At first, Wei Shao held Xiao Qiao forward. Seeing her unwilling to cooperate, he slammed his fist on his body, making a thudding sound. That's all, he still pressed his feet to death and refused to move forward. Holding it in her arm, no matter how she struggled and beat her, she strode out of the door. When he got to the carriage, he threw her in under Jia Xi's round eyes, and slammed the door shut.

The carriage was covered with thick fur pads. Xiao Qiao was thrown by him like this and rolled over, but he didn't feel any pain. He was just embarrassed. When he sat up and gasped for breath, he realized that he didn't know he had lost one of his shoes. Where is it, bare feet.

Suddenly the door opened again, Wei Shao showed his face again, threw a shoe in with a "huh", and closed the door again with a "bang".

When Xiao Qiao heard him and Jia Xi whispering a few words, the carriage moved and moved forward. After walking for a while at a constant speed, Xiao Qiao heard a sound from outside, and seemed to be at the West City Gate.

When the carriage left the city gate, the speed became faster and faster, completely leaving the dark fields on both sides of the road and Yuyang City behind.

After walking all night, I was on the road during the day the next day, only stopped by a post house in the middle, took a short rest, then continued on the road, and arrived at Zhuo County in the middle of the night, and finally stopped. Said to spend the night here.

Xiao Qiao was really angry, and when he remembered it like a toy, he took it out of the bed in the middle of the night and threw it into the carriage and took it away. I just hate that I have no right to speak in front of him at all, everyone is already in the carriage, and they have traveled such a long way, what else can they do? No more trouble is just self-inflicted humiliation. Feeling down, and having been in the car for so long, there was hardly any pause in the middle. As soon as we went, people felt a little dizzy, and it was late at night, the surroundings were pitch black, and there was not a word. He followed Wei Shao into the post house. .

Zhuo County is a big county, and the conditions of the post houses are also good. Not only was there a bathroom attached to the room, but the postmaster learned that the prince had left and was returning. Tonight, he brought the queen to stay with him. He immediately replaced it with a brand-new large tub of fragrant wood and filled it with hot water, so that the prince and his wife could exhaust themselves. Relieve fatigue.

For two consecutive days and nights, Xiao Qiao spent almost all of her time in the carriage. In the early spring in the north, the air is dry and cold, and the road is dusty. Although the carriage is closed, the inner compartment will inevitably get dusty. Xiao Qiao felt disheartened, seeing that there was a large bucket of hot water to wash, it was the only comfort thing on the road for the past two days. He took off his clothes and went into the tub.

After a while, a figure flickered at the door of the bath room, and Wei Shao followed her in. He took off his clothes in twos and threes, stepped into the tub, and sat opposite her.

As soon as his body got into the water, the water rushed out along the barrel wall. Also, it was crowded inside.

Xiao Qiao felt that a hairy leg touched his calf underwater, so he shrank back, bent to his chest and abdomen, lowered his head and stepped up to wash his body, wanting to come out quickly and give him the place.

I don't know if he was unintentional or intentional, but the hairy leg stretched out again underwater. This time it was on the skin of her thigh.

Xiao Qiao raised her head and looked at Wei Shao opposite.

His shoulders moved, Fen Shui leaned towards her, raised a wet hand, slowly held her chin, and whispered, "If you are obedient, I will naturally treat you well. "

This was the first thing he said to her in the past two days since he was thrown into the carriage in the middle of the night.

Xiao Qiao looked at him for a moment, and the corners of his lips slowly curved, and said, "I see. Does your husband have any other orders?"

Wei Shao's eyes gradually descended from her mist-filled eyes, passed through her lips, jade neck, and fragrant shoulders, and finally landed on the half of her chest that was outlined by the water surface, and her throat rolled up and down. but did not speak.

Xiao Qiao waited for a while, then turned his head and let go of his hand, grabbed the edge of the tub, crawled out of the water, and quickly covered his clothes out of the bathroom.

