The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

The Comics of Ten Thousand Realms Chapter 34

For the Heroic Spirits, what a little magician, "Tonight, let's declare war at the place we found. I want to see how many people come back to respond to our battle today."

"Yes, my lord."

He nodded, and then he got up and left directly. As for the result of doing so, he didn't think about it, because there was no need... He is a knight, and he has only one task, to obey the orders of his lord and obtain the Holy Grail .

Swipe! Swipe! The speed was very fast, and he soon came to a remote street. At this moment, he was sitting on the side of the road and waiting quietly. Time passed by, and he saw the sun set. , Diarmuid began to release his magic power. Diarmuid believed that as long as he released his magic power, many people would definitely come.

An hour passed, and a sparrow flew across the sky.

In the commercial street, the four 44 figures couldn't help but glance at each other.

And Irisviel looked towards the side.

"Diarmuid has declared war, shall we go?"

"I should go to find Diarmuid, but,,,, what about these...... exquisite food."

A bunch of pomfret slices in the left hand, a stamp in the right ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Knowing that she has no resistance to these delicious foods, okay?

"Hunger is the enemy, wasting food, it's disgusting.

However, it is not good to reject other people's declaration of war."

At this moment, my king has already started to get entangled, and she no longer knows what she should do.

Chapter ━━━━━━━━━Fried fish or pomfret slices, which one is better to eat first? Or, eat together Looking at my king at this moment, Alice Fel already understands that my king is at 340 Tangled.

"Are we just going to leave Diarmuid there?"


He hesitated for a while, after all, this is the first battle of the Holy Grail War, should I deal with it, anyway, I already know the opponent's Noble Phantasm, so my chances of winning are very high.

He was thinking, but at this moment, Ling Ye's voice sounded.

"My king! Our shredded squid is ready! Do you come or not? If you don't come, Hei Zhen will eat it all!"

"Come on! Wait for me! Leave me a little! Just a little!"

In an instant, my king trotted straight to Ling Ye. At this moment, only Irisviel was left: the wind was messy. At this moment, Irisviel understood one thing. To treat my king, only a string of Chapter ━━━━━━━━━━fish can be bought.

"Forget it, Diarmuid, you just wait there by yourself, the others should come to you, it should be,,,,,"

Chapter 93 - Diarmuid's Waiting

Diarmuid waited for the cold night wind to blow, and the sky gradually darkened, but on this street, Diarmuid was still sitting here blankly.

"It's strange, where everyone has gone is the heroic spirit in the legend, so it's not possible that they haven't come for so long."

Diarmuid began to wonder, could it be that he was so provocative, and no one came? In the cabin, Weber looked at Iskandar beside him.

"Diarmuid is declaring war, shall we still go?"

At this moment, Iskandar, who was playing grand strategy, said without raising his head.

"No need, since we all know what the result will be, those guys probably won't go."


Weber nodded, and then silently released the familiar to monitor the other heroic spirits.

On the other side, Tosaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei.

"Teacher, shall we go?"

Listening to Kotomine Kirei's words, Tosaka Tokiomi looked at Gilgamesh who was sitting on a golden throne.

"King, shall we go?"

"Where are you going to see that mad dog barking in front of me! Hehe, that kind of... rubbish I don't want to see at all."

Gilgamesh looked at the moon machine in his hand while talking.

"Chapter 5━━━━━━━━::::::::::::::::::: The Demon God Pillar is not easy to fight, three 3 kings, plus Matthew and a soy sauce Kong Ming, no matter how you fight, you can't beat it ,What is the actual cause."

Gilgamesh began to think about the lineup while thinking.

On the other side, Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded upon hearing Gilgamesh's words.

"Kotomine Kirei, go back.

The king said, no more."

"is teacher."

In the deep forest, Matou Kariya looked at the moon in the sky.

"Forget it, I won't go, it's boring, I'd better think about how to deal with Tohsaka Tokiomi."

In the small room, the perverted duo looked at each other, then lowered their heads together.


"Not going."


...... "Aqin!"

In the dark night, in the howling cold wind, Director Ken couldn't help sneezing, I'm going, these... are not human anymore, I've blown the cold wind for more than two hours, If you wait any longer, you won't feel any better! "Diarmuid, why not, let's go back"


Diarmuid is straight.

"My lord, these people are really too much! They don't care about the dignity of the heroic spirit at all! I seem to have heard the name of the heroic spirit, please allow me, my lord, I will teach and teach these things...Damn it guy!"

Listening to what Diarmuid said, Director Ken nodded.

"Okay, let's listen to you."

Director Ken has never been so angry, he also got angry, I want to see how shameless you are! One hour, the moon hangs high.

Two hours later, the two birds had entered the forest.

Three hours 3,,,,, bang! Diarmuid threw the double guns on the ground angrily, what the hell is the use of these two guns!!! Thinking of this, Diarmuid was very angry Roared! "Cowards! I despise you here! You have insulted the names of your heroic spirits!"

This roar was transmitted far away under the addition of magic power, and at this moment, all the heroic spirits heard this voice.

At this moment, Irisviel who sensed this voice and my king looked at each other.

They all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"That... Ling Ye."

Irisviel called out to Ling Ye who was beside her.

"What's wrong, Irisviel"

Ling Ye looked at them curiously.

"Well..., how famous is your comic book?"

"It's okay."

"Then, is there anyone who may not have seen it?"

"Of course there will be, I can't force everyone to read my comics."

