The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 813 The truth is often cruel

After the initial panic, the little wizards quickly followed the instructions and performed their duties. Be vigilant when you should be vigilant, hide when you should be hiding, continue to eat when you should be eating...

Have a meal! ?

"Miss Zannah Menethil! Now is not the time to eat! Please fulfill your duties as a prefect and be on guard!"

After everyone stood on guard or crouched down to hide under the dining table, Shanna, who was still sitting on the chair and eating dinner like a normal person, seemed so different. Especially the little one holding Little Bell in Shanna's arms, one big and one eating so deliciously, it's really hard not to notice.

"Huh? But I have fulfilled my duties as a prefect well."

As she said that, Shanna raised her oil-stained little hand, pointed upwards, and with one stroke, a piece of falling ceiling just ran away and shut itself up.

To be honest, she didn't want to be a prefect at all. Because her brother had refused to be a prefect, Shanna, who had always been in line with her brother, naturally wanted to refuse.

However, unlike Professor Flitwick, who respected students' right to make their own choices, Snape, who was still the Head of Slytherin House, didn't care whether Zannah wanted it or not. After just giving the notice, he threw the 'heavy burden' of the prefect onto Shanna's 'thin' shoulders, without giving the little girl a chance to refuse.

Under her brother's dissuasion, Shanna reluctantly canceled her plan to blow up the principal's office, and then... enjoyed the privileges of a prefect as a matter of course.

(\u003e\u003c)It smells so good!


Seeing Shanna's dazzling skills, Professor McGonagall's words of accountability got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't spit them out or swallow them.

That's why she was opposed to Zannah being a prefect in the first place, but she was only the head of Gryffindor and had no control over Slytherin. Just like when she nominated Harry to be the prefect of Gryffindor, Snape could not stop her even if he was very dissatisfied. It's a pity that Harry refused in the end.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall, let's go out quickly and see what's going on."

Just when Professor McGonagall's blood pressure soared, Professor Flitwick stood up and acted as a peacemaker.

Although Zannah was not a Ravenclaw student, due to Bell, Zannah liked to go to Ravenclaw Academy when she had nothing to do. Over time, she became familiar with Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick liked this quirky little girl very much, even more than Bell from his own college. Because Shanna once asked her mother Elena to introduce him to a partner...

Cough cough cough!

Although it failed in the end, Professor Flitwick always kept this kindness in mind.


After glaring at Zannah with dissatisfaction, Professor McGonagall also walked down the steps handed over by Professor Flitwick. She tried her best to avoid the ground under her feet and chased after Snape who was walking away quickly.

Staring at Snape's hateful back, Professor McGonagall finally resisted the idea of ​​taking out her wand and making a sneak attack.

Sure enough, what kind of dean there is, there will be what kind of students. Even if she was fair and impartial, she had to admit that many students in Slytherin House were as unpopular as their headmaster, Snape. In contrast, Gryffindor students are all just like their dean, brave, rigorous, and not afraid of hardship and darkness. They are so lovable no matter how you look at them!

"Oh! Merlin's thong! What the hell happened!?"

Not long after Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick chased Snape's back and disappeared outside the entrance of the auditorium, there was an exclamation full of shock, fear, disbelief, etc., a variety of complex emotions. Came faintly from outside the gate. If the vibration had not weakened a lot and the roar gradually disappeared, no one in the auditorium would have heard the exclamation.

The professors who were still in the auditorium and were responsible for watching over the students looked at each other after hearing this exclamation. After looking around the auditorium and confirming that no one was injured, they finally couldn't bear the torture of curiosity and moved towards the door.

Before these professors, a dark shadow, carrying the aroma of barbecue, quickly passed through the auditorium and flew out of the door first.

"elder brother!?"

The next second, an even sharper and harsh exclamation came, and along with it, there were vast fluctuations of magic power like a sea of ​​smoke.

The little wizards who began to become dishonest again because the vibrations weakened felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on their hearts, and for a moment their heartbeats seemed to stop.

Cold sweat instantly covered everyone's body, and many of the little wizards squatting under the dining table lost their balance and fell directly to the ground. Their foreheads hit the table legs and the ground. Normally, they would scream in pain, but at this moment, everyone was like rabbits being targeted by a tiger, not even daring to take a breath.

Feeling the sudden and powerful pressure of magic, the professors in the auditorium did not bother to pretend to be reserved and ran quickly towards the door in three steps and two steps at a time. It seems that today's 'earthquake' was not an accident, but someone came to Hogwarts to cause trouble again!

And just as the professors were anxiously rushing out of the auditorium, a little witch with beautiful long brown-red hair slipped into the professors' team at some point.

"Wait! Hermione, where are you going?"

Ron put his hands on his chest and spoke with difficulty.

While the rest of the people were attracted by the pressure of magic, only Ron, who had been standing near Hermione, noticed her movements for the first time.

Looking at Hermione's back running towards the door, Ron wanted to follow her very much. However, the closer he got to the door, the more terrifying the pressure of magic became. After just two steps, Ron had to stop.

At this moment, Ron was filled with confusion.


Why could Hermione ignore the pressure that was so powerful that even he couldn't bear it?

Could it be said that this kind of oppression is only targeted at men?

Ron suddenly realized that the next second he saw a gray figure leaping past him and quickly moving away.


Poof, a double blow to the body and soul, causing Ron to accidentally kneel to the ground.

"Ron! Are you okay!"

Harry and Neville struggled to resist the pressure of magic and ran to Ron's side. The two of them looked at Ron who seemed to have faded into black and white, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

So what happened to Ron? They had never heard that the other party had heart disease.

"Harry, Neville, can you, can you move on?"

Suddenly, Ron grabbed Harry and Neville's arms tightly, as if grasping for a life-saving straw.

"Uh... no, can't."

Looking at Ron with red eyes, Harry and Neville looked at each other and spoke hesitantly.

After saying that, Harry lowered his head guiltily.

In fact, although it was difficult, Harry felt that he could still move forward. However, facing Ron's eyes that seemed to be pleading, Harry really couldn't tell the cruel truth.

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