Ice flowers grow in places where wood and dark elements are most abundant. Such growth conditions are undoubtedly very harsh.

Wood elements symbolize life, while dark elements generally symbolize decay and death. The degree of opposition between these two elements is only slightly worse than that between light and darkness, water and fire.

In the entire Elf Forest, only the Dark Elf Altar meets this condition.

Every elf is born with an affinity for wood elements. They are natural wood magicians. After the fallen dark elves offer their loyalty to the God of Darkness, they will also have the mark of the dark element.

The most important dark altar of the dark elves is formed by the combination of wood elements and dark elements. There, the ice flowers that absorb wood elements and dark elements are regarded as holy flowers by the dark elves.

Xiao Ying and Smollett want to go to the dark altar to pick the holy flowers of the dark elves. The difficulty and danger are simply unimaginable.

Before entering the Dark Elf territory, Xiao Ying took out a parchment scroll from his space ring. When he spread it out, Smollett, who had been following him, was shocked to find that the parchment scroll was actually a rough map of the Dark Elf territory!

Although the map was not very detailed, the topographic map of the Dark Elf's lair was obtained by the people of the Temple of Light. The Dark Elf has not been exterminated yet, and it is really the blessing of the Dark God!

Xiao Ying also noticed Smollett's astonishment, smiled in his heart, but did not explain anything.

Before the Dark Elf fell, the powerful Elf tribe was not as powerful as the Temple of Light that ruled the continent for thousands of years, not to mention the Dark Elf tribe composed of a small number of fallen people among the Elf tribe at that time? The Temple of Light was just too lazy to make a big fuss against the Dark Elves hiding in the Elf Forest.

The map of the dark elf land in Xiao Ying's hand was found in the library of the Temple of Light. It is unknown how many years old it is, and the accuracy is probably not high, but the location of the dark altar should be no problem. After all, it is impossible to change the location of such an important building as the altar.

Xiao Ying looked at the dark elf land, and then looked at Smollett. His expression was a little hesitant, but he still said: "You... it's safer for you to stay with me. You should go in with me, but don't run around, okay?"

It stands to reason that when sneaking into the dark altar, the forbidden land of the dark elves, he, as a magician, should not bring Smollett, who is a drag, with him, but he knows very well that Smollett, as the male protagonist, has his own plot protection. With the male protagonist by his side, he will definitely be able to find the dark altar smoothly. And facing the dark restrictions on the dark altar, the male protagonist, as a dark magician, knows much more than him.

Smollett was a little surprised. He thought Xiao Ying would use the excuse of "for his safety" to despise him for being too weak and holding him back and leave him outside the dark elf land. He didn't expect Xiao Ying to be willing to take him with him?

Smollett stared at Xiao Ying's pale golden eyes quietly, then bowed his head and nodded, with a very well-behaved attitude.

Xiao Ying chose to sneak into the dark elf land during the day. As a light mage, he would not be stupid enough to choose the dark night when the dark elements are strong to do things that only thieves can do. He took Smollett into the dark elf land in the bright daytime.

Before coming to the Elf Forest, Xiao Ying had planned what would happen after meeting the male protagonist. So far, the development of things has not exceeded his plan.

Xiao Ying took out two bottles of advanced invisibility potions that had been prepared long ago, drank one himself, and gave one to Smollett: "This is an invisibility potion, drink it."

These two bottles of invisibility potions are only advanced potions, so they cannot achieve true invisibility. They can only be said to allow people to temporarily change their own colors like a chameleon and perfectly blend with the surrounding environment to achieve an alternative invisibility effect. However, if this invisibility potion is just like this, it will not be called an advanced potion, because it can also deceive the mental power of the explorer. As long as the mental power of the explorer does not exceed five times the mental power of the invisible person, it is impossible to use mental power to detect this chameleon-like invisibility.

There is no need to say much about Xiao Ying's mental power. How can the soul and mental power of a strong person who has experienced the world of cultivation be weak? Smollett is a time-traveling male protagonist, and his mental power is so strong that he can release magic beyond his level. As long as they act carefully, they don't have to worry about being exposed.

However, their luck was not very good. After dodging the patrolling dark elves and arriving at the dark altar, there was a beautiful dark mage praying to the dark god whose face could not be seen clearly in front of the dark altar, where no dark elves should come during the day.

[Ding——The second female lead appeared, and it can be conquered! ]

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment. The system, which rarely spoke when he was doing tasks, actually spoke at this time!

What the hell is the second female lead?

Xiao Ying looked at the dark mage. She was very beautiful, but different from Elena's holy and pure beauty, she was the kind of charming woman full of temptation and depravity, but she was also a very cold character. He could only describe this female mage as "cold and beautiful".