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Irisviel and my king both understood that this Diarmuid really didn't read manga! Hey, poor child.

If you don't read comics in this Holy Grail War, then you can basically say goodbye to the Holy Grail War.

However, no one will kindly remind Diarmuid, who knows, they are not familiar with Diarmuid.

And at this moment, Diarmuid, who roared loudly, also vented his inner depression, and he could make himself feel better by doing this.

"What are you yelling! It's so late at night that you don't let people sleep!"

Crackling money! Suddenly, a red thunderbolt fell from the sky, and a figure wrapped in armor appeared behind Diarmuid.

This figure pointed the big sword in his hand at Diarmuid in front of him.

"At the beginning, I thought you were a hero when I saw your arrogant release of magic power, but now I see that you are one. You are still waiting here foolishly even though no one else comes, don't you even read comics!"

"Very good! Very good! Finally a Heroic Spirit came! I admit, you are a good Heroic Spirit, a true hero!"

Diarmuid looked excitedly at the figure in front of him, he didn't know him, this person was the boring little Mo at home, Mordred.


Chapter 94━━I will teach you a lesson for my father!

I'll teach you a lesson for my father! "It's really boring. I shouldn't have participated in this battle, but since I'm here, I feel a bit disadvantaged if I don't fight."

At this moment, Xiao Mo looked at Diarmuid in front of him, brush! The violent magic power began to erupt from her body.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson for my father!"

"Teach me for my father"

Diarmuid was taken aback, who is your father? Made him stunned.

"Using your rags to hold the demon-breaking red rose and the cursed yellow rose, Diarmuid, since we want to fight, let's have a good fight!"

Hearing Xiao Mo's words, Diarmuiduo was really confused, this big brother, who are you! The first time we met, I recognized my treasure, and then I directly said my real name, could it be, The other party is a member of the Fiona Knights, it is wrong to be my former friend, my teammate does not have such a dress.

Is 593 an enemy? Not sure.

However, since the other party knows everything about him, there is no need for him to pretend anymore. At this moment, Diarmuid moved his hand and swiped! A ray of light flew by, and the next second, the two weapons in Diarmuid's hand The bandage on the spear has disappeared.

Two long spears, one red and one yellow, appeared in Diarmuid's hands, looking at the spears in Diarmuid's hands, Xiao Mo nodded silently.

"It's kind of interesting. If that's the case, then let me see how your strength is."

Xiao Mo really wants to fight with Diarmuid, after all, Diarmuid's strength is recognized by her father, so now, Xiao Mo naturally wants to see how Diarmuid's strength is.

Crackling! Around Xiao Mo's body, red lightning bolts flashed by! Xiao Mo's feet brushed vigorously! Her whole body flew out like a cannonball.

Seeing Xiao Mo flying over, Diarmuid quickly raised the spear in his hand and began to deal with it.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The attacks of the heroic spirits began to collide, and this small street also began to become bruised and shattered.

This poor street, after all, did not escape the fate of being destroyed. In the collision of the two, this street gradually began to disappear.

"This Heroic Spirit is so powerful."

Diarmuid was silently fighting against Xiao Mo at this moment. With his strength, Xiao Mo became more and more surprised as he fought, but after being surprised, Xiao Mo began to use his power silently.

Diarmuid's attributes are still good, strength, durability and agility + magic lucky treasure is the same as the spearman Kuchurin in the Fifth Holy Grail War. The Celtic hero Diarmuid who was summoned in Japan is very far away from his hometown of Ireland. Far away, so his data does not get the "homeland and popularity bonus"

Such attributes are already in the quasi-first-class position among the heroic spirits, but his strength is still a little weaker than that of the opposite Xiao Mo.

Muscular Strength + Durability, Agility, Magic Power, Lucky Noble Phantasm Although attributes do not represent combat power, the advantages of this attribute are real. At this moment, Diarmuid does not have the upper hand, even if it is not for Diarmuid's double guns advantage, he has already been at a disadvantage.

"That's right, it's very powerful. Even in the royal father's knight group, there will not be more than 15 people who can beat you."

Mordred praised Diarmuid in front of him, but Diarmuid couldn't be happy after hearing Xiao Mo's words.

"You, are you complimenting me? I'm also the chief knight of Fiona's Knights. You actually ranked me outside the top ten of your Knights. It seems that I'm really underestimated."

Diarmuid shook his head helplessly, and then, his magic power directly poured into the red spear in front of him, buzz! The red spear began to emit red light. At this moment, Diarmuid finally chose to use his own treasure ! On the other side, looking at Diarmuid who has released the treasure, the corners of Xiao Mo's mouth also raised slightly.

"It's interesting. That's right. You don't need treasures to fight, so it would be too boring to fight."

While Xiao Mo was talking, powerful magic power erupted from her body! The magic power was released!! Both of them became serious at the same time, and then, the two figures fought again.

And this time, the two fought evenly.

Don't think that Diarmuid can hurt my king, just think that Diarmuid is stronger than my king. During the spear: sword battle, my king didn't know the ability of Diarmuid's treasure. Diarmuid is shady, but Xiao Mo is different, this girl knows Diarmuid's ability like the back of his hand.

Under such circumstances, Diarmuid will naturally not be so easy to fight.

Chapter 95━━My King's Shock

My king's shock followed the battle of the two heroic spirits, and every figure could not help but feel the powerful collision of magic power.

"Quick! Quick!! There are really people going to fight! Shall we go and have a look!"

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