Xiao Qiao set off for the south.

Except for the need to rest at the post house to change horses, the rest of the time, regardless of morning and evening, is almost spent on the gallop.

This part of the road is thousands of miles away, and in only seven or eight days, she has already crossed the Yellow River and went straight to Yanzhou.

This day finally approached Yanzhou. Along the way, I heard that the Yanhou army had passed through the border a few days ago, and now it must have arrived in Dongjun long ago.

The day she arrived in Dong County was a fine early summer evening.

The setting sun slanted westward, and the golden afterglow sprinkled over the boundless field outside Dongjun City.

It was also cast on the endless barracks tents and banners painted with dragons fluttering in the evening wind outside the city.

Xiao Qiao did not enter the camp immediately. Instead, he stopped far away outside the camp in the north of the city, and asked Qiao Ci to find Bi She for news.

When it was dark, when Qiao Ci came back, his expression seemed to be a little more relaxed than at the beginning.

He told Xiao Qiao that his father regained control of power and killed Ding Qu. He hoped to clarify the misunderstanding with Wei Shao, but Wei Shao did not seem to accept it.

Bi She was worried that Wei Shao would attack the city in anger, so he brought an army here as a defense.

Fortunately, although Wei Shao did not see the messenger, he never launched a siege.

This confrontation has been going on for several days.

On the way here, Xiao Qiao had imagined many possibilities.

The most terrifying thing was that Wei Shao, in a fit of rage, breached Dongjun and his father died.

If such a thing really happened, Xiao Qiao couldn't imagine that even if he came over like this, what meaning would it have in the matter.

Fortunately, what she feared the most did not happen.

The moment she heard the news, the string in her body that had been tight all along loosened.

For a moment of relaxation, she felt dizzy for a while, her body swayed slightly, and was supported by Qiao Ci.


"I'm fine. You stay, you don't have to come in with me."

"Come with me, lady."

Lei Ze came out and led Xiao Qiao inside.

On the way, he seemed to be hesitant to say anything, but finally he didn't say anything. Finally, he led her to the central tent and whispered, "The prince is inside."

The moment he raised his hand and opened the tent door, Xiao Qiao's mood suddenly became tense again, and his movements were also delayed.

She settled down, opened it, and entered.

There were candles burning in the tent, and the light was very bright.

She saw Wei Shao standing in front of the weapon rack with his back to her.

It didn't move at all, like a rock solidified there for a long time.

She stopped at the entrance of the tent, stared at the familiar back, waited for a long time, and finally said softly: "Husband, I'm sorry."

A gust of wind got in through the gap in the tent door behind her, and the candle light flickered.

Wei Shao's enlarged figure thrown on the tent wall also swayed.

He turned around slowly and his eyes fell on Xiao Qiao's face.

The eyes of the two met.

Haven't seen each other for half a year. He turned black and thin at once.

In his expression, there was no anger that Xiao Qiao expected.

It seemed very peaceful.

Unusually calm.

Xiao Qiao's heart suddenly seemed to be pulled silently by a dull knife, causing a dull pain in his chest.

"Thank you, not attacking Dongjun—"

"Go back, so that you can take care of Philip. After all, you also gave birth to a daughter for me. In return for you, I will let Yanzhou go. I will withdraw tomorrow."

He interrupted her.

The tone was the same as his expression, the calmness was not something he could say.

Xiao Qiao looked at him blankly.

After Wei Shao finished speaking, he walked to the case, sat down, flipped open a scroll of slips, and looked down.

Xiao Qiao stood there, motionless.

Wei Shao was very calm at first, and kept turning over the slips in his hand.

From time to time, there is a slight sound of bamboo chips colliding.

Gradually, he turned faster and faster, and the blue veins on the back of the hand holding Jian Mu gradually became prominent.

Suddenly, with a "snap" sound, the slip of paper in his hand was slapped heavily on the desk.

The sound was so loud that the frightened candlelight also jumped.

