The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 250: Manga Artists of Ten Thousand Worlds

After Gilgamesh finished speaking, his body flew directly towards the sky in front of him.

Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Gilgamesh's body quickly flew into the sky under the effect of magic power. At this moment, the battle officially began.

That's right, even King Xian was dispatched, the battle was already in full swing, but at this moment, Ling Ye was still motionless, he looked over his head, "Come out.

I know you're coming."

Hearing Ling Ye's voice, Te Yatel's voice resounded in the sky.

"Oh Ling Ye, as expected of you, you are really smart."

Swipe! As a black shadow flew across the sky, Te Yatel's figure fell directly from the sky. Swipe, her figure jumped down from the sky hundreds of meters high and landed directly in front of Ling Ye. The two of them Ying stared at each other at this moment, the two figures remained motionless, letting the people below continue to fight.

"You don't go down yet.


"Don't worry, if I act, you will definitely participate in the battle, and my opponent hasn't appeared yet, how can I act first.

I am chatting with you here now, at least I can hold back a god-level heroic spirit."

Ling Ye knew very well in his heart that Te Yatel was a god-level heroic spirit. In this world, except for...the real... crown-level perverts, other Humans are no match for Teyatel at all. If Teyatel really participates in the battle, I am afraid that the following... first-class heroic spirits will be wiped out by the group. There is no way, who let the wise king The battle is not enough, fortunately Ling Ye came out this time, otherwise, I am afraid this battle will be very troublesome.

"However, even if you hold back, the next battle won't be far behind."

Te Yatel and Ling Ye turned their gazes down. Although the King's Cannon had killed a lot of monsters at the beginning, relying on the gap between humans and monsters, the outcome of this battle had already been decided without a fight.

Even now, the situation is not very optimistic. The strength of a Warcraft Commander is equivalent to that of a top-level heroic spirit. Even if there is no treasure, the overall strength is more than the average first-class heroic spirit.

You can refer to the scorpion man who died with Ba Yuqian in the original book, the poisonous snake who died with Xiao Mo in the original book, and the heroic spirits under King Xian. Although they are all good, they are only That’s right, you can only fight half-baked in battle, and one who doesn’t pay attention will be wiped out! For example, Musashibo Benkei, he was pressed and beaten by the leopard man on one side. It's time to say goodbye.

And the battles of other heroic spirits are not optimistic. Even the virtuous king in the sky has not found the upper hand in the battle with Jin Gu. The situation will become one-sided, and Uruk will be at stake.

"Do you still think that human beings can save themselves? Even the strongest heroic spirits of human beings will be defeated by monsters. How can you participate in this battle?"

Teyatel continued, she can naturally see the current situation. It can be said that human beings are already in a doomed situation, and this battle will end even without Ailey and Valgon's actions. Therefore, Teyatel naturally He wanted to know why Ling Ye was so calm.

"Don't be nervous, just watch."

Ling Ye smiled, and then, above his head, meteors suddenly fell down one after another, and these...... meteors turned into a dense meteor shower, meteor shower after meteor Directly aimed at the group of monsters! The moment he saw the meteor shower falling, Elmeloy II suddenly ordered, "Soldier! Retreat with all your strength!"

Scratch! The soldiers suddenly began to retreat, and the monsters were desperately chasing after them. However, when these monsters chased to a certain distance, suddenly, the ground under their feet began to crack, and huge potholes appeared one after another. , These monsters fell directly into these...... huge potholes, before they climbed out of the pits, huge meteors fell directly into the pits Inside the cave, destroy all these monsters like burying them alive.

"It's a trap"

Teyater's eyes lit up, she didn't expect that these...Uruk soldiers would use such a method.

Hearing Teyal's words, Ling Ye said indifferently, "It seems that I don't have to do it so early."

Ling Ye smiled. No matter what, Elmeloy II inherited Kong Ming's ability. If he didn't have this trick, he would be too sorry... Kong Ming.

