Jinyang Post House.

Su Ehuang has lived in this elegant house for more than half a month.

Although it is to recover from illness, clothing, food, travel, and travel are all exquisite. However, in a temporary residence, he took a roll of Qi County silk and smeared the four walls.

The Yicheng who saw it was speechless. A few days ago, I heard that the Su family not only had a close relationship with the Wei family, but also seemed to have had an unexplainable old affair with Wei Shao in his early years.

I learned that Mrs. Su complained yesterday that the candles used in the room were dim and black smoke smoky his eyes. Because there was no refined wax in the library, the postman specially bought it today.

The newly replaced fine candles are bright and without flaws. Nine sticks are inserted on the copper candlesticks. After lighting, the room is as bright as day.

After taking a bath, Emperor Su E was helped out by the maid, with a scarlet hood on the inside, and a long gown embroidered with clouds and phoenix dances on her shoulders. Through the thin fabric, you could vaguely see the snow marks on Su's chest. .

She sat in front of the vanity mirror, leaned against the mirror, and looked carefully at the scar on her forehead.

The wound was not deep, and the scar was removed smoothly, revealing a piece of pink new flesh the size of a small fingernail. In a few days, it should be able to recover.

Su Ehuang picked a little plaster with a jade stick, carefully rubbed it on the scar on his forehead, and spread it evenly with his little finger.

"My lady is very beautiful, but luckily I didn't knock too hard that day. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a pity if I left a scar?"

An old Su family woman was flattering nearby.

Su Ehuang stared at the face in the mirror.

Just when the flowers are in the beautiful period, the new makeup after the bath, I look at it myself, and I also feel that it is charming and moving.

"Where's Su Xin?"

She suddenly remembered. Haven't seen him since evening.

"I don't know."

The old woman should. He secretly suspected that he had gone to the place of Fengyue.

Su Ehuang also made the same guess. The two crescent eyebrows furrowed slightly.

This nephew originally thought it would be useful. I didn't want to take him to Yuyang for the first time, so I humiliated myself at the Luli Conference. Up to now, I don't see much progress, but I want to remind myself from time to time.

These days stayed here, and Emperor Su E told him not to go out, lest there be no reason for right and wrong.

He answered. She didn't want to be bumped into by Emperor Su E a few days ago, and he actually had a private affair with a maid next to her.

Just a maid, as humble as mud. If he asks for it, she will give it to him.

What made Su Ehuang annoyed was that he was actually cheating on him.

Next to Mrs. Zhu of the Wei family, there is Jiang Li, who was used by her.

Therefore, Huang Su E is extremely taboo that among the people who serve closely around him, there are also people who act in such a way without telling him.

At that time, she scolded Su Xin harshly, forcing him to kill the maid who dared to have an affair with him behind her back.

Su Xin was reluctant at first, but under her persecution, he stabbed the maid to death.

The next day, he just said that he had died of a sudden illness last night and was sent out of the city to be buried in a mass grave.

Su Xin was finally at peace. Unexpectedly, after only a few days of work, he sneaked out to hang out again.

"Wait for him to come back and tell him to come see me right away!"

There was anger in Su Ehuang's eyes in the mirror.

The old woman complied.

At the end of Xu, Su Xin still did not return.

This is somewhat unusual.

Su Xin has always been afraid of himself, even if he really went out to hang out, he would not dare not come back at this time.

The anger that Su Ehuang had at first because of her nephew's incompetence and acting against her again gradually disappeared.

Instead, there is a sense of unease.

She was in a trance for a moment, and then her heart skipped a beat, and there was a faint hint of ominous omen. As if something bad happened.

Emperor Su E was no stranger to this sense of omen.

The last time she had a similar feeling was when her husband Liu Li's brother Xuan Di died of a sudden illness many years ago.

At that time, it was the closest moment she was to her life dream. But with Liu Ai and Xing Xun appearing one after another, Liu Tong, who was seven years old in the clan, was finally pushed to the throne. Her husband, who had the most hope of inheriting the throne, was placed under house arrest after dawn and has lived under surveillance ever since.

In that long and incomparably long night waiting for the dawn, what Su Ehuang felt was the heart-throb like this moment, if something bad happened.

She hated the feeling.

She gradually became restless. He got up from the couch and walked back and forth in the room a few times.

What can happen? she thought. Zhong Lin really changed the decision he made when he came to see her that evening, and after she tried it out, he still had old feelings for her and had pity on her.

As long as men have mercy on women, that's good news.

This made her even more determined to stay by his side.

But this feeling of unease at the moment made her anxious.

