"My king! I'm here to see you!"

Ling Ye shouted loudly at the ruins in front of him, but listening to Ling Ye's words, the inside of the ruins was extraordinarily quiet.

"Well, isn't my king at home? Or, let's go back and wait..."

Ling Ye looked at the girls behind him, and hearing Ling Ye's words, the girls all rolled their eyes.

"Hey, you say that, who can come out! Don't you know how to curse?"


Hearing what the girls said, Ling Ye quickly shook his head.

"No, no, if my king finds out that I scolded her, he will lose his favorability. It will take several tables of delicious food to make up for it!"

Ling Ye definitely disagreed, but when it came to this, Ling Ye reacted.

"Yes, if she doesn't come out, I can force her to come out!"

Thinking of this, Ling Ye directly took out a set of glittering,,,, tableware from the King's Treasure, that's right, it's... tableware.

Afterwards, Ling Ye took out various materials and began to make various delicacies.

Hey, if Jin Xingxi knew that Ling Ye had packed so many tableware with his King's Treasure, this guy would definitely pull it out...and twist Ling Ye into powder.

Seeing that Ling Ye started cooking, the people on the side all surrounded him.

"Ling Ye, when you go out, do you bring your own food?"

Olga Marie looked at Ling Ye in surprise. Can this Ling Ye know how to cook or eat? "Senior, do you really know how to cook? Can I order food?"

On one side, Matthew's eyes are full of sparkling light, a senior who can cook, I really like it! On the other side, smelling the delicious smell of Ling Ye's food, Gu Dazi's mouth is wide open.

Her throat moved unknowingly.

"Very hungry, Ling Ye, it's been a whole day, why are you cooking!"

On the other side, at some point, Cu Chulainn had already sat down at the table quite consciously, holding a knife and fork that he took out from nowhere in his hand and kept talking to Ling Ye.

"Brother, brother, you will not be polite this time!"

Hearing the words of four people 4, Ling Ye couldn't help but get a black line! Damn, what kind of teammate are I! Why are they all like foodies!

Chapter 266━━Black Wang Liya

Black Wang Liya: "It's delicious! Senior, your cooking skills are really good!"

The school girl was talking while tasting the delicacies made by Ling Ye.

"That's right, Ling Ye, your food is really amazing!"

Gudazi also looked at the table in front of him with a happy face. Ling Ye's cooking skills are top-notch, and a commoner like Gudazi naturally has never eaten it.

"Yes, yes, junior brother, you are really amazing, this food is really delicious!"

Cu Chulainn was also quite happy, but he hadn't eaten anything delicious for many years.

Naturally, at this moment, he was devouring his face.

"Ling Ye, are you interested in being the chef of our Chaldea? I'll pay you three times the salary!"

Olga Marie on the side is eating in small bites elegantly, but her words are very obvious, she doesn't want to give up the chef Ling Ye at all.

"You guys,,,,"

Ling Ye shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, food is a huge temptation to... everyone? At this moment, Ling Ye ignored these people, and he set his sights on the ruins on the side.

Because there, Ling Ye saw a small figure.

Don't think about that figure, it is my king.

At this moment, Hei Wang Liya's gaze has been on Ling Ye's body, to be precise, it is the sandwich that Ling Ye is making! "It seems to be delicious."

Black King Liya was going to be intoxicated, but she knew very well that the other party was her enemy, and her goal was to defeat them.

"But, I'm a little hungry."

Hei Wang Liya touched her stomach, she was really hungry, she had been in this world for so long, she didn't eat anything at all, let alone any delicious food.

Suddenly, the Black King Liya at this moment saw Ling Ye waving at her not far away, obviously, Ling Ye wanted her to come over.

"Are you calling me?"

Black Wang Liya pointed to her face, and seeing the expression of Black Wang Liya, Ling Ye nodded.

"Come here and eat something, don't worry, it's not poisonous."

Ling Ye handed the sandwich in her hand to Hei Wang Liya, and Hei Wang Liya looked at Ling Ye in front of her, her eyes were full of little stars, she wanted to resist, but her body was getting closer and closer to Ling Ye.

Finally, without knowing it, Black King Liya came to Ling Ye.

Looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Black Wang Liya was still quite vigilant.

"Are you my enemy?"

"Of course the enemy is not, we have never been."

Ling Ye handed the sandwich to Black Wang Liya in front of him, and Black Wang Liya silently took the sandwich from Ling Ye.

Then, she ate it half-heartedly—.


Hei Wang Liya tasted the sandwich in her hand with a happy face, she just didn't have any hair, otherwise, Ling Ye would definitely see her with the same hair standing up like Liya.

After two mouthfuls of Black Wang Liya, she tasted the one in her hand. After that, Black Wang Liya looked at Ling Ye in front of her with pitiful eyes. Seeing the expression similar to Xiao Mo, Ling Ye shook her head, and then handed it to Ling Ye again. Black Wang Liya a sandwich.

Black Wang Liya held the sandwich in her hand, and continued to look at Ling Ye in front of her.

"That..., you don't have to thank me."

Ling Ye smiled and shook his head.


, this one,, not enough...."

Ling Ye... almost forgot, my king has a very big appetite.

"Okay, just eat, don't worry, be full."

Ling Ye patted his chest very generously, and then, half an hour later, Ling Ye regretted it, because,,,, all his food reserves were gone.

"That..., do I eat a little too much?"

Hei Wang Liya looked at Ling Ye with some embarrassment, Ling Ye looked at Hei Wang Liya beside him, he was also speechless, big sister, you really eat a lot! "Forget it, it's fine, we will... Go home, you can eat whatever you like."

