Xiao Qiao slowly opened his eyes and met Wei Shao's worried eyes that were watching him.

He didn't know when he came back, and the lights were on in the room.

Tears filled her eyelashes, wet marks on her cheeks, her chest and back were covered in cold sweat, and her clothes were clinging to her flesh.

Even though he was hugged tightly in his arms, his shoulders were still shaking.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wei Shao's voice was anxious, he hugged her tighter, raised his other palm, and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and the tears on her face with his calloused palm.

Xiao Qiao leaned against his chest, closed her eyes, and shook her head.

Wei Shao looked at her.


Little Joe was silent.

"What was the dream?" he urged. "What was the dream?"

Joe shook his head again.

She doesn't want to cry anymore.

It's just a dream, and now the dream has woken up, and there is no need to be afraid.

But tears continued to flow from her closed eyes.

The more he asked, the more her tears flowed.

As a result, in the end, he was completely unable to hold himself back, and under the utmost repression, his body trembled like a fallen leaf in the autumn wind, and tears soon wet his shirt on his chest.

Wei Shao's heart seemed to be soaked by her tears, tightly kinked into a ball.

He retrieved his mother from the ancestral hall and sent her back to his room.

When he heard her deep-rooted hatred for Xiao Qiao from his mother's mouth again, he subconsciously felt resistance and disgust.

But the moment he saw the woman who gave birth to him showing a look of panic in front of him because she was worried about his own reproach, a trace of guilt surged in his heart.

He accompanied his mother, whom he had neglected for a long time, and waited for her to fall asleep before returning.

At that time, it had entered the fifth watch.

Xiao Qiao slept soundly.

He didn't disturb her, and planned to take another look before dawn and leave tomorrow as planned.

In the next battle in Langya, he was bound to win.

Liu Yan single-handedly planned the Yanzhou affair, but he chose to attack Langya at this time, as he told his grandmother earlier, not just for revenge.

Is to seek the world.

In such a war that requires the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of horses, the preparations before the war are complicated and meticulous, one can imagine.

Although Gongsun Yang Weiquan and others would take care of everything, he still wanted to go there earlier to supervise the army in person.

A hit is necessary.

Then, he was awakened by the nightmare she made in his sleep.

Never seen her so restless in her sleep.

At first he couldn't even wake her up.

"Don't be afraid! There is me!"

Wei Shao hugged her trembling body tightly again, lowered his head again, and kissed her cold sweaty forehead with his lips repeatedly, comforting her in a low voice.

Xiao Qiao curled up in his arms, buried his face on his chest, the suppressed whole person gasped, and shrugged his shoulders.

A slight rattling bell came over.

Feifei on the cot was awakened by Xiao Qiao's cry, kicked a few times, tried to turn over, rolled back halfway, whimpered twice, but still couldn't see her mother by her side, and cried aggrieved.

Xiao Qiao opened her eyes, wiped her eyes with her sleeves, and was still sobbing, she was about to break free from his arms and get out of bed.

Wei Shao did not let go. He hugged her, gently laid her down on the pillow, wiped the tears on her bottom with his palm again, and said, "You lie down."

Covering her with the quilt, he got out of bed, picked up Philip and coaxed a few times.

Philip kicked with two little feet, and closed his eyes and wanted to cry for his mother.

"give it to me-"

Joe sat up.

Wei Shao motioned for her not to get up, went to open the door by himself, and called out.

Chunniang and the wet nurse came quickly.

"Go out with Philip and put her to bed," he said.

Chunniang glanced at Xiao Qiao on the bed, without asking any further questions, she hurriedly picked up Philip, who was still crying.

The nurse wrapped a small cloak around her, and the two backed away.

Her daughter's cry seemed to be still in her ears.

Xiao Qiao sat up again and hurriedly pushed the blanket.

"I'll come, Philip recognizes me..." Her voice was still hoarse, with a strong cry.

Wei Shao closed the door, turned and walked towards her quickly, pressed her back, and said, "It's okay for Philip to have Mother Chun and a wet nurse to take care of her."

There was an unmistakable taste in his voice. After speaking, he took a soft cloth for Philip and Philip to wipe the sweat, sat on the edge of the bed, wiped the sweat on her neck, chest and back, wiped the sweat, leaned over and hugged her again. into the arms.

"What did you dream about just now? Scared like this?"

With pity on her fingertips, she gently stroked her still red and swollen eyelids, and asked softly.

