Yingsheng murmured in a low voice, who could this sudden reminder come from?

Although increased love is a good thing, but inexplicably, he feels like there is another sin on him.

"Qiansu, does your body still hurt?"

Yingsheng smiled softly and looked in the rearview mirror.

"My body doesn't hurt as much as before, my face hurts a lot."

Aoyagi Qiansu has an expressionless face and speaks concisely.

"I'm sorry, because I wasn't very familiar with you in the past. I don't know what you should look like. I can only make a rough resemblance first, and then refine it after I see the template. Now that your wound has completely healed, you will need to If I try to cut it open again, I can only ask you to bear with it for a while.”


"Won't you resent me for this?"


"As humans, it's normal to have emotions."


Yingsheng shook his head and laughed, and said no more.

Not long after, the car was parked at the 13th floor of the 4th-chome of Yoneka Town, downstairs of Hanaying's house.

Yingsheng got out of the car first, opened his umbrella, walked to the rear door, and opened the door for Aoyagi Qiansu to prevent the heavy rain from getting on her wounds and increasing her pain.

Aoyagi Qiansu got out of the car and followed him step by step towards the gate of Huaying's house.

Yingsheng pushed the door but did not push it open.

I took out the key to open the door and pushed it again, but it still didn't open.

This made him feel helpless and knocked on the door lightly.

"Can I come in? Hope."

"No, who are you?"

Huaying hoped that the angry sound would come from the door.

"Qiansu is a patient. If you don't believe me, take a closer look through the peephole. Besides, I'm just holding an umbrella for her. I'm here now to invite you to the dance."

"Eh? Dance?!"

Huaying hoped that the sound would surprise her. The door opened instantly, and a small light blue shark cast an expectant look at Yingsheng.

"Is it because of what happened in the evening? Woohoo, big brother, you are so kind."

Huaying hoped to cry and hugged Yingsheng's thigh.


Yingsheng was speechless, and lifted her up, walked into the entrance hall, and put the umbrella in the umbrella bucket.

Looking back, Aoyagi Qiansu had already closed the door.

"Brother, is she dead?"

Huaying hoped that only then could she see the sutures on Aoyagi Qiansu's neck, and her dark red pupils were full of curiosity.

"It was before, but not now. Do you have any narcotics left at home? Go get two."

Yingsheng placed Huaying Nozomi on the entrance door.

"Eh?! Is it Big Brother's magical power?!"

Hua Ying hoped to run away quickly, her voice full of exclamation.

"Lord God is so powerful!"

"The main thing is the power of science, I just played a minor supporting role."

Yingsheng changed her slippers under the entrance hall and looked at Aoyagi Qiansu. She originally wanted to do it herself, but Yingsheng raised her hand to stop her.

Yingsheng gently took off all her clothes, picked up the scissors hanging on the shoe cabinet, and cut off the bandages on her body that were wet by the rain.

Hanaying hoped to hold a syringe in her hand and ran back to the entrance hall with a "dong dong dong" sound. When she saw Qiansu Aoyagi standing naked under the entrance hall, she couldn't help but pout slightly.

There were many hideous injuries on his body and face, his skin was unhealthy and pale, and his body was extremely thin, so thin that the curves of his chest and hips were too flat.

Huh, not worth mentioning at all.

After receiving the injection from Nozomi Hanakage, Yingsheng couldn't find a blood vessel in the crook of Aoyagi Chisu's elbow for a long time, so he simply injected it directly from her carotid artery.

Within a few seconds, Aoyagi Qiansu's expression did not change at all, but her usually tight body relaxed slightly.

"Only one shot?"

Yingsheng turned around, didn't he remember there were some more?

"The wound on Miyano Akemi's hand festered, and the rest were used on her."

Hanaying hoped that her tone would be casual, and she expressed her guess. She felt that Miyano Akemi did it on purpose. She kept using force to open the wound just to make the situation uncontrollable and force them to send her to the hospital.

That would give her a chance to escape again.

"Tsk, this woman came out of a winery after all. How can she be so naive?"

Yingsheng shook his head and asked Hanayage Nozomi to get the medical kit and towel. After cleaning Aoyagi Chisu's whole body with alcohol cloth, Yingsheng picked her up and looked at Hanayage Nozomi.

Huaying Xiang crossed her arms and looked unhappy, leading the way to the second floor.

Going to the room where the sacrificial ceremony had been held, she took out a new set of pure white sheets from the closet and carefully laid them out on the iron frame bed in the corner.

Yingsheng gently placed Aoyagi Qiansu on it and took off her shoes...

Hanaying Hope got the better of him.

"I'm so angry. Even if I'm a patient, I can't let my eldest brother do these things. I've never done it before!"

Huaying hoped that while cleaning up Qingyao Qiansu, she thought about it with a look of displeasure on her face.