"You're not leaving yet? What else do you need me to do so that you can be satisfied?"

He raised his head, stared at Xiao Qiao, gritted his teeth, and said every word.

Xiao Qiao walked slowly to his side and knelt beside him.

"Husband, you actually already know, don't you?"

She looked at his tough, carved profile lines and asked softly.

Wei Shao closed his eyes and turned his head slowly.

The candlelight was thrown into his eyes, causing his pupils to glow with an almost translucent cold glaze color.

"I was on the way here, and I was worried that you had already attacked the city. When I got here in the evening, I found that you haven't. I knew then that it would not be because of Bishe. If you really want to attack Yanzhou, you will never Bitter and stop. You must know there is a misunderstanding, don't you?"

Wei Shao said nothing.

Xiao Qiao looked into his eyes: "Before I came, when I was saying goodbye to my grandmother, I said to her, I didn't want to come to see you, not to clear up the Qiao family. General Wei Liang is still alive and dead, and he is with him. The soldiers died innocently, and everything has nothing to do with my Qiao family. Even if the Qiao family sacrifices their lives for their lives, it is not enough to relieve the pain of their relatives. This is not a lie. So when I arrived, I knew that my husband did not Siege, I have nothing but gratitude. After this incident, I also understand that it is my Qiao family who are immoral and incompetent, and will produce these many incidents again and again. I will let my father hand over Leaving Yanzhou. I know that this compensation, compared to the mistakes that have been caused, is really insignificant, and you may not care about it at all. But the damage that has been caused, whether it is me or my father, as long as we can, we will do our best to make up for it. Even if it is insignificant ."

Wei Shao's expression remained cold, and he slowly shook his head.

"You said so much, but you said one thing right. I haven't attacked Yanzhou, not because of Bi She's obstruction."

"Do you know why I decided to let Yanzhou go?"

Xiao Qiao held her breath, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Wei Shao looked outside the tent door and shouted, "Bring it in!"

Xiao Qiao raised her eyes and saw a man in a Ge Yi was pushed in and knelt on the ground with a thud.

It was Zhang Pu, Qiao Yue's advisor.

His face was pale and shivering.

Xiao Qiao was taken aback and quickly turned to look at Wei Shao, seeing him staring at him coldly: "You should know this person, right?"

Xiao Qiao's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Wei Shao blankly.

From the first sentence Wei Shao turned around and said to her after entering, she had noticed his abnormality.

Such a big thing happened. From Wei Shao's point of view, the Qiao family's behavior this time was like the whole family's treachery again.

He only asked her to go back, saying that in return for her having a daughter for him, he would let Yanzhou go.

When he said this, he was very calm.

But her intuition told her that this was by no means his real emotional expression at the time.

The more seemingly rational calm, the greater the anger may be behind it.

It's just that she didn't know why he didn't get angry with himself at the time, but instead covered up his anger in a more disturbing way.

At this moment, she faintly seemed to understand.

Maybe it has something to do with this Zhang Pu.

But what did Zhang Pu say?

Wei Shao got up from behind the case, grabbed the sword lying across the table, drew the sword, and walked towards Zhang Pu.

Zhang Pu fell to the ground, crawled back, and kept begging.

"Junhou spare your life - Junhou spare -"

A sword light swept past, and a head that was still attached to the neck a moment ago suddenly flew out, rolled to the corner of the wall, and stopped.

A column of blood spewed out.

It splashed on Wei Shao's shirt and also on his face.

Xiao Qiao screamed and watched Wei Shao turn around in horror. Holding the sword that was still dripping blood, he walked back to him step by step.

The long-lost memory about the last scene in the dream of the previous life, at this moment, seems to be suddenly flooding her again.

She gritted her teeth as hard as she could, so as not to let the teeth tremble.

Wei Shao approached her, the face with a few drops of blood sank slightly, looked down at her for a moment, and suddenly threw the sword away with a "ding" sound.

"This person, put Qiaoyue's head on me. Yanzhou should be kept by your Qiao family. You can leave."

