The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 188: Manga Artists of Ten Thousand Worlds

lake light.

Strengthening, of course you have to strengthen the good equipment, anyway... before strengthening +10, there is no possibility of it breaking, so Ling Ye doesn't care. As for the cost of strengthening,,.

"Kelly, how should I give you the strengthening fee?"

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Kelly immediately.

He patted his chest and said happily, "Don't worry, as long as it is valuable, I can convert it into equivalent coins for you to exchange, so just don't worry."

Listening to Kaili's words, Ling Ye nodded silently, then took out a 100 yuan note and handed it to Kaili in front of her.

"Is it enough?"

Seeing Ling Ye's money, Kaili's eyes were attracted by the light of the coin! She hurriedly let Ling Ye come to the enhancement machine.

"Master, please."

Listening to Kaili's words, Ling Ye nodded, and then pressed the button of the booster, and in the next second, all the heroic spirits came together.

Buzz buzz! With a mechanical sound, Kaili took out Ling Ye's sword, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, master, you have obtained the lake light without regrets +1."

Looking at Kaili in front of her, Ling Ye didn't take it, but continued, "Continue to strengthen, strengthen me until +10..."

With a wave of Ling Ye, 10 hundred-yuan bills were thrown directly to Kaili, 10,000 yuan! It is equivalent to 1 billion gold coins in the dungeon! This kind of data has already made Kaili so excited that she doesn't know what to say! "Yes, Master .”

Kelly immediately.

Excited! +10! My master is too courageous, but the probability of strengthening to 10 in one go is a bit low, and I don’t know that 100 is not enough.

Kelly continued to start strengthening.

+! Success! +3++++, Ling Ye's Huguang without regrets reached seven without a single failure, and when she got here, Kaili also tightened up, because she knew that this equipment, the more it is strengthened, the further it goes. The more difficult, however,,+,,,Success!+,,,,Success!!!+,,,,Success! That’s right! It actually strengthened the equipment to ten in one breath! At this moment, when Ling Ye took Wu Wu At the moment of regretful lake light, Kaili couldn't help but widen her eyes! "Master, your luck is too good."

How lucky is he? The corner of Ling Ye's mouth raised slightly. How lucky is his luck? This kind of luck is already dozens of times that of ordinary people. This kind of luck is naturally very easy for... Ling Ye, and now, when Ling Ye The moment Ye grasped the lake light without regret again, Ling Ye's luck also arrived successfully! "I still have money left, right, come, come, help me strengthen the remaining equipment to ten..0"

In the next second, Ascalon, the spear piercing through the dead thorns:, the dragon hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, Fang Tian painted a halberd,,.

, all kinds of equipment were thrown directly in front of Kaili by Ling Ye, and Kaili took over these perverted weapons in a daze and began to strengthen them slowly.

And when Kaili strengthened, at this moment Ling Ye came in front of everyone, he took the sword in his hand and began to demonstrate it to these people.

Ling Ye waved the sword in his hand and swiped! In the next second, a bottomless crack appeared on the ground! Seeing this crack, all the heroic spirits' eyes lit up.

"Ling Ye,,.

How is this going"

They have all seen the power of the lake light without regrets, and to put it bluntly, the current lake light without regrets is at least twice as strong as the original lake light without regrets! And this,,

It was only strengthened in just one minute.

"Everyone, this is Kaili's ability, equipment enhancement, as long as you have money, you can theoretically increase 5.

0 is a level of treasure that can be strengthened to other levels, but after the equipment is +10, if one is not careful, your equipment will be broken."


Hearing Ling Ye's words, each heroic spirit couldn't help but clenched their own treasures. The treasure is the lifeblood of a heroic spirit! How can it be broken! Thinking of this, each heroic spirit also gave up in his heart. Thoughts, except for...,,, a certain guy.

Will the treasure shatter after 10? Okay, if that’s the case, let me take a look! How exactly do you destroy my treasure! Say

Chapter 500━━Golden Glitter wants to strengthen her equipment?

Jin Shining wants to strengthen the equipment and Kelly is completely crazy. She has just successfully strengthened all the treasures of the heroic spirits except for the two Shinings. However, the success rate of this enhancement completely made her doubt her life. .

Except for a man who came over with two long spears, one red and one yellow, and failed twice to strengthen them, the rest of these people all strengthened to ten at one time! Such luck has already made Kai Li didn't know what to say.

Now she is completely looking like she wants to cry but has no tears, because she suddenly feels that she seems to be at a disadvantage.

Hey, poor Kelly, she doesn't know what kind of existence she is facing, even the unluckiest Diarmuid is lucky, the luck of ordinary people is ten times, how can it be so easy to fail.

