After a long time, when Joan of Arc fused the chess pieces, she also resigned to her fate and looked at Ling Ye in front of her. After her, she could only obey the man in front of her.

"Master, what am I going to do now?"

"There's nothing to do now, just honestly make the holy sword for me at home, and you don't have to worry about other things, I will treat you with delicious food and drink, and I promise to raise you white and fat. "

Baibai Pangpang listened to Ling Ye's words, and Rang Na rolled her eyes, do you think I'm a little fat pig? Rang Na sighed helplessly, and then asked directly, "Why do you want so many holy swords?"

Rangna is also very strange. Although her holy sword manufacturing is said to be a top-level divine weapon, the single one is at most...manufacturing some holy swords of the same level. These... level Although the holy sword is good for ordinary people, generally high-level demons don't look down on such equipment. If I go all out to ensure the quality, I will produce some super holy swords. Such a holy sword is at the level of Ling Ye. It shouldn't be necessary, so, what exactly is Ling Ye going to do? At this moment, after listening to Rang Na's words, Ling Ye also sighed, and said helplessly, "Didn't you see my clone? Let you make the holy sword, that is... let you give me the... clone equipment."

"Oh, doppelgänger, fine."

Jeanna nodded, and she thought to herself, isn't that... the guy who defeated her? He used six 66 avatars at that time, and that...the armored avatar has equipment, and what he said should be for the five 55 avatars Equip the clone with 1 holy sword.

"Okay, a few, I can make ten level holy swords a day, or 100 different holy swords, which one do you want?"

"Well, one hundred a day, isn't it right? Didn't you make a few hundred when you and I were playing avatar just now?"

"Those are one-time holy swords. They are gone after one use. Do you want that kind? Then I can make a thousand for you a day."

Jeanna said silently, and Ye nodded silently after hearing her.

"Okay, then I still need the holy sword, the quality is still comparable."

"Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Jeanna said silently. At the same time, she looked down on herself as the master in her heart. She couldn't get five or six levels of equipment. It was too poor.

"I'm afraid it won't work tomorrow, I have more clones.

Ling Ye shook his head.

"a lot a lot"

Jeanna looked at Ling Ye in disbelief, and Ling Ye stretched out a finger at the moment.

"Ten 10's are fine, soon."

"No, guess again."

"Could it be a hundred! Impossible, you have so many terrifying clones!"

Jeanna was completely shocked, with a hundred clones, oh my god, this guy can beat a hero faction by himself, no wonder he said he is not afraid of Cao Cao.

"That... a little more."

Ling Ye said embarrassedly.

"One thousand! My God! Lord, is this pervert trying to defeat the entire Three Realms by himself?"

"It's very close, actually,,.

I have ten thousand clones."

Ling Ye said in embarrassment, but after hearing Ling Ye's words, Rang Na rolled her eyes and passed out.

10,000 clones! Even without the strange abilities of this guy, his body stats alone are stronger than a high-level demon, and each of them is paired with a level-of holy sword, oh my god , 10,000 high-level demons, is this guy going to conquer the whole world! Wait...! 10,000 avatars! 10,000 holy swords! I have to work for four or five years even if I don’t eat or drink! My God! Why did I meet this guy, you monster! At this moment, Jeanna had only one thought before she passed out, that is, God, let me die directly, all of this is simply a dream, isn’t it? Rangna, Ling Ye shook her head helplessly, then picked her up and put her on the bed beside her, and then couldn't help complaining, "This Zhao Zhao is really bad at heart, forget it, let her rest first, we Go and see how the two little foxes are doing."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he left here directly. However, as soon as he went out, a group of beautiful girls, big and small, looked at Ling Ye with shining eyes. They looked at Ling Ye like ordinary wolves staring at meat.


Why are you looking at me like that?"

For a moment, Ling Ye was a little scared. He felt the same feeling that Rang Na felt when he frightened Rang Na just now. The question is, what are there so many beautiful girls doing? Take care of your family members! Hey! What are you trying to do! Say

Chapter 542━━Pieces are allocated

After all the chess pieces are distributed, "Ling Ye, didn't you say that you can clone yourself? Can one of us give us one?"

At this moment, the wisteria Irina on the side directly grabbed Ling Ye's arm and kept shaking it.

"What are you doing, what do you want my clone to do?"

Ling Ye looked up and down... the wisteria Irina in front of him, he always felt that this Irina wanted to do something bad.

Seeing Ling Ye's eyes, the Wisteria Irina at this moment immediately.

He turned his head with a serious look.

"Of course it's in the cabinet as a handiwork!"

Ling Ye...... What did you just say! Make it a figure! Damn, what is your brain circuit composed of? Are you kidding me? Ling Ye gave Irina a hard look in front of her , and then hit her on the head directly.

