One of the highest combat forces of the navy headquarters, Admiral Sakaski, codenamed Red Dog, has the ability to burn the terrifying natural magma fruit that is enough to melt all things.

Sakaski’s character explodes like his fruit ability, and he prides himself on doing absolute things with absolute justice.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal, even ordinary people who did not hesitate to slaughter the entire island, let alone pirates.

Such a powerful admiral is simply synonymous with nightmares in the hearts of pirates.

However, today, the iron-blooded image that Akainu spent decades to establish completely collapsed overnight.

Looking at the red dog at this time, the general pirates of the white group were less afraid of this iron-blooded magma bastard.

If he couldn’t pretend to be forced, he was slapped in the face, and he was talking about the current red dog.

Now that the Warring States are seriously injured and unconscious, Admiral Sakaski the Red Inu is undoubtedly the backbone of the Navy.

Watching the morale of the navy side fall to the bottom, Akainu knew he had to do something.

So from the very beginning of its appearance, the red dog kept verbally stimulating Luo Xiu and Whitebeard, and even threw out Skuyard’s corpse, in an attempt to bring up a wave of momentum first.

Then when the follow-up ‘reinforcements’ arrive, they can pull the morale of the navy back to the peak in one go

It’s just that imagination is beautiful, but reality gave him a slap in the face.

The atmosphere of the red dog had just reached the most critical moment, when it was completely broken by Luo Xiu, who did not play cards according to the routine, so that his speech effect was completely empty.

Pretend not to be forced to be on the contrary.

Chi Inu originally thought that he had overestimated Luo Xiu enough, but after he was really right, he was able to understand the powerlessness of the Warring States at that time.

In front of everyone’s eyes, he was kicked in the face by Luo Xiu, leaving a clear shoehorn print, which was simply a great shame for him as a senior admiral of the navy headquarters.

Of course, if Akainu knew that the picture of him being slapped in the face on the spot at this moment was being broadcast live, filmed by reporters in Chambord, and would become an ‘anecdote’ to spread to the world, I don’t know if he would be directly angry and vomit blood.

“Come again”

The red dog roared, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the shoehorn print on his left cheek was silently covered by black-red high-temperature magma.

“Big Spitfire”

The red dog’s face was cold, and he swung his right fist that was completely assimilated into magma.

The magma punched up to meet the storm, and finally it was the size of a house, rushing towards Luo Xiu along the ground.

“Appeared, the big breath of fire of General Sakaski.” There was a naval cry out in excitement.

“This is … The move that threw me out earlier to evaporate in an instant should be fine, well, daddy is so calm, then it’s absolutely fine. ”

Diamond Joz, captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ third team, nodded affirmatively

“me back.”

Luo Xiu snapped, opened a tiger claw phantom larger than the ‘Great Spitfire’, and faced the lava heavy fist head-on.

The terrifying power shockwave was stirring, and under the superposition of Luo Xiu’s multiple animal lines, the big spitfire of the red dog was completely suppressed, compressing and shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Seeing that the situation was not good, the red dog immediately made a decision, and drank violently, and suddenly the lava fist exploded, and the escaping magma wrapped Luo Xiu in.

“Is that all your magma is so hot? I’m still too cold to bathe. ”

Luo Xiu walked out of the magma without hurry, and the high temperature of the magma could not cause him any harm at all, and even seemed to be affinity.

Natural magma fruit ability, analysis completed! Fork complete!

“How is that possible? Is this still human? ”

This thought flashed in Chi Dog’s mind, and the next moment Luo Xiu’s pitch-black armed fist had come to his front, and from bottom to bottom, Lushan Ascending Dragon Fist knocked Chi Dog into the sky and flew upside down.


A blue and gold light flashed in the sky.

Luo Xiu came first, waiting one step earlier in the path of the red dog flying upside down, and stepped on the red dog’s stomach.

The huge impact made the red dog open his mouth wide, his eyes burst out, as if he wanted to pop out of his eye sockets, and the whole person fell towards the ground at a speed that almost broke through the sound barrier.

However, before the red dog landed on the ground, Luo Xiu repeated his old technique, once again waiting for the red dog’s ‘necessary path’, and sent him to the sky with one kick.

Looking at this almost one-sided beating scene, the people on the naval side were dead silent, and the pirates of the white-bearded pirate group issued all kinds of happy shouts, wantonly taunting and mocking the red dog.

At the other end of the square, in the air, the general Yellow Ape had a expression on his face, and his eyes stared at the blue-gold light without blinking.

“Monster, really a monster, obviously it’s just that momentary hand-to-hand, this monster’s ability copy is even more perverted than in the record, it’s simply incomprehensible, Sakaski is really unlucky.”

The yellow ape said to himself, although he had not personally touched it, the yellow ape was already very sure that the extreme speed that Luo Xiu was now showing was his shining fruit ability.

At the beginning, when he flew to the Sonny and broke his hand in the first collision with Luo Xiu, one of Luo Xiu’s special abilities was already to intercept his Flash Fruit ability and use it for himself.

Who can stand up to such a monster that can use the enemy’s abilities in battle?

The yellow ape is now very sure that the magma fruit of the red dog is estimated to have been copied, so Luo Xiu will come and go freely in the magma.


I don’t know how long it took, just when people began to numb and even began to sympathize with the red dog, there was a break in the sky.

An old man wearing a black suit, with a mohican hairstyle and an M-shaped goatee, and an extremely strong body suddenly flashed in, fought with Luo Xiu, and the red dog with a blue nose and a swollen face retreated one after another.


The sound of uniform footsteps sounded, not the sound of footsteps stepping on the ground, but stepping in the air.

People on the battlefield all looked into the air.

A neat army appeared out of thin air in the endless clear sky.

Except for a few people, everyone else was dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, and stepping on the moon, descending from the sky, like heavenly soldiers and generals.

Reinforcements from the World Government finally arrived at this moment.

And the commander of the Mohikan head of this division of strong men secretly cultivated by the government, there will be no one else except the commander-in-chief of the entire army of the world government.

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