"Just think of her as a doll, one that has been broken once."

Yingsheng shrugged and went to the bathroom on the second floor to wash his hands. When he came back, he saw Hanaying Nozomi tying a bow with a red ribbon around Qiansu Qiansu's neck.

"That's what dolls are supposed to look like."

Seeing Yingsheng, she felt confident.

"As long as you are happy, just relax a little and don't press her wound." Yingsheng looked at the expressionless Aoyagi Chisu and said softly, "Get some sleep."

Aoyagi Qiansu closed her eyes and breathed more steadily.

This scene made Hanaying wish she had stopped moving her hands and looked up at Yingsheng.

"Is she the god's puppet?"

"Not really, it's just that she has lost her memory. She trusts me very much now."

Yingsheng turned around and went downstairs.

"Come on, we're going to find the other one now."

Huaying hopes to tie the bow quickly and follow quickly.

"This is definitely more than a level of trust. It must be the god who resurrected her and established some unknown connection with her. By the way, big brother, what does 'find another her' mean? Does she have a clone? ?"

"You'll know later. Get me a set of clothes. The set I'm wearing belongs to someone else so that it won't get dirty later."

"It's in the bedroom. Brother, let's go change together."

"Wait a minute, I have to make a call."

Chapter 294 Blessing! Yingsheng is a master of plastic surgery and makeup!

At 11:30 p.m., Yingsheng, who had changed into a black sweatshirt, sneaked into the Tokyo Police Hospital while the wind and rain were still dark.

Not long after, he carried a long package and quietly retreated along the original path.

"that's all?"

Huaying hoped to look out for the wind under a small transparent umbrella in a hidden place outside, but was disappointed when she saw Yingsheng coming back quietly like this.

"It's a shame that I dress like this."

She straightened her chest and spun around in a circle, her complicated bright red silk skirt flying, and under the night sky, a blood-like Manzhuhuahua bloomed brightly.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple. The police probably sent all their police forces out to crack down on crime, and they didn't expect anyone to come and steal the body."

Yingsheng rubbed Hanayage Nozomi's hair.

There was water in his hand, which made Hanaying hope to hum twice, but did not move away, looking at the body bag on Yingsheng's shoulder.

"Is this the same person from before?"


Yingsheng walked to the alley where the car had been parked and placed the body bag on the back seat of the yellow Corolla.

Huaying hopes to stand aside and is eager to try.

"Can I open it and take a look?"

"Of course, but be careful of getting scared."

Yingsheng turned around and left. He also wanted to go to the hospital and take Aoyagi Qiansu's parents away to avoid boring people testing blood types and DNA in the future.

I don’t know if the forensic doctor has left any test records. This will need to be confirmed later.


There was the sound of a zipper being unzipped from behind, and after a second of silence, Hua Ying hoped to exclaim "Wow".

Yingsheng's steps that had just paused moved forward again, and he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

How could I have thought that Hope would be scared? She is a little pervert.

After walking around the hospital again, Yingsheng put a body bag into the trunk of the Corolla.

Here he had to criticize the police. They are obviously a husband and wife. Why are you stuffing someone into a bag? Are you so unscrupulous?

In life, they share the same quilt, and in death, they share the same acupuncture point?

This situation cannot be considered at all.

Ying Sheng thought this, and Huaying Hope, who came over to take a look out of curiosity, held a different opinion.

"The flesh and blood of the couple have been completely integrated since then. How romantic."

"Haha, ask them if they are willing."

Yingsheng closed the zipper and sighed softly.

"It's still Belmode's problem. She must have dismembered the bodies of the two people at the same time. Once wrapped in plastic wrap, they couldn't tell each other apart. Those forensic doctors were also lazy. They probably only sampled some samples and didn't even unpack the others. That’s right, after all, the Qingliu family has been wiped out, and no one will collect their bodies.”

He closed the trunk lid and got into the driver's seat.

Huaying hoped to close her umbrella and get on the passenger seat, then looked over curiously.

"So this thing on the car now is real?"

“She used to be real, now she’s dust.”

Yingsheng started the car and drove around a few times. He didn't see a single policeman or Yakuza, so he had to drive back to Huaying's house in boredom.

Halfway through the journey, Huaying hoped to exclaim and shook her phone at Yingsheng with a happy face.

"The man who made delicious strawberry pudding said that the police were calling him and asked him to come over and cooperate with the investigation."

"Ha, he already recognizes you as his eldest sister?"

"I just patronized his business again today. It's a pity that I won't be able to eat such delicious pudding in the future."

Huaying Hope sighed softly, took out a bright silver ball mask from her arms and handed it to Yingsheng.

"Big brother, put it on for me."

"Okay, my little princess."

Yingsheng lifted the ribbon hair accessories from the side of his face, gently put on the mask for her, and pointed his fingers on her forehead.

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