Listening to Matou Kariya's words, Ling Ye nodded, the guy who can be dealt with with a single sword is nothing more, behind Ling Ye, the golden treasure appeared again, and behind Ling Ye, Sakura couldn't help pulling The corner of Ling Ye's clothes.

"Brother Ling Ye, can you spare Uncle Yan Ye's life?"

"Ah Sakura, he was going to hurt your mother just now."

"But, Uncle Kariya won't do it anymore, right?"

Little Lolita was still soft-hearted, on the other side, Tohsaka Rin also took Ling Ye's hand, and looked at the two little Lolita who begged for mercy, Ling Ye sighed.

Ling Ye understood that there was no way out for Tong Yanye at all, even if he let him go, the... engraving worms in his body would not let him go, within two months, this guy , will undoubtedly die.

"Okay, I hate killing him and getting my hands dirty."

Ling Ye was still unwilling to reject the words of the two little lolitas, Ling Ye snapped his fingers, and behind Ling Ye, the King's Treasure had completely disappeared.

At this moment, Ling Ye looked at Kariya Matou who disappeared.

"Let's go, don't let me see you in the future."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Matou Kariya glanced at the two little lolis surrounding Ling Ye, then at Tohsaka Aoi who was giving him a wink to let him leave, finally, Matou Kariya nodded , and then said to Ling Ye, "Take care of them for me."

"Don't worry, taking care of them is what I was supposed to do, and I don't need you to remind me."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Jiantong Yanye also let go of his heart. He looked at the two beauties, one big, one small, and two small, in front of him, and then said, "Take care..."

After Matou Kariya finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the night sky. Seeing that Matou Kariya disappeared, Ling Ye looked at the girls beside him at this moment, "Okay, the danger is over, Sakura, Rin and Aoi, you guys just open any door and go home."

"Thank you, Mr. Ling Ye."

Kui bowed to Ling Ye, then turned around and opened any door and left with the two little lolitas. Before leaving, the two little lolitas kissed Ling Ye's cheeks from left to right. , and then left here with a red face.

Seeing the two little lolitas leaving, Ling Ye couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, usually Sakura is... very proactive, but it's the first time for this little tsundere Rin to do this, but , it can also be seen that the little girl Rin is very satisfied with her performance today, otherwise, she would not be so active.

Seeing Ling Ye who was so happy at the moment, Alice Feier couldn't help but walked over, "The beast, you actually attacked little Lolita."

"What Irisviel, please don't spitting blood at others, please."

"I spout blood. It seems that those two little girls are definitely not older than six years old. You still say you are not a lolicon"

"What! I'm a Lolicon, so Emiya Kiritsugu is not the same, your real age is only five or six years old, right?"

You! Alice Feil wanted to refute, but she realized that what Ling Ye said seemed to be correct. She was a man-made human. It seemed that she was really 5.

9 A loli, Alice Feier thought of this, and thought of her daughter, Illya, as if counting the time, her daughter seems to be only one or two years younger than herself, right? Years old, I really am a unique existence in this world, wait..., why did I think of this! Thinking of this, Irisviel couldn't help but give Ling Ye a blank look.

"It's all your fault, take me into the ditch! How can I be the same as those two little girls!"

"What's the matter, Emiya Kiritsugu is a lolicon, so don't let me tell you"

Looking at the rather irritating Ling Ye in front of her, Irisviel stomped her feet angrily, but how could she, who is a lady, argue with a cheeky rascal like Ling Ye? At this moment, she could only pull aside Lia.

"Leah, we're at odds: this guy said, let's go!"

Chapter 144━━I am, Emiya Kiritsugu

I am, Emiya Kiritsugu.

In a dark forest, a figure fell into a pool of blood, and a dagger was stuck in his body. This figure was Jian Tong Kariya, whom Ling Ye had just let go. It’s true that he didn’t escape, that’s right, after the Master failed, he usually hid in the church. However, the current church has long been controlled by Kotomine Kirei, so there is no one in Fuyuki City who can protect him. The Tong family and the Matou Zunyan are all gone. Naturally, there is no place for Matou Kariya in such a place. Just as Ling Ye expected, he will not live for more than a month.

At this moment, beside this body, a masked figure slowly pulled out the dagger, and then put it back into his arms.

After that, she directly took out the one-month machine, and said a word directly, "The target has been killed."

"Very well, come back."

On the other side of the Tsukune, a voice sounded, and this voice was Kotomine Kirei's voice.

After Kotomine Kirei finished speaking, the assassin silently turned around, and then his body disappeared into the darkness.

