The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

The Comic Book of Ten Thousand Worlds Chapter 102

"Ling Ye, I also want to eat a full banquet!"

Chapter 273━━Return to the Magic World

Return to the world of Moyi "Heizhen, how is the latest manga update?"

When Ling Ye returned home, he asked Hei Zhen directly. After all, this time he took away Da Vinci, Ling Ye was really worried about whether Hei Zhen could handle so many things well.

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen nodded, and a proud smile appeared on her face.

"Fortunately, you subdued Baimao, she is really a talent, almost everything can't trouble her."

Hearing Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye also heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, Baimao is a kind of genius, it's a wise choice to keep such a person by his side.

"Of course, as wise as I am, naturally nothing will happen to me."

Ling Ye said casually, he was also rejoicing, if Hei Zhen hadn't kept updating the manga for the past few days, Ling Ye might not have enough... The points brought back the two heroic spirits.

Afterwards, Ling Ye looked around, except for Hei Zhen and all kinds of people who were busy, Ling Ye didn't see anyone else.

"It's strange, Heizhen, where is Irisviel?"

"Is she?"

Heizhen thought for a while, "After you left, she went to the world of the magical girl Illya to help you deal with things there, and I don't know how she handled it."

"There is only one Irisviel"

Ling Ye was taken aback, his wife went to deal with the cartoons of One World,,,, why does Ling Ye always feel a little uneasy, "I even brought a brush with me."

Ling Ye... What's the use of bringing a cleaner! No, I have to go and see for myself! Thinking of this, Ling Ye bid farewell to the boss, and then directly killed the magic girl Ilya world.

"Brother! Where are you going!"

Cu Chulainn looked at Ling Ye on the side, he was getting more and more curious about Ling Ye now, Ling Ye's methods were really too big! Of course, he also understood now that Ling Ye might really not be his junior brother, but, It doesn't matter! Even if Ling Ye doesn't want to, he has the spear that pierces the dead thorn:, if he meets the master someday, he will let the master accept Ling Ye as his apprentice, isn't that all right? Thinking of this, Cu Chulainn is even more determined determined.


Ling Ye pointed to himself, "Go, go, take me!"

While talking, Cu Chulainn ran to Ling Ye's side, seeing this guy who likes to join in the fun, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, and brought Cu Chulainn to the world of the magical girl Illya.

As for the headquarters, Ling Ye is very relieved, Bai, Wang Liya, Da Vinci and Hei Zhen, this place is naturally very safe.

Brush! With the appearance of the light, Ling Ye brought Cu Chulainn to the world of the magical girl Illya. However, Ling Ye looked at the bookstore in front of him, and the bookstore at the moment was extremely lively.

In the center of the crowd, Irisviel stood here like a big child, and beside Irisviel, Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, Illya, Kuro, Little Jack, and Miyu They all came together directly.

"I said, what are you doing here?"

Ling Ye looked at the people in front of him incomprehensibly, didn't all the cards have been collected? Why are these people still staring at them, "Ling Ye! You're here!"

In an instant, the girls all saw the figure in front of them, and the moment they saw Ling Ye appearing, they couldn't hide the surprise on their faces.

Especially Xiao Hei and Little Jack, the two little lolitas. The happy Xiao Hei jumped directly on Ling Ye's body, and Little Jack also hugged Ling Ye's thigh directly.

"Big brother, you are finally back!"

Xiao Hei hugged Ling Ye's neck and said happily, while Ling Ye hugged Xiao Hei in front of him, and then stretched out his other hand to grab Little Jack who was hugging his thigh.

"Brother Ling Ye, you are finally back."

Ilya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ling Ye came back, as if a huge stone in her heart had fallen 740 degrees to the ground.

Seeing a group of beauties, big and small, behaving like this, Ling Ye didn't understand, didn't he just leave for a few days? Everyone is so nervous."

Ling Ye naturally didn't know what happened, but after hearing Ling Ye's words, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia walked over slowly.

Rin Tohsaka sighed, and then began to explain the situation to Ling Ye.

"Ling Ye, you don't know, yesterday, the instructor of the clock tower sent a message, asking us about the completion of the mission."

"Isn't the completion of the task very good?"

