风 The situation in the entire Emerald City is changing, and it affects more than just those who are capable. Whether it is a shuffle on the official court or a large number of black forces are arrested, every change in it will affect everyone living in the Emerald City.

Jiang Hai is a businessman. He started from scratch. He had exhausted all his abilities and used various methods. He finally got in touch with a real figure in a city government and was able to cooperate with the emerald city government on a project. Uncompensated sale. But where do you know the wind and the wind on the official stage, the acquaintances who had been in charge of this project have disappeared.

But Jiang Hai has invested more than 10 million yuan in his entire worth. Even his house and car have been mortgaged to the bank. Now the people in charge are not there, and the rest play football with each other, but no one wants to take over this mess of Jiang Hai. For a week, I lost a lot of Jiang Haiji's hair.

On this day, Jiang Hai took his young uncle Cai Zhun to the government office building again. They waited at the gate at eight in the morning until 11 noon and ate only a few mouthfuls of steamed buns.

Finally, a luxury car drove in from the outside. Jiang Hai took a look and quickly followed. A fat man got out of the car and looked at Jiang Hai. He said, "How do you sit at the door?"

Hao Jianghai cursed, ‘I ’ve been looking for you for almost a week. If I had n’t found a little star you maintained yesterday and bought a bag of more than 80,000, I ’m afraid I wo n’t see you. ’

But when faced with a fat man, he still smiled: "Isn't it waiting for you, Minister of Money?"

For his own project, Jiang Hai could only bear the dark fire in his heart to be a grandson. He doesn't expect to continue this project now. These guys who eat people who don't spit out bones, as long as he can return half of the money he throws out, he will be satisfied.

Minister Qian Qian looked at his watch, and said helplessly, "Sorry, President Jiang, there is a meeting in the city, otherwise you are waiting for me."

行 "Okay, okay, we don't have a big deal, you are busy with yours, we'll just wait."

I was waiting for hours again. Under the scorching sun, Jiang Hai and Cai Zhun hung on the back of their hungry chests, and Minister Qian still did not show up.

Cai Zhun couldn't help but cry bitterly: "Brother-in-law, you say it's useless to wait so much in the end, I think that the last name Qian treats us like monkeys."

"As long as I can get the project money back, I'll call him Grandpa, no problem." Jiang Hai sighed. "Now everything except Carry's 300,000 credits, I've invested in this project. If I can't get it back ... Jiang Hai couldn't imagine this situation.

Wu Zheng said, Minister Qian finally came out of the building, Jiang Hai hurried all the way, hoping that he could say a few words before the other person got in the car.

Seeing Minister Qian beckoning to himself, Jiang Hai ran with a smile all the way. How could I know that he was just about to say a few words, but saw that Minister Qian pulled out his ringing cell phone and talked eloquently with people along the way? , And more and more happy, until the parking lot did not look at Jiang Hai. After finally watching the other side get on the train, Jiang Hai was cold.

Hey, ‘this day is waiting for nothing again. ’

Who knows that the car was just a few steps away, then suddenly stopped, the window was lowered, and Minister Qian said toward Jiang Hai, "General Jiang, do you know the paragon?"

Min Jianghai quickly nodded and said, "Know it." He knew that it was a high-end club, and I heard that it was a place often visited by senior officials or rich people.

"Well, where are you looking for me, I'll go first."

Then Jiang Hai took Cai Zhun to taxi to the palace. Along the way, Jiang Hai raised some money, spent more than 500 yuan, and bought a few good cigarettes. Looking at the cigarette in his hand, thinking about what he hasn't eaten today, it really doesn't taste like it.

I waited at the Belle Palace, Jiang Hai left Cai Zhun, and went in alone to find the Minister of Money. He knew that he would come out again within a few minutes. The smoke was sent, but the words did not say a few words.

He walked out, sitting on the steps with Cai Zhun, and suddenly slammed into the concrete floor, cursing: "A group of idiots." Then, like a discouraged ball, collapsed on the steps.

I waited like this for another five or six hours, and at one o'clock in the night, a staff member called Jiang Hai and Cai Zhun who were sleeping dimly and told them to close their accounts.

I ended up looking at the bill, good guy, both of them were taken aback, asking for 220,000. The two looked at each other, who did not speak.

