Soon, the time for the guests to study the raw materials was over.

These experts and masters couldn't wait to discuss their views and opinions with the people around them.

"I can't tell the first two pieces of raw material, but they are so big that they should be able to be shipped, but the value may not reach 100 million."

"The raw material is not mature enough, and the overall appearance is not outstanding. Only some small places are a little interesting, but it will definitely be a loss."

"I am not optimistic, but it doesn't matter to Jay Chou. Haha, after all, it is the material sent by the Jin family. Just have fun. This little money is not a pity for them."


The last three pieces of raw material were cut, which was the finale. Many people stood up and refused to sit back in their seats. They all cast their eyes on the cutting machine, wanting to see the answer first.

Ran Long did not leave, but sneered loudly: "If you are not in this business, don't touch it. It's so ridiculous. The first piece of raw material can't be shipped, and the value will never exceed 10 million."

"Little Zhou Dong of Yuchen Group, I think you are the best. You should buy a few hundred pieces of raw materials to practice first. Cutting such a large piece of material will probably become the biggest joke in the jade industry in recent years."

"These stones are the kind that a three-year-old child would not choose. The people of the Jin family probably saw it, so they gave you the waste materials. I think your relationship is not as good as it seems. How can you hurt your friends like this."

As Ran Long talked a lot, he wanted to alienate the Jin family and the Zhou family. He kept saying contemptuous words and seemed very disdainful.

The people in the audience also focused their attention on him.

Other experts thought that the material was not good, but they would never say it so absolutely.

Ran Long deliberately responded with a sharp tone, obviously with bad intentions.

Someone asked curiously, "Excuse me, sir, what makes you so sure?"

Before Ran Long could reply, the gambling stone master beside him jumped out and said proudly, "With my knowledge and qualifications."

Soon, someone recognized this gambling stone master.

He is the vice president of the Australian Jade Association, a professional jade professor, who has cut jade worth a fortune and is well-known throughout the country.

He is also one of the old members and backbones of the World Jewelry and Jade Association, and is very famous in the Big Bend area.

No one dared to refute the certainty of such a big boss expert.

Ye Chen laughed at the side: "It is true that only a three-year-old child would choose this kind of material, which is embarrassing."

Then he found that no one laughed with him, and coughed twice in embarrassment.

Faced with the squeeze of these people, Jin Qinghu glared, wishing to lock them up in a small dark room and torture them with all his might.

"As expected by the boss, these guys really started to make trouble. Fortunately, we had made arrangements in advance." Jin Qinghu suppressed his anger and thought to himself.

Zhou Yun put his hand on Jin Qinghu's shoulder, signaling him not to get angry, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Everything is going according to plan. Don't let others see through it."

They had a plan in advance, and the methods used by Ran Long and others were all expected, so they were not that angry.

Shen Lei let go of Zhou Yun's arm at this time, pretending to be angry and said: "Whether there is jade or not, it can't be determined by words."

"Even the president of the World Jade Association dare not say that he can identify the jade content in the raw material 100%. What are you, the vice president of Aocheng?"

"If you really have the ability to see through it, the Jin family and the Shen family's stone material shop don't need to open. At the old pit, all the materials will be tested and taken out for you to pick up?"

"Don't be too confident, be careful of ruining your reputation!"

Shen Lei has a hot temper. She was the first to speak up to defend Zhou Yun, which made people look at her with new eyes.

Ran Long laughed and said: "Then cut the stone. If you can't cut the jade later, you will know how stupid you are."

"Okay, cut!"

Jin Qinghu said angrily to the staff.

All the visitors saw that the relationship between the two sides was tense and something was wrong. This Ran Long was bold enough to make trouble in the Jin family's territory.

However, a small number of people knew his real background, that he came from the Dragon Palace, so they were not so surprised.

Shen Lei sat back down, blinked at Zhou Yun, and said, "I performed well, didn't I?"

"Very good, but it's a pity that you are not an actor, otherwise you would definitely have a place in the film queen." Zhou Yun praised.

Shen Lei was very pleased, and her eyes narrowed with laughter.

At this time, the staff at the

A few lines were drawn on a piece of rough material. After determining the cutting position, the machine started to start, and water kept dripping on the stone.

As the ratchet of the cutting machine gradually sank into the stone, under the illumination of the light, a touch of green flickered out, like a bud in spring, growing stronger and stronger, and gradually glowing with more blazing brilliance.

The green was lush, and vaguely, there was a mist of green mist floating out, which was the color changed by the reflection of the water mist.

In the green, there was a little bit of blue, giving people a dizzy feeling, as if it was not a stone that was cut, but a fairy mist.

When this green light came out, it exploded in everyone's head like thunder, and many people's faces changed color in an instant.

The customers were instantly excited, and the sound was like boiling lake water, which kept ringing. This scene was so shocking, like a special effect.

"Full green, this is full green!"

"This water head, this deep green, high ice water, I have never seen it before, it is so beautiful!"

"It feels like the green is about to produce oil, this green is about to drip water, the value must be extremely high, make a fortune, make a fortune!"

"Just a little bit of light is enough to show that it is a good product!"

"Fuck, I didn't expect it, I actually missed it, the first piece of material has too thick skin and unclear texture, who would have thought that there was a big product hidden inside!"

"Wow, such a big green jade, that's amazing , making a fortune."

"This is incredible, take a picture quickly, the whole cutting process is very precious, maybe it can become a classic case."

"I am really blind, you can get green from this place, it is simply priceless!"

"It is so rich, it can't be the imperial green jadeite?!"


The visitors and experts held their breath, feeling like they were witnessing history, staring at the cutting machine slowly cutting the edge of the stone without blinking.

When the first stone was completely cut, everyone saw a unique, noble, rich green jadeite in front of them.

It was so beautiful that it made people feel that it was a flawless green jade meat, as if it was beating and breathing.

Those who knew the goods could no longer hold back and exclaimed again and again.

It is really the imperial green jadeite!

"It's emerald green, like the calm water of a spring lake. The green stone seems to be rippling. I can't take my eyes off it."

"How many bracelets and jewelry can be made from such a large piece of imperial green jade? It's hard to imagine how high its value is. That number is simply sky-high!"

"It's amazing, it's too amazing."

"The value of the stone cut out before is only 50 million at most, far less than one percent of this one."

"This trip is worth it. I saw the birth of the imperial green with my own eyes and became one of the witnesses. It's enough for me to brag in front of other colleagues!"

"This is not jade, it's simply countless money!"

"Yuchen Group's Jay Chou has made a fortune!"

"Thank you Jay Chou for broadening our horizons. Congratulations to Jay Chou for cutting out the amazing jade!!!"


As everyone talked excitedly and fiercely, the sound of horror resounded throughout the venue. Today's Fengyun Gambling Stone Conference officially reached its climax!

Ran Long's body became numb for a moment, his eyes staring at the imperial green jade, and he kept saying it was impossible!

He was so shocked that his soul almost left his body, and he kept muttering and shouting: "How could it be imperial green... This color, yes, it is imperial green."

"The raw material has only been cut for the first time, and its value is close to 500 million. It won't be much worse in the future!!!"

"It's really dazzling. How can Zhou, a young boy, have such good luck to get jadeite of this quality!!!"

Ran Long's eyes were full of bloodshot, and his greed for jade was infinitely high.

Seeing Zhou Yun making money was more painful than him losing money, and he was jealous.

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