Xiao Qiao slowly closed his eyes.

Wei Shao had been sleeping with her at first. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked down at her.

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, lowered her eyelashes, breathed evenly, and fell asleep.

Wei Shao thought for a while, then slowly released her, got out of bed lightly, then helped her close the quilt, and then turned around to get dressed.

When he put on his clothes and bent over to put on his boots, he heard a delicate and soft voice behind him: "It's getting dark, husband, where are you going?"

Wei Shao paused, looked back, saw Xiao Qiao on the bed opened his eyes, sat up slowly, coughed dryly, turned towards her, and smiled casually: "Nothing else. It's just that I suddenly remembered. There is something in Jia Xi, and I want to ask. Did I wake you up? "

Before she could answer, Wei Shao kicked off one of the boots he just put on, lay down on his side, brought her back to the pillow, and said softly, "It's my fault. I'll sleep with you again."

Xiao Qiao shrank into his arms, closed his eyes quietly for a moment, and suddenly opened them again.

Wei Shao seemed to feel it and touched her hair. Seeing her looking up at herself, she said, "You can't sleep?"

"Husband has something to hide from me." Xiao Qiao said in a positive tone.

Wei Shao raised his eyebrows: "Why are you hiding something from you? Mo Duo Xin." As he said that, he hugged her and took her into his arms.

Xiao Qiao shook her head and broke free: "Husband must be hiding something from me. I can feel it..."

She hesitated, relying on her sixth sense: "Could it be that it's about Chen Rui, who just mentioned a few words from your husband?"

As soon as Wei Shao heard Chen Rui's words, his eyelids twitched, and a dark color flashed across his eyes.

Xiao Qiao had been with him for more than a year, and gradually became familiar with him. He immediately caught the subtle changes in his expression and felt a sense of hostility. He stretched out his hand and pushed his arm: "Why don't you say anything? Could it be that I'm right?"

Wei Shao stopped half of what Wei Shao said at the beginning, for fear of scaring her.

Just now, Xiao Qiao fell asleep. He then thought that he had been in the inner courtyard since he came back last night until this moment, and he didn't go out one step, and he didn't know how Jia Xi had done that. So I wanted to go out and find out by myself while she was asleep.

And this kind of thing, he didn't want her to know.

At this moment, she was forced to ask. Fang said lightly: "That fellow used to want to do things wrong, and let him live to this day, but this time you were so frightened that he died like this, it's too cheap. There is nothing else. I want to pick up the corpse and smash him again. Otherwise, I can't relieve your anger, and I can't calm my anger."

Xiao Qiao was startled and looked at him with wide eyes, making sure he was not joking, and hurriedly shook his head: "Husband, don't!"

Wei Shao stared straight at her, and did not hide his unhappiness at being blocked by her: "You can't bear it? I listened to Jia Xi's words, and it was you who ordered Haosheng to bury him that day."

Xiao Qiao sat up, hugged his chest, and looked at Wei Shao with his eyes: "It's true that I called Lin Huben to bury him. The reason for this is for no other reason, but this person also disgusts me. , but he died in the end, which can be regarded as the end of the cause and effect of his life. He died in front of me, although I can order someone to expose his corpse to the wilderness, but this treatment will not give me any more peace of mind. That's why I treat him like an ordinary person and bury him in the ground. It's just a trivial matter, so why not do it?"

Wei Shao still looked at her like that. But the unpleasantness in his eyes has gradually subsided.

"I don't agree with my husband to bring him up again. Since he is in the ground, why not let him have other places? If he rises up now, he can vent his anger for a while. But the husband asks himself, even if it is broken ten thousand times, it can really be eliminated. Hate for him?"

Wei Shao said nothing.

Xiao Qiao leaned towards him, wrapped his arms around his waist, and pressed his face against his neck where the blood vessels were beating, and said softly, "Besides, Manman is also afraid. Manman doesn't want her husband to do such a terrible thing. ."

After Wei Shao came back from last night to learn about the details, the anger that burst out in her heart, which had almost burst blood vessels, slowly subsided inch by inch in her soft words.

In the end, when she gently leaned into his arms and hugged him, saying that she was quite scared and didn't want her husband to do such a terrible thing, although Wei Shao still didn't think it was terrible, but it was real and felt guilty. .

He put his arms around her back, kissed her forehead comfortingly, and whispered, "I listen to you. Don't worry about that fellow."

She didn't want Wei Shao to do such a thing, the reason was actually quite complicated.

Part of it may be Chen Rui. Although when the man was still alive, she did hate it. But everyone is dead, and being treated like this again, she feels a little too much.

