constantly living and seeking death, is like a runaway Erha, once again running wildly on the road of seeking death, and he is uncomfortable without death.

He wants to fuse the Magic Stone, the Killing Stone, and the Lord's Ice Core together to create a super bomb that will shock the past and the present... ahem, it's a super source of magic power!

Faced with Domis's inquiry, Bell did not answer immediately. He stared at the remaining small group of fused magic power in front of him, frowning, and his brain was running at high speed. Based on the vast amount of magic knowledge he had accumulated so far, he built one experimental model after another in his mind.

After a few minutes, Bell finally raised his head. He stared at Domis seriously and asked word by word:

"Domis, are you afraid of death?"


No matter what the deep meaning of this question is, or what Bell plans to ask him to do, even if Bell fires him in the next second, Domis will never make the slightest concession on such a principled issue!

"Very good, you go notify the research institute on the other side and tell them to always be prepared for impact. Also, if an uncontrollable situation occurs, immediately transfer the remains of [N'zoth] to the ecological park. There The quarantine facility should have been built by now."

"Master, could you please ask me what the so-called 'uncontrollable situation' specifically refers to?"

Domis asked weakly.

Hearing this, Bell showed a pleasant smile and said:

"For example, the moon was blown up and the moon was blown up and the satellites of the earth were blown up and so on."


Because the word 'blow up' had such a strong presence, it took Domis a moment to react.

‘Aren’t the moon, the moon, and the satellites of the earth the same thing? ’

Based on their brief interactions over the past few days, Domis has fully realized that relying on his own abilities is not enough to defeat the 'big devil' in front of him and save the world.

Therefore, when his young master is obviously unhappy with the planet under his feet and intends to blow it up, although it is a pity, Domis knows that there is nothing he can do...

"Yes! Master! I will notify the research base right away!"

After saying that, Domis turned around and walked towards the door of the research room without hesitation.

At this moment, he finally understood why his young master wanted to go all the way to the other side of the moon to build a laboratory.

This is to give them time to run away!

"Wait, where are you going?"

It was like a devil's whisper coming from behind, and the devil's claws... ahem, it was Bell's hand that put on Domis's shoulder, stopping Domis from leaving.

"M-Master, I-I'll go notify the research base."

Domis said with a trembling voice as his two hips trembled.

Really, my young master is really forgetful. It was obviously the young master who just told him to inform the research base to make all preparations. How could he forget it in the blink of an eye?

You know, he, Domis, has always regarded himself as his young master's number one lackluster. Of course, he must complete the young master's instructions as soon as possible with quality and quantity. With his phantom skills, he could reach the research base in just three casts, and the total time would not exceed 10 minutes. After he accurately conveys the young master's instructions to the research base, he can just drop by, really just drop by...

"By the way, we can use the teleportation cabinet to return to Earth, right?"

The smile on Bell's face became more and more cheerful.

"How do you know? No! I mean, how is that possible... My sincerity to the young master can be judged by the moon, and it definitely does not contain a trace of impurities!"

Domis patted his chest hard and pointed to the moon under his feet.

Anyway, it seems that this moon is already dead, so there is no problem at all if he finds the other party to be his 'guarantor'.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with me and notify the research base quickly, using your personal terminal!"

Are you kidding? In what age are you still relying on shouting for communication? Is the personal terminal in your hand used to open walnuts?

"No, young master, you may not have heard clearly just now. What I said is that I am afraid of death! I am super, super afraid of death! I am so scared of death..."

"Stop! I just heard it clearly!"

Bell raised his hand to stop Domis from rambling. He stretched out his arms, gently wrapped his arms around Domis's stiff neck, and said softly:

"It's normal to be afraid of death. How many people in this world are really not afraid of death? So it's not shameful at all, and you don't have to feel any burden."

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