“King, it’s rare to see you come out of the castle.”

Dressed in the same dress as when he was a knight, Roa walked the streets of Camelot like this, he went out on patrol as a king’s microsuit, and Artoria, the guard, naturally followed him, and it was she who spoke at this time.

In Artoria’s impression, Roa did not go out very often.

His daily habits were unusually regular, either exercising or handling official duties, or studying alchemy in the laboratory.

After Artoria met Roa, his life had indeed been like this, and almost never changed.

So early this morning, when Roa and Artoria, the guards, said let her go out with her, Artoria was still a little stunned.

Even now she still has some feelings.

Obviously, she and Roa had known each other for less than a month, but he gave her a feeling that they had known each other for a long time, and even if her usual living habits were disrupted, it would make her a little uncomfortable.

“No way, after all, I have just become king, there are still many things to deal with – but the king who will only sit on the throne, not to say whether he is wise or not, at least not a guy with a clear vision.” 」

“This is the case with many people’s affairs, although the general situation can be judged from the information and data reported, but there are many things that you will never know the details without seeing and experiencing them with your own eyes.”

Roa has recently prepared to attack Britain’s salt industry.

He even prepared the refined salt that he needed to solve the needs of King Liaode Kuan and King Ryanya… If you really want to do this, it is estimated that after repelling the Picts, but many things are actually starting to prepare now.

If Roa had been playing a game, he might have waited for the time to reform directly.

But to do this in reality, then before making a huge impact on an industry, Roa must come out and take a look, and then think carefully about what kind of situation he will bring to the people after doing so.

After all, rigidly copying something will never work in terms of governing the country.

Many governance ideas are promulgated according to the era of the time, so if you rigidly implement some ideas without knowing the details of an era, even if they are generally correct, they may cause major problems due to differences in details.

That’s the first reason Roa came out today.

As for the second….

That is what he saw in the simulation memory, as the six kings of the south enter Camelot, the daughter of King Liaode Kuan will also secretly follow….

Although Roa didn’t know how King Liaodekuan’s daughter had mixed into the visiting party, he knew that if he didn’t care at all, that Gneville would sneak out and be captured.

This incident had a significant impact on the negotiations with the Southern Six Territories in one of Roa’s simulations.

When King Liaode Kuan found out about this, because of his daughter’s problems, he once forced Roa in that simulation to adopt the practice of King Arthur in the original work, but this time he did not help King Liao Dekuan but helped King Ryanya.

With his help, King Ryanya clashed with King Liaodekuan, and then King Liaode Kuan died in a battle.

After Morgan put his puppet in the original position of King Liaodekuan, the problem of the Southern Six Lords was completely settled.

These memories are not visible in the simulated text.

You have to get the memory to find out.

In a sense, this is also the same as what Roa and Artoria said.

Just looking at the past from the data and data, as long as many problems are solved, people will feel that the problem is not big, and even can be skipped.

But when you really understand all the details, you will find that everything is not the same as you imagined.

So Roa came out this time not only to see the details of the commercial market of Camelot in this period, but also to solve the problem of Gneville.

After all, Roa is not dead set on the quest for peace to solve all problems.

But it would be foolish to have a dispute because of this kind of thing.

plus …

Thinking of this, Roa also thought of the follow-up to that simulated memory.

Although that simulation was an early simulation and was destroyed at Voltigen’s location, Roa remembered that after Gneville’s disappearance, he had once mobilized the forces of Britain to find it, and even asked Merlin to use clairvoyance to find it.

But all failed.

It may have been ten or so days since Gneville was found missing, and then from that time on, the search for the other party was completely unfound, not even Merlin’s clairvoyance.

Roa had thought that there was something special about Gneville.

But today he asked Melie to use clairvoyance to look for Gurneville before going out, and Melie found it all at once, and even now Melie’s eyes are still locked on Gurneville’s body, and then Melie is now constantly talking about Gurneville with Roa through inner communication.

“Although I don’t know what you are looking for this woman for, I have a hunch that if you get involved with this woman too much, one day your kingdom will be destroyed in her hands.”

Melie said what Merlin and King Arthur said in Arthurian legend.

But just as King Arthur didn’t listen, Roa didn’t change his mind about going to the other side.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t like her very well, but in such a long time you haven’t been able to find the sand strip love song with clairvoyance, and I basically have to finalize that the sand strip love song is hidden in a place that can shield your clairvoyant.” 」

“And Gneville has something to do with this…”

There are many places that can shield Merlin and Mellie’s clairvoyance in this era.

For example, the country of shadows, such as Camelot Castle, or the secret realm of the fairy in the lake, Morgan even has a technique specifically for Merlin, and Voltigon has similar abilities.

But most of these are on the Britannia, Pictavia and Hypernia side.

Because this side is still at the end of the god dynasty, there will be similar powers.

But somewhere else than here… Although the fact that even Attila was not dead made Roa a little unsure of other places, the power that could shield Merlin’s clairvoyance would not be much elsewhere where the Divine Generation ended.

In the simulated memory, Roa, who had become the king at that time, unleashed so many forces and did not find Guinevere here.

In the simulation, he was basically convinced that Gnevel had been captured somewhere else, possibly Rome, or further afield, or even on the barbarian side.

And the power to isolate Merlin’s clairvoyance in these positions is too little.

If Sajo had been in Britain, he wouldn’t have been able to find her in the last simulation after so many years of defeating Voltigen.

Therefore, it is very likely that outside of Britain, it is still in a position that can isolate clairvoyance.

So even if you don’t think about saving King Liaodekuan, this guy who caught Gneville, Roa, wants to see who it is!


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