Ling Ye looked at the women in front of him, and suddenly, Ling Ye realized that the clock tower must have noticed his existence, after all, he broke in randomly and stole several cards, was it because of this? cause now there is trouble saying

Chapter 274 - Your granddaughter is coming.

Your great granddaughter is coming.

"Ling Ye, our mission has been completed very well, but the problem is, now the clock tower has to review the completion of our mission, but,,,,,"

Having said that, Tohsaka Rin lowered his head helplessly, and when he saw Tohsaka Rin bowed his head, Luvia on the side folded his hands and said, "But, we can't take out seven cards at all now!"

"Can't get it out"

Ling Ye looked at Xiao Hei in his arms, and now Ling Ye came to his senses and took out seven cards, which is naturally impossible, the seventh card is Xiao Hei, how can such a card Napo ran to Gem Weng and said, "Look, our family has successfully conquered the cards, not only conquered the cards, but also brought you a granddaughter, are you happy?"

Oh my god! If it is true, Gem Weng will definitely send these girls to the chaotic flow of time and space with a magic trick!! Ling Ye finally understands, after all, this is an advance of the plot! According to the timeline, this Things should happen two months later, but because of Ling Ye's appearance, the task went very smoothly, so this butterfly effect made the plot come earlier.

"So, we're in trouble, right?"

"Nonsense, it must be troublesome! Of course, it can be very simple."

Having said that, Luvia took out a small knife out of nowhere.

"As long as we kill Xiao Hei and take out the cards, it will be fine."

"Killer? I'm a professional, I'll do it!"

Hearing the murder, the little Jack on the side happily came to Xiao Hei step by step with a small scalpel knife.

"Xiao Hei, don't worry, it will be quick, I will fight for it, don't worry, we have such a good relationship, I will leave you as a dead body."

After Little Jack finished speaking, he threw himself at Xiao Hei in front of him. Xiao Hei yelled, and then crawled into Ling Ye's arms, unable to survive! "Oni-chan, help me, Little Jack is going to kill me!"

Looking at the two live treasures in front of him, Ling Ye directly placed Xiao Hei in his arms in front of Little Jack.

"It doesn't seem to be a big deal, Xiao Hei, don't worry, on this day next year, I will bring yellow, white and white flowers to pay homage to you."

"Ah!! Help! Oni-chan wants an underage girl!"

Xiao Hei ran around while shouting, Ling Ye and Xiao He chased after him.

Looking at the one in front of me who is having fun, Luvia and Tohsaka have black hair.

"This group of guys, can't you be a little nervous?"

It's impossible to be nervous, anyway... Ling Ye is not afraid of anyone, and now he can keep running around in the three 3 worlds, what is Ling Ye afraid of "Ling Ye! Can't you worry a little bit!"

On the one hand, Ya finally couldn't sit still, Rin Tosaka and the others...don't be afraid, Illya will not be a magical girl at all, Miyu and Xiaohei can leave this world with Ling Ye, Even Rin Tohsaka can leave directly, but she can't! Luvia has her own family, she can leave, but what about her family So now, Luvia is the most nervous one .

After hearing Luvia's words, Ling Ye stopped making trouble.

"Okay, Luvia, don't be nervous, tell me, did the clock tower send Bazzett to implement it?"

"Yeah, as expected of Ling Ye, he really can predict the future."

Luvia nodded, but in the next second, tension appeared on Luvia's face.

Seeing Luvia's expression, Illya couldn't help being curious.

"Sister Luvia, is this Bazzett very powerful?"

"Of course it's great."

Luvia shook her head helplessly.

"Before you guys, this recycling card was...Bazet was in charge of. To be precise, the Heroic Spirit Palace and Cu Chulainn were all used by Bazet to kill."

Pfft! As soon as Luvia's words fell, Cu Chulainn, who was watching the fun, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood! Damn, didn't I just watch the fun? Why did you drag him in, wait...! Kill Forget Hong and myself! Cut! That red... let the rotten person die! You can't even beat yourself, Si Ke can't bear it! "Junior Brother! That... Where did Bazzett tell me, let me see how I deal with her!"

Seeing Cu Chulainn's expression in front of him, Luvia and the others couldn't help but understand.

They didn't understand why when they mentioned Bazzett, this guy was here. Li Haomo looked excitedly at the confused crowd, and Ling Ye couldn't help introducing him.