He said coldly.

Xiao Qiao forcibly supported her two legs that had become soft like cotton, and barely stood up.

"What the **** happened to you? What did Zhang Pu say?"

Wei Shao said nothing.


"Come on, send her out to me!"

Wei Shao suddenly seemed to burst out, turned his head and roared, and then with a palm, he swept all the things on the desk between the two to the ground.

Bamboo slips, documents, pen and ink, together with arrows and tiger talismans, fell all over the ground, in a mess.

Lei Ze hurriedly entered, quickly glanced at Zhang Pu's headless body lying on the ground, and hurriedly pulled it out with his own hands.

"Send her away to me!"

Wei Shao roared again.

Lei Ze was stunned for a moment, then he understood, and looked at Wei Shao in astonishment.

He looked gloomy.

Lei Ze hesitated: "The lady—"

"Please, General Lei, go out first, I still have something to tell Junhou." Xiao Qiao said.

Lei Ze hurriedly bent over and took out Zhang Pu's body along with his head.


"Don't call me husband!"

Xiao Qiao paused: "What did Zhang Pu say to you..."

His lips were still tightly closed.

Xiao Qiao's heart was numb, and her back was soaked with cold sweat.

She could feel that Wei Shao's anger towards herself was not just due to this Yanzhou incident.

There seems to be something else mixed in.

what exactly is it?

She closed her eyes and tried her best to remember in her mind.

Suddenly, the whole figure was slapped heavily by something.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

"The year after I first married you, when I returned to Yanzhou, I persuaded my father to be strong and recruit troops."

She looked at Wei Shao's gloomy eyes.

"At that time, one of the reasons I persuaded my father was to guard against you."

she said slowly.

When my father persuaded Qiao Yue at that time, it was naturally impossible to say that it was his own proposal.

But Yanzhou took action just after he left.

It should be that Zhang Pu, in order to show his allegiance in front of Wei Shao, said that the purpose of Yanzhou's strong army that day was to guard against his revenge.

Zhang Pu may not have mentioned himself.

But Wei Shao couldn't have imagined this.

Her face slowly turned pale, and her lips faded.

looked at him silently.

She didn't want to cry.

From the day she said goodbye to Mrs. Xu and set off on the road, until the moment before, she never shed a single tear.

don't want to cry.

I just hope that things have not developed in the worst direction, and that there is still room for improvement.

until this moment.

The eyes suddenly became hot.

She endured it with all her might, and finally forced the formation back.

"I know what you hate about me. You hate me to marry you because you want to plot against you. But when you and I were married, it was a marriage of each other, like a different dream. At that time, I was afraid of you and couldn't believe you. , that's why I persuaded my father. I can't say I'm right, but I can't say against my heart that I made that kind of decision at that time. After all, none of us can predict the future, let alone see clearly. What was the other party thinking, right? My fault was that I only persuaded my father to be strong, but did not pay enough attention to and beware of the hidden dangers of my Qiao family, which resulted in today's bad results, causing Wei Liang and others to suffer innocently. I failed the pressure and promise you made for me..."

Wei Shao suddenly sneered, his smile was a little weird.

"I remember clearly how I chased you all the way to the south in order to pick you up earlier. You were with me at Wuchao Ferry, so I thought..."

He stopped suddenly, and there was disgust in his eyes.

"You don't have to say it anymore! Don't tell me anything about your Qiao family in the future! The Qiao family has deliberately married you, and you have wronged yourself. You have served me like this for three years. It’s too short, and now I have a child. I will satisfy you and let your Qiao family live. You tell your Qiao family not to commit me again in the future, otherwise the next time will not be like this time. Don’t think I will I have to endure it again and again because of my reputation. If I want to kill, I will kill. The world's comments, what does it do to me?"

Wei Shao wiped the blood drop from his cheek with the palm of his hand.

However, a dark red trail was left behind, making his face even more hideous.

He turned away.

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