At this moment, Kelly rubbed her tired arm and couldn't help sighing.

"Enhancing more than 20 pieces of equipment in one breath, even I am very tired."

When Kelly herself was complaining, suddenly, Gilgamesh's voice rang in her ears.

"Oh miscellaneous repair, who allowed you to rest, you haven't strengthened the equipment of this king yet!"

Jin Xingxing slowly came to Kaili, Kaili looked at Jin Xingxing who was wearing a motorcycle suit in front of her, she couldn't help turning her head in disdain.

"There's no money left. The money Ling Ye gave has already been spent. If you want to strengthen it, it's fine. Just spend the money."

Seeing Kelly in front of him who didn't give money and didn't do anything, Gilgamesh gritted his back molars slightly.

"Miscellaneous repair, are you afraid that the king will not have money for you?"

"That's right, pay with one hand and deliver with the other,,, small business, no credit."

Hearing Kelly's words, Gilgamesh laughed instead. He stretched out a hand silently, brushing! On top of Gilgamesh and Kelly's heads, golden ripples appeared in the sky , Kelly looked up, and the next second, her eyes turned golden.

Gold gems fell from the sky like raindrops, and the sky full of gold covered the entire backyard. For a moment, Kelly felt as if she had come to a fairy tale kingdom.


Kelly swallowed quietly.

This is a joke, right? That’s right! This situation, how could it be true! So much money! Which country’s treasury has been emptied? Jin Xing glanced at her disdainfully, and then said proudly, "Did you see, miscellaneous cultivator, this king's wealth is beyond your comprehension!"

"Boss! Tell me! How you want to strengthen, no matter how many times you play, you must do your best to complete it!"

Kelly is convinced! She is really convinced! This kind of money, she just... can't make it in her life! And looking at Kaili's appearance, Jin Shining waved it casually, and then hundreds of The glittering golden treasure was inserted directly in front of Kaili, "Miscellaneous repair, first strengthen one hundred pieces of equipment for this king!"

"It is also strengthened to 10"

"How can this king be like those ordinary people, strengthen this king, and strengthen me to 15!"

"Ah!! But, in case it breaks,,,"

Kelly is a little scared, if she strengthens it to 15, won't she destroy 80% of her equipment? This person will kill her, I'm so scared. However, Jin Glitter doesn't care, he just He waved his hand casually and said.

"Don't worry about it, you just need to strengthen it."

Seeing the appearance of Jin Xingxian not taking money as money, everyone present couldn't help but clenched their fists in resentment. Damn, what should I do if I suddenly want to hit someone? Is there anyone in the team? , Crack! +14 defeat, equipment damage.

+15 failure, equipment damage, +1 failure, equipment damage.

3 As the treasure was shattered into pieces in Kaili's hands, Kaili looked at Gilgamesh beside her with trepidation.

She was not afraid of strengthening equipment in the past, after all, she is a native, those players from other worlds can't hurt her even if she gets angry, but this time, the other party has the same life as herself, If I was hacked to death by the other party, I would be so wronged.

After strengthening 1 piece of equipment, at this moment, there are only less than 20 treasures left intact by Kaili's side. At this moment, Kaili is a little worried, as if she has seen herself being cut by this Shenhao's sword However, the storm she waited for did not come, what was greeted was only a word from Gilgamesh.

"Is this the king's other luck? In this case, that... the miscellaneous repair named Kaili, give... this king to strengthen one hundred pieces of equipment."

Kelly......Damn! Boss! You are a real rich man!

Chapter 501━━Anime Agitation

Anime Stirring Wind and Cloud Ling Ye finished strengthening all the equipment, and then went back directly.


At this moment, this world is extraordinarily calm, and looking at the peaceful sky, Ling Ye understands that he must not let this calm continue, so Ling Ye swiped his pen, and then continued to draw eight Ninety 809, also drawn directly.

The content of Ninety is relatively simple. Medusa left the stage without showing her strength, Medea appeared, Soichiro Kuzuki's identity was discovered, and then Rin Tosaka and Shirou Emiya ambushed Soichiro Kuzuki. As a result,,.

Soichiro Kuzuki beat up the heroic spirits with his enchanted ++ fist.

After watching these episodes, all the readers couldn't help but start discussing in the comment area.

"Shirou: You may not believe me, but I secretly learned swordsmanship.

Rin: Isn't it a pity that you have considered the feelings? 233"

"Q: Which character is the most economical in this movie? Answer:.

Q: Can you explain it? A: How much do you think a character without a voice actor costs”

"It makes sense. Speaking of which, why did my sister get eliminated as soon as she appeared on the stage? Look at the other Medusas in the game, and none of them performed so badly."

