The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 281: Manga Artists of Ten Thousand Worlds

That's right, Uruk, after all, belongs to the name Gilgamesh.


Chapter 774 - Glittering Gold and the Cautious Hero

Jin Glitter and the Prudent Brave "What are you doing here?"

At this moment, Ling Ye slowly walked out from the world-transmitting gate, and seeing Ling Ye appearing at this moment, Jin Xingshan walked over directly.

"Painter, you are here"

"You seem to be very strange, what's wrong, you are surprised when I come back"

Ling Ye raised his brows, it seems that this is his home, what does this appearance of Jin Xingxing mean? "Ahem, well, artist, since you are back, please lend us the World-Transmitting Gate. We are going to Wulu gram."

Listening to Jin Xingshan's words, Ling Ye nodded silently, then pointed to the world-transmitting gate on the side, "Okay, it's there, you can get it yourself.

Anyway... you'll all use :."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Jin Xingxing was not polite. Ling Ye took away countless treasures from them. It was not a trivial matter for him to use the world-traveling gate. Although Jin Xingxing didn't admit it, but this guy thought Ling Ye has been placed in a very important position, yes, second only to Enkidu's position.

"Then we will,,,,"

When Jin Xingxuan said this, suddenly, he saw the drawing in Ling Ye's hand, and he was instantly attracted.

"Wait..., artist, your...,, is a new work"


Ling Ye raised his hand, and what happened to be placed on it was...the manga he had just drawn.

"That's right, I'm planning to ask Da Vinci to animate it for me.

"It's okay, don't worry, come on, let me appreciate it!"

Seeing Jin Xingxing's excited appearance, Ling Ye couldn't help but give him a supercilious look, really, it's really a sin for the oldest king to lead me into such a state.

Although Ling Ye complained in his heart, the movements of his hands were still not slow. He directly handed the manga in his hand to Jin Xingxing in front of him, and Jin Xingxing also immediately.

Pick it up and start looking.

But at this moment, Jin Xingxian was fascinated when she first watched "This Brave Man Is Obviously Super Powerful But Overly Cautious", not because of how beautiful his pictures are, but entirely because,,,, is there such a cautious person in this world! This is no longer prudence! This is simply a lunatic! "This,,, there are people like this"

Jin Xing said a question sentence, the world is moving, as a brave man, he does not go out, the protagonist of this drama breaks the conventional thinking of Long Aotian in the other world, others are pretending to abuse vegetables and accept the harem, and this brave man wants to set a new high without injury Then, you need to use so many skills to fight a slime, you can't go too far, wait...! Jin Xing said and looked behind, and saw the demon king's subordinates directly blocking the door. When Jin Shining thinks the protagonist is going to be finished, the protagonist actually goes home to level up again, and then keeps breaking through crazily, and finally hides so much strength! Then it was "just right"

Defeated the devil's subordinate this guy! Really,,,.., awesome! That's right, it's... awesome, at this moment, Jin Xingxian couldn't help but think of himself in Ling Ye's comics, if it wasn't for him, how could he? Maybe he was chopped off by Emiya Shirou, and then got red headed! Yes, this is the truth! Be careful! This is simply the most powerful ability! 0 "Winky, what's wrong with you"

Seeing Jin Xingxing's appearance, Ling Ye couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hahahahahahahaha, I understand, I understand, so it is so, so it is so! From now on, this king must be so cautious. There are so many treasures in this king's treasury. As long as I don't waste money, who can defeat me! "

Thinking of this, Jin Xingshan directly returned the manga in her hand to Ling Ye, then stretched out her hand, opened the world-transmitting door with big strides and left here.

..........Looking at Jin Shining's back, Ling Ye couldn't help but murmured to himself, "Just now, did I open the door to a new world?"

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's give it to Da Vinci as soon as possible."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he took the manga and left here. At this moment, in Uruk, the three three Gilgamesh just came out of the world-transmitting gate, looking at the familiar city in front of them. take a breath.

"Well,,, familiar taste, familiar place, Uruk, we are back."

"Yes, I'm back."

On one side, Old Shiny also nodded silently. They are both the kings of Uruk. In fact, there is no difference in this point. It is quite interesting to be able to come back. Then he set his sights on Jin Shiny on the side , "Come on, Jin Yingxiong, we can go to see the virtuous king."

