Xi Tianjing, the capital of Daxia. More than 20 million permanent residents gather in this busiest city in the summer. Compared to this, the Emerald City is like a rural market town.

连 Even maglev trains rarely seen in other cities, holographic advertisements, and skyscrapers as dense as woods. The people of Tianjing have become commonplace, even the things they face every day in their lives and work.

In the depths of the capital's underground, all kinds of dense buildings and military engineering are guarding the entire Daxia without the knowledge of ordinary citizens.

Somewhere in the underground conference room. The huge and empty conference room has only one round table and four chairs. Four chairs around the round table were placed in the four directions of southeast and northwest.

At this time, however, only two people were seated in the conference room.

Sitting on the north side is a white-haired old man. Although he is white-haired, there are few wrinkles on his face. There are no such things as old spots. The sharp eyes show that he is not a young man. His meticulous hair made him look very serious.

The old man was wearing a blue and white uniform with a hexagonal star on his shoulder. At this time, he was looking at the display screen on the table with all kinds of information about the meeting.

On the right side of the round table, there is a thin middle-aged man. With glasses, he looks gentle, full of books, and there is no momentum in the military. If it is not the blue and white uniform on his body, plus the pentagram on his shoulders I am afraid that everyone will think he is a college teacher.

The middle-aged man is the body of Xia Liekong. In terms of appearance, compared with his psychedelic dragon clone, it is a world of difference. At least when the dragon looks, it will feel very powerful. Maybe this is a shape made for deterrence.

Xia Liekong coughed a few times, and after seeing the white-haired old man turning his head, he said, "Fine, what about the dress up this time, just do what you just said?"

"I have no opinion."

"I have no problem."

Two sounds were uploaded from the two empty positions opposite Xia Liekong. The two who were unable to attend the meeting communicated with Xia Liekong and the elderly with white hair through remote communication. If anyone in the big summer queen can see this scene, I'm afraid I can immediately guess who the four people in the meeting are.

They are the highest level of the big summer finches. No. 1 in the combat sequence for the entire nation. The state agency that holds the strongest individual forces in the military. In the world, alongside five other organizations, it is known as the supreme power of one of the six most powerful superpower organizations in the world.

Represents the strongest Big Three, and commander-in-chief of the entire Daxia queen.

However, this time the three giants really came, only Xia Liekong, the other two Emperor Yan and the generals are still on the northern border. And the neat white-haired, rigid-looking, serious old man was Song Bang's nominal person in charge, Song Bang.

Seeing that the other two people also fully agreed, Song Bang squinted his eyes and looked at the data again. Finally, he nodded softly about the part of the army's dress up and said, "Let ’s do this first, try it in a small team, Let's talk when there are results. "

"That's over? I'll leave without any problems. The ghosts in the north are very restless these days." A vacant seat uploaded a voice.

"Wait a minute, Zhu Rong." Song Bang stopped the meeting and looked at Xia Liekong aside seriously. "Lie Kong, I heard recently that your Phantom Dragon has gone south?"

Xia Xielie was shocked in the hollow, but on the surface he said calmly: "That's what happened. Some minor troubles, I solved it smoothly."

"A mayor collaborating with the Star Alliance is not a small trouble." After finishing the sentence, Song Bang looked at Xia Liekong coldly, his eyes showing the obvious disgust. As he said this, the entire conference room was quiet, and Zhu Rong and the generals stopped talking.

It is indeed no small problem. No matter what it is, as long as it involves the world's number one superpower organization, it will not be a trivial matter. Ten years ago, the humiliation brought to the Xia Lengque by the Star League, no one on the scene would forget it.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Xia Liekong considered the tone and said, "It's a bit troublesome, but I have sent someone to check it." Perfunctory tone, anyone can hear it, but compared to Song Bang's problem, Xia Liekong What matters more is the purpose of the other party.

‘Hit me? Or is it because of Star Alliance? Or ... what did he find? ’

Among the big summer queens, the disagreement between Song Bang and Xia Liekong is no longer a secret in the high-level. The other two, Zhu Ronghe Fei Jiang, have no interest in intervening at this time. After all, one is a prince and aristocrat, and the other is just a civilian born, and their respective interests are different. Even if Xia Liekong is already a veteran, there is no way to change this.