"Go back to the room and sleep! What are you thinking about every day if you don't practice well!"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Irina pouted at this moment, and then ran away unhappy, and at this moment, after everyone had left, Yi Yasaka also walked towards Ling Ye with Kunou .

As soon as Yasaka came over, he bowed deeply to Ling Ye.

"Thank you so much, Your Excellency Ling Ye, if it weren't for you, our mother and daughter would be very miserable.

We can't repay you for your kindness..."

When Yasaka said this, Ling Ye suddenly remembered a story. After a hero saves a beauty, if the beauty sees that the hero is handsome, she will say, "The hero's great kindness and virtue can't be repaid by a little girl. She is willing to show herself May"

And if the hero looks a little sorry...the audience, then it will become "the hero's great kindness, the little girl has nothing to repay, and she is willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay the hero's kindness."

At this moment, Ling Ye had such a feeling.

And when Ling Ye was thinking about it, Yasaka on one side directly pulled Jiuzhong.

Then, she said to Ling Ye, "Your Excellency Ling Ye, I heard that there are still two vacancies in your current family. Our mother and daughter are not talented, and we are willing to fill them with our bodies. Please agree."

Um, what does this mean? I sold myself to myself, and I also took care of a cute little loli, mother and daughter Gai,.

, cough cough,,, widow,... cough cough, well, don’t think too much, people just want to be loyal to themselves, just like that... the relationship between monarch and minister, although mother and daughter are very attractive, but I also have my own principles, so,,, "If it's for repaying a favor, then don't use it, otherwise you're not a good person, but there's no need for you to pay such a high price for such a small effort."

"No, no, Mr. Ling Ye, it's our honor to be here."

Yasaka said very firmly that her choice was made after countless considerations. If nothing else, just talk about her current situation. Although Ling Ye saved her today, she will cause disaster in the future, and her future life will definitely be miserable. An Ning, although she is not afraid, Jiuzhong is still a child.

Why did Cao Cao and the others dare to bully themselves? Seeing that their orphans and widows have no backer to bully, now that they have such a terrible backer as Ling Ye, they don't have to worry about it in the future.

After hearing Yasaka's words, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, and then handed over the last soldier and knight chess piece to them.

"Well, from now on, you will be my people. If you meet someone who bullies you, tell me and see how I deal with them."

"Thank you for your care, master."

Yasaka silently changed his name, and then pulled Kunou on one side and ran to the side to start fusing the chess pieces. After Yasaka completely fused the chess pieces, Ling Ye's overall lineup was also completely replenished.

At the same time, Ling Ye also considered the magic power of Joan of Arc to create the holy sword, and then made adjustments. He handed over the bishop's chess piece to Joan of Arc, and handed over the soldiers to Jiuzhong. Now Ling Ye's overall lineup is as follows. Unified demon world standard positioning.

Queen Gabriel's strength, the top archangel Joan of Arc's knight strength, the devil's junior Pandaragon knight's strength, the advanced devil's Fenrir's castle strength, the top devil's special attack on the gods, the dragon saint.

The power of Tenni Castle, the strength of Bishop Serafur, the half-step transcender, the strength of Bishop Yasaka, the top demon king, the strength of soldiers of the highest level demon Xenovia, the strength of soldiers of high-ranking demon Wisteria Irina, the strength of soldiers of middle-ranked angel and demon Ashia , the soldier strength of the junior demon Le Fei, the strength of the soldier of the upper-level demon Bo Huatani, the strength of the soldier of the upper-level demon Nine Layers, the strength of the soldier of the middle-level demon Wolf of the Sun Swallowing, the strength of the soldier of the highest-level demon Chasing the Moon Wolf, and the strength of the soldier of the highest-level demon Chasing the Moon Wolf. The lineup, at this moment Ling Ye couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Not bad, not bad. Although some of them are not too strong, they all have potential. My lineup should be quite good."

Ling Ye nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "By the way, a certain guy seems to have a bet with me, hey, I really don't know how I should fight him then, this lineup, right? A bit too bullying”

Chess does not keep changing, it will slowly change with the development of the plot later.

Actually, my goal is to form a team full of beauties.

Chapter 543 ━━Your family are good people! !

Your whole family is a good person!! Today, Ling Ye fulfilled his promise and brought a group of beauties, big and small, out to play, except for... the three huskies who are guarding the house, one... Except for Xiaolong and Pandaragang who was held by Ling Ye to watch the store, the rest of the little beauties were pulled out by Ling Ye to play, and even Rang Na, who became a professional blacksmith, did not stay at home.

Ling Ye said, anyway, I am not in a hurry, I will slowly produce ten holy swords a day, and one day I will be able to satisfy myself.

