Jia Xi stood still and didn't respond.

Xiao Qiao asked Chunniang to take Xia Gu first to change clothes and wash her face. Jia Xi was the only one left in front of him and asked, "Why didn't General Jia take my words?"

Jia Xi hurriedly said: "Don't blame the majesty. It's not that Jia Xi disobeyed the order. It was the prince who ordered me to keep the mistress as my only priority. If the last commander left the mistress's side in pursuit of a Qiang man, in case the mistress was If you lose something, you will die at the end of the day. What’s more…”

He hesitated.

"The Qiang girl is alone, from Yangqu to here, although it is not more than a hundred miles away, but it is suspicious after all. And those words are also her own words. In case of deceit, I am afraid that if I leave, Yu Nujun unfavorable."

Xiao Qiao smiled and nodded: "General Jia's concerns are not unreasonable. It's just that General Jia noticed Aunt Xia's feet. When she left a few days ago, she had shoes on her feet. She just came back, disheveled. Hair, dirty all over, one foot is still bare, the foot is covered with scratches and blood blisters, and the nail of the big toe is completely torn off. It can be seen that she has experienced a hard walk on the road. I also noticed her expression just now. Her expression is anxious, it doesn't look like she's fake, her eyes don't mean to evade, and she can't see any signs of being coerced. So I'd rather believe it."

Jia Xi snorted: "So it is! The lady is careful, but the general didn't pay attention to this. If this Qiang girl is lucky enough to escape and come back to report the news, that young man is just the grandson of a Qiang patriarch, and Jin Gui is far more than a girl. Jun. How about sending his men to chase and rescue people back at the end?"

Xiao Qiao shook his head: "His preciousness is far more precious than you think, so it is not convenient for me to say more. Regardless of whether what the Qiang girl said is true or false, you must go and visit in person. If it is true, no matter the cost, bring him recapture!"

When it comes to the end, "retake him at any cost", every word is loud and clear.

Jia Xi was startled.

"General Jia doesn't know anything. This matter is very important. I originally wanted to send someone to send a letter to Junhou and let him handle it himself. But Diaomo knew that Xia Gu escaped and would leave quickly. I'm afraid of making mistakes. I heard that General Jia was not only excellent in martial arts, but also famous for his ability to track in Huben Camp, so I wanted to ask the general to go after him personally. I hope that General Jia can successfully rescue the young man! I will report it to the prince in the future, and I will remember it. General Jia has done a great job!"

Such a beautiful lady, who had such high hopes for herself, Jia Xi met Xiao Qiao's gaze, with a burst of blood in her voice, and said, "Don't worry, lady! I will give my life! I will take a hundred people on the road, four Hundreds of soldiers stayed behind and explained to my deputy. The lady should not go out if she has nothing to do, and wait for the news of the last commander!" Xiao Qiao said with a smile: "Don't worry, General Jia, I am here waiting for the good news!"

Jia Xi's whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and he immediately took command. After retreating, he called his deputy, and after he explained the responsibility of guarding, he knew the defenders of the four cities, and immediately took the Qiang girl Xia Gu, and chased away in the direction of Shangjun.

Early in the morning two days ago, when Aunt Xia was found to have escaped, Diao Mo immediately sent someone to look back, but to no avail, he decided to take a path and take Yuan to Shangjun as soon as possible.

Last night, the group went to midnight, and they randomly found a place to stay, but after a short nap, they continued on the road.

With the perseverance of Diao Mo, the difficulty of this journey is nothing at all.

But Chen Rui, the broken prisoner general under Feng Zhao who was with him, couldn't help but start cursing.

Diaomo also knew something about Chen Rui. He is the son of Chen Xiang, the former governor of Bingzhou, known as the Jade-faced Rakshasa. Last year, Chen Xiang lost Bingzhou. He heard that Cao Jin went south to Hedong. This year, he returned to Bingzhou with troops, but was blocked by Wei Shao in Shangdang.

It was Chen Xiang who was defeated again and completely lost the possibility of a counterattack. He died of depression shortly after. Chen Rui took a remnant of less than a thousand people and went to Feng Zhao in Liangzhou.

Liangzhou is adjacent to Bingzhou, and there was friction when Feng recruited Chen Xiang. Now Chen Rui has come to vote, saying that he and Wei Shao do not share the sky. Feng Zhao also accepted it, but he only gave him the title of a miscellaneous general. Chen Rui was depressed and unwilling. In addition, he had suffered too much humiliation at Wei Shao's hands before. For the past few days, I have been forced by Diao Mo to travel hard, and now I am hungry again. I remembered how happy I used to be when I was a son in Bingzhou. Mo said angrily, "Why do you have to protect this little lamb? As I said, if you kill him with one stab, the head will be thrown in front of the bad old man. In the name of Wei Shao, he will be coerced, and the bad old man will naturally send troops! Why is it so hard? On your way?"

Diao Mo said coldly: "The general's words are wrong. You are so easily fooled by the old patriarch? Besides, Feng Zhao promised me back then that I could make decisions by myself, so I agreed to fight together. Could it be that the general's You are still above Feng Zhao?"

Chen Rui was choked by his words, and his snow-white face turned red with anger. The so-called people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. He couldn't help it for a while, so he had to endure it for a while. After walking for more than ten miles, I saw a broken temple in the field, so I said to go in for the night.

Diao Mo still wanted to move on. However, seeing that Chen Rui had dismounted and went inside, he hesitated, thinking that even if Aunt Xia went back to summon her, Wei Shao's wife might not send someone to chase after her. Even if they chased after them, they had already left Jinyang quite far, and they were walking on a small road, so they would be hard to catch up. Just a night off. If he insists on hurrying, this Chen Rui will be troubled and unpredictable. He used to be famous and difficult to deal with in Bingzhou. Now he has brought a few people with him. If he really turns his face, it will cause trouble.