, bit, waste dream wishes you all a happy new year.

Chapter 683 ━━ Outside Uruk

Rumbling outside Uruk!!! Under Ling Ye's shooting stars, huge potholes appeared directly on the entire battlefield, and each monster was either smashed to pieces, or... turned into a puddle Under such a meteor shower, the fighting speed is getting faster and faster, and humans have a huge advantage.

On the side of the is easy to tell the winner, but it is not easy to tell the winner on the general side.

"Human beings are really interesting."

Te Yatel continued to look at the battlefield below, seeing that the humans had the upper hand, she couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Te Yatel's expression, Ling Ye continued, "This is the wisdom of human beings. Although they don't have the fangs and claws of monsters, they have sharp weapons. Although they don't have strong limbs, they have With a smart mind, people have infinite possibilities."

Unlimited Possibilities Listening to Ling Ye's words, Teyater on one side put her eyes on the crowd, looking at these... monsters that fell into the trap, she Can't help laughing, this kind of human is really likable, at this moment, Teyatel can't help but have a slight gap in her heart, she likes human beings herself, and now, she is even more unwilling to make a move.

However, just because Te Yatel didn't make a move doesn't mean that others won't make a move. At this moment, Jin Gu, who was fighting in the sky, obviously noticed that something was wrong, and she immediately.

Shouted to Teyatel in front of him, "Tyatel, what are you waiting for!"

Hearing Jin Gu's words, Te Yatel's face suddenly became: very dark, that... the moment his face appeared, Ling Ye knew that Te Yatel had completely transformed into a fighting state at this moment, At this moment, Te Yatel looked up at Jin Gu in the sky, and she said coldly, "You can order me anytime!"

The moment Teyatel said this, Jin Gu in the sky shook her head, she understood that this Teyatel obviously wasn't going to make a move now, but it didn't matter, even if Teyatel didn't make a move , I can quickly resolve the battle on my own side! Jin Gu went all out, and the virtuous king on the opposite side also started to output crazily under Jin Xia, and the two collided again. After getting up, the pressure on Heroic Spirit is getting bigger and bigger.

On the other side, the leopard man also started to appear crazily, and started a fierce battle with the leopard man, which delayed the leopard man's actions.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

"It looks like I should do it."

Ling Ye's footsteps directly took a step. However, just after this step, the figure of Feathered Serpent God appeared in front of Ling Ye. The terrifying black face had disappeared, but there was still a hint of information on that beautiful face. .

"We are an alliance, even if I don't work hard, I can't just let you go."

"So, you have to stop me"

Ling Ye raised his eyebrows, and then couldn't help laughing.

"It's really difficult to stop me."

As Ling Ye was speaking, avatars suddenly appeared beside him. Each of these...avatars held various treasures or artifacts. Rune avatar, Draco saint cloth avatar, Yu-Gi-Oh card group avatar, shoot a hundred avatars, Ascalon avatar, Fang Tian's painted halberd avatar, the gun that pierces the dead thorn: Cu Chulainn class card avatar, Medusa Class card clones, Medea class card clones, Hercules class card clones, class card clones, Wanli Flying clones, a total of twelve clones rushed directly towards each Warcraft commander.

"Ling Ye! You,,,,, if you do this, even I can't stop it at all."

Although Te Yatel said so, it was clear that she had no intention of stopping her at all.

Seeing Te Yatel's appearance, Ling Ye also smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't let such a beautiful big sister stay alone here, don't worry, my true self will stay here and always be with you."

"Okay, then,,, let's watch together."

The deities of Te Yatel and Ling Ye are watching the battle below, and at this moment, they are in the battlefield below.

"Merlin! Don't hide if you have the ability! Fight me head-on!"

At this moment, the leopard man was holding up the stick in his hand and continuously smashing towards Merlin's head, but no matter how she smashed it, she just couldn't touch Merlin's body.