And after the assassin disappeared, from Kotomine Kei 14's body, poof! A worm came out of Matou Kariya's body directly.

Afterwards, more and more worms came out of his body, and then engulfed Matou Kariya's body, Matou Kariya's body became the nutrition of the worms, and Matou Kariya completely disappeared in the In this world, even the traces of existence have disappeared... "Welcome home! Our hero!"

Just as Ling Ye came home, three small salutes exploded directly in front of him.

As the three small salutes exploded, Hei Zhen's figure approached, and then she kissed Ling Ye's face lightly, and then, Da Vinci silently handed a bouquet of flowers to Ling Ye.

Just when Ling Ye wanted to know how Xiao Mo would reward him, Xiao Mo ran directly in front of Ling Ye, and then punched Ling Ye heavily in the chest.

"You did a good job. You actually defeated Lancelot. Although Lancelot is only in the state of a mad dog, it is also very good."

"Xiao Mo, it hurts."

Ling Ye clutched his chest, this little Mo, his actions are really not serious.

"How nice it hurts, you idiot.

, do you know how lucky you are today! If Lancelot is not a madman, no matter whether it is riding or sword, you will surely die. Do you know?"

Listening to Xiao Mo's words, and seeing Xiao Mo's worried expression, Ling Ye could not help but touch Xiao Mo's head with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will become stronger and stronger in the future, no matter when...

Whether it's sword or cavalry, it's impossible for me to be my opponent."

Ling Ye is very confident. After defeating Lancelot just now, his attributes have increased by one, and his strength, durability, agility, and magic power are lucky. This is Ling Ye's naked attributes now.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, go back and rest."

Ling Ye said to the three women in front of him, the three women gave Ling Ye a white look, and then returned to their room one by one, and when Hei Zhen turned around, Ling Ye took Hei Zhen's hand.

Then Ling Ye whispered in Hei Zhen's ear, "Hei Zhen, come to me tonight"

"You guy, after a big battle, you still have the strength to fight another battle"

"What, you're still worried about my body" Hmph."

Hei Zhen shook her head, then broke free from Ling Ye's hand.

"Hey, where are you going?"


Hearing Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye smiled, he already understood what Hei Zhen meant, "I'd better go back to my room to update the manga."

Ling Ye returned to her room, and by the way, updated today's manga. Today's manga is updated to Emiya Kiritsugu's chapter ━━━━━━━━━━, it will be... Emiya Kiritsugu's After the history and manga were updated, the character image of Emiya Kiritsugu was enriched.

Looking at such cartoons, in a room, a figure could not help but sigh.

"Ling Ye, why do you know me so well? Unexpectedly, you are the one who knows me best in this world."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the manga above and shook his head helplessly. He never thought that his horrible past would be seen by everyone one day.

Beside Emiya Kiritsugu, the figure of Hisau Yawu appeared at some point.

"Kiritsugu, I just saw through surveillance that Kariya Matou is dead."

"Dead or not? Let's die. I just don't understand. I thought that he would be able to survive until the end. I didn't expect him to die in front of Gilles and the assassins."

Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head, then stood up.

"Kiritsugu, what should we do next? According to the current news, all the remaining heroic spirits have been divided into two major factions. Except for Gilles, we are the only independent heroic spirits. What should we do next? what to do"

Hisau Yawu was a little worried, she already knew that someone had summoned Elmeloy II.

"Kiritsugu, our strength is too weak now, it is impossible for us to obtain the Holy Grail in this way."

"It's okay, don't we still have a trump card that is useless?"

"What ace"

"Avalon, it's almost time to take it out now."

Emiya Kiritsugu spoke to himself, however, listening to Emiya Kiritsugu's words, Hisumei was stunned, she knew what Avalon's role was, if it wasn't for Avalon, I'm afraid Alice Phil's body couldn't take it anymore.

If Avalon is taken out, then Irisviel probably has only one result.

"What about the lady's body?"

Hearing Hisau Yawu's words, Emiya Kiritsugu lowered his head in pain, he has never been in such pain, he has only experienced such pain once, that is when he killed his master himself in the manga just now, and now , he will face a second choice.

"I can't defeat all the heroic spirits without taking out Avalon, I can't get the Holy Grail without defeating all the heroic spirits, and I can't get the Holy Grail,,,"

Speaking of 407, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes turned red.

"If I can't get the Holy Grail, I can't save the world."