When she was done, she went to bed and lay down. After some time, Wei Shao came out with a stinky expression on his face.

The two slept in the same bed that night. He didn't touch her as he did when the two of them were at home in the cold war.

The next morning, Xiao Qiao woke up, and the maid with a face came in with a full set of brocade clothes and skirts, and served her with washing and dressing.

After two days of disheveled clothes, Xiao Qiao was finally able to dress neatly today, and she also wanted to thank Wei Shao for his kindness.

After she was done grooming, the servants brought in a food table. Wei Shao also followed.

He didn't speak, and she didn't speak either. The two sat opposite each other and ate breakfast with wide-eyed eyes.

After the food case was carried away, Wei Shao finally spoke: "I'm going to Jinyang first today. You stay in the post house first, and then go on the road when Chunniang arrives. You don't have to rush, just come slowly. I'll let Jia Xi lead five hundred soldiers to **** you."

Xiao Qiao said: "Xie Fujun has thoughtful arrangements."

Wei Shao saw that she didn't even raise her eyes to look at him, thinking about the scene where she didn't bathe with him last night, suddenly stood up, and after raising his feet to leave, he finally endured it, turned his head and said again: "It's not me. I don't want to go with you. But something happened in Jinyang, waiting for me to pass. I don't want you to travel too hard, so I left Jia Huben to bring 500 elite soldiers to send you there. Don't worry, the journey will be safe. "

Xiao Qiao said: "The business is important, husband go first."

Wei Shao endured the churning anger in his chest and turned his head away.

Wei Shao really left Zhuo County in the morning, leaving Xiao Qiao in the post house. The county governor's wife came to visit Xiao Qiao during the day and accompanied him. In the evening, Chunniang and the two maids rode in the carriage, and then finally caught up with Xiao Qiao. After another night in the post house, the next day, Xiao Qiao took a comfortable cart with enough room for a dozen people. Under the **** of Jia Xi and five hundred sergeants, he set out on the road to Jinyang. go.

The large area from Youzhou to Jinyang is now affiliated to Wei Shao, so it is unimpeded all the way. After passing Dai County, entering Pingcheng, and passing through Yanmen County, it is Bingzhou. Xiao Qiao didn't rush on the road. He walked during the day and stayed overnight in the dark. He walked for about twenty-five or six days. At the beginning of March, he finally got close to Jinyang City.

The day when Xiao Qiao arrived in the ancient city of Jinyang, the weather was fine. The wind is blowing, and it has brought a spring atmosphere.

Although she walked on the road not in a hurry, but after all, she walked on the road every day, and she was inevitably bumpy. After nearly a month, she felt tired long ago, and gradually she wanted to arrive earlier.

Finally got into the city today. She and Chunniang sat in the carriage together, opened the window, and looked out at the green field that appeared outside the window. Gradually, her mood became a little excited. The journey went smoothly, crossing the moat and entering the city gate.

The carriage passed through the Jingran market and brought her to a mansion with a fortified gate just north of the city, and stopped.

This is the Jinyang Government Office, where Wei Shao lived after he came.

The steward had long ago learned that the lady had arrived today, and brought her servants to wait outside the door early. When she saw a beautiful little woman alighting from the carriage, she knew that it was Mrs. Yanhou, and she greeted her.

Xiao Qiao entered and learned that Wei Shao was not in Jinyang City, so he went to Xihe County.

"Junhou left the city five or six days ago, presumably in the next two days, he should be back soon."

When the steward saw that the female monarch had just arrived, he would not be able to see the monarch.

Xiao Qiao nodded with a smile. During the day, I was busy arranging the luggage. After taking a shower at night, I took a rest early. I slept that night, and woke up naturally the next day, feeling refreshed and exhausted from all the way.

Wei Shao wasn't here, and Xiao Qiao arrived for the first time, so nothing happened. In the first few days, I ate and slept, slept and ate, strolled around the mansion, took a daze, and the day passed.