Xiao Qiao shook his head: "It's nothing...it's all right..."

A pair of beautiful eyes, but gradually a thin layer of tears appeared.

"Tell me. Don't be afraid—"

Little Joe kept shaking his head.

Wei Shao stared at her: "Did you dream about the nightmare you told me last time?"

Xiao Qiao raised her face and stared blankly at his face, as if her emotions suddenly collapsed at this moment, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

A pair of small hands tightly grasped the front of his shirt, choking, and his voice was intermittent: "There is a man in a dragon robe who is trying to kill me with a **** sword... I am very scared, I am afraid that he will stab the sword into my heart, But he's coming towards me step by step..."

The man in the dream was no longer Liu Yan's face, it became blurred and blank.

She couldn't see clearly, but she could clearly feel the killing intent on the other's twisted face.

Such a clearly familiar, yet seemingly different dream is even more frightening.

She shivered.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. It's just a nightmare. I'll never let you get hurt—"

Wei Shao stroked her and comforted her.

"...I also dreamed of Zhang Pu... The blood spurting from his neck drowned me, I couldn't breathe..."

Xiao Qiao closed her eyes, and the tears rolled down again.

Wei Shao was stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of deep regret in his eyes.

He hugged her tightly, and repeated in her ear: "My bad, I shouldn't have done such a thing in anger that day... I scared you... I promise, I will never be so cruel to you in the future. It's pretty... so you don't have to be afraid..."

Wei Shao kept comforting.

The more he comforted her, the more she cried.

Wei Shao gradually stopped talking, just hugged her without a moment's relaxation, and patted her back coaxingly.

Xiao Qiao gradually got tired of crying, and finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

She slept very deeply this night, and when she woke up, she was dazed for a moment.

Then, what happened last night came to mind.

The people from the East House called Wei Shao away... He retrieved the Zhu family from the family ancestral hall and stayed with the Zhu family for a long time... He slept on his own and had that nightmare that had not been seen for a long time...

Eyelashes trembled slightly.

She quickly opened her puffy eyelids and found that it was already bright.

Wei Shao didn't leave, still lying on the bed, hugging her to sleep.

She moved only a little and he opened his eyes.

His eyes were clear, but the cyan stubble on both sides of his cheeks was a sign that he hadn't slept well last night.

The two looked at each other.

"Aren't you leaving today? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Xiao Qiao's voice had a thick nasal tone.

Recalling the scene last night when she broke down in his arms and cried non-stop, a trace of shame passed through her heart.

Some even dared not look at him. He lowered his eyelids and murmured.

"I don't trust you."

Wei Shao stared at her and said.

Wei Shao canceled his original plan to leave today.

He didn't go anywhere for a whole day, and stayed in the room with Joe and Philip.

Another dark night came at its unhurried pace.

There were bright lights in the room.

Wei Shao was facing inward, lying on his side.

Joe is on the inside of the bed.

Between the two of them lay Philip, who had just taken a bath.

Philip had forgotten the grievance of being driven away by his cruel father last night.

At that time, no matter how much she cried, her mother would not come to coax her.

Well now, she lay between the two of them, happily rocking the little silver dang on her wrist, kicking her legs contentedly. When I was hungry, I bowed to Xiangxiang's soft mother, looking for her to breastfeed.

Wei Shao silently looked at the scene in front of him.

The puffiness of her eyelids had subsided this morning, and her black hair was scattered on the pillow like a cloud.

Although she is already the mother of the child, that beautiful face that can make any man in this world stop to look at her still carries the beauty of a girl.

Wei Shao's favorite is actually her eyes.

He still remembers the night he married her, when he saw her face to face in the wedding hall for the first time, how deeply impressed he was by her beautiful and agile eyes.

This is probably the reason why he prefers to touch and kiss her eyelids later.

When Philip was full, he closed his eyes and gradually fell asleep.

Because of the force she sucked just now, another layer of sweat accumulated on her neck.

Xiao Qiao raised her eyes: "Husband, pass me a handkerchief..."

She half-opened her red lips and opened her eyes wide, watching Wei Shao suddenly leaning towards her and slowly leaning over.

Across the Philip under the body, the lips of the two joined together.

Xiao Qiao's eyelashes trembled, and she slowly closed her eyes, enduring this sudden and gentle kiss from him.

"Man Man, don't blame me..."

The two of them rubbed their ears together, Wei Shao panted lowly, "I know I'm not your sweetheart... Could you give me some more time?"

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