"Baimang, get me a chicken!"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Baimao couldn't help being taken aback.

"How old is the chicken"

Ling Ye...Damn! What is this Baimao thinking! Is he the kind of person who calls a chicken? Am I that kind of person? Looking at Ling Ye's expression, Baimao Hassan doesn't know Understand what I said wrong.

"I want the...eat chicken! Not the...chicken you think!"

"Master, you don't need to say anything, I understand everything.

Don't worry, I won't tell the mistresses."

Elder Sister Baimao deserves to be the boss of the killer, she completely understands such things, and she doesn't even blush.

"No! You really don't want to think too much! I want to use chicken blood to describe the magic circle!"

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Baimao Hassan realized that she was thinking too much, and after that, she turned around and left the place as soon as her body moved.

And Ling Ye began to prepare to summon the heroic spirit.

Baimao's speed was very fast, within a few minutes, a cage of chickens appeared in front of Ling Ye.

"Did you give me money?"

"Give it."

Listening to Baimao's words, Ling Ye clicked, and then Ling Ye began to draw blood to draw the magic circle, and soon, a magic circle appeared in front of Ling Ye.

Looking at the shape in front of him, Ling Ye stretched out his hand directly.

"Be full..."

Following Ling Ye's voice, a red light appeared in the summoning array, and then a berserk magic power came out, "Declaration.

Your body is under me, my fate is on your sword.

If you follow the fate of the Holy Grail, follow this will, and answer me for this reason! I swear here.

I am the one who accomplishes all good deeds in the world, and I am the one who conveys all evil in the world.

Wrap your three great words and spirits for seven days, come from the wheel of restraint, O guardian of the scales!"

Boom! After Ling Ye finished speaking, a red light shot up into the sky, and then a small figure suddenly appeared in the very center of the magic circle.

This figure is the cute little Jack, and at this moment, little Jack slowly opened his eyes, and her eyes fell directly on Ling Ye in front of him.


Jack the Ripper, please take care of me, Mom."

Hearing Little Jack's words, Ling Ye couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Sure enough, Little Jack is very cute! Ling Ye wanted to go over to hug the cute little Jack, but when he saw Ling Ye in front of him, he suddenly , Little Jack's face changed! "What's going on! Why is it not mother, but a man!"

Listening to Little Jack's words, Ling Ye couldn't help but feel embarrassed. At this moment, he remembered the story of Little Jack in Xingyue's world view! There were tens of thousands of prostitutes in London in 1999.

At that time, abortion technology was still quite backward and crude, and children who could have been born normally were treated like garbage.

The bodies of the babies were all thrown into the river near the east end city, and the resentment kept accumulating in this chaotic river.

The resentment of tens of thousands of babies who were rejected even at birth gradually began to transform into the form of young girls.

The girl couldn't help but yelled "...Mom" to a woman she met

, but was insulted, she felt very sad and killed the woman.

Then she killed other people, unknowingly, she has been called "Jack the Ripper"

the name.

Because of this kind of experience, what Little Jack hates the most is...men! Inside, it was because the one who summoned Little Jack was a man, so Little Jack killed the other party as soon as he came out! And at this moment, he summoned Little Jack Jack, Ling Ye doesn't think that little Jack will let him go just because he is handsome.

Sure enough, at this moment, Little Jack saw Ling Ye's figure, and she silently took a breath.

"Isn't it mom? Then, let me kill you and go back to follow Li and go to sleep."

After Little Jack finished speaking, in the next second, her body directly turned into an afterimage! Swipe! This afterimage came directly in front of Ling Ye! Little Jack's speed was too fast. , I'm afraid he won't even have the chance to use the command spell. However, Ling Ye is not an ordinary person. Facing the menacing little Jack, Ling Ye directly dodged the blow of the little Jack, and then Ling Ye directly opened his own one hand.

"In the name of Command Seals, little Jack, no patrolling!"

Swipe! A red light disappeared on the back of the surprised hand, and after that, the figure of Little Jack was directly frozen in place.

Command spells are just... so unreasonable.

Chapter 230━━Educating Little Jack

Teach little Jack, "Let go of me! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear open your heart and see if the blood that flows out is red!"

Little Jack looked angrily at Ling Ye in front of him, her big cute eyes were wide open, but at this moment, Little Jack was not cute, there was a fierce light in her eyes.

"You are so young, what are you talking about!"

Ling Ye looked at the little Jack in front of him, and he came to the side of the motionless little Jack! "What are you doing! Let me go!"

Little Jack shouted angrily, she wanted to struggle, but her body couldn't move at all.

"See how I teach you today."

Ling Ye put Little Jack on the sofa and raised his hand directly.

Don't get me wrong! Of course Ling Ye didn't want to do something beastly to a little lolita! Afterwards, Ling Ye kept hitting Little Jack, although he didn't use much force, but at this moment, Little Jack of 527 was very angry. Da Ling Ye also said.

"Let you use the knife on your master!"

"I'll kill you if you have nothing to do!"

"Makes you want to rip my heart out!"

Ling Ye kept hitting, but Little Jack kept shouting in front of Ling Ye.

"Let go...I! Hit me again and I will kill you!!! I will definitely kill you!"

Little Jack kept shouting, but Ling Ye continued to wave his hands.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Ling Ye not only beats, but also beats the drums. Ling Ye is very happy playing here, but Little Jack is not happy anymore.

"Woo!!! Woo!!!"

Little Jack actually started to cry, how could she have suffered such a crime! "Say it! You still can't move... the knife!"

