The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

"You're playing a trick on me?" Zhou Yun sneered.

As soon as he heard the news, he understood Shu's father's intention instantly.

He wanted to win his sympathy, but Shu's father miscalculated. Zhou Yun, like Jing Wan Ning, had no mercy at all.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. When making a choice, you have to expect bad results. This is Zhou Yun's consistent principle.

Jing Wan Ning asked: "Let's leave from the back door. The Shu family are all weak bones. They will retreat after a short time."

Zhou Yun denied: "No, just go from the front door. I can still be afraid of them."

"But... the three people from the Shu family blocked the road, and the convoy couldn't leave." Jing Wan Ning couldn't think of a solution.

"Then just hit them!" Zhou Yun said without emotion.

Jing Wan Ning was horrified and said, "But if they don't get out of the way, someone will die."

Jing Wan Ning felt that she was ruthless enough, but she would only kill people in secret. Hitting people so openly would inevitably cause more trouble.

"It doesn't matter. I have a way to deal with it. At most, I will go to jail for a few years."

The Zhou family has not been in Jiangcheng for so many years for nothing. They have connections with the government, and the lawyers they hired are enough to deal with such a small situation.

Seeing that Zhou Yun had made up his mind, Jing Wan Ning stopped persuading him and gradually felt that it was natural.

Young people should be sharp. Zhou Yun had just taken charge of the Zhou family and could not be frightened by the Shu family's despicable means.

Of course, it was not Zhou Yun who went to jail, but the drivers of the team.

Jing Wan Ning communicated with the leading driver and promised to compensate him. He asked the driver to hit him. If something happened, one person would bear all the responsibility and all compensation would be paid by the Zhou family.

After he got out, he could continue to work as the driver of the Zhou family and have this job.

With such a promise, the driver did not hesitate at all. He dared to hit the king of heaven.

The convoy slowly left the garage, and five brand-new luxury cars slowly came to the door of the villa.

The door of the villa opened, and Shu's father suddenly raised his head, and then cried loudly, and all kinds of words of pleading came out one after another.

But Zhou Yun in the car was unmoved, and the windows were closed, blocking all the noise.

Can't hear it at all!

He didn't even look at the Shu family, and turned a blind eye.

Shu's father saw Zhou Yun in the car and shouted hoarsely, but the two sides seemed to be separated by a dimensional world and could hardly communicate with each other.

Shu Yanran also looked up, and suddenly, she was stunned, her eyes widened, as if she had entered a dream time and space.

Because, when she saw Zhou Yun for the first time, the feeling of falling in love at first sight and wanting to spend her life with him instantly surged into her heart, stronger than ever before!

This is incomparable to what happened when she met Ye Chen. They are not on the same level at all.

It seems that Zhou Yun is her true love. She was just wasting her time. In this life, it is enough to have him by her side.

Shu Yanran was shocked. Why is this? Zhou Yun is still the same as before, without much change, but she suddenly loves him so much that she is even willing to die for him!

Why didn't she realize that Zhou Yun was so good before!

Shu Yanran felt a torrent of regret at this moment, regretting why she didn't treat Zhou Yun better at the beginning.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. She can only watch and can't do anything.

"I suddenly realized that the one I love the most is actually him!"

Shu Yanran's eyes shed hot tears, and she cried again and rolled on the ground.

Full charm, no one can stop it!

At this time, the leading driver honked the horn symbolically in front of the three people from the Shu family who were blocking the road, but the speed did not slow down at all!

Shu's father, who was blocking the car, watched the luxury car accelerate back. He gritted his teeth and didn't believe that the Zhou family dared to hit him in person, but his spirit was completely tense.

Soon, when the car was still five meters away from him and still didn't brake, Shu's father was defeated and cursed: "Damn, he really dared to hit!"

"Damn, Zhou Yun, are you still a human being!"

"Bastard, beast!"

In a flash, he rushed to the side and pushed Shu's mother and Shu Yanran out, just to avoid the whistling luxury car.

Then he watched the convoy pass by quickly.

The three people were embarrassed like beggars on the roadside, helpless and dumbfounded!

Until the convoy went far away and the rear of the car could no longer be seen.

The three members of the Shu family slowly stood up and left the Blue Mountain Villa in a panic.

They had to think of another way.


Zhou Yun is determined to drive our family to death!"

"It's all your fault. Tell me why you are such a loser! You can't even look after a man, you dead thing!"

"I'll beat you to death!"

On the way down the mountain, Shu's father couldn't help but get angry again and lectured Shu Yanran.


The South District Commercial Street is the largest project in the hands of Yuchen Group. After completion, it will be renamed Yuchen Plaza, including various catering, entertainment and leisure centers.

As a local snake, this project is naturally envied by many people. As long as it is successfully built, it will definitely make a fortune.

With the termination of the contract with the Shu family, the supply of materials was cut off, and many workers were idle, and the construction site was dead silent.

With the arrival of the motorcade, the person in charge of the construction site hurried to greet him, and presented the highest level of white safety helmet, supporting him to enter the construction site.

"Zhou Dong is indeed as young and handsome as the rumors say, and he is a good-looking man. "The person in charge of the construction site, Chen Dong, said flatteringly.

Zhou Yun remained calm and ignored him, but walked around the construction site.

The project covers a huge area, more than 1,300 acres of land, surrounded by towering office buildings and a five-story department store in the middle.

The crane has stopped, and the outer wall frame has not been dismantled. Occasionally there are knocking sounds, and it is not lively.

"Talk to the new supplier as soon as possible to complete this project. After that, the company will focus all its energy on the new bidding project."

Entering the mobile iron house on the construction site, Zhou Yun said to Jing Wan Ning: "Bring up the information of those manufacturers, I will choose. "

There are too many files, and now they are all saved and received on a tablet. Jing Wan Ning called up all the cooperation intentions and quotations sent by suppliers on it.

There are so many. Many suppliers have been eyeing this project for a long time. Now that the Shu family has fallen, they have flocked to it.

Some are speculators, some are serious about negotiating prices, and a small number are directly making concessions and are optimistic about long-term cooperation.

Zhou Yun selected some suppliers with fair prices and good reputations, and then asked Jing Wan Ning to notify them that they would sign the contract directly today.

Looking at the progress of the construction site, everything is going well. Apart from the part caused by the Shu family, everything else is fine.

Just then, Zhou Yun heard a loud noise coming from the iron house. It was so messy that it seemed like the room he was in was about to be overturned.

He walked out of the door and saw a group of workers surrounding him. They were stopped by security guards and kept crying.

The project leader Chen Dong hurriedly said to them: "Your wages will naturally be settled after the project is completed. Why are you in a hurry! "

"The big boss is here today, don't mess around."

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