And Merlin not only didn't hide at the moment, but kept making faces at the leopard man, as if you couldn't hit me and I would be mad at you, seeing Ling Ye's appearance, the leopard man became even more angry.

She tried harder and harder, but,,, the result did not change at all.


Chapter 684 ━━Skills are flying all over the sky

Skills are flying all over the sky, "Little kitty, are you tired? I'm already tired from being beaten by you, should you take a break?"

"What a rest! See if I can clean you up!"

The leopard man looked at Merlin in front of him reluctantly. The moment she was about to wave the weapon in her hand again, suddenly, one by one figures fell from the sky.

"Ling Ye!!"

Niu Ruomaru and Ba Yuqian looked excitedly at the figure descending from the sky, and looking at the people behind them, Ling Ye's avatars all directly took out their treasures.

"Stand back, everyone, next,,, is our task."

All the figures took out their treasures at this moment, and then each treasure was lifted up high, and then, a series of voices sounded.

"Noble Phantasm Liberation!"

"Piercing Death Fly Gun!!!"

"Shoot a hundred heads!"

"Lushan Rising Dragon Ba!"

"Rune Magic!"

"The reins of the heroic spirit!"

.....Boom!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!! There were bursts of strong roars, and there were sounds one after another on the entire battlefield. Under the roar of so many treasures, each heroic spirit Also merciless.

"My surging thoughts are shot!!"

"Zero clustering of both wrists!!"

.....One by one the figures also burst out their own treasures, and a group of opponents and castles threw out their treasures. In an instant, nearly 20 treasures of the same level were sent flying in front of the Ten Demonic Beasts! In an instant, these Warcraft commanders were all dumbfounded! "Quickly retreat!"

Jin Gu yelled quickly, but in fact, it didn't take a single figure to scatter away, boom! boom! boom! boom! These...... figures are directly under the treasures all over the sky, and some The battered helmets and armor were thrown away, some were bombed with their limbs flying around, and some were dripping with blood. These... figures were beaten up by the treasures that directly covered the sky in an instant. The dead are dead, the wounded are wounded.

Even if they didn't die for a while, they ran away in a hurry, and the remaining monsters also came over. Under the instinct of the monsters, they wanted to escape, but it's a pity,,

"Eight formations of stone soldiers!"

Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush! Within, and within this range, all monsters cannot leave this range.

Kong Ming still can't do it if he wants to kill thousands of monsters at once, but it's very easy to tie up thousands of monsters.

"Ling Ye! I leave it to you!"

Elmeloy II looked at Ling Ye who was not far away, and Ling Ye nodded at the moment, and the next second, another clone appeared in the sky, and this clone was nothing but Ling Ye Ye's Thunder God avatar! Crackling! A thunderbolt flew directly into the sky, swipe! Swipe! Afterwards, the entire sky was covered with dark clouds, and then, a... huge Thunderhawk appeared in the sky.

This Thunderhawk kept waving its wings, and then, the thunderbolts became bigger and bigger, oops! The Thunderhawk let out a cry, and immediately rushed towards the herd of beasts below! 30,000 volts Bird!!! 10,000 volts, the power of this Thunderbird is not very great. In terms of single-body attack, compared with the strongest real lightning strike of Sister Pao... the voltage gap of 1 billion volts is naturally very huge, but, it The victory lies in its flexibility. When it rushed into the herd of beasts, more and more monsters were directly knocked down on the ground.

All the monsters turned black, stared and kicked their legs, and died under the attack of thunder and lightning. Under the suppression of the eight formations of stone soldiers, all the monsters could not resist at all. They all turned into coke and fell to the ground. Fertilizers outside Uruk.

..... "No!!! How is that possible!"

Jin Gu looked at the scene in front of her. She didn't expect Ling Ye to be so powerful, but just joined the battlefield, and immediately reversed the situation that was sure to win! "Damn it! Te Yatel, what are you doing!"