部长 At this moment, Minister Qian stepped out drunkenly, patted Jiang Hai's shoulder and said with a smile: "Xiaojiang, you have worked hard today."

Min Jianghai quickly took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Qian, how is my project?"

"Your question is more complicated. The person in charge was transferred away, but now there is no proof of death. It requires the cooperation of several departments. You wait for us to inform."

Minister Qian Qian returned to the room, and Jiang Hai had no choice but to settle his account. As soon as Cai Zhun went out, he scolded and said, "What dog stuff, what do they play, more than 200,000 is gone, and I didn't even hear a ring."

"What can I play after spending the night. It's already cheap. If there are some second- or third-class models, I'm afraid that's more than that." Jiang Hai smiled bitterly: "And letting you checkout is giving you face. Just I don't know if I have enough money left. "

"Brother-in-law, do you have to wait any longer?" Cai Jun said angrily: "In waiting so far, we have even lost the coffin."

Qi Jianghai shook her head and silently sat on the stairs.

多 At 10 o'clock the next morning, Minister Qian and five other well-dressed men stepped out of the Belle Palace, and Jiang Hai hurriedly greeted him again. No matter how he didn't say a word, Minister Qian stopped him.

"Okay, President Jiang, you've worked hard. Please go to my office and find me."

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Hai was shocked. After sending a few people to the car, he took a taxi directly with Cai Zhun and came to the office building again. This time the rich minister ordered him to register directly at the door and he went in.

Min Jianghai was careful along the way, and finally came to Minister Qian's office and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in."

When Min Jianghai went in, he found that Minister Qian looked up at him, and then approved the documents.

Alas, he could only stand on his side without talking, just waiting. There was only a sound of page turning throughout the office.

Until more than half an hour, Minister Qian stretched his waist, seeing Jiang Hai still standing, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes. He knew that Jiang Hai had suffered nothing wrong this time, and he did not make any mistakes.

After all, not everyone can invite other guests. If he is not clever at Jiang Hai, he will never see him at all.

Like a few days ago, a small boss was also swallowed the money. After several times, he didn't want to come back. He went directly to the petition. As a result, he is still detained, and will be repatriated to his hometown in a few days.

Minister Qian coughed and saw Jiang Hai lifted his head and looked at him, saying, "General President Jiang, this matter is more complicated for you. I think you are an honest person, let me tell you straight away. Do n’t think about this. Coming back. "

Qi Jianghai was shocked. Was the money really in the water?

Minister Qian went on to say: "This involves several departments. They are about the same level as me. I can't help you anymore by myself." Seeing Jiang Haixin's death, Minister Qian added another sentence "But if this thing can alarm the boss, there may be a turnaround."

Qi Jianghai looked at Minister Qian with anticipation, but found that the other party did not continue, but stared at him with a smile on his face. Jiang Hai immediately took out the bank card in his wallet. Counting the money spent yesterday, there are still 70,000 to 80,000 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm afraid he can't satisfy the appetite of Minister Qian, but he has only this little money left. Gritted his teeth, and gave it all to Minister Qian at the moment.

Minister Qian Qian nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand: "Okay, you go out first and wait for me to give you news."

Min Jianghai walked out of the office building with a heavy heart, and I hope that the project money will not be returned. If all of my belongings are gone, the hard work of that half-life will be ruined.

Not only that, Jiang Hai thought of his wife, his son who had just attended high school, and his parents who have been farmers for a lifetime, and he was full of sadness.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law." Cai Jun saw Jiang Hai come out, and hurried up to ask: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter, is the money coming back?"

"Money?" Jiang Hai heard this sentence, suddenly a pain in her heart, tears could not help but shed, these days of aggrieved, anger could not help but burst out. He looked back at the office building, and was so anxious that he rushed in and beat all the vampires so that they could spit out their money.

Who knows that when he looked back, he saw something strange. Jiang Hai pointed at the roof of the tenth floor of the office building and said silly, "What's that?"

"What, what?" Cai Jun also looked at the top of the building. He was younger than Jiang Hai, and his eyes were much better. Looking at the direction of Jiang Hai's fingers, a flash of unbelief appeared on his face, and he hesitated after a few seconds. Is that ... Minister Qian? "

On the roof of the office building, Minister Qian was pale and sweaty. Both of his feet were suspended outside the building. A man held his collar so that he could not fall off.

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