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Rang Na didn't refuse, so she ran out to play with Ling Ye.

Even Cang Na on one side was not to be outdone, and directly brought his family members to participate in this activity. As a result, more than a dozen beautiful girls, big and small, appeared in this city. I don't know, I thought that some 48 People's idol group members have come out for activities.

"Ling Ye, where are we going to play?"

On the one hand, Wisteria Irina asked excitedly, and as soon as she spoke, all the beautiful girls turned their attention to Ling Ye.

"You can play wherever you want, Mr. Ling will pay for all your expenses today!"

"Long live!"

As soon as Ling Ye's local tyrant remarks came out, all the beauties ran away. Wisteria Ilya took Le Fei, Jiu Zhong and a few little lolis ran to the candy house on one side, and taught the duo to go to the silverware shop on the other side , some greedy ghosts ran to the dessert shop and began to eat and eat. For a while, the family members of Cangna... who were eating and drinking almost ran away, and only Cangna was left. Her queen, that...cute girl with eyes is still by Ling Ye's side.

"Cangna, don't you play with them?"

Ling Ye asked directly.

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Cang Na shook his head silently.

"No, I can finally stay with you for a while, so I won't join them in the fun."

Hearing Cang Na's words, Ling Ye was slightly moved, then he silently stretched out his hand and grabbed Cang Na's little hand. For a moment, the two fingers intertwined, the sweetness in it was self-evident.

However,,,,, "Oh, I didn't expect my master to be as pure and innocent as a little boy. I thought you were a lustful evil ghost when I saw all the flowers blooming around you."

Suddenly, Rang Na's figure appeared beside Ling Ye, and seeing Rang Na's appearance at this moment, Ling Ye couldn't help but get a black line.

"Are you not afraid of me? Are you not afraid that my avatar will bully you?"

"Hmph! I was afraid yesterday, but today I am afraid, because today I suddenly discovered that my master is unexpectedly a good man."

"You are a good person! Your whole family is a good person! We speak as we speak, without cursing!"

Ling Ye suddenly didn't want to, what kind of person would send him a good person card, it's too much.

But at this moment, after hearing Ling Ye's words, Rang Na couldn't help feeling aggrieved, what's going on, why did you praise you for being a good person, and you still say that others scolded you, that's too much.

"Master, stop making trouble, I want to tell you something, send me a message, I told him everything, and he said,,,"

"He said whether he wants to fight alone or fight in groups, you let him come here."

Ling Ye said confidently, the current him, can be said to be fearless. Those of Cao Cao's subordinates, Siegfried, Hercules, Georg, and Leonardo are relatively good, but , these guys,,, Ling Ye said that a bunch of heroic spirits on his side can teach them to be human, by the way, Cao Cao will also have clones, and I can just teach him what is a real clone, so, for ...Ling Ye said that Cao Cao has never been in his eyes.

0 "Master, Cao Cao said that he wants to meet you."

"Meeting each other is definitely not a fight"


Jeanne shook her head.

"Then you ask him to make an appointment, I have to go in two days.


The world is fighting with a bunch of heroic spirits, and then I have to go to the world of the magical girl Illya to save people. By the way, the director sent me a message two days ago, and all the seven 7 singularities have appeared. Ask me to challenge first Which one,,, hey, very busy,,,”

..... Listening to Ling Ye's words, Rangna's head was completely blackened. Brother, you are so busy every day, why are you still not dead when you are so busy! It's enough to meet him when the time comes, Cao Cao is very interested in you and the...heroic spirits behind you."

"Okay, for your sake, I agree."

As soon as Ling Ye's words fell, Na felt that her heart was very sweet. It seems that her status in Ling Ye's heart is still quite high.

High, of course high, Ling Ye's chief blacksmith, of course has a high status.

"Okay, let's go, Cangna, let's go play too, if we have nothing to do today, let's treat it as our date."


Cang Na nodded with a blushing face, then followed Ling Ye silently and left here.


Chapter 544━━System upgrade, opening up a new world

After upgrading the system and opening up a new world, Ling Ye was lying on his bed quite comfortably, and he couldn't help laughing when he looked at his moon machine.

"Okay, Da Vinci has already made the animation, and I have also drawn the comics. Now, let's upload it directly."

Ling Ye looked at the works in his hands with satisfaction, and then put these... works on the moon machine, and then prepared to upload them.

In the past two days, the comics and animations including the light novels of Dating A Live have been completed. At this moment, Ling Ye is ready to upload.

Beside him, the sound of the system sounded.

"Master, it is recommended that you upgrade your system to 3.

After the upgrade is over, you can open up a new dimension, recommend the owner to promote the work of Dating A Live as the first work, it is very suitable for you to spread comics, and it is convenient for your development."

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