Two days later, Chunniang said that when she entered the city that day, she saw that there was a shop on the street selling lamb skins that looked good. At that time, I thought that buying a few knee pads for winter would be excellent. Afraid that the weather is getting warmer and will be closed, I want to take advantage of today and pick it up in the past.

Xiao Qiao had nothing to do, changed into ordinary clothes, put on a Milo, and went out with Chunniang.

In the area where the steward Zhinujun was going, the civilians in the south of the city lived together, and he personally led the way and escorted him.

Xiao Qiao took a carriage and went out. After getting closer to the market, he got down and walked. Walking slowly all the way, I found the stall that Chunniang saw that day selling lambskins, picked four or five pieces, paid the money, put them away, and walked back slowly all the way, and bought some sundries. When I was about to leave, I suddenly saw a lot of people gathered by the market road. A middle-aged man was beating a gong and shouting loudly. It turned out to be a slave trade stall. Those who were sold were men and women. The men with their hair down and the women tied, all of them were Qiang people who didn't know where they were kidnapped. All were unkempt and their hands bound. The clothes were ragged, and several women were even more naked, revealing the chest and abdomen covered with gray-black stains. The few Qiang girls had a blank expression, like a wooden carving with a mud tire, and didn't react at all.

Jinyang is the seat of Taiyuan County. In ancient times, it was the capital of Zhao State, and it was equal to Fanyang, Yuyang and Xindu as a famous capital in the north. In addition to the Han people, the residents also live among the Qiang and Hu people who have been naturalized since their ancestors.

The Qiang people have been hard-working since ancient times. When a woman gives birth, she is not sheltered from the wind and snow, she is strong and brave. Taking death in battle as auspiciousness, and sickness as ominous, can be called a brave and energetic nation. It's just that in the past hundred years, there have been constant conflicts with the Han family. Today, these naturalized Qiang and Hu people have low status, and most of them become slave households or yin households. Especially before, during the decades when Chen Xiang occupied Bingzhou, he was either forcibly dispatched to fight, or was invaded, and the situation was tragic.

When the steward saw that the lady was slow, he hurriedly blocked it, not wanting Xiao Qiao to see it, and said, "These are all lowly hustlers, and they were sent to the market because they offended the head of the family. Don't wait for the lady. dirty eyes."

Xiao Qiao asked, "Is this always openly selling Qiang slaves in the market?"

Guanshi said: "It's always been like this, it's a practice."

Xiao Qiao frowned, then glanced at the few Qiang women who were not fully clothed, hesitated, and finally turned and left. Just after walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a commotion behind me, and saw a teenage Qiang boy climbed up from the ground, rushed over and bit one fiercely, pretending to buy it, and actually stretched out his hand to squeeze the chest of the young Qiang girl. Men's wrist. Grip tightly.

The man was in pain, howled loudly, and was finally separated, his wrist was bleeding. The middle-aged man who was hawking was furious, and ordered the boy to be thrown to the ground.

The young man was very stubborn, his eyes shot out with anger, and he shouted loudly in unfamiliar Chinese: "We have no master! My sister and I were taken away by this bad guy when we were herding sheep in the back mountain at home..."

The middle-aged man was furious and stopped whipping. He stepped up and kicked the young man heavily, gnashing his teeth and scolding: "Bitch! I tell you to talk nonsense again!"

The boy's head was bleeding, his head was stomped on the ground by the man's boots, and his body was still twisting and struggling. The young Qiang **** the side, who was originally sullen, suddenly burst into tears and rushed over, knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing to the middle-aged man begging for mercy.

There were more and more people around. There were four or five people in the group, all dressed as ordinary locals. Among them was a young man, twenty-five or six years old, with heroic eyebrows and bright eyes, looking at this situation, the bottom of his eyes. The haze gradually thickened.

Several of his followers were already furious earlier.

Among the people, Jiang Meng had the most violent temper, with blue veins on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and said, "The Han people actually bullied my clan so far!" He suddenly clenched his fists and was about to go up, but was stopped by the young man and stopped.

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