The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 816 I’ve been injured a lot recently, so I need to pay more attention in the future.

Chapter 816: I have been injured quite frequently recently, so I need to pay more attention in the future.


Looking at the picture passed back by the explorer, Bell was sleeping very soundly, William held his breath in his heart, searching for words but could not find the right words to express his inner feelings.

‘I # %¥ # %……’

For this matter, to be honest, you really can’t blame Bell? He has been busy with fusion experiments in the past few days and has not been able to take a good rest for a long time. Now that things have finally come to an end, coupled with the excessive consumption of magic power, he was floating in the universe and accidentally fell asleep...

Looking at the severely damaged moon, with nearly a third of it blown into rubble, and then looking at the smiling sleeping face of the culprit, William really wanted him to sleep forever in the universe.

However, before he could give the order, the two women in the family had already rushed out, leaving him, the head of the family, almost breathless.

Of course, I want to think about it, but after all, Bell is his only traitor, and it is impossible for William to really ignore him.

‘So can’t you give me some face and let me vent a little bit? ’

Feeling the remaining magic fluctuations of his wife and daughter around him, William...he...he decided to put this debt on Bell's head!

It didn't take long for a small space shuttle to arrive at Bell's location.

This small shuttle boat is a by-product of the research on space battleships. It uses the ice core of ordinary ice elements as the magic core. It does not have any attack and defense weapons installed on it and can only sail in the near-Earth space near the planet.

"elder brother--!"

Even in this 'critical' moment, Shanna has not forgotten her brother's teachings. In other words, all her brother's teachings have been imprinted into Shanna's soul and are impossible to forget.

As soon as the shuttle boat stopped, Shanna immediately flew out and followed her brother's instructions to send a warning signal from a distance.

However, unfortunately, the brother and sister are now in space. In a universe without air, sound cannot travel. As a result, Bell, who was sleeping soundly, failed to receive the warning signal from his sister.


"Ah poof——!"

The familiar impact felt, but it was countless times more violent than the previous times in my memory. In addition, the last drop of magic power in Bell's body has been squeezed out at this time, and the body cannot reactively emit magic power for defense.

In the end, Bell, who was holding his "big baby" in his sleep to rule the world and built a big "Crystal Palace" by the way, was greeted by the hatchet in Hermione's hand, and was stabbed fiercely into the abdomen. .

"No! Hermione, listen to my explanation!"

Bell's eyes bulged outwards, and Bell spurted out a mouthful of blood. He didn't even bother to check the internal injuries he suffered, and hurriedly tried to 'quibble'.

"Hmm~! Brother, Hermione is not here. She stays in Hogwarts to take care of Little Bell and Little Wolf."

Shanna's cheeks were swollen, looking like thin-skinned meat buns with large fillings.

Zannah was very dissatisfied with the fact that the first thing her brother called out when he opened his eyes was Hermione's name.

Sure enough, her brother has changed, and she is no longer his favorite baby sister...

But even so, as her brother's sister, she will always wait for her brother to change his mind~!


"Uh, Shanna, it's you."

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Bell realized that he had fallen asleep unknowingly and that what he had experienced before was just a dream. For a moment, Bell couldn't tell whether he felt lucky or regretful.


‘That’s not right! Since Hermione wasn't the one stabbing me, how did I get hurt? ’

Well, actually it’s not hard to guess at all. Since Hermione wasn't the one who stabbed him, there was only one criminal left who 'stabbed' him.

"Well! Brother, I'm here to save you! You were seriously injured and you were vomiting blood. You need to be treated quickly!"

After saying that, Shanna grabbed her brother and flew towards the shuttle boat behind her. She didn't realize at all that her brother's injuries were actually caused by her 'Tietou Kung Fu'.

After all, she had done similar behavior countless times since she was a child. Her brother had never been injured before, so the internal injuries this time must have been caused by the big explosion before!

After bumping and stumbling along the way, Bell, who was dizzy, was finally dragged into the interior of the shuttle boat by his sister.

The entrance closed, filled with air, and then, before Bell could take a breath of fresh oxygen for a long time, a warm embrace wrapped Bell tightly in it.

"Uh, Mom, you're pushing so hard, I can't breathe."

Bell said with a sad look on his face.

Sure enough, he knew that if he caused such a big mess this time, his family would definitely not let him go. However, he still could not expect that his family could not wait to return to Earth and started taking action.

First, Zanna's [Rocket Cone] hit him and caused internal injuries. Then his mother followed closely, squeezing out the air in his chest and further aggravating his injuries. I don’t know what kind of finishing move my father will use in the future?

"Forget it, you stinky boy!"

Saying this, Elena immediately let go of her hand. Seeing the blood stains on Bell's mouth that had not been wiped clean, she felt both distressed and angry. Finally, after carefully looking at Bell up and down, Elena raised her leg and kicked Bell hard on the thigh.

"Therapist! Come quickly for treatment!"

Elena yelled behind her, and then left without looking back.

She had to wait for Bell's injury to recover before coming back to deal with him, otherwise the emotions that had been brewing with great difficulty would dissipate. This time, she said she would not hold it up high or put it down gently. She must teach Bell an unforgettable lesson, otherwise the boy might explode something next time.

All along, Elena had thought that her youngest daughter was an explosive maniac, and her starting hand must be the explosive spell. She would explode something for fun when she had nothing to do, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable all over. If Bell hadn't been watching from the side, Elena really wouldn't have been able to let her little daughter out of the cage with confidence.

However, it was not until today that Elena knew that her son was the real explosion maniac! I have never shown any tendency in this regard before, just because those 'gadgets' are not worth blowing up?

This is really...she has obviously been paying attention to restraining her personality after giving birth, right? Could it be that D...DND that Muggles are talking about? Does it really have such a big impact?

Seeing his mother's back retreating quickly, Bell opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that he would accidentally blow up his mother.

In fact, there is really nothing wrong with him. The internal injuries caused by Shanna can heal quickly as long as his magic power recovers. But obviously, during the recent period, his "majesty" at home has declined significantly. No one in the family should believe what he says anymore.

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