Hisau Yawu embraced Emiya Kiritsugu's body, every time Emiya Kiritsugu faced pain, she would do this, she also understood what Emiya Kiritsugu was thinking at this moment, as Emiya Kiritsugu's Lover, she understands Kiritsugu at this moment.

"Or, Kiritsugu, let's let go."

Giving up the peace of the whole world for one person, Emiya Kiritsugu can't do it.

"Miwu, I'm fine, haven't we always been like this? We use the smallest sacrifice in exchange for more people's happiness. It used to be like this, and in the future,...,.

,, will be like this."

"But, that's madam."

Hisau Yawu understood how much Emiya Kiritsugu loved Irisviel.

She also understood how firm Emiya Kiritsugu was in his heart.

"Mi Wu, originally, I had to forget about this matter, my master, you thought my feelings were dead, I would abandon the past, and then embark on this road of no return alone, I also I once thought that I would forget my mission, obtain the Holy Grail for Einzbern, and then live the happy life I want with Irisviel and Illya.

However, Ling Ye's comics awakened the past that I don't want to recall.

That's right, as said in the manga, I am Emiya Kiritsugu, sacrifice a few in exchange for the happiness of more people, isn't that the principle I should abide by?"


Chapter 145━━Xingxing pulled out Xiaoan!

Winky draws Ann! What is the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu? They are the oldest pair of gay friends in the world,,, no, best friends.

Now, Enkidu is stuck, how could such a Jin Xingxing endure this moment, Jin Xingxing sat directly on the sofa with the moon machine in his hand, and opposite him was the helpless Ling Ye.

"I said, Shiny, you can draw a card if you draw a card, why did you come to me?"

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, you are the biggest black man in this game, and now I'm sitting next to you, I don't believe that my little En can't come out!"

Looking at the resolute Gilgamesh in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but get black lines.

Didn't Gilgamesh know that this metaphysics is unnecessary? Just when Ling Ye looked helplessly at Gilgamesh in front of him, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

As soon as Ling Ye finished speaking, a beautiful woman in a suit and leather shoes walked over, seeing this figure, Ling Ye was also taken aback.

"Well, my king, why are you here?"

Listening to Ling Ye's words, at this moment, my king looked quite helpless, "I'll come and see Xiao Mo, and I'll pay you a visit."

Ever since my king cleared up the past with Lancelot, she has been very grateful to Ling Ye at this moment, and now, she also wants to completely clear up the past with Xiao Mo, so she came to Ling Ye's room , My king is very clear that in Xiao Mo's heart, Ling Ye's status may already be ranked among the top three, so my king naturally came to look for Ling Ye. The gold of the moon machine was shining, and for a moment, both of them were stunned.

"Ling Ye, this,,, why is Jin Xingxing here with you?"

Hearing my king's words, Ling Ye spread his hands helplessly, "I don't want him to come either, but this guy just said that I'm good at drawing cards here, and he's as tall as a cult."


Gilgamesh snorted coldly, "Bullshit, don't think I don't know what kind of person you are, let me tell you, the monthly phone you gave me is too much, this Saint Quartz Teemo's can't use money at all Charge! I have prepared countless treasures for you to recharge, unless I can get Xiaoen, otherwise, I will smash you to death with money!"

Gilgamesh's moon machine is Ling Ye's special machine. This moon machine can be played even in the Hall of Valor. Because of this, Gilgamesh had to choose Ling Ye, because Ling Ye's moon machine could not be chosen. , and then he has a signal to play at any time regardless of the heavens and worlds. Otherwise, he chooses an ordinary monthly machine with money recharge, and then he can only play in this time and space.

It's hard to say which one a guy like Gilgamesh, who wants to save face and suffer, chooses.

It must be! Swipe! The system update of the moon machine was completed, and then Gilgamesh turned on the moon machine, and then, a new card pool appeared in the moon machine.

The card pools of Merlin and Enkidu! Looking at the card pool in front of him, Gilgamesh directly began to draw cards.

"Draw two friendship card pools first to try."

After Jin Xingyan finished speaking, he drew it casually, and the next second, the friendship pool began to summon, big hero, big hero, Liudong Temple,,,,,, after Gilgamesh drew nine 9s, finally, a A dark figure appeared.

The face of this card is very strange. Except for the eyes, everything else is a black figure. It doesn't look very powerful. However, to Gilgamesh's surprise, this card has no stars. Seeing this heroic spirit, Gilgamesh couldn't help but look at the information of the heroic spirit on the card pool, ".

Angola Mainyu who is this?"

If you don't understand, just ask, anyway, next to me is... Ling Ye, if you have any questions, just ask him.

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