"Everyone, let me introduce my new friend, Heroic Spirit, Cu Chulainn.

Everyone applaud!"

After Ling Ye finished speaking, the scene was extremely embarrassing for a while, especially Luvia, oh my god, what did I just say! No wonder this guy is so manic! "Everyone, don't worry, wait until that... As soon as Bazzett comes, I will solve it directly she!"

Cu Chulainn said confidently, and seeing Cu Chulainn's arrogant appearance, Ling Ye couldn't help but secretly smiled.

"That..., Cu Chulainn,,,, I forgot to tell you, this Bazzett seems to be your granddaughter, if you kill her, you will be extinct."

Chapter 275━━You will be the last

You will never end, you will never end,,,, end,,, end,,,.

This sentence kept echoing in Cu Chulainn's mind. After a long time, Cu Chulainn suddenly said, "By the way, what I said just now is because I'm getting old, and my memory is not very good."

After Cu Chulainn finished speaking, he directly found a stool and sat there, and then put on a high-hanging appearance that had nothing to do with him. Looking at Cu Chulainn in this state, Ling Ye couldn't help but stretched out his arms to him. a thumbs up.

"Cuchulin, I admire your thick skin."

"To accept concessions, you still need to temper, and you still need to temper."

Cu Chulainn said politely, seeing Cu Chulainn like this, Ling Ye also shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, the soldiers are here to cover the water,,,,, in a while... I will update the manga, you, let's go to the manga to find the answer together."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, several people nodded, and then bid farewell to Ling Ye directly, and watching these people leave, Ling Ye started to update the manga silently.

The second season of Magical Girl Illya, the manga has now updated the chapter of Xiao Hei ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

The person in charge of card recovery earlier defeated "Emiya"

and "Cuchlain"

Obtained their cards for use by Ilya et al.

I was ordered to recover the rank cards in the hands of Luvia and others. After the negotiation was invalid, I shot Luvia and her housekeeper August. Because of the fierce fighting, the Edfelt house was severely damaged and recovered. Four rank cards.

Illya and Xiao Hei went to Edfelt's house because they heard the noise, and found that Bazzett had been destroyed, so they started a battle with..., and the two were defeated by cooperation.

When Bazzett was about to reclaim the remaining cards, Miyu appeared, and he used the "Medusa" that Ilia had just recaptured desperately

A card performs a fantasy summon against....

When Miyu asked about Luvia's whereabouts, Bazzett replied that under the ruins of the mansion, Miyu angrily used the magic eye and the "rider's reins"

The Noble Phantasm "Backlight Sword" that attacked it but was still defeated by it


Afterwards, Xiao Hei and Ilya fought against ... again, and with the help of Rin, Ilya also successfully cast "Shared Pain" on Bazzett

Illya did not answer when she asked what she had done to her, and Miyu protected Illya in time when her attack was almost in danger.

Rin used this curse and the map of the eighth class card to negotiate with... and concluded that the situation was beyond the scene, and decided to temporarily truce, and returned the three class cards to ask the association for instructions.

And at this moment, everyone silently watched the last few episodes of anime, and after watching the anime, everyone couldn't help discussing in the forum.

"Xiao Hei: Even if I die and perish with you, I won't live with Elijah.

Xiao Hei: It’s good to replenish the magic every day.”

"Xiao Hei is so cute! Sure enough, should old men watch such a show?"

"I always like Illya insist on three 3 Illya important thoughts 3!"

"Sister Ba is so powerful, the magic of tearing up the heroic spirits is here! The entire five-member Moyi group is not an opponent at all!"

"That's right, I really don't know how Sister Ba will fight against the damned author like this, it's broken at this time ━━━━━━━━━!"

All kinds of people in the forum are discussing about Mo Yi, but among the group of people reading comics at the moment, Mo Yi's five-person group of five keeps looking at each other.

"Baget is very powerful, we can't beat it at all, what should we do?"

Luvia looked at the girls beside her, and when they heard Luvia's words, the girls all showed embarrassment.

Illya thought with her cute little face.

"That's right, how can we fight? Even after Dream Summoning, we are no match for Baget, we can't fight at all!"

"It's not impossible to fight."

Suddenly, Tohsaka Rin smiled slightly.

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