For a moment, everyone was silent, seeing Ling Ye's Devil Eye of Immediate Death, everyone thought of a certain possibility.

But at this moment, Ling Ye calmly said a word.

"I want to kill, there is no need to hide it, let alone a teacher, even if it is you Huaye Lingli, if I kill him in front of the law and politics department, no one can do anything to me."

Ling Ye's words were extraordinarily cold, upon hearing these words, Huaye Lingli's body couldn't help shivering.

"Mr. Ling Ye, I can understand that you are threatening me?"

"No, I'm just saying, in terms of strength, I don't need to hide whoever I want to kill."

Time seemed to stand still. I had never seen such an arrogant person before, but it was such an arrogant person that left them speechless.

After a long time, Huaye Lingli calmed down his mood, and then continued to speak.

"All right."

Huaye Lingli could not help but silently lowered his head.

597 "Indeed, the magic eye this time is different from the legendary magic eye of death, and has not reached that level.

There is neither an end nor a beginning in sight.

At most it is... to reappear the pre-set past phenomenon at a specific time through cognition——it should be such a magic eye.”

Seeing Huaye Lingli's confession, Ling Ye showed a smile, and then motioned for Huaye Lingli to continue talking.

"The determined future vision is the magical eye that determines the future as the future you set."

Kakino Hishiri said as if singing.

"Then, the measured past vision should be... the magic eye that determines the past as the past that you set.

Yes, since the end of all things is the 'stopping of death', the beginning of all things is naturally 'activation of life'.

The power of the magic eye this time is... to revive the phenomenon of the past in the present."

At this moment, everyone understood the meaning of Huaye Hishiri, and at this point, Huaye Hisili opened his mouth to speak.

"So, the murderer is quite obvious! It is our priest! Mr. Caleb!"


Chapter 383 ━━The truth? Read comics.

Really read the comics.

"When Miss Olga Marie opened the pocket of void, Miss Trisha's head was not completely dead.

After all, time is completely stopped in the magic formula of imaginary numbers.

That's right, when she didn't even have time to write the next sentence, she can be said to have chosen the best dying message.

What do you think is the only... word she left with her last breath"

Of course, no one can answer this question.

In the silent carriage, she laughed.

"She said so, Caleb."

After saying the name, everyone turned their attention to Caleb.

At this moment, Caleb also changed his face. He wanted to defend himself, but the problem was that what Kagino Hihiri said was correct, and there was no problem with his logic at all. For a moment, he knew that no matter how he tried to defend himself, there was nothing wrong with it. Useful, at this moment, Kalebo just hates himself, why doesn't Ling Ye have the kind... the courage to conquer everything.

Seeing Kalebo like this, Ling Ye was also very happy.

"Hey, I'm not very good in every world. I'm always oppressed. Finally, I'm also a top powerhouse in this world!"

Wait..., oppression, when did you get oppressed! What do you say to those enemies who are rubbed against the ground by you?

At this moment, Caleb could only helplessly want to refute, and on the other hand, at this moment, the person who collected the magic eye train had already appeared and began to collect the magic eyes of Caleb in front of him.

Looking at Kalebo in front of him, at this moment, Ling Ye who was fiddling with the moon machine stood up directly.

"Okay, my manga is finished updating, everyone, let's talk about it after reading my manga..."

After listening to Ling Ye's words, for a moment, these magicians all looked at each other in dismay, reading comics, what does this mean? The page was adjusted to the comics in the event book of Lord Elmeloy II. At this moment, audiences have begun to read the comics in front of them.

Hey, they don't want to watch it, but Ling Ye has spoken, what else can they do, let's watch it.

Afterwards, several people began to read the manga. As the manga developed, when everyone saw the end of the manga and saw the cause and effect of this incident, everyone couldn't help but stare at Cowles and Yvette in front of them! "is this real!"

Caleb directly put the light on Cowles and Yvette in front of him, and at this moment, Coles' face was extraordinarily calm, but Yvette on the side changed his face.

"What do you mean, shouldn't you think that I did all this.

This is just a comic, a thing in a comic.

You believe it too."

"Nature believes."

Lord Elmeloy II nodded, and after hearing what Lord Elmeloy II said, the other people on the side also nodded.

"All logic, evidence, and murder motives are extremely accurate. Do you still want to deny it?"

Kaeno Hishiri narrowed his eyes, and then Caleb on the side also clenched his fists.

"Hmph! Why do we need to be so troublesome? Come on everyone, we're still a convenience store that comes directly to us!"

As soon as Caleb's voice fell, the next second, a white snake-like existence directly wrapped around Coles' body.

"Hehe, you people are really ridiculous."

Cowles couldn't help lowering his head at this moment, being entangled by a white poisonous snake, his voice became extraordinarily eerie! "Unexpectedly, I was defeated by a manga, you guys, it's really too much!"

The moment the sound sounded, brush! A tyrannical magic power erupted directly from his body.

Bang! The white snake was cleared in an instant, brushed, and for a moment, the figure of Coles disappeared in front of everyone, and was replaced by a completely different figure.

He is tall and thin, with flame-like red hair, which is impressive with his fair skin.

And the clothes on his body have also changed into a sea blue suit.

Can't tell the age, from twenty-five to forty-five years old, no matter...

It is said that any number in the middle feels acceptable.

However, only the flowery smile on his lips will definitely not be forgotten in a short time.