Hearing Old Shining's words, Young Shining nodded and was about to leave. However,,

Suddenly, Jin Xixiu pulled the two people in front of him, and then he suddenly said, "Wait a minute, why don't we make preparations here first?"

Chapter 775 - uploaded by Shen Yong

Shen Yong uploaded what is this! At this moment, Young Shining and Old Shining are looking at the figure in front of them, how could Jin Shining say such words suddenly.

"You're sure you're right"

Young Shining asked again.

"No, I just feel we need to be more cautious."

At this moment, Jin Shining's heart has been completely awakened, that's right, prudence, this is the kingly way.

"Then tell me, what should we do?"

"Get ready, wait until something breaks out, and we'll shock everyone!"

Listening to Jin Shining's words, the young Shining and the old Shining said "four nine seven"

I glanced at it, shit, this guy really didn't take the wrong script, what happened, why did he forget it like this, no matter how much it is, has nothing to do with them, since the boss, Jin Xingxian, said so , then we will naturally not reject it.

Thinking of this, the three 3 figures looked at each other, then nodded and left.

No one knows this world. Three extremely cautious guys have come here at this moment. At the same time, Shen Yong on Ling Ye's side has also been made. Afterwards, Ling Ye also put it on the moon machine. For a while, People in many worlds have started to watch this animation simultaneously.

"This brave man is obviously super strong but overly cautious" What is the name? Why did it take so long for everyone to be attracted by Ling Ye's work.

"It looks like the work of a hero from another world."

"Yes, this work reminds me of "Is there something wrong with seeking encounters in the dungeon?" I don't know if this work is similar to the dungeon."

"I think they should be the same. The name is about the same length."

"Damn, the upstairs is awesome, you can know the content just by looking at the name!"

In an instant, there were already a bunch of people rushing to the first floor in the comment area, but it doesn't matter what these people think, we still have to focus on other aspects, for example, the content of the animation works themselves.

That's when the anime came to the fore.

When everyone saw that the brave man was so cautious that he hit the weapon in the hands of a slime dozens of times, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

With the addition of a goddess who engages in beauty and art, and the one who keeps blocking the door, an idea can't help appearing in everyone's mind.

Damn! What kind of Sand Sculpture Fan is this? Although it looks strange, but, somehow, it feels very interesting.

Afterwards, in the comment area, one by one commented "This brave man is obviously super strong but too cautious, this goddess is obviously super beautiful but too beautiful"

"Goddess: He's dead.

Male protagonist: No, his cells are still alive, and there is a great threat. The fire in his hand is even more intense. Goddess: He vomits blood”

"Actually, even if you are so cautious, the Four Heavenly Kings have blocked the door, who knows what will happen in the future"

“I think it’s normal to be cowardly.

If it were me, even though I have seen so many time-travel episodes, if I really time-traveled suddenly, I would still be cautious, the ghost knows if it is true or not."

"That's right, I'll form a group with you when I travel through the future."

"You shouldn't worry about what to do if you have time-traveled but are not the protagonist"

"In a world of fighting and killing, it is impossible not to be cowardly.

If it's a magical world, I won't leave the mountain unless I become a world-class great magician."

For a while, the Internet was full of comments about Shen Yong, but more of them were the emoticons of a certain goddess. At this moment, the goddess of Shen Yong's world doesn't know that her emoticons have created a new world in many worlds. The era, this era is called the Dou Tu era! Seeing Shen Yong's success, Ling Ye heaved a sigh of relief. He himself is very worried about this work that he has only read manga but not anime. , After all, this animation was not released when he time traveled.

"But it's okay, the work itself is quite interesting, but I don't know what will happen afterwards. Anyway... I only have the first season in my hand, so I will update it first, and I will talk about it when there is something else in the future."

Thinking of this, Ling Ye silently put down the moon machine in his hand, and then ran to his bed to rest.

And at this time, in Uruk, a figure was sitting by the seaside silently looking at the sea not far away, her expression was very 3.

7 weights, because she discovered that bursts of black energy began to appear in the sea in front of her.

"Mother,,, are you going to wake up?"

At this moment, Jin Gu was silently looking at the sea in the distance. Although Tiamat did not wake up directly because Ling Ye sealed Valgon at that time, but this world has passed for so long, the illusion that Merlin used at that time , and gradually a crack appeared, and Jin Gu, who had a close relationship with Tiamat, already understood that Tiamat was about to wake up.

