The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms

The Comic Book of Ten Thousand Realms Chapter 42

A random screenshot is very beautiful, and the colors used in the picture are quite bright. Because it contains traditional Japanese myths and some images of gods, it may feel more mysterious. Coupled with the gloomy feeling in the first paragraph of the manga, there will inevitably be a kind of horror in my heart. However, the protagonist Chihiro was brought into the story without knowing it, and I felt personally on the scene.

How should I put it, this is a perfect work in terms of painting style, plot, and characters. After seeing this work, Da Vinci understood it.

"Ling Ye, you, this is going to be a big move, if this work doesn't become popular, it's really, it's unforgivable.

I'm afraid that once this work comes out, your influence will reach a peak."

"How about it, dear Da Vinci, can you make anime?"

"Tomorrow daytime, I'll give it to you right away, now, you go to the backstage of Moon Machine to send a message to promote it."


Chapter 113━━Spirited Away starts broadcasting

At the moment Spirited Away started broadcasting, in front of countless users of Yueji, a message was directly pushed to their Yueji.

Brush! In the early hours of this morning, Ling Ye's new work, the anime Spirited Away will be released soon, so stay tuned.

What! Ling Ye's new work is about to be released, and it's still a legendary anime! In an instant, everyone was excited.

The entire forum exploded.

"Have you seen it? A new manga is about to be released!"

"Attention upstairs, it's an anime, not a manga! This time it will move!"

"I'm really curious, Spirited Away, what kind of name is it? It looks quite poetic, and it doesn't feel like Xingyue's work."

"Is it the story of Doraemon?"

"Impossible, have you seen the poster? It's a little girl, and looking at the clothes, it doesn't seem modern,"

"It should be a superficial new work, don't care, Ling Ye's production must be a boutique."

"That's right, there are four hours left, and I can't wait."

"It's just... an animation movie, it only costs 2 yuan, so it's much more suitable to go to the cinema."

For a moment, everyone couldn't help looking at the moon machine in front of them, and they began to count the time and wait.

On the other side, Ling Ye is almost ready.

He looked at Da Vinci who was beside him.

"Da Vinci, you can get ready to start."

Ling Ye looked at the clock on the wall.

"Okay, it's almost time, we can start."


Da Vinci nodded, and immediately started playing Spirited Away.

On the other side of the moon machine, all the audience can't wait.

At this moment, in a room, Aoi Tohsaka is sitting in front of the moon machine with her two daughters. The magician is...the magician, and the projector directly projects the picture in the moon machine onto the wall , a giant home theater was born.

"Sakura, bring me all my potato chips.

And popcorn, cola! I want to watch the anime of the big villain!"

On the sofa, Tohsaka Rin excitedly looked at Sakura next to her, and after listening, Tohsaka Aoi couldn't help but patted her little head.

"Mr. Ling Ye's cartoons are very good, but is this cartoon really good?"

"It might work."

Yuansaka arrives.

"Sure, brother Ling Ye never disappoints."

On the other side, Sakura is unwilling, in her eyes, her brother Ling Ye is the best.

Hearing what the two daughters said, Aoi Tohsaka smiled, and then watched it together with the two daughters.

At this moment, the anime has officially started.

In the anime, Chihiro, a 10-year-old girl who is a bit squeamish and self-willed, followed her parents to a new home. On the way, she strayed into a temple and came to another world—a bustling and extraordinary bathing street dedicated to providing services for gods.

The parents were turned into pigs because they ate a delicacy prepared for the gods.

Little Chihiro was able to settle down with the help of the mysterious and beautiful boy Bai, and changed her name to "Qian"

, entered the large public bath run by the witch Granny Tang as a servant, waiting for the opportunity to rescue her parents and return to her own world.

Here, there is a boiler-burning grandfather with a disgusting and kind heart, and a sister Ling with a bright and warm heart. With everyone's encouragement, Chihiro has repeatedly saved herself from danger with her pure heart, and made many new friends...... Seeing this, Sakura's family of three were stunned.

Originally, they all thought that this was a fantasy work like that, but this work is completely different, it is definitely a different world! Not only the content, but the production level of this animation is too high, whether it is the quality or frame The number exceeds all works of the current era. This kind of animation, both in terms of quality and content, is incomparably perfect!

Sakura sighed.

On the other hand, Rin also forgot to put snacks in her mouth, because at this moment, she was completely attracted by the contents of the anime.

With the beginning of the plot, all audiences were attracted by Spirited Away. The... gods and ghosts in the picture, and the incomparably fantastic style of painting, they have never seen before Yes, especially those...... river gods, faceless monsters, which made them feel that their knowledge has broadened.

....... For a long time, as Spirited Away started playing, everyone felt the beauty of animation.

And there are countless people discussing it on the forum at this moment.

"Shocked, the girl actually did this kind of work in the bathing center for her parents. The man was silent when he saw it, and the woman shed tears when she saw it."

"Damn, upstairs, you're a devil, aren't you?"