Because of that soft and steady smile, it makes one's hair stand on end.

"Everyone, everyone, it is Hatteres who is causing trouble for everyone.

However, in the future, everyone may be in more trouble."

He was smiling, even at this moment, he was still smiling.

It seems that the exposure of his identity is not bad for him.

"In the name of Command Seals, come out, Hephaistion!"

Chapter 384━━Iskandar Arrives

Iskandar Arrives "Go!!"

Hephaistion's figure appeared directly, her eyes fell on Ling Ye who was sitting peacefully on one side, and then her beautiful eyes turned, and strange lights appeared in her eyes.

Hum! The moment the magic eye shines, everyone in the entire space is imprisoned by the magic eye, and there is only one person left, that is Ling Ye who has the highest level of magic eye.

"Goodbye, Mr. Ling Ye."

Hephaistion rushed out into the sky with Hateres beside him! "Ling Ye! Don't let them go!"

Olga Marie shouted loudly to Ling Ye, but at this moment, Ling Ye spoke lightly.

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

As soon as Ling Ye's voice fell, and everyone didn't understand what happened, click! Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from the sky from top to bottom, and under the strong thunder, a figure appeared in the sky! Bang! Under this tyrannical thunder and lightning, Hephaestion and Hateres, who had just jumped out of the encirclement, were directly knocked aside, and at this moment, the magic eye collection train finally stopped.

With Hephaestion being knocked down, at this moment, the magic that had imprisoned everyone finally disappeared.

Afterwards, figures came out of the train one by one. However, the moment they got out of the 737, their attention was attracted by a certain figure in the sky.

The red cloak, the burly figure, and the Thunder chariot, the moment they saw this figure, the others were alright, but Elmeloy II's body couldn't help but tremble.

"It's him! It's him!"

Elmeloy II clenched his hands excitedly at this moment. Back then when Kong Ming met the emperor, he was not so excited. Maybe it was because Kong Ming was already very mature at that time. However, the current him is not Kong Ming, he is just Ai Ermeloy II! "Who is that?"

"He seems to be that...Heroic Spirit! It's...the one in the manga...!"

"He is, Iskandar!"

At this moment, everyone recognized each other's identities, and they just showed them the comics, otherwise, I'm afraid they might not be able to know who the existence above their heads is.

"Ling Ye!! Haha! Here I come!"

Idar greeted Ling Ye boldly, but Ling Ye gritted his teeth and shouted at him.

"Damn! You have the nerve to say, didn't you say you would come in five minutes? As a result, you Timo was delayed for a whole day!"

"Haha! Sorry, it's windy along the way, so,,,,,,,"

Having said that, Iskandar scratched his red hair embarrassingly.

"So, you are lost on the road of life"

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

Iskandar said happily, however, listening to his words, Ling Ye couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat, you Teemo really agreed! Do you think you are Kakashi! "Hurry up, your own The subordinates will handle it themselves, as for the magician, I will handle it for you."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Iskandar nodded directly.

Then, he descended from the sky, and came directly in front of Hephaestion.

The two figures finally met after countless time spans. At this moment, when the original monarchs and subjects meet, there is no such emotion as Ling Ye thought... hugging each other and crying, what there is is just an angry Hephaistion!" Iskandar!!! Iskandar!!!!"

"Calm down! Calm down! We haven't seen each other for so long, why are you so excited when you see me? How can I put it, you are the person I trust the most."

Iskandar is telling the truth, the other party is his shadow.

According to literature, Iskandar's hair color is blond or black.

The eyes are also described as one eye is as deep as the night sky, and the other eye is like a golden and silver demon pupil reflecting the blue sky."

This description is exactly the same as this female servant, this woman.

In terms of summoning, it can be called Iskandar, so the holy relic of Elmeloy II cannot summon other heroic spirits.

But because of the difference in summoning ranks, the black hand behind the scenes summoned a specious existence that was not the real Iskandar, and it would naturally appear beside the ancient royal family that was accompanied by assassinations and wars: the true identity of this woman: the afterimage of the king ——Iskandar's shadow warrior And Iskandar also has such a shadow warrior, but it is not out of his own will, such a bold and straightforward king, who lives more intensely than anyone else, will not take the initiative no matter what he thinks To choose shadow fighters to take risks for themselves.

Everything is a good thing that Iskandar's mother did. After the woman was pregnant with Iskandar, she began to use the name of Zeus to start making publicity.

Before the child is born, let the impression of the son of God and the born king be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After the child was born, she began to teach him various emperor studies, in order to make him a unparalleled king.

Not only that, but she is also: secretly preparing left and right hands for Iskandar, for which she chose a pair of twins.


To be precise, twins of dragons and phoenixes.

One male, one female.

The boy is trained as a future general, as the most loyal subordinate of Iskandar, the indestructible sword that pierces all enemies.

The girl is trained as a magician, as Iskandar's shadow warrior, to bear all the damage for him, the perfect shield.

Hephaistion, the boy's most trusted subordinate in the future Iskandar.

And the girl is this female warrior.

In the concept of mysticism, names are closely related to the fate of human beings, and they are mutually causal and affect each other.

In magic, it is a taboo for others to know your personal information.

Even in some special spells, just being known by the name can increase the accuracy of the curse dozens of times.

With a name, there is a self, and there is an independent destiny.

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