The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 828 Master Fa is the king

Not only did Bell not try to get rid of the cold air that invaded his body, but he also guided the cold air further into the depths of his body to fully come into contact with the magic power in his body.

[Frostmourne] was forged from start to finish by Bell using spiritual refining techniques for nearly ten days. Every inch of this magic sword is soaked with Bell's magic power.

Therefore, when the magic power in the [Ice Soul Stone] is guided out by the magic circle, it will inevitably be infiltrated by Bell's magic power as it flows through the sword body.

Now, the magic power of [Frostmourne] entered Bell's body and came into contact with the magic power in Bell's body. The familiar fluctuations successfully calmed down the magic power of [Frostmourne], not to mention turning into a docile... It's a kitten, but at least it won't scratch people when they meet.

The magic power of [Frostmourne] travels around in Bell's body, leaving behind some "little stragglers" to blend with Bell's own magic power. While strengthening the magic power in Bell's body, it also subtly strengthens Bell's body. .

As the magic power circulates, the cold air emanating from the magic sword becomes more and more gentle. Finally, when the flow of magic power reached a stable cycle, the chill disappeared. Not only did Bell no longer feel the cold, [Frostmourne] also stopped emitting cold air.

At this moment, Bell finally took control of this magic sword and fulfilled his dream for many years.


Once again, Bell couldn't help but smile up to the sky to express his inner joy.

"Bell, how did you make the wand look like this?"

Feeling the chill subside, Hermione hesitantly walked to Bell's side. When she saw the two-handed sword in Bell's hand, several black lines appeared on Hermione's forehead.

She knew that Bell was planning to forge a sword, but she still used to call it a 'magic wand'. Moreover, monks' staffs are generally longer than wands, with magic metal inlaid on both sides and sharp edges. No matter how you look at them, they look more like daggers, but the monks still call them staffs.

She originally thought that Bell was also planning to forge a wand of that style, but now it seemed that it was not the case at all.

The long sword in Bell's hand has an overall length of about 1.5 meters, of which the blade is more than 1 meter long and the hilt is between 30 and 40 centimeters long. The blade of the sword is sharpened in both directions, and the thickest part of the upper end is nearly 10 centimeters wide.

Even though Hermione didn't know much about cold weapons, she could tell that this was basically a two-handed sword used for close combat. She now seriously doubts, can this sword really be used to cast spells? At least she had never seen Huang Quan use that sword to cast spells.

And the most important thing is, why should such an evil ram-horned demon skull be inlaid on the sword? Even just looking at it from a distance, Hermione could feel an evil aura from this skull. So is Bell afraid that others will misunderstand that he is a good person? ?

"Huh? What's wrong with this look? Don't you think he's super handsome!"

Bell waved the magic sword in his hand showily.

He was very satisfied and liked the shape of this sword. Moreover, this sword has just been forged now. When he goes back to polish the blade and wrap anti-slip rune cloth around the hilt, the appearance of this sword will definitely improve by many percentage points.


Hermione said she couldn't understand her boyfriend's straight aesthetic. In her opinion, this sword has neither bright colors nor gorgeous shapes. The evil ram-horned demon skull, apart from being able to jump out and cause more chaos when having nightmares, is really nothing like Neville. That baby is worse than a toad.

"Okay, let's put the styling aside for now. Bell, you don't really plan to 'abandon literature and join the martial arts' like Sister Huang Quan in the future, do you?"

As she said that, Hermione's eyes towards Bell became subtle again.

I used to learn kendo as a hobby. In fact, not only Bell, but also herself, Shanna, Luna and others also learned some melee skills to a greater or lesser extent. On the one hand, it can be used to strengthen the body, and on the other hand, it can also be used as a precaution, so that even if a werewolf or something rushes in front of you in the future, you will not panic.

But if Bell plans to give up the magic spells he has studied for many years and really become a melee warrior, then Hermione will have to wonder if there is... no, there must be something fishy!

"How is that possible? Melee combat and stuff like that are just used to show off when you occasionally abuse vegetables. In this world, Master Fa is the king!"

Bell would not abandon his accumulation of more than ten years and become a hard-working 'soldier'. Noble ‘Master’, doesn’t it smell good!

And the most important thing is that he is not that material...

Although Bell refused to admit it emotionally, he still believed in Huang Quan's judgment rationally. His swordsmanship talent is really not that strong.

"Then, how to use this sword?"

No matter how you look at it, compared to the light and short wand, this 1.5-meter-long two-handed sword is not suitable for casting spells.

"Hehe~! With this sword, I can completely get rid of the wand, and the power of wandless spellcasting will be comparable to, or even exceed, the power of wandcasting."

Bell understood what Hermione meant, and saw him hanging [Frostmourne] on the belt he had prepared long ago, with a smile on his face that was eager to try.

This is the first time he has cast a spell after taking control of [Frostmourne]. To be honest, Bell doesn't know how powerful his spell can be now, and he is extremely looking forward to it.

Raising his right hand high, pointing at a cloud in the sky, Bell circulated the magic power in his body, and at the same time, the magic sword at his waist was activated. From the eyes of the goat-horned demon skull at the sword's hilt, ice-blue magic light mist floated out again.

The light mist poured into Bell's body like a swallow returning to its nest. Then, the clouds in the sky suddenly stagnated, the water condensed and deformed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into an ice crystal phoenix, fluttering its wings in the sky for two seconds. After a circle, it eventually evaporates and dissipates.

"Oh my God! Bell, did you really do this!"

Even though she saw it with her own eyes, Hermione still found it unbelievable. You know, that cloud is at least 4 or 5 kilometers away from the two of them. At such a long distance, if it were Hermione herself, all the magic would dissipate before it reaches that location. If you want to cast such a powerful Transfiguration on a large scale is even more wishful thinking.

By the way, could it be that Bell arranged for someone to hide in the sky in advance and cooperated with the acting to fool her?

"Of course I did it. It's guaranteed to be genuine."

Bell smiled and put down his hand, putting his right hand behind his back, the expression on his face was a little stiff.

'so close! I almost lost it! ’

A drop of cold sweat quietly slipped from Bell's forehead.

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