"From the beginning, I felt that the parents didn't care much about their children... They still wanted to go in even after Chihiro, and when it was... when the grass was there, they went straight away and didn't care about her. It's scary, my God it's scary"

"When I listen to the soundtrack of the author's movie, it feels like I'm lonely, sad and want to cry."

"It's the same with me. I feel like something is being poked in my heart, and I really want to cry."

"Maybe you are lonely, the author brought out this loneliness.

This is anime, this, is...Spirited Away.

Today I understand, I suddenly feel that the animations we watched before are really just for children, only the author's big ones... ..., is truly something for all ages,."

"That..., let me interject, animation and anime are not the same thing... Five."


Chapter 114━━Spirited Away's Influence!

The influence of Spirited Away! After Qian left, Bai woke up.

It's just that after waking up, Bai has a vague memory of what happened before...

But in front of Grandpa Boiler, Bai asked about Chihiro's whereabouts as soon as he opened his mouth.

Grandpa Boiler sighed again when Qianxun left, the power of love! However, after Bai learned of Qianxun's whereabouts, he realized that the most important thing now is not to find Qianxun, but to prevent Granny Tang from killing Qianxun's parents.

Sure enough, under Bai's reminder, Granny Tang found out that all the things she cherished around her had been swapped, so she completely ignored the matter of killing Chihiro's parents.

And Bai volunteered to help Granny Tang go to Granny Qian and bring back the big baby.

But as a condition, Bai hopes that Granny Tang can turn Chihiro's parents back into humans.

Although Granny Tang arrogantly threatened that Bai would be torn apart afterwards, Bai would not hesitate to do so.

"September 17"

At the same time, Qian, the faceless man and the little mouse, have arrived at Granny Qian's residence.

The seal of a thousand generals ━━━━━━━━━.

Granny Qian couldn't help laughing heartily, which means: Bai is no longer under the control of Granny Tang.

And Granny Qian, who was happy in her heart, could not agree to cross the border to interfere with Qian Xun's parents, but she also made a magic amulet—a hair rope for Qian Xun.

When Qian was about to bid farewell to Granny Qian, Qian went to open the door to welcome the guest that Granny Qian was talking about.

It turned out that this guest was none other than Bai, whom Qian was thinking about at the moment.

Granny Qian forgave Bai for what she did before, and asked Bai to protect Qian, and let the faceless man stay as an assistant.

On the way Bai escorted Qian Fei back to Granny Tang, after passing the Amber River, Bai remembered his real name and recalled the first meeting with Qian Xun in his memory.

Chihiro shed tears of emotion.

When the two returned to the small town, Granny Tang and the rest had already been waiting for a long time.

It's just that Granny Tang, who saw her precious eldest son, obeyed her son's words and didn't feel too embarrassed.

Just let Qian guess which of the two parents in the pigsty are Qian Xun's parents, but Qian Yi, who has been vaccinated in vain, insists that they are neither.

Therefore, the contract between Qian and Granny Tang disappeared.

Chihiro also left the town with Chihiro's parents smoothly.

And before leaving, Bai also said goodbye to Qian so that Qian didn't have to worry about herself.

Bai has his own plan.

The family walked through the dark and long tunnel, and finally saw the car they had parked there before.

It's just that the car is covered in dust.

Chihiro looked back at the tunnel she walked through with complicated emotions.

Finally, the family drove back again, and the tunnel behind them was getting farther and farther away... At this point in the picture, Spirited Away is completely over. It is already very late, after two o'clock in the middle of the night, however, Everyone doesn't care about the time in front of them at all, as if they are still silent in the world of Spirited Away and have not woken up.

This Spirited Away is different from the previous comics, after all, it is an animation movie, its audience is very wide, and under this broad masses of people, various voices have also appeared.

"The first time I watched it, did everyone really think the content was good-looking? Maybe I don't have that... childhood feelings.

I think a lot of things are really unsatisfactory.”

"Super sucks.

not interesting.

Appropriate for a 10-year-old."

"I never judged before.

But after watching this drama, I found it was true.

The plot is meaningless.

Anime is really rubbish."

Looking at these people's comments, Ling Ye couldn't help but wonder, when did the animation level of Xingyue World become so high that even Spirited Away couldn't conquer them? Either it's a gangster, or it's just...the person who specifically blackmails himself, because in the next second, there will be a large number of positive comments.

"I don't understand why some people think that Spirited Away is not good. Perhaps, only those who have love in their hearts can understand it."

"The first ten minutes or so were boring.

Because the external evaluation is very high.

Keep watching patiently.

The result is boring all the way.

Not even a bright bottom.

The ending is also inexplicable, like a dream.


Giant baby'.

mask man.

What is the meaning of their existence? Where does their love story come from? What kind of explanation is this ending?

There are no classic lines, in short, the performance is flat.

There's nothing bright about it.

After reading it, I thought I didn't understand it.

Read some movie reviews.

Still haven't found any highlights.

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