
Taylor smiled softly.

"Can't you see the future? Then,,, come and find me.

I am waiting for you in my temple."

After Teyater finished speaking, he jumped up and disappeared into the battlefield. When everyone disappeared, Ling Ye turned his head and looked at all the heroic spirits. At this moment, Uruk was completely silent. Seeing this moment, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing.

"Everyone! We!! Victory!! Then!"

Chapter 693━━Drunken Yantou

Boom! Boom! Boom! In the dark night, today's Uruk has not fallen into the usual tranquility. People are cheering, music, wine, cheers, everyone is celebrating.

While they were celebrating their victory, a group of heroic spirits gathered together to drink wine.

"Ling Ye! As the king of Sparta, I will give you the title of warrior! Ling Ye! From now on, you will be my brother! Now let us sing to our heart's content! Oh!!! Ah!!! Oh!!! "

At this moment, Yantou was shaking the wine glass in his hand and singing heartily there. His huge arm held Ling Ye's arm, and he was blushing so much that he wanted to make sworn vows with Ling Ye! Seeing Yantou like this, Ling Ye couldn't help but Going crazy! "Damn! I knew that Yantou wine was so bad! I wouldn't give him wine! Pity me Maotai wine in the 21st world!!!!"

Ling Ye wanted to leave Yantou's arms, but he couldn't break free from this guy's strong arms.

"School girl!! Help me quickly!!"

Ling Ye begged for help from the junior girl on one side, but the junior girl was pulled tightly by Gu Dazi on the other side.

"Matthew, you have to go there! Yantou will accidentally hurt you!"

"But what about seniors?"

The school girl looked up at Gu Dazi with her cute little head, "Sister, let's save Senior Ling Ye."

"I,,, I can't help it, I'm just an ordinary person.


Guda looked at Ba Yuqian and Ushiwakamaru beside him, however,,,.

Niu Ruowan and Ba Yuqian ran to a small table at one side at some point, and they were a hundred meters away from Ling Ye!" "Ling Ye! Hold on! Don't let that...drunk come over! You have to protect us girls!" Children's safety!"

Merlin, that... ruthless guy was watching the fun while holding a piece of fruit.

While the virtuous king was still busy with his work, Istarin thought that he was a goddess who emerged from the silt without being stained, and then ran away to play with the moon machine to make up.

As for Elmeloy II... this guy is unscrupulously holding a moon machine to broadcast live!" Everyone! Have you seen this? Existence, to be tortured mad by a drunk."

The Oldest King "Hahahahahaha!"

Old Winky "Hahahahahahahaha"

The oldest king who doesn't want to grow up "Hahahahahahaha,,ga..."

Illya: "Don't laugh, brother Ling Ye is dying, right?" Mei Yu "Brother Ling Ye hold on, we'll go rescue you right away."

Xiao Mo: "Although my heart tells me that I am miserable, but,,, hahaha, why do I have to laugh!"

Hei Wang "Watermelon is delicious."

My king, "Hami melon is also delicious."

Looking at these unscrupulous guys in his house, Ling Ye finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Bang! Suddenly, Ling Ye appeared directly behind Yantou with a space displacement, and then, a fist as big as a sandbag fell directly! Bang! All of a sudden, Yantou was directly knocked out.

Huh... Ling Ye let out a long sigh of relief, "This guy, it's finally solved."

Ling Ye moved his wrist, then looked at the........unscrupulous guys in front of him, and silently raised a middle finger.

"You guys, everyone who is kind is not as good as little Anna,,,, wait..., Anna, where did she go?"

"I don't know, Anna doesn't seem to be very emotional."

On one side, Merlin suddenly said.

"Where did she go when she was not in a good mood?"

"The kid on the top floor likes it there."

As soon as Meilin pointed to the roof, Ling Ye nodded silently, "I'll go and have a look."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he disappeared here, and when he saw Ling Ye leaving, Mei Lin pointed at Yantou who was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

"Then,,, what should he do? Who will help him into the room?"

Scratch! In an instant, a few girls ran far away. Obviously, they had no interest in this big guy. Fuma Kotaro and Amakusa Shiro left here early, so,,,,, "Kong Ming, come on , Let's carry this guy away with the strongest support team!"

"Wait...! What is the strongest auxiliary group! Don't mess up the group! I have my own!"

"Don't you like such muscular men? It's not that I don't know."

Merlin acted like you don't want to hide it from me.

"Who said that! I don't like muscular men! I'm that,,, that's,,,"

Elmeloy II was at a loss for words for a while, he didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, let's go, I'll help you up."

