The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 835 Don’t stop me!

"Are you saying that my scar hurts not because of illness or injury?"

Unexpectedly, although he asked this question, Harry was not surprised by it.

After all, every time his scar hurt, some images related to Voldemort would appear in his mind. During the previous search for the Horcrux, every time he got close to the Horcrux, the scar would sting. To say that all this was just a coincidence, Harry himself didn't believe it anyway.

"Yes, the reason why your scar hurts is actually because the fragments of Voldemort's soul in your body resonate with Voldemort's other souls.

Two souls were crammed into one body. If the torn soul fragments of Voldemort's unconsciousness hadn't always been in a sleeping state, your spirit would have been corroded by Voldemort's soul and become crazy. "

There was no disguise or euphemism in Bell's words. In his opinion, Harry is already an adult (British Muggle law stipulates that adulthood is 15 years old), and it is time to learn to face the bleak life.

"...To completely eliminate Voldemort, all Horcruxes must be destroyed."

After a brief silence, Harry whispered what he had heard from Professor Dumbledore.

"That is to say, as long as I die, Voldemort will be completely dead!"

It has to be said that although Harry has shortcomings of one kind or another, in terms of courage, he is indeed impeccable.

In less than a few minutes, Harry transitioned from the shock and confusion of suddenly learning the truth to the determination and decisiveness after accepting the truth. As expected of a Gryffindor who would risk his life just for a game of Quidditch House Cup. When it came to giving up his own life, he didn't hesitate at all.

"No! Harry! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ron exclaimed and grabbed Harry's arm hard, fearing that his good brother would leave him in the next second.

Although until now, his brain is still a little dizzy and he can't figure out the situation. But as a good brother who had slept under the same roof with Harry for seven years, he could still hear that the other person had the intention of committing suicide.

"Besides, who knows if what this guy Bell said is true? If you ask me, I can't believe a word that comes out of this guy's mouth!"

At this moment, Ron suddenly realized that he still underestimated the danger of Bell. The other party first deceived Hermione with a few casual words, causing Hermione to still turn a blind eye to many of his 'evil deeds'. Now, with just a few casual words, Harry was fooled into wanting to commit suicide. Is this the legendary [Mouth Escape Curse]!

"What did you say? Bell won't lie!"

When she heard that someone was slandering her boyfriend in front of her, Hermione immediately jumped out and tried to protect her boyfriend's image.

(Ron: ‘Look! This is irrefutable evidence of being brainwashed!’)

"He can't lie? If he can't lie, then the troll can..."

"Okay, Ron, stop talking."

Harry waved his hand to stop Ron and Hermione from arguing.

"Actually, I have already made some guesses about this matter. So what Bell said should be true."

Although he can't be said to have a high IQ, Harry is not stupid at all.

Many things, due to his limited knowledge, he really couldn't figure out what was going on, but that didn't prevent him from having his own inferences and opinions.

There was some kind of connection between himself and Voldemort that even Voldemort didn't know. This was something he gradually realized through repeated contacts with Voldemort and Horcruxes. He had never told anyone this, not even Professor Dumbledore.

Therefore, when Bell revealed the bloody truth, he chose to believe it so easily.

"No! Harry! Listen to me..."

"Harry! Although I don't know what's going on between you, Voldemort, and the Horcruxes, I know that you shouldn't give up your life so easily! There must be other ways to completely eliminate Voldemort. , right, Bell!”

Hermione interrupted Ron's speech and righteously accused Harry of his mistakes.

Unlike Harry, although both are Gryffindors, Hermione values ​​life very much. Whether it's your own or someone else's.

"No, Hermione, you don't know. Horcruxes are very evil and terrible magic items. Most spells cannot affect Horcruxes. If you want to destroy Horcruxes, you need to..."

"Yes, dear, it just so happened that I recently developed a method for safe and painless abortion... ahem, it's the soul fragment that destroyed Voldemort!"

Ignoring Harry's explanation, Bell gave Hermione a positive answer.

"…requires powerful spells such as the Severe Fire Curse. You may not know what the Severe Fire Curse is. The Severe Fire Curse is...wait, what did you say!?"

Harry looked at Belle in disbelief. He seemed to have heard something remarkable from the other party's mouth just now?

"I said, I just recently developed a method that can safely and painlessly destroy Voldemort's soul.

Harry, I have to say, you are really lucky! ‘The Boy Who Lived’, you really deserve this title! As long as you use my method, it's just trivial for Voldemort! "

Bell looked like he was going to have a huge sale at a reduced price, and he would make a profit if he bought it. If he didn't know, he thought he was selling health care products to Harry.

"How is it possible? Are you sure? Are you sure that your method can really eliminate Voldemort completely?"

Compared to whether he could survive, Harry was still more concerned about whether he could effectively kill Voldemort and let the wizarding world completely get rid of Voldemort's shadow.

(In fact, I have already gotten rid of it.)

"Of course, I guarantee that Voldemort can't escape, and you can continue to live."

Just kidding, if he is here and the barrier is set up in advance just in case, just a fragment of Voldemort's soul, and it is not Voldemort in his prime state, if this can make the other party run away, then Bell's curse for so many years will really be It's all learned from dogs.

By the way, stupidity, madness, vegetative state, etc. are all considered alive.

It's better than death anyway.


"...No, I should still die!"

After a moment's hesitation, Harry unexpectedly shook his head vigorously and insisted on wanting the leash.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Bell...well, he just doesn't believe in Bell. After all, that was something that many members of the Order of the Phoenix, including Professor Dumbledore, could not do. Now Bell suddenly said that there was a way to do it, how could he believe it?

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. In order to ensure that Voldemort is killed without fail, it is safest for him to commit suicide.

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