Song Bang smiled coldly, and then said, "No, I have already sent my men over to the Star Alliance, I am afraid that I have already reached the federation, you can wait for the news." Xia Liekong will not give a chance to refute. Song Bang then said, "But this time in Zhongdu, there is another criminal who has not been arrested? Is it Li Anping? He killed so many people, so you just let him go? Stay in Emerald City."

‘Old fox, do you really know? ‘Xia Lie knew it, and responded slightly:“ Although Li Anping is impulsive, the motivation is good, the problem is that he is too young and lacks guidance, and his ability is good. I think I can absorb it. ”

"The ability is good? The least we need is people with good ability." Song Bang did not let go lightly, but went on to say: "State-owned state law, family rules, he killed so many people, if this can be passed, What face does our big summer queen have to care about so many capable people in the country? "

Xia Liekong was a little mad at being trained like this, and let go of his voice: "I'm responsible for this matter. No one will know about ordinary people. Now we are fighting the ice castle. What's missing is Li Anping's strong frontal combat capability His ability, his ability will shine on the battlefield. "

Tong Song Bang dismissed him, his hand swiped across the screen, and information about Li Anping jumped out.

"What's the use of the mutant system's ability, strength, and speed? Such a person is not as good as a tank."

Then the two of you argued one by one, and gradually shifted from Li Anping to the situation in the north, the management of domestic capable people, and so on. All of them were confrontational.

Until the end, Xia Liekong took a palm shot on the table, and said angrily, "Li Anping, I fancy you, if you want to hit him, just hit me first."

This is obviously a rogue practice. It is naturally impossible for Song Bang to get rid of Xia Liekong, at least not now, but it has been difficult to say if he had thought about it in private.

The flying generals and Xia Liekong made good friends. At this time, when they saw the situation was deadlocked, they finally persuaded: "Song Lao said well, so no anti-government, we have no face for Xia Long Que." Just as Song Bang When smiling, the general replied again: "But I believe in General Xia's vision, he can't be wrong when looking at people. This Li Anping should be able to consider absorption."

"A bunch of nonsense," Song Bang cursed.

Wu Fei continued as if he hadn't heard: "But let this Li Anping come to Tianjing. Let's take a closer look. Let's examine it and say, how about it?"

After a moment of silence, obviously the general's proposal made Xia Liekong and Song Bang somewhat hesitant. After all, Xia Liekong said, "I'm fine, let him come once in a few months."

"Do you want us to wait a few months? Let him fly over tomorrow." Song Bang angered.

不 "No, I promised him to let him stay in Emerald City for a while."

"It's ridiculous." Song Bang laughed angrily: "The general of the grand-summer queen sparrow wants to accommodate a civilian?"

At the moment, the two of them are arguing again. At this time, Zhu Rong, who was promoted by Song Bang, said, "It's better than a month? I'll go back to Tianjing a month later, and I'll take a look together."

"Yes." Xia Liekong agreed.

"Oh, a civilian, when do you want the three of us to watch it together, wouldn't you be afraid to make a joke when you say it?" Song Bang smiled disdainfully, but finally agreed to the plan.

Uh ...

The emerald city on the other side is different from the big summer queen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jennifer who looked at the video in front of her face with horror. Above is the scene of Kano and Li Anping fighting.

Although she was also hypnotized by Xia Liekong, her mechanical eyes faithfully recorded the images she had seen. There is also a series of related data ...

Uh ...

In a coffee shop, Li Anping casually looked around while drinking coffee. Li Qian, who was sitting opposite him, was on the phone.

喂 "Hello, are you Mr. Fang Han? We now have a set of shops in Blue Sky Plaza ..."

喂 "Hello, may I ask, are you Mr. Yang Qi? We now offer private loans ..."

喂 "Hello, may I ask, are you Mr. Jiang Li? We want to make a questionnaire ..."

I saw Li Qian making one call after another, all posing as various types of telemarketing routines. The only constant was that he asked each other's name at the beginning and crossed out a list on the table. .

Most of them heard that they just hung up the phone, and a few people showed interest and asked all the way. Fortunately, Li Qian had been prepared for a long time, but did not show up.

After making more than 20 phone calls in this way, it didn't end until half an hour later. Li Qian only felt dry and groaning, and immediately saw Li Anping handing her a glass of juice, and she immediately opened her eyes and laughed.

怎么 样 "How is it, is it useful? Has it been found?" Li Anping asked.

倩 Li Qian smiled and said, "Of course it hasn't been found. Rest assured, the ability has been activated."

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