Xiao Qiao was startled, feeling strange.

His questioning was somewhat irrelevant to the events of the night.

After he came back in the evening, he first learned from himself that Su Xin had contacts with Mrs. Xianghou, and then read his grandmother's letter, his face changed greatly, and he turned to go out.

He didn't tell himself where he was going at the time.

But Xiao Qiao naturally knew that he went to the post house to find Su Ehuang. Or confrontation, or something else.

And then until this moment, Fang came back.

The process and results, because these two people are not the same as ordinary people, they belong to the outstanding type, and they were involved in their youth, so Xiao Qiao did not dare to make a judgment. Just judging from the look on his face after he came back, it doesn't seem to be going well.

But no matter what the result was, when he came back, he didn't mention Su Ehuang at all, and instead asked himself if he had something to hide from him?


In Xiao Qiao's heart, a lot of things that were hidden from him immediately appeared.

She came through.

She knew that in his last life he not only became an emperor, he and Su E Huang both lived together, but also killed the Qiao family.

She was afraid that in this life, he might turn his face against his own family in the future, so he encouraged her father to fight hard and become self-reliant.

She couldn't tell him these things, and she couldn't tell him even if he was killed.

Xiao Qiao said, "Why did my husband suddenly ask me this?"

Wei Shao said: "You answer me." His tone was stubborn.

"Naturally no more."

Xiao Qiao said without blinking.

Wei Shao still looked at him. His fingers touched her face lightly, then tightened his arms and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Remember, don't bully me."

Xiao Qiao heard him whispering in his ear.

Her breath was hot, ironing her earlobes.

Xiao Qiao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Letting him hold her tightly like this, she felt a little breathless in her embrace.

Then he started kissing her. Like a gluttonous child tasting candy, her tongue licked her cheeks and lips gently and repeatedly.

Her face was wet when she licked it.

Xiao Qiao actually wanted to know what happened after he went out tonight.

Has Emperor Su E recognized it?

and how it turned out.

But he doesn't seem to want to mention it.

In the end, his tongue pried open her teeth, continued to probe in, and began to increase his strength, sucking on her sweet tongue. She closed her eyes and gave up the idea of ​​asking him.

The next morning, the two got up. After breakfast, Wei Shao went out. Inside the door, as usual, before sending him out of the room, Xiao Qiao helped him straighten his clothes and asked casually, "Husband, what happened last night?"

Wei Shao glanced at her.

"According to the military regulations of attempted murder, I have slightly punished it."

Wei Shao replied, his tone was flat.

Chunniang quickly inquired from Jia Xi about what kind of punishment for attempted murder in the military regulations.

Despite various speculations, Xiao Qiao shuddered when she finally learned that it was actually a cut nose.

The hairs on the back of the neck seemed to stand up one by one, which was not very comfortable.

Naturally, she would not be able to sympathize with Emperor Su E.

How terrible this woman is, no one knows better than himself.

In the previous life she dreamed of, in order to realize her so-called "indescribably precious" fate, Mrs. Su killed Mrs. Xu and Da Qiao, her hands were stained with the blood of others, and she climbed onto Wei Shao's dragon bed. .

Not to mention the imaginary world. As far as this life is concerned, in the real world that really exists, Mrs. Xu has almost been poisoned by her.

Not to mention, the lives of other little people who acted as stepping stones in her way.

It is necessary for her to get the punishment she deserves.

Perhaps what made Xiao Qiao uncomfortable was the way Wei Shao treated her.

To be honest, Xiao Qiao felt a little scared and trembled.

In a letter to Mrs. Xu, Xiao Qiao said that Su Ehuang had come to Jinyang and settled down. Then ask if there is anything behind the poisoning incident last year.

In Mrs. Xu's reply, she said that Zhong Li had been investigating. Although there have been some eyebrows before, but there is no real evidence. Until not long ago, through Zhu Shi's memory, after many setbacks, he finally found a woman.

The woman's surname was Ma. She used to be a goddess, and she said she had the ability to channel spirits. People often begged her to connect and communicate with the dead.

Zhu Shi believed in these things, and in order to communicate with her deceased husband, she heard and searched for her. Jiang Li also accompanied him. Madam Ima recognized Jiang Li.

According to Madam Ma, Jiang Li later came to find herself secretly, begging for transportation for her son who died more than ten years ago.

Madam Ma received the money and silk and performed a psychic act.

She made a living by doing this, and developed the ability to observe words and expressions and formulaic words. She pretended to be Jiang Li's son, and coaxed her into believing her. At that time, she burst into tears and was very sad.

Later, Jiang Li often went there secretly, and continued to beg Madam Ma to channel her and her son.

Madam Ma gradually came to know the cause of her son's death that year.

Once, someone came to the door and gave Madam Ma a lot of money and silk. When she was channeled, he used the words of Jiang Li's son to claim that he was wronged by his death. Now the undead are uneasy and ask Jiang Li to avenge him.

The horse woman was greedy for money, and did so. Jiang Li was convinced and burst into tears again.

There was a pause in between. Later, when Jiang Yu came, and when Madam Ma "called" her son's dead soul, Jiang Yu rambled on, saying that a noble person had helped her and pushed the person who killed her son into the pool. Drowning, she let her son rest and reincarnate earlier.

