The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 819 The Accountability of the Muggle Prime Minister

Faced with everyone's shameless "taking the blame" behavior, William felt... not at all concerned.

After all, the moon was blown up by that bastard Bell, so what does it have to do with William?

He, William, could confidently pat his chest and tell others that he had no idea about that matter!

I can't help it, I don't know, but I can be so arrogant!

Besides, we are all decent people, and when we say something or do something, we need evidence. In the absence of clear evidence pointing to the Menethil family, others could only say a few words and couldn't really do anything to them.

Therefore, in the face of everyone's doubts and accusations, William just smiled slightly, and then raised the confidentiality level of the relevant information by two levels.

All relevant insiders of the lunar research base have once again been subject to strict investigation by the censorship department, and their scope of activities has been restricted for a short period of time, and contact with outsiders is prohibited.

As the saying goes, 'It's hard to guard against a domestic thief', but what really made William so angry that his cerebral blood vessels almost burst were not the wizards on the European continent, but precisely the people within the British Ministry of Magic.

As we all know, since the last Minister of Magic Fudge stepped down, the British Ministry of Magic has fallen into the hands of the Menethil family. Since then, to put it bluntly, at least in the UK, the Menethil family has become the well-deserved uncrowned king of the wizarding world.

However, there has never been a shortage of careerists who covet the throne in this world. Facing the pressing pressure of the Menethil family, these ambitious people can only unite together, hug each other for warmth, and crouch like poisonous snakes, always keeping an eye on the Menethil family's every move, hoping to find out what they are doing. flaw.

Hard work pays off, and this time the moon explosion finally gave these ambitious people an opportunity. In particular, the Scottish wizarding group chanted the slogan "The Ministry of Magic is dirty again" and once again tried to split from the Ministry of Magic and establish the Scottish own Ministry of Magic.

Of course, William would try his best to crack down on these separatists who had no sense of national justice! Anyone who dares to cause trouble will...just...he won't be able to do anything about it.

There was no way, they were not dark wizards, they were all uncles, so William didn't dare to take any drastic measures. Otherwise, if public anger is accidentally aroused, the reputation that the Menethil family has accumulated over the years will be lost, and it may even lead to a full-scale confrontation between Scottish wizards and English wizards.

If that really happens, he, William, might be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

For the first time, William missed Fudge and Voldemort. The old 'fu' family is really full of talents. As long as one of these two people is still here, it won't be his turn to take the lead.

‘Dong dong~! ’

A sudden knock on the door interrupted William's unrealistic fantasy.

"Please come in!"

Rubbing his temples vigorously, William suppressed the annoyance in his heart.

"Master, Snelly sent news that the Muggle Prime Minister sent someone to inquire about the moon being blown up and asked us to give an explanation."

The door to the office was opened from the outside, and the old butler Sebastian walked in quickly and brought news that made William even more irritated.

"I'll give him a big-headed explanation! No, he's not busy dealing with his 'doomsday theory', and he comes to us to have sex?"

William's eyes widened and he looked like he was gritting his teeth.

The messy things in the magic world were enough to bother him. Why are those Muggles coming to join in the fun?

To give him an explanation, he still doesn’t know who to ask for an explanation... Well, he really knows who to ask for an explanation.

‘It’s just me! ’

In this way, the Muggle Prime Minister is still half-assed.

"Master, according to the reports of the personnel dispatched to the Muggle government, in recent days, rumors about the imminent end of the world have become more and more intense in Muggle society. The Muggle government has repeatedly refuted the rumors, which not only failed to suppress the spread of rumors, but actually Instigated by some conspirators, it has added fuel to the fire, causing the current situation to show signs of getting out of control.

According to the analysis of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, the Muggle Prime Minister seems to have really no choice, so he wants to divert the trouble to the east and transfer the conflict to us wizards. "

Sebas came to William's side and whispered.

"He dares!"

William was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"He has already signed an agreement to help conceal the existence of the magic world! How dare he violate the contract!"

If the Muggle Prime Minister held a press conference and publicly announced the existence of the wizarding world in front of the whole world, wouldn't the Menethil family, which currently controls the Ministry of Magic, bear the brunt?

That won't work! At any rate, he had to get Fudge back as a shield first, and then announce it!

"Master, the agreement signed by the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government back then was just an ordinary agreement between Muggles, and it did not contain magical effects. Therefore, even if the Muggle Prime Minister violates the content of the agreement, there will be no backlash from the contract. "

Sebastian reminded dutifully.

"... Damn it! Which idiot is responsible for this? It's just an ordinary paper agreement, it's of no use!"

William was so angry that he cursed.

Muggle laws will not protect agreements signed with wizards, and even if they do, is it possible to ask him, the head of the Menethil family, to go to a Muggle court to file a lawsuit with the Muggle Prime Minister?

He'd have to be stupid to think he could win!

"Master, how do you respond to the Muggle Prime Minister's accountability? Or, how can you directly control him with the Imperius Curse?"

Sebas brought the question back to the beginning.


William fell into silence.

If controlling the Muggle Prime Minister with the Imperius Curse would solve the problem, then of course he wouldn't mind doing that. In fact, if the problem could have been solved so easily, he believes Snelly would not have reported the matter at all.

Over the years, with the rapid growth of the Muggle population, Muggle-born wizards and mixed-blood wizards have accounted for an increasing proportion of the wizarding world, and the connection between the wizarding world and Muggle society has become increasingly close.

Now, the violent turmoil in Muggle society has gradually spread to the magical world. In the past few days, he had received many pieces of information about wizards hidden in Muggle society being attacked by Muggles.

There is no way, wizards who master magic will always show more or less differences from Muggles in their daily lives.

Normally, no one would care about this small difference. But in this moment of panic, any little thing will be magnified infinitely, and the identities of many wizards will be exposed.

These days, the staff of the Ministry of Magic have been busy dealing with related issues, protecting the safety of wizards whose identities have been exposed, and erasing the memories of Muggles.

But the manpower of the Ministry of Magic is limited after all. Even if they are wizards, they cannot work 24 hours a day without sleeping.

The current situation has almost reached the limit that the Ministry of Magic can handle. If the situation continues to deteriorate, he will have to mobilize the special operations teams scattered around the world to help deal with these 'chores'.

After all, the Ministry of Magic is not the private property of the Menethil family. William does not want to occupy a large number of family manpower because of the affairs of the Ministry of Magic, thus affecting the family's industry and layout.

He doesn't have such noble sentiments.

Therefore, even if there is no accountability from the Muggle Prime Minister, sooner or later he will have to find a way to alleviate the chaos in Muggle society. Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity and intervene legitimately...

After calming down, William regained the high ground with his IQ and began to think about the stakes of this matter.

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