...... As Ling Ye was talking, he looked at the Black King Liya in front of him.

"Black King Liya, do you have to fight us?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Black Wang Liya paused for a moment, then her eyes became firmer, and she nodded.

"That man said that as long as I beat you, he will give me the Holy Grail."

Ling Ye naturally knew who that person was, it was...that guy Leif, that Lefe...a cheater, just...everywhere giving people the Holy Grail, and then creating a singularity to deceive people.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Black Wang Liya, that guy is not a good person."

"I'm not, you know me too, I, but Artoria, my existence itself is not a good person."

Black Wang Liya's tone became colder and colder, but Ling Ye shook his head when he heard Black Wang Liya's words.

"You have never been a bad person, just reversed, does not mean you are a bad person, you are just you, just fireworks of different colors."

Chapter 267━━Fight or chat?

Fight or chat "whatever...

What did you say, I will not give up this Holy Grail, so,,..”

Black King Liya raised the big sword that had been dyed black in her hand.

"So, come on, I'll fight you."

Looking at the black king Liya in front of him, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly. At this moment, Ling Ye saw a figure not far away, staring at Ling Ye closely.

"Emiya Shirou of the shadow follower, Cu Chulainn, I'll leave that guy to you."

"Don't worry, I will win."

Cu Chulainn nodded, and then "two eight seven"

, he took the staff in his hand and walked towards Emiya Shirou in front of him.

"Okay, this time we will be quiet here and no one will disturb you."

Ling Ye smiled, and then, in Ling Ye's hands, two beams of light appeared at the same time! Swipe! Swipe! Following the appearance of two berserk magic powers, two gleaming golden swords appeared in front of Black King Liya! "Impossible ! How do you have these two weapons!"

Black King Liya stared closely at the weapon in Ling Ye's hand. How could she not know what the great sword in front of her was? "The sword of the vowed victory! The lake without regrets! Could it be that you can use projection magic like that guy?"

Black Wang Liya couldn't help but start to doubt, and when she doubted, Ling Ye shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

"Who knows? Black Wang Liya, I'm going to be serious!"

Ling Ye frowned, and then he rushed towards the Black King Liya in front of him, and in Ling Ye's hands, the two long swords turned into two cold lights and waved continuously in the space! The Black King Liya's attributes are very It's terrifying, the strength of strength, long-term magic power + magic power + fortune + treasures + the overall attributes are similar to the normal version of my king. At this moment, Ling Ye is holding two big swords and meets Black King Liya. Naturally, it is a fierce battle! The two As the battle heats up, the confrontation between the two is becoming more and more intense! The magic power is released! Black King Liya directly used the signature skills of the My King series, tight.

Wang Liya's strength is also getting stronger and stronger, and her original muscular strength has also become even more impressive! Bang! Ling Ye and Hei Wang Liya confronted each other, and their bodies flew out several meters at the same time. The two landed again and looked at each other covetously.

"Ling Ye, your strength is very strong. It's amazing that a human being can reach your level."

Hei Wang Liya didn't expect that Ling Ye, an ordinary person, would have such power.

"To each other, Liya, your strength is also very strong."

Ling Ye also had some business bragging.

If it wasn't for the bad timing, Ling Ye could sit down and chat with Black Wang Liya for half an hour.

"By the way, how did you train, a girl can be so strong?"

"I'm not forced by that fellow Merlin, he taught me swordsmanship since I was a child.

, and very strict."

"Then he must be a very good teacher."

"No, he is an idiot who can bite his tongue even when performing magic tricks. Every time he makes a move, those... swords are slashing back and forth over there. I really don't understand. In the eyes of so many people, Why is he a magician...."

"Is this Merlin really a joke? By the way, I heard that he was chasing fairies back then,,,,,,,"

"That's right, that's... that... fairy, but his ability to chase girls is too bad. He has been chasing her for decades without even holding hands."

"Is that so? I also heard that he likes women's clothing, and his name is Meili,,,,,,"

Ling Ye and Hei Wang Liya kept chatting, the more they chatted, the happier they were, and they could even laugh out loud. Looking at the particularly harmonious Ling Ye and Hei Wang Liya here, the women watching the battle couldn't help but have black hair.

Brother and sister, are you really here to fight? The more I look at it, the more I seem to be reminiscing about the old days.

And listening to these two people chatting, finally, a figure seemed to be unable to sit still and walked out of a ruin. He glared at the two people in the field angrily, and then shouted loudly, "Hey! You two, are you still fighting?" Don’t fight, I’ve been waiting for a long time to play!”

Hearing this voice, the scene fell into silence for a while, Ling Ye was slow 1.

4 turned his head, and at this moment, a figure wearing a green hat appeared in front of Ling Ye, looking at the green hat in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help complaining, "This...a gentleman with a,,,, unique taste, we are here Chatting here, what are you talking about here!"

"I interrupted"

Rafe stretched out his finger and pointed at himself, his already big eyes widened even further, "I'll cut in! I'll cut in! You keep quiet about your conscience, if I don't show up, how long will you talk! Hurry up and fight, if you don’t fight then quit, I, the audience, are very unhappy now, you know?”


Chapter 268━━Depression + vomiting blood

Depressed and vomiting blood, Leif finally couldn't sit still, and seeing Lefe in front of him, Ling Ye didn't care about the black king Liya beside him, and the next second, Ling Ye directly raised his hand! "The treasure is released! Breaking the heavy lake light!!!”

Boom! A strong ray of light flew directly towards Leif in front of him! Swipe! Swipe! Looking at the flying treasure, Lefe's eyes widened.

"What do you mean, put the treasure without saying a word! This does not conform to the general setting."

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