He recalled the male protagonist's harem in the plot, and it seemed that only the saint Milia of the Dark Temple met these characteristics.

Thousands of years ago, the Dark Temple and the Light Temple were two equally powerful forces in this world, but later for unknown reasons, the Dark Temple quickly declined, and the Light Temple took the opportunity to rise and become the largest force.

Nowadays, although the people of the Temple of Light still shout and kill the Dark Mage, it is actually just because Light is naturally disliked by Darkness. The Temple of Light no longer regards the Temple of Darkness as an opponent. Even though it knows that there are still fanatics of the Dark Temple who are still struggling, it has not spent much effort to deal with them.

And the Saint of the Dark Temple, Milia, is the future hope of the Dark Temple after its power has greatly declined, and the future Speaker of the Dark Council.

But in the original work, as soon as the male protagonist Smollett appeared, he was regarded as the son of darkness and the incarnation of darkness by the people of the Dark Temple. Later, he was even promoted to the position of Speaker. As for Milia, the saint who was once regarded as the successor of the Speaker, she became one of the Speaker's wives...

Although Milia did not appear as early as the first female protagonist Elena, and did not help the male protagonist as much as Elena, the Saint of Light, she was indeed the male protagonist's right-hand man in the Dark Temple and had an irreplaceable position, so she was identified as the second female protagonist by the system.

Xiao Ying recalled the plot about Milia in his mind, and then he was troubled by the system's words [can be conquered].

What does this mean? Does it mean that he should conquer both Elena and Milia, or does it mean that he should choose one of them, or that Elena must be conquered and Milia can be conquered or not?

Xiao Ying was troubled by this question for a while, and then he remembered his current identity - Igna, the son of the Temple of Light!

He traveled through time to conquer the heroine in order to fulfill the male pair's obsession with the heroine, and Igna's obsession was the first heroine Elena, and Igna and Milia had little intersection.

It seems that the system's [can be conquered] should mean that Milia can be conquered but it is not mandatory to conquer her.

Xiao Ying felt that his guess was very correct, and he was relieved immediately. It was okay that he was forced by this male supporting system to capture various female protagonists. It was okay that there was an Elena in this world who made him upset and needed to be captured, but he didn't want to capture all the male protagonists' harems. That was too terrible.

Although I don't know what the dark saint Milia prayed for in front of the dark altar of the dark elves, she didn't pray for several days and left not long after.

Xiao Ying turned his head and nodded slightly to Smollett. He didn't say anything, but pointed at himself and the dark altar.

Smollett nodded in understanding, and then carefully restrained his breath and hid in place, watching Xiao Ying sneak towards the dark altar.

Xiao Ying sneaked to the edge of the dark altar and saw a icicle flower swaying and blooming under the altar steps.

The Ice Flower is very domineering. There may be many buds before it blooms, but the first Ice Flower that blooms will devour the other buds, so only one Ice Flower will grow in each place suitable for the growth of Ice Flowers.

Xiao Ying looked at the crystal flowers swaying in the dark restriction, and couldn't help holding his breath and being fascinated by its beauty. He didn't expect that such a holy and beautiful flower could grow in such a place with such a strong dark element, and it was a flower that could increase the affinity of light.

He was also surprised that the dark elves actually regarded the Ice Flower, which was as holy and beautiful as the attribute of light, as a holy flower. In his opinion, these fallen dark elves should hate these holy things of light.

After admiring the Ice Flower for a while, Xiao Ying began to observe the dark restriction carefully. After discovering that the dark restriction resisted all the power of light, he couldn't help but feel fortunate that he brought Smollett with him.

He retreated, came to Smollett, and whispered: "What attribute are you a warrior of?"

Smollett replied: "I am still attributeless at present."

The entry level of warriors is low. Except for those warriors with outstanding talents who can show their attributes at the beginning, ordinary warriors have no attributes before level 10.

Smollett is actually a warrior of dark attribute, but he didn't dare to show it in front of Xiao Ying, and guessed Xiao Ying's intention of asking this question, so he boldly lied that he was attributeless.

Xiao Ying smiled knowingly and said: "I am a mage of light attribute, so I can't enter the dark restriction. Since you are a warrior without attribute, it's just right..."

He carefully told Smollett how to sneak into the restriction without touching it and pick the ice flower.

Although Smollett felt that it was easy for him to enter a dark restricted area with his dual cultivation of dark magic and martial arts, he still listened carefully. After all, it was not so easy for him to enter the restricted area without triggering it. After listening to the methods of Ignar, the Son of Light, he also learned something new.

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