Part of it was because of Wei Shao. She didn't want to make him bear the name of another corpse because of herself. After all, it's not a good reputation, no matter what era.

In the end, perhaps in her subconscious, she was not without thinking of Wei Shao's hatred for her Qiao family.

Although she also knew that Wei Shao's hatred of Chen Rui was far from being comparable to his hatred of the Qiao family. However, if Wei Shao is willing to let Chen Rui go because of herself, does this mean that she can also expect that one day, Wei Shao will also let go of his feelings for the Qiao family because of his existence. Hate?

He finally made the response she was expecting to see.

While Xiao Qiao was relieved, she felt happy. And also a little grateful.

She raised her face, gently stretched her jade arm, hooked his neck, opened her cherry lips slightly, and said softly, "Husband, you are so kind."

Wei Shao grinned and threw off the boot that was still on his other foot with a thud, and lay down with her.

"Go to sleep, I'm not going out."

he said.

A few days later, Jia Xi was finally able to see Wei Shao's face and asked for follow-up.

That night, he hurriedly led people to do the hard work of digging three feet all night, and then sent people to guard the excavated things, waiting left and right, but could not wait for the follow-up of the prince.

After waiting for so many days, I couldn't help but ask.

"Dug it out? Bury it back."

Wei Shao just remembered and said casually.

Wei Shao stayed in Jinyang for only five or six days when he received news from Xihe County.

Feng Zhao really gathered his troops again, and now he is coming back to Shang County.

On that day, Gongsun Yang and Yuan Wangxue formed an alliance, and when the Beihe people were singing and dancing, the messenger Diaomo who came to deliver the letter was very boring.

Diao Mo did not give up, and then personally brought a generous gift to meet Yuan Wang in Beihe territory. Apologize to him for what he did that day, and try to persuade him to unite with himself. Even if you don't go out, don't rely on the Han people.

Yuan Wang has a sparse and broad-minded personality throughout his life, and has never been warlike. The older you get, the more stable you are. Besides, knowing from Yuan's mouth what Diao Mo had done to his grandson, how could he possibly nod his head? I didn't even show my face, and I didn't see him because of illness. Please go back with a gift.

Diaomo continued to persuade the other Qiang people to join forces with him. However, since Beihe had surrendered to Wei Shao and obtained a contract with Wei Shao, the rest of the tribes were also excited, and Diao Mo ran around, but there were few responders. He was not discouraged. After returning, he was determined to wait for the opportunity.

Another battle is inevitable.

Xihe County is a place of military strategists, and it is really inappropriate to bring Xiao Qiao too. Wei Shao said goodbye to her again, and then returned to Xihe County.

This is three months.

When the season entered July of this year, Xiao Qiao received the latest letter from Wei Shao.

He told her in the letter that in the battle of Anding County half a month ago, Feng Zhao was defeated and Liangzhou was completely lost, and he had taken over.

The burning of the Qiang people continued to stubbornly resist, but it was not a cause for concern. He estimated that he would soon be able to end the war and return to Jinyang.

"I miss you, and you entered my dream again last night. But I don't know who the lord in your dream is?"

At the end of the letter, he said this in a half-joking, half-sour tone.

Xiao Qiao read the letter several times, and the corners of her mouth slowly turned up. Sitting alone by the window, he took a pen and sent him a reply.

In the middle of writing the letter, Chunniang suddenly came in from outside, with a solemn expression, and whispered in her ear, "Miss, guess who is here in Jinyang?"

Xiao Qiao looked at her and saw that she looked disgusted, like something unclean. He smiled and said, "Jinyang has people coming in and out every day. Who made Chunniang so unhappy?"

Chunniang snorted and said, "Who else is there? That Mrs. Su, Mrs. Zuo Fengyi! She came to Jinyang without being invited!"

Xiao Qiao slowly put down the pen.

Su Ehuang, who has been missing for a long time, actually came to Jinyang now?

Originally, Xiao Qiao had not thought of this woman for some time. But at this moment, with her sudden arrival, many memories of the past life between this woman and her current husband Wei Shao flashed out again like a lantern.

It is not surprising that she can come to Jinyang smoothly. If she left Youzhou and returned to Zhongshan Country after the last Luli Conference, then from Zhongshan Country to Jinyang, it would be Wei Shao's territory all the way, so it would be relatively safe.

Besides, she can't travel alone.

As for her purpose, Xiao Qiao knew without guessing that it must be for Wei Shao.

"When did she come and where does she live now?"

Xiao Qiao was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Arrived yesterday. Lives in the post house. With a lot of servants and maids, it's neat."

Chunniang said in a disgusting tone.

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