"Mother is about to wake up, why am I not happy?"


Chapter 776 - Leif and Jin Gu

Rafe and Jin Gu "Mother is about to wake up, why am I not happy"

At this moment, Jin Gu lowered her head silently, her gaze was on the object in her hand, and that... object was exactly Yueji.

At that time, Ling Ye gave her this month's phone to play. Jin Gu also tried it according to Ling Ye's words. Although she didn't like the game, she was still attracted. Under such circumstances, she finally played the first game Chapter Seven━━━━━━━━━:::, at the same time, I also saw everything that happened in the future.

At this moment, Jin Gu is hesitant, she is not an ordinary person, she naturally knows that there are many people in this world who can predict the future, and because of this, she understands that many things may be true, for example, the contents of this moon phone, However, let her believe that her mother, the future child will kill herself and take out the Holy Grail, and her enemy will sacrifice herself to save 01 herself, no matter how she thinks about it, Jin Gu thinks it is impossible.

"How foolish I am to believe the words of the enemy."

Jin Gu thought she was stupid, but although she said it, she didn't act at all.

Maybe, she still thought in her heart that Ling Ye's cartoons,,, might be true.

"Hehe, this,,, is...the child of Tiamat, what a coward."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, upon hearing this voice, Jin Gu turned his head immediately, "Who!"

The moment Jin Gu turned around, in front of her, a figure in a green suit and a cuckold came out. Seeing this figure, Jin Gu couldn't help being startled, and then her eyes narrowed.

"It's your cave king!"

The Cave King heard the voice, and the figure looked back to make sure there was no one else, then he looked at Jin Gu in front of him and pointed at himself.

"You mean me"

"That's right, green hat! The heroic spirit, you should be the only one, Earl!"

"Society Teemo is the count! You are the count! I am Rafe! Do you know Rafe!"

At this moment, Leif pointed at his nose and yelled at Jin Gu in front of him, really, you recognized Lefe as an earl, how bad your eyes are! And after hearing what Lefe said, at this moment, Jin Gu come over.

"You are Rafe, no, isn't it said in the game that you are already dead?"

Jin Gu thought of his inner love, Leif should be gone at this time.


At this moment, Leif rolled his eyes, and then set his sights on the moon machine in Jin Gu's hand. Seeing the moon machine, he understood everything.

That's right, if it's normal, he should be dead, but don't forget, because of Ling Ye's butterfly effect, the singularity this time started from Chapter 7 ━━━━━━━━::: Ah! Leif is not dead at all at the moment, but thinking of this, Lefe can't help but think about it.

"Hehe, thanks to the fact that you are still a child of Tiamat, you actually believe what a human said, or it's just a comic. If Tiamat were here, she would definitely cry."

"What did you say"

The thunder around Jin Gu began to flicker, "Are you questioning me?"

"That's right! It's just... I'm questioning you. You actually believe in your enemy because of a cartoon, but you don't believe in the mother who gave you life. Tell me, should I question you?"

Leif said directly, his words were too sharp, for a moment, Jin Gu fell into hesitation.

This is actually not surprising, think about it, your enemy gave you a comic book, on which it is drawn that in the future your mother will have twins, and then the twins will kill you.

Believe it or not, ninety-nine out of a hundred people will not believe it! "But, the prophecy in this..."

"What kind of prophecy? He prophesied that I was dead. Did you see that I was dead? He prophesied that Anna and Valgon would perish together, but in the end he still needed 400 cows. If they would die, they would still be alive, you said, this comic Is it credible?"

Leif's words became more and more sharp, not only sharp, but also well-founded, such words made Jin Gu really shaken, that's right, his cartoons are completely different from reality, why should I believe it, instead of. ...In that case, why not verify it yourself! Thinking of this, Jin Gu made a decision in his heart.

She got up silently, and then flew towards the distance.

At this moment, the content in Ling Yeyue's machine has completely turned into a conspiracy in her eyes.

Seeing Jin Gu leave, Leif couldn't help laughing at this moment.

He touched his chest, as if the pierced wound hadn't healed yet.

"Come on, make a fuss, I want to see, Ling Ye, Olga Marie, your... hard work, is it still... useful! "

After speaking, Leif's body turned into a burst of magic power and disappeared into the sky again.

Chapter 777 - The Awakening of Tiamat

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