"I want to kill,,,"

Crack! Ah! Ling Ye slapped Xiaojie back with half a sentence.

"You still don't know what's wrong, tell me, do you know what's wrong!"

"I,,,..I was wrong."

Little Jack said with teary eyes, at this moment, in Little Jack's heart, he should hate Ling Ye extremely.

Now she can't wait to peel the skin and bones, but Ling Ye at this moment makes her helpless.

Hearing Little Jack's words, Ling Ye stopped his hands. At this moment, the effect of the Command Seal also disappeared. The moment he felt the bondage of the Command Seal disappear, Little Jack's figure moved directly! A cold light once again He flew towards Ling Ye! This brat was so disobedient! Once he broke free from the shackles, he started the journey of assassination again.

"Let you do it."

Ling Ye stretched out his hand, and then Ling Ye directly reached out and grabbed the dagger that Little Jack stabbed! The Virgin of Disintegration Level: Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasms are usually four 4-level knives, which will be added when the conditions are met. On "It is said that there were as many as 80,000 whores in the poor streets of London at that time, and they were beheaded and thrown away for the sake of living, children who could not even become whores"

resentment, exerting a vicious effect.

The condition is the following three 3: "time period is night"

, "The other party is female or female"

,"it's foggy"


If you use the Noble Phantasm when all the conditions are complete, the internal organs of the subject's body will be pulled out of the body immediately, and it will become a dissected corpse.

If the conditions are not met, it will only stop at giving simple damage, but at this time, each time a condition is met, the power will also increase.

Since this treasure is not an attack with a knife, but a curse, it can also be used at a long distance.

What is needed to defend against the effects of this Noble Phantasm is not physical defense, but resistance to...curses.

Fortunately, this kind of treasure can't hurt Ling Ye at all, so Ling Ye just stretched out his hand, and Ling Ye grabbed Little Jack's dagger! "How is that possible!"

Little Jack looked at Ling Ye in front of him, her mouth could not be closed at all.

Ling Ye's actions directly overturned Little Jack's world view, how could a human being grab her treasure! "Nothing is impossible."

Ling Ye smiled and looked at the little Lolita in front of him, "So, now, how are you going to apologize to me?"

As soon as Ling Ye finished speaking, Little Jack reacted, and she wanted to turn around and flee here in an instant, but how could Ling Ye let Little Jack leave.

"In the name of the Command Seal, little Jack, don't move!"

Scratch! After Ling Ye's voice fell, Little Jack's body froze in place again.

"Little Jack, where else do you want to go?"

Ling Ye came to Little Jack's side with a smirk, and then, under Little Jack's shocked gaze, Ling Ye imprisoned her little body again, and then,

,, a meal of education!! "Make you disobedient!"

"Let you fight back!"

"I see if you still can't move!"

Papapapapapa...! Papapapapa...! "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! !!"

Chapter 231 ━━Little Jack's Weakness

Little Jack's weakness is in a small corner of Lingye Bookstore, a small figure is crouching there hugging her two legs, there are still tears in the corners of her eyes, and her cute little nose is still twitching constantly.

Seeing Little Jack's pitiful appearance, a sense of guilt suddenly appeared in Ling Ye's heart.

"I seem to have done something bad."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, the elder sister Baimao rolled her eyes. Fortunately, the mask on her face blocked her expression, otherwise Ling Ye would definitely see that Baimao looked at her expression at this moment. despise.

"Little Jack, don't cry."

Ling Ye came to Little Jack's side, he wanted to restore his image in Little Jack's heart, but at this moment, Little Jack raised his head and looked at Ling Ye in front of him, and then she directly lowered her head and stopped looking at Ling Ye's face face off.

"It's a big bad guy!"

"I'm a big bad"

Ling Ye has a black hair, this is obviously because you took a knife to kill yourself when you came out, okay, but now you say that you are a villain, this little loli is really unreasonable!" "Little Jack, you don't understand what you did wrong what?"

Ling Ye stretched out his hand to touch Little Jack's small head, and feeling Ling Ye's touch, Little Jack shrank his head, and then directly avoided Ling Ye's big hand.

Looking at this little Jack, Ling Ye was also stunned, his hand stayed in mid-air, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

"It seems that this little Jack is really a little afraid of me."

Ling Ye thought silently in her heart.

"Little Jack, do you know that if I didn't fight back just now, then you would definitely kill me, shouldn't I just stand there and let you kill me?"


Little Jack wanted to say, you should stand there and let me kill you, but when he thought of Ling Ye teaching her, the second half of what she wanted to say was abruptly blocked back into his stomach by Little Jack.

"But why we deserve to be killed, but I can't kill you if I want to"

Listening to Little Jack's words, Ling Ye's heart turned cold. Yes, Little Jack is so innocent. She is a collection of children. Inside her body are the grievances of hundreds of children who died before they were born. .

How innocent she is.

"Little Jack, there are good people in this world, people, you can't just kill good people just because you are bullied by bad people, you see, many people love their children, you kill a good man, What about their wives and children? Wouldn’t that be the same pain? Do you want them to be like you?”

Ling Ye reasoned with little Lolita, he wanted to use words to impress little Lolita, however, his power was not enough to make little Lolita understand good and evil, at this moment, little Lolita still looked at Ling Ye blankly.

"Then, if I don't kill people, what should I do if others come to kill me?"

Little Jack said with some fear, seeing Little Jack's appearance, Ling Ye smiled softly.

"No, I am yours, I will protect you, no one will hurt you by your side..."

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