"What am I doing, Jin Gu, you can see clearly, I have held back this guy's body, oh, if I hadn't caught Ling Ye's body, yours...... .Cute little dolls, I'm afraid none of them will be able to escape."

Hearing Te Yatel's words, Jin Gu still wanted to speak, but she didn't know what she should say, and at this moment, opposite Jin Gu, the virtuous king also put away his king's treasure, Of course he disdains sneak attack, at this moment, he looks at Jin Gu in front of him with a victorious look, wait..., the victor, you have held back a Jin Gu, what the hell is that expression! "If There is no other way, we are going back, there will be a grand banquet in Uruk tonight, if you don't mind, this king can make an exception and invite you."

Chapter 685 ━━Vargon Strikes

Valgon strikes "Hmph."

Jin Gu snorted coldly.

"Don't be too happy, the battle is not over yet!"

Just after Jin Gu finished his sentence, there was a rumble, and a huge figure rose from the ground. She appeared as the monster Gorgon, who was infinitely close to Gorgon, and she was also the real queen of monsters. , the false Goddess of Warcraft, Valgon Medusa.

"Damn it, these ants are really a bunch of rubbish. There are so many ants that they can't even beat an Uruk, and I have to do it myself."

While Valgon was talking, she put her eyes on the crowd, and saw Valgon's "Seven Thirty"

The moment Gong appeared, Elmeloy II immediately.

He ordered, "All soldiers, retreat to the city!"

Swipe, swipe, swipe! It's just a password, and the results of Elmeloy II's teaching during this period of time are reflected. In an instant, all the soldiers began to retreat in an orderly manner, and seeing these soldiers retreat, at this moment Valgon set his sights directly on these soldiers.


Valgon's hair turned into huge boa constrictors, these......... boa constrictors opened their bloody mouths, and after that, scarlet magic power erupted directly, and these. ........ The intense light was about to reach the crowd in an instant, and at this moment, Yantou stood up directly! "Ah!!!!"

Skills! The warrior's roar is a morale-inspiring skill, which is similar to the so-called breathing method in karate - [Xi blowing], which adjusts the state of mind through loud roaring.

Swipe, swipe, swipe! "Noble Phantasm Liberation!" "Guardian of Flame Gate" ahh!!"


Following the sound of Leonidas' voice, in an instant, figures appeared in front of the crowd, a total of 300 people 300, and these 300 people 300 were all Yantou's subordinates, and they were also the ones who accompanied him until his death Three hundred warriors! Guardian of Flame Gate Level: Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm Summon together to participate in the Battle of Thermopylae Three Hundred Spartan Army.

Not offensively, but exerting terrible power on the defensive.

Because it reproduces history instantly, it can be activated even after the opponent attacks.

Not only Leonidas herself, but even the company.

Originally, there are 300 people and 300 have their own levels of durability parameters. The more people who can withstand the attack, the more damage the counterattack will do in the next round. It is a counterattack treasure.

That's right, under the protection of three hundred warriors, Valgon's attack was forcibly resisted.

That is, in this instant, countless human soldiers have already entered the city.

After entering Uruk, they also entered a safe area. Valgon watched the soldiers enter one by one, and the ominous magic power on her body became stronger and stronger! Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! On Valgon's hair, the magic power on the hair is twice as strong as before, and the number of giant snakes has also doubled, rumbling! Under the strong rays of light, the power has obviously been raised to a level. To destroy Uruk directly! Facing such an attack, Leonidas stood up without hesitation, holding a long spear in his hand, and three hundred warriors stood behind him. At this moment, he shouted Shouted a voice! "Here we shall die...that is fate.

Soldiers dedicate their lives to the general, in exchange the general must devote himself to the war and give victory to the soldiers.

However, this battle was not won.

This war is a bridge connecting tomorrow and the future, stepping over our dead bodies, and bringing victory to compatriots who have never met.

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