Madam Ma knew that the person who killed Jiang Li's son was Madam Zhu's brother. At that time, out of curiosity, she used her son's mouth to ask who the noble person was.

Jiang Li took no precautions and told her son that the noble person was Mrs. Zuo Fengyi Gong.

After Jiang Li left, Madam Ma felt very frightened.

She lives by this behavior, and knows that the shyness in such a high-profile family is terrible enough to eat people.

Now he is involved in it. Thinking of the person who cheated Jiang Li with money to buy him, he was always worried that he would get into trouble. Because she was alone and homeless, she packed up and fled in a few days, hiding her name elsewhere and returning to her old business.

Now that she was finally visited by Zhong Li, after some further questioning, Madam Ma truthfully told what she knew back then.

Since then, the relationship between Su Ehuang and Jiang Yu finally surfaced clearly.

It can be concluded that the person who instructed Jiang Li to poison her at that time was Emperor Su E.

At the end of the letter, Mrs. Xu mentioned another sentence, saying that Su's mother was her niece after all. Although there have been fewer contacts in recent years, human relationships are still there, and blood ties are hard to break. Because of the blessing of his grandson's daughter-in-law, he also saved this catastrophe.

The reincarnation of heaven has its own cause and effect. Tell Wei Shao not to be obsessed with hurting her life. If she is still unwilling to keep herself safe, she will send someone back to Lu Nu and hand over to King Zhongshan.

Because of Madam Xu's instructions, Xiao Qiao originally thought that if Wei Shao was not persuaded by Su Ehuang's self-defense, she would be imprisoned at best.

But she never imagined that he would cut off her nose!

The level of cruelty was even more frightening to Xiao Qiao than he ordered to kill her directly.

For the first time, she did not rely on hearsay or rumors, but truly felt the cruelty of her husband, the man who slept with her.

She remembered clearly that just a few days ago, he told herself that if he hadn't already married her, he might have accepted the Su family because of his youthful affection.

The words were still in his ears, and he turned his head. Because he knew what Su Shi had done, he cut off Su Shi's nose!

For the enemy he identified, he was indeed cruel enough to deal with it.

She remembered the strange expression he looked at her when he suddenly asked her inexplicably last night if he was hiding something from him.

After she dealt with it last night, she didn't think about it anymore.

Now that I think about it, it seems to be something else?

She suddenly felt a little fluffy in her heart.

This day, because of this news, Xiao Qiao actually had some shadows in her heart.

Even more terrified. I was also fortunate that I had prepared a long time ago, and persuaded my father to fight hard - even if Yanzhou's troops reached the end, they would still not be enough to fight against those strong men, but it was better than the previous life, who did nothing to come.

So when Wei Shao came back in the evening, Xiao Qiao faced him, his face was the same as usual, and he smiled and said Yan Yan, always a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The two ended up in bed.

Of course it is necessary to do that.

Anyway, since he came back from Xihe County, he has to do it every night.

When he was done, he closed his eyes and slowly kneaded the two **** of soft flesh on Xiao Qiao's chest with one hand, and gradually stopped, still covering his palms, as if he had fallen asleep.

Xiao Qiao buried her face in his chest, closing her eyes and counting the number of times his heart was beating. After counting to two hundred, he quietly opened his eyes and watched him secretly. After trying to figure out that he cut Su's nose last night, the first sentence he came back asked himself if he was hiding his intentions.

Something must have happened, she just didn't know it.

Wei Shao suddenly opened his eyes without warning and met her gaze.

His eyes were dark and bright, watery and peach-like.

Every time after doing something with her, his eyes would look like this.

It's actually pretty.

"Looking at me?"

He raised an eyebrow.

Xiao Qiao took no precautions, as if she was caught straight, her heart skipped a beat.

I was about to shake my head. hesitated. Finally, he asked: "Why did you suddenly ask me that sentence when you came back last night?"

Wei Shao was startled. Then he said vaguely: "It's nothing, just ask casually when I think of it."

Seeing Xiao Qiao staring at him, he coughed: "I forgot to tell you, here in Jinyang, my business is about to be settled, you can pack up earlier, and leave in a few days."

"Go to Xindu first. Stay in Xindu for a few days, and I will do some things. After things are done, I will return to Yuyang."

He looked at her and said.

As soon as Xiao Qiao stayed, her mood suddenly changed for the better.

Once he stayed in Jinyang, he stayed for seven or eight months. In the middle came Chen Rui first, and then Su Ehuang.

Neither is anything pleasant to think about.

Now you can finally leave!

Xindu was the city where Xiao Qiao had just married Wei Shao and was sent to marry her.

Although the relationship between the two was extremely bad at the time. The day after the wedding, Xiao Qiao was sent away by Wei Shao.

But the strange thing is that Xiao Qiao's impression of the city is always very good.

Maybe it's because she likes the sandalwood platform in the Xin Palace that allows her to climb up and look at it when she is alone and frightened.

Now that I have closed my eyes, I can still clearly see the scene of climbing the sandalwood platform in the evening and overlooking the sunset at the end of the wilderness beyond the city wall.

She felt a little happy to be able to visit that city again.

What's more, I will be able to meet Mrs. Xu again soon.

"I'll clean up tomorrow!"

Wei Shao nodded with a smile.

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