Elmeloy II finally compromised, there is no other way, look at the few girls who looked at him with that kind of eyes, and if they drag on, they may not think so much, for their own reputation, move.

Seeing Elmeloy II dragging, Merlin smiled, and put his arm around Elmeloy II's shoulder.

"Come, come, let's act together."

"Don't hug me, get out!"


Chapter 694 - Anna, you are still you

Anna, you are still on your roof. At this moment, a small figure is looking at the moon in the distance. She is silently looking at the round moon, letting the bright moonlight fall on her body.

"What's the matter, Anna, you seem very unhappy."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Anna, and then, Ling Ye's figure slowly walked out. At this moment, seeing Ling Ye appearing, little Anna couldn't help staring at Ling Ye in front of her with her lovely big eyes. night.

"I'm not unhappy, she was defeated by you, and my task is also completed, it's just,,,."

Speaking of this, Anna was at a loss for a while. She may have some reasons, and she didn't know how she should go in the future. Her mission was originally very simple, find Valgon, and then the two of them died together. ...such a simple matter, but with the appearance of Ling Ye, he sealed Valgon, and he did not die. This made him lose the meaning of his own progress, and she didn't know what she should do now .

"It's just that I'm just her half body, I'm Valgon, if those people know that I'm actually...the Queen of Warcraft who killed so many of their relatives, I will definitely be hated by everyone.


"So you're leaving"


Anna nodded, "It's just that I don't know where I should go. Without the goal of Valgon, I don't know where to go."

Looking at the bewildered Anna, Ling Ye put his hand on Anna's small head, while Anna raised her head and looked at Ling Ye with a bewildered expression.

"Anna,,, Merlin gave you a good name, do you know why you have this name?"

"have no idea."

Ann shook her head.

"Anna, no matter whether it is forward or backward, it is Anna, and this is telling you something."

"whats the matter"

"You are Anna, Anna is you, no matter...

No matter how you look at it, you are a unique individual, not changed by external objects, not affected by other factors, you are just Anna, that... extremely cute little girl.

So,,, you are you."

"Hmm... I still don't understand, but I think what you said makes sense."

Hearing Anna's words, Ling Ye couldn't help but patted his head helplessly.

"never mind."

Ling Ye shook his head.

"Cute little girl, you, sometimes don't think too much, some things are far simpler than you think."

"What's the meaning"

Little Anna didn't understand.

"That is to say, don't limit yourself to a narrow range. In fact, the world is much more than you imagine."

"But what should my goal be?"

"Didn't you do a lot of work in Uruk, such as, shearing sheep, exorcising evil spirits, training soldiers, and helping the old lady in the flower shop to look after the shop, etc...not all of them Is your target?"

"But,,, all of these...... goals."

"Then just like the other heroic spirits, set the goal to grab the Holy Grail, so that your wish can be fulfilled."


Anna tilted her head and thought, "The Holy Grail... the wishing machine that can fulfill all wishes, then I will make a wish to live happily with my sisters forever."

"this one"

"You don't understand."

Anna lowered her head and said silently, "I was born into this world.

That's right, it's completely different from my older sisters from the moment of birth.

Big sisters are true goddesses.

The way of living as a creature is different, so the moment of obtaining the form is completely completed.

Yet I was born to give birth.

like people.

A creature that grows with time and changes form.

......Even so, the time has come when I want to share a suitable attitude with my sisters and adults.

Wear the same clothes, become the same posture, and even act like a goddess that day.

Please laugh at it.

Laugh at my little wish."

"Why should I laugh"

Ling Ye squatted down and paralleled her gaze with Anna, "Your wish is exactly the same as the one I know... Medusa. Sure enough, even if you get smaller, are you still you?"

"Well, have you seen any other Medusa besides...Vargon and me?"

Anna knows that Ling Ye can travel across the world, so she is not surprised that Ling Ye can see different Medusas.

"That's right, I met one, she is living happily now, she wants to live happily with her sisters just like your wish, and, I promised her, I will definitely fulfill her wish .”

Ling Ye did not lie about this point, he said that if he met Medusa's sisters in the process of traveling through time and space, he would definitely bring them back to Ling Ye Bookstore 9.

Chapter 695 ━━Bring Anna Home

Take Anna home "By the way, I'll give you a gift."

Ling Ye suddenly stretched out her hand, and with a wave of his hand, petals condensed on his hand, and then, a beautiful wreath appeared on her head.

Anna raised her little head, and then stretched out her cute little hands to touch the wreath on her head.

"You, gave me a wreath"

"How is it? Does it look good?"


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