After thinking about it, he held back his anger and signaled his men to dismount and spend the night here.

Chen Rui slept on the haystack that night. At first, he was tired and fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up in the middle of the night, old things came to his mind, and he couldn't sleep again. For a while, I thought about how I survived the great disaster that day, and I must have been pityed by God. If one day the great revenge is avenged, Wei Shao is killed, and Qiao's daughter is taken away, how to be comforted, and how to be at that time, it seems that Qiao's daughter appears in front of me. That piece of hibiscus noodles that was suitable for liking and hating, I was thinking happily, but suddenly I remembered that I am not complete now, even if I got Qiao Nv, I am also helpless.

This is the greatest pain in the world. A dignified seven-footed man, what's the point of living in the world like this?

A burst of grief came to his heart, and Chen Rui couldn't sleep. While tossing and turning, a plan suddenly came to mind.

Feng Zhao clearly didn't take himself seriously, so he used a miscellaneous title to pass himself off like a beggar. In this case, why not take this opportunity to kidnap the young Qiang people, and after falling into his own hands, threaten Beihe to send troops, and then lead the Qiang army to fight Wei Shao, whether he is dead or alive, fight to death and break the net, it is better than In this way, neither men nor women endure humiliation and steal the joy of being born.

Chen Rui made up his mind, opened his eyes secretly, and peeked around. Seeing that the Qiang youth was lying in the corner with his hands and feet tied, and several of Diao Mo's men were lying on the ground, snoring loudly, Diao Mo was sitting by the door and did not fall asleep. After thinking hard, he came up with an idea. He was about to go out under the pretense of releasing his hands. He quietly went around the ruined temple and set fire to it, taking advantage of the chaos to rob the Qiang youth. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside the ruined temple, and hurriedly got up.

Diao Mo, who was sitting at the door, also noticed it immediately, quickly turned over from the ground, and loudly woke up his sleeping subordinates.

Everyone woke up from their sleep, hurriedly took their weapons, and rushed out. Hearing the sound of neat footsteps, outside the originally dark ruined temple, the torches were suddenly bright, and in the light of the fire, I saw soldiers outside the ruined temple gate. Mo? Quickly hand over the Qiang youth, or kill him!"

Diao Mo was secretly surprised, and immediately guessed that this officer should be sent by Mrs. Wei Shao. Unexpectedly, he actually called the other party to chase after him. After a quick look, I saw that there were hundreds of people in the other party, and when I closed Chen Rui, there were less than 20 people in total. The difference is really huge.

It's just that it's not his style to hand over people like this.

Since he took the lead, he only wanted to seek freedom for the suffering people, and he himself was not afraid of life and death. Pulling out his waist knife, without saying a word, he stood outside the temple gate with Jiang Meng and the others who followed closely, and said coldly, "If you want to steal someone, you can, pass over my body!"

Jia Xi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I respect you as a man! I didn't want to use more to suppress less. It's just that I came to pick up that young Qiang boy at the order of the queen! Don't forget, you are your own mouth. I promised the lady that I would send him back safely. Since you broke your promise first, don't blame me for being rude!"

Diao Mo said: "Wei Shao's wife is a rare and gentle person. It's a pity that you are left with Han people, all of them are cunning and greedy. Although I broke my promise, I have no guilt! If you want to fight, I will fight, how can I be afraid of you? "

Jia Xi waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately surrounded him.

Although Jia Xi's side had a large number of people, Diao Mo and the dozen or so subordinates he brought out this time were all tough, and they were not afraid of life and death.

There was a scuffle outside the temple. In the sound of swords and swords, Chen Rui loudly ordered his men to rush out to join the battle, but he slowly retreated. When he retreated to the temple, he kicked open a rotten window at the back and caught him. With his hands and feet bound, Yuan rolled out of the window with him. Seeing him struggling, he knocked him unconscious with the back of a knife, sneaked up to the horse with his back, threw the Yuan onto the horse's back, got on the horse himself, went around to the back of the temple, clamped the horse's belly, and took advantage of the cover of the night to escape smoothly.

Chen Rui ran wildly for dozens of miles in one breath. It was estimated that he would not be able to catch up behind him, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the horses running under him foaming at the mouth, he stopped to rest for a while.

He took advantage of the turbulent waters to fish, not only escaped, but also took away this important young Qiang youth, needless to say the pride in his heart. When he regained his breath, he saw that the sky was gradually brightening, and he was about to rush to the territory of Huangshui Beihe when he suddenly stopped, remembering what he had heard at the entrance of the broken temple.

He always thought that Nv Qiao should be in Youzhou at the moment.

Youzhou is Wei Shao's family. Although he hates Wei Shao, he has never thought about going to the boundary of Youzhou and making something happen.

Unexpectedly, Wei Shao brought his wife to Jinyang.

Qiao Nu was in Jinyang, and at this moment, Wei Shao must be in Xihe County.

Chen Rui was in a trance for a moment, and a wonderful idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Why not take this opportunity to sneak back to Jinyang and use the Qiang youth as bait to get Qiao Nu?

As long as Qiao Nv falls into his own hands and uses her to threaten Wei Shao, wouldn't it be more effective than the Qiang Hu Bing, and it would be more effective to relieve hatred?

In front of Chen Rui's eyes again, the moving appearance of Qiao Nu appeared. Thinking that she might fall into his hands, even though her body is not neat, the remaining half of the bird's body that could not sleep, seems to have been awakened suddenly, and she shuddered and shook her whole body, as if masculine Immediately it filled up again. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned his horse's head and galloped in the direction of Jinyang.

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