"Second Lord: I don't blame me! They all got gold cards, so why should I only get three stars! Ma Po: Young Mo Fang, I have a shiny five treasures, try to evade taxes together!"

Looking at these people's comments, at this moment, Matou Shinji, who was about to give up the Holy Grail War, frowned.

"That's right, that... the guy named Kotomine Kirei seems to have a heroic spirit in his hands. If that's the case,,.

I will go to him to do me a favor, if I can really get Jin Shining, maybe I can make a comeback!"

Thinking of this, Matou Shin ran towards him, but at this moment, in the church, Old Winky and Kotomine Kirei were also silent all the time.

After a long time, Kotomine Kirei said silently, "Are you sure, what you said is true? That...Ling Ye, is really that powerful?"

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's words, Old Winky shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then said again.

"Obviously, this is a real master. Although he is not as good as me, he should have no problem beating most heroic spirits."

Hearing what Old Shiny said, Kotomine Kirei was a little flustered. After all, Ling Ye's appearance was too strange, and, from what Old Shining said, Ling Ye had He 1 beside him, plus a hero whose strength was not weaker than Heroic Spirit. Ling Ye, this battle is really not easy.

"Don't be nervous, Kirei, don't worry, there are people who are more flustered than you at this moment."

Old Shining smiled, and he set his sights on the moon machine beside him, the content in this moon machine was Medea.

Seeing Old Winky's actions, Kotomine Kirei also understood what Old Winky meant, that's right, there are some people, they are the ones who are really anxious.

"Knowing that it is a polluted holy grail, there are still so many people trying to grab it. These people are really interesting."

Kotomine Kirei finished this sentence calmly, and after that, he stopped talking.

At this moment, in Fuyuki City, not only them, even Rin from the Tohsaka family has his own ideas.

"Sister, what should I do? Now that the manga has drawn all the heroic spirits, except... a male King Arthur, the rest of the characters are correct, so what should we do now."

Sakura curiously asked her sister beside her, and upon hearing what Sakura said, Tohsaka Rin rolled her eyes, and then silently packed up her gems, ".

The polluted Holy Grail? That... I don’t want the Holy Grail, but more people are unwilling to give it up, so we should choose someone who also doesn’t want the Holy Grail to be our partner.”

"You mean, Emiya Shirou"

Sakura remembered the content in the manga, however.

Hearing Sakura's words, Rin Tohsaka shook his head silently.

"You're thinking too much. It's not Emiya Shirou, he's a relative of... Nori Zhao Yiliya. Who knows what will happen later."

After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Sakura didn't understand even more, besides Emiya Shirou, who else would her sister ask for help with the rest... .And Heroic Spirit, there is no one to talk to.

And at this time, Tohsaka Rin silently said a person's name.

"You forgot, Ling Ye, isn't it also the best choice!"

"Brother Ling Ye, how could you have thought that he would not help you! Besides, he is just a human being!"

"No, no, he is not just an ordinary person, his strength is very terrifying, so."


Chapter 502 ━━Father? How are you a man!

Father, why are you a man! In the dark night, a figure silently walked up the steps in front of you. This is the boundary of Liudong Temple, and on these steps, the figure walking is none other than Emiya Shirou.

"Are we really going to defeat Mr. Ge Mu directly? With the power of one person, can we really do it?"

Emiya Shirou looked at Arthur beside him. During this period of time, the old sword had been by Emiya Shirou's side, which prevented Emiya Shirou from being harmed by the other party's magic. However, he couldn't be so passive forever. There are still things to do, for example, to make a move in advance.

I have to say that taking the initiative to attack is still very good, but, Emiya Shirou, did you miscalculate your own strength? With your magical power, I am afraid that Arthur can't even use his full strength. How can you be like this? Fight with each other.

In the dark night, Shirou Emiya finally came to the gate of Liudong Temple. At this moment, under the cold moonlight, a figure slowly appeared in front of Shirou Emiya.

This figure was wearing a prodigal son's costume, holding a long Japanese sword in his hand, the moment Emiya Shiro saw this figure, he couldn't help saying silently, "Sasaki Kojiro! Be careful."


Arthur nodded silently, and then he set his sights on the other party.

"Please enlighten me."

Seeing Arthur's appearance and hearing Arthur's words, Sasaki Kojiro couldn't help but smile excitedly at this moment.

"Facing it head-on? As expected of the legendary King Arthur, very good."

As soon as Kojiro's voice fell, his figure rushed towards Arthur in front of him, and watching Kojiro rushing towards him, Arthur also waved the weapon in his hand directly.

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