Su Ehuang couldn't help but carefully comb through some of the things she had done in the past. It was finally determined that she did not leave any clues that could be caught.

All those who could not stay related to the failed conspiracy are dead.

Even if Mrs. Xu finally suspected her head, Su Ehuang was sure that there was no evidence that could make her unable to turn over.

As long as there is no evidence, they can't do anything with her.

Su Ehuang gradually calmed down again.

She sat back in front of the mirror again and suddenly thought of her nephew Su Xin.

She stared blankly at the face in the mirror. Seeing a pair of eyes of the woman in the mirror, a sharp and gloomy color slowly appeared.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were abrupt and heavy, and one could hear that a man was walking toward his house. His steps seemed to be riding a turbulent anger, and each and every sound, it hit Su Ehuang's ear drums.

Su E Huang Fang's heartbeat quickened again, her expression changed, she abruptly stood up from the dressing mirror, and quickly walked towards the door.

Before she could get there, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Wei Shao is here.

Su Ehuang's footsteps stopped.

Wei Shao's face was stiff and distorted, and there was a storm of anger in his eyes. He stepped in with one foot, and Su Ehuang saw clearly that in one of his hands, he dragged in his nephew who had been missing for a night.

Like a dead dog, Su Xin was thrown at the feet of Su Ehuang by Wei Shao.

Su Ehuang lowered his head and saw that Su Xin was covered in blood, as if he had just come out of the slaughterhouse. He fell to the ground, twisting his body like a worm, struggling to reach Su Ehuang's blood-stained hand.

"...It's all she ordered me..."

Intermittent cracking sounds came out of his mouth with broken teeth, and it was almost unrecognizable that it was his voice.

"Forgive me…"

He passed out.

Su Ehuang's eyes suddenly widened to the widest, and her face was suddenly white and lost half of her blood.

"You lowly maid, your heart is so cruel, An dare to murder my grandmother?" Wei Shao gritted his teeth.

Su Ehuang looked at Wei Shao on the opposite side in horror, his teeth chattering, and he stepped back step by step, backing up, until his back touched the wall covered with exquisite silk: "Erlang, I really don't understand what you mean. What do you mean? How could I murder my great-aunt? What did Su Xin tell you? I don't know..."

"Billy maid! Call me Erlang again?" Wei Shao's face was ashen, and his appearance was extremely terrifying.

Su E Huang stopped suddenly.

"Your nephew, he just recruited! You had an affair with Jiang Hao, brought snake venom from Mrs. Xianghou, and told Jiang Hao to wait for the opportunity to poison my grandmother, frame my mother, and then kill Mrs. Xianghou. …”

Wei Shao said word by word.

At first, Xiao Qiao told him that Su Xin had been in contact with Mrs. Xianghou. She suspected that her grandmother was almost poisoned last year. Perhaps when it was related to the Su family, Wei Shao's first reaction was disbelief.

Although it is true as he said to Xiao Qiao, he has already let go of the youthful past when he was a teenager, and Su Shi has now almost overlapped with the girl he once called "Sister" in his memory. Can't get up.

But in the bottom of his heart, there is still a warm and beautiful hazy imprint on the girl who accompanied him through the darkest days of his life at the age of twelve.

It was hard for him to believe that such a gentle girl in his memory would do such a thing now. For a brief moment, he even felt that his current wife was chasing the shadows in order to completely expel the shadow of his childhood friend from his heart.

Until he read the letter from his grandmother again.

He was stunned at the time.

After reacting, he was deeply seized by a sense of shock and anger that was completely fooled and deceived.

He no longer doubts!

It turned out to be the Su family who almost killed his most respected and beloved grandmother in his life!

How could he tolerate it!

There was a brief silence in the room, and Su E Huang suddenly screamed: "Zhonglin! You must not believe Su Xin's words! This thing is not as good as a pig and a dog! I had good intentions to support it, but I didn't want him to hate me so much, but I was framed for it. Me! I really don't know—"

When she was defending, Wei Shao had already rushed into two Kong Wuhu Ben, went up to hold Su Ehuang's arms left and right, and carried her away.

Su Ehuang struggled hard, her originally meticulous bun was messed up, and the golden hairpin fell to the ground with a step, and the thin silk clothes on her shoulders also broke off. She resisted her feet desperately, and was finally dragged past Wei. When Shao was beside him, he burst into tears and hissed: "Zhonglin, you forgot, you had a high fever at that time, and you were unconscious, so I served by your side all night? You forgot, you once said , you want to protect me for a lifetime? Now you have condemned me based on the words of